Dental caries of the Yangshao Culture residents from the Sunzhuang site, Zhengzhou
Received date: 2017-07-24
Online published: 2020-07-17
Sunzhuang is a late Yangshao cultural site located in the Sun Zhuang village, Zhengzhou, Henan Province. In this research, we used a high-powered microscope to analyze 846 human teeth for dental caries. Some are our research results are given below. 1) For the ancient residents of the site, caries prevalence rate was 70.37%; caries incidence rate was 22.93%; and average number of caries was 3.59. 2) Middle-aged people showed the highest caries prevalence rate (88.89%). 3) Caries incidence rates among different age groups were significantly differentiated. 4) Caries incidence rates of female was 30.55% and thus, higher than in male (16.16%); this difference was significant (P<0.05). 5) Shallow caries rate was 6.70%; middle caries rate 21.65%; and deep caries rate was 27.32%. 6) The deep caries rate with penetrated pulp was 19.07% whereas the residual crown rate was 25.26%; and the degree of caries was aggravated with age growth. 7) Caries lesion ranges below 1/2 were most common (42.27% of total number of dental caries). 8) Caries incidence in the upper jaw was 26.91% but was 19.7%, in the lower jaw; this difference was significant (P<0.05). 9) Dental caries incidence rates existed in different tooth positions where M3 > M2 > P2 > M1 > P1 > C > I1 > I2, and the proximal and occlusal surfaces were the main areas where caries distributed the most, accounting for 46.40% and 39.18%, respectively. The prevalence rate of incisor caries was high at Sunzhuang, which suggests that this group had serious dental caries and probably an agricultural economy.
Key words: Caries; Yangshao; Sunzhuang site
Yawei ZHOU , Qian BAI , Wanfa GU , Qingbin LIU . Dental caries of the Yangshao Culture residents from the Sunzhuang site, Zhengzhou[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2020 , 39(02) : 282 -291 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0021
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