Morphology and influencing factors of Chinese foot binding bones
Received date: 2023-07-18
Revised date: 2024-01-19
Online published: 2024-06-04
Foot is an important organ that supports human movement and its shape is influenced by factors such as age, gender, movement patterns, and some specific cultural practices. Foot-binding, as a kind of artificial foot deformation behavior unique to the ancient feudal society of China, has continued for a long time in the history of China, reflecting the social life and status of women in ancient times. Studies of variation in foot morphology due to foot-binding mainly include the followings below: Skeletal variation in foot-binding, changing times, geographical differences and pathological phenomena caused by foot-binding, and the influence of age, duration, and sociocultural factors on skeletal morphological variation in foot-binding.
Foot-binding has caused great harm to women's physical and mental health, but as a historical and social phenomenon, it reflects the cultural, aesthetic and ethical concepts as well as changes in the status of women in ancient Chinese society. In the field of medicine, analysing the pathologies caused by footbinding can improve the study of bone and joint disorders of the foot and reveal the impact of footbinding on women’s health and quality of life. In the field of history, the study of footbinding is conducive to restoring the history of women’s footbinding and women’s life in ancient China, which can further reveal the picture of the life of the whole ancient society. In the field of archaeology, knowledge of the morphological characteristics of entangled foot bones facilitates the study of skeletal and gender archaeology
Overall, this article provides a brief overview of foot-binding research and the measurement of relevant parameters of the foot skeleton by reviewing and summing up data and findings from the relevant literature. And it also provides a brief review and outlook on domestic foot-binding research.
Key words: foot-binding; foot bones; variation; factors
LI Haijun , YANG Xiaoyu , XIAO Xiaoyong . Morphology and influencing factors of Chinese foot binding bones[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024 , 43(03) : 488 -501 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0027
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