Body composition of the three major dialect groups of the Va ethnic group in Yunnan
Received date: 2023-05-09
Revised date: 2023-08-25
Online published: 2024-06-04
In order to understand the characteristics and differences of body composition among the three dialect branches of the Va ethnic group, 18 body composition indexes, including mass and percent body fat, were measured in 564 of A Va, 927 of Baraoke Va and 505 of Va Va by bioelectrical impedance analysis, BIA. The results were as follows: 1) The visceral fat level of the three dialect groups was positively correlated with age. Mass, total body muscle mass, estimated bone mass, total energy metabolism and trunk muscle mass were negatively correlated with age. 2) Most of the adults of the three dialect groups had the highest fat percentage of lower limbs, followed by the trunk, and upper limbs was the lowest. The trunk muscle mass is the highest, followed by the lower limbs, the upper limb muscle mass is the least. 3) The differences of fat characteristics among the three dialect groups were more obvious, and the fat percentage and visceral fat level of the Va Va group were higher, and fat was more abundant. Compared with males, the muscle mass and bone mass of females in the three dialect groups were significantly different, mainly showing that the total body muscle mass, upper limb and trunk muscle mass and estimated bone mass of females in the A Va group were the largest.
Key words: Yunnan; Va; Anthropometrics; Body composition
GAO Xinying , YU Keli , ZHANG Xinghua , YAO Yuetong , XIAO Yao , CHENG Zhi , GAO Wenfang , LIU Xin , BAO Jinping . Body composition of the three major dialect groups of the Va ethnic group in Yunnan[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024 , 43(03) : 458 -469 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0001
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