A study of microblade cores from the Fenglin Paleolithic site in Jilin Province, Northeast China
Received date: 2017-03-13
Revised date: 2017-06-20
Online published: 2020-09-15
The Fenglin site is a Late Paleolithic open air site, located in the southeast of Jilin Province, China. This site has been systematically investigated and excavated in 2016 by a joint team from the Jilin Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology under Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Fusong Cultural Relics Management Office. A large number of lithic artifacts has been unearthed. These include blades, microblades, microblade cores, scrapers, flakes, etc. Obsidian dominates the raw materials. Two types of wedged-shaped microblade cores were recognized, and each type shows different stages of core reduction. Microblade technology was widespread in Northeast Asia during the Late Paleolithic, and the production and utilization of microblade tools obviously made a noticeable impact on hunter-gatherers’ migrations and adaptations in the region. Analysis of lithic typology and technology from sites like Fenglin can contribute to a better understanding of human prehistory in Northeast Asia, addressing major shifts in subsistence strategies, settlement patterns and other aspects of social life.
Key words: Fenglin site; Fusong County; Late Paleolithic; Microblade cores
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