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    15 June 1984, Volume 3 Issue 02
    The "Australopithecus" of west Hubei and some early pleistocene hominids of indonesia
    Zhang Yinyun
    1984, 3(02):  85-92. 
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    Four molars found in West Hubei have been believed to represent a new species of Australopithecus in Asia. The molars are characterized by their large size and narrow shape. The comparable materials taken into account in this study show that the molars are quite similar to those of Homo sp. of Africa and of Meganthropus of Indonesia in size and shape.
    New finds of Homo erectus in China suggest that the early Homo erectus may be larger than the late one in average tooth size. The variability in tooth and mandible size of Homo erectus is greater than that observed before. It is acceptable that the molars of West Hubei are considered as Homo erectus, together with the Early Pleistocene mandibles of Meganth^ roups palaeojavanicus, Pithecanthropus dubius, Pithecanthropus B and S9.
    A tentative chronological correlation of early human fossil horizons in China with the loess-deep sea records
    Liu Tungsheng, Ding Menglin
    1984, 3(02):  93-101. 
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    Early human fossils were found in China either at various horizons of loess or in alluvial deposits covered by loess of different ages.
    Recent studies of the author and other workers show that the climatic curve drawn from loess-paleosol series of the loess profile since late Matuyama subchron to the present at Luo- chuan, Shaanxi province could be correlated with the oxygen isotope records of core V28— 238. The ages of the early human fossils in China can be assigned as follows: the Gongwangling Lan tian Man fossil bed, which is located in the 9th layer of loess sequence (cyde IX), corresponds to termination X of deep-sea records and stage 20—21 of O18 isotope stages, being 730-800 thousand years B. P., the Chenjiawo Lan tian Man fossil bed is located in the 6th paleosol of loess sequence (cycle VI), which corresponds to termination VII and O18 stages 1 —15, having an age of 500—590 thousand years B.. P., the Peking Man fossil beds correspond to loess cydes II― I, which are consistent with terminations III—VII and O18 stages 6—15, having an age o£ 128—590 thousand years B. P., the Dali Man (mid Dingchun Man) fossil bed, which are located in loess cycle II, and correspond to termination III and O18 stages 6—7, are 128—250 thousand years B.P..It shows that the geological age sequence of early man in China in chronological order is: Gongwangling Homo erecius-Yuanmou Homo erectus-Beijing Homo erectus (or Chenjia- wo Homo erectus-Hexian Homo erectus Man (and Dingchun Man). It is evident that the Gongwangling Lantian Man is the earlist Quaternary human fossil so far found in China.
    The oral conditions of emperor Wan Li of the Ming dynasty and his two queens
    Zhou Dacheng
    1984, 3(02):  102-185. 
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    We have observed the oral conditions of Emperor Wan Li of the Ming Dynasty and his two queens.The results are as follows:
    Emperor Wan Li had caries, severe periodontitis, abrasion of the teeth about 1 degree, cervicolabial V-shaped defects of the teeth, dental fluorosis of all his teeth and he had a habit of unilateral mastication (mastication on the right side).
    Queen Xiao Duan had no caries. She had only mild Periodontitis and teeth abrasion of approximately 1 degree.
    Queen Xiao Jing had 12 cavities, mild periodontitis, occlusal attrition below 1 degree and labial V-shaped defects.
    Roentgenographic observation and analysis of epiphysis-diaphysis fusion in the long bones forming knee joint——study on epiphysis-diaphysis fusion in the long bones forming knee joint of students in Xian
    Xi Huanjiu
    1984, 3(02):  107-186. 
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    Based on the observation of the antero-posterior roentgenographs of the knee of 1361 Han students born iii Xian, the time and rate of epiphyseo-diaphyseal fusion of the long bones forming the knee joint were obtained. The results were compared with the reports of other authors. The causes of increasing stature in recent years were discussed.
    Measurements of the patellas of Chinese unearthed from the Changchun area
    Du Qingtai
    1984, 3(02):  114-117. 
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    177 patellas, femora and tibiae of 140 sets of dry adult Chinese skeletons unearthed from the Changchun area were measured.
    The results show: 1. Tkere is no significant difference in length, width and thickness between right and left sides. However, the differences between male and female are distinct.
    2. Chinese patellas of both sexes are longer and thicker then those of Koreans and Japanese.
    3. There is no significant difference in 3 indices (the indices of patellar length, of patella and condyke and of patellar length and width) between the patellas of Koreans and Chinese. 4. Patellas of medium type occur most frequently in Chinese.
    Effects on the inner and outer diameters of tibia by different sports on X-ray film
    Xie Xuefeng
    1984, 3(02):  118-125. 
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    The author made careful observations and measurements on the facade and flank X-ray photographs of the tibias of 45 boys (including the control group, weight-lifting group and jumping group in accordance with their sports specialities). Statistical analyses of the related indices were taken.
    There is no difference between sports (weight-lifting and jumping) and control groups with regard to the proportions of inner and outer transverse diameters at upper part of tibia. The differences between weight-lifting and control groups at middle and lower parts of tibia are significant. The ratio of inner to outer sagittal diameters in sports groups is lower than that in control group. The differences are mainly due to the increase of the thickness of the bone wall.
    Measurements and analyses of Chinese elite boatmen humeri by X-ray
    Sheog Kebiao
    1984, 3(02):  126-131. 
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    Maximum lengths, transverse diameters and thickness of bone wall of humeri of 77 Chinese elite boatmen and control groups were measured on X-ray film. The maximum length, transverse diameter and thickness of bone wall are greater in boatmen than in control group. Among the boatmen measured, the canoeists' humeri are the biggest, their bone walls are the thicknest.
    The hereditary variation of the descendants of Li nationality intermarried with Han nationality in physical features
    Zhang Zhenbiao
    1984, 3(02):  132-140. 
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    Main hereditary variations of the descendants of Li nationality intermarried with Han nationality living in Hainan Island from this study are as follows.
    Judging from “t” values we can see that some features of the descendants are like neither Li nationality nor Han nationlity. The head length, the height of subnasal-gnathion and the height of the upper integumentary lip are shorter in the descendants than those of Li and Han nationalities.
    However, some features are markedly different from Li nationality but close to Han nationality, and another features are different from Tan nationality but close to Linationality.
    On the whole, the physical features of the descendants of Li nationality intermarried with Han nationality are basically similar to those of Han nationality.
    The analysis of dermatoglyphics of hand of Mao Lao nationality
    Zhou Jiamei
    1984, 3(02):  141-147. 
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    The handprints of 487 individuals (Mao Lao nationality: females 261 and males 226) were studied. The figures of the main characters are as follows; whorl 45.80 ± 0.71%, ulnar l00p 48.52 ± 0.72%, radial loop 2.57土 0.23%, arch 4.33 ± 0.29%, TRC 126.52, MLI 6.74 ± 1.84, a—b RC 37.01, atd 39.96°. These figures are similar to the Han nationality. There are higher percent of the 14 patterns (85.03%) and white line of finger patterns (male 8.23 土 0.59% and female 33.03 ± 0.92%), and they are more abundant than those of other three nationalities in Guangxi.
    Distribution of lewis, ABO, MN, Rh, P blood group systems and ABH secretion in Han nationality of north China
    Yuan Yida, Du Ruofu, Hao Luping
    1984, 3(02):  158-164. 
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    The distribution of Lewis, ABO, MN, Rh, P blood groups and ABH secretion in Han nationality of North China was examined. In common with other populations of Han nationality in North China, the present population revealed a high frequency of IB (0.2135), and a slightly higher frequency of n (0.5016) than that of m (0.4984). High frequency of Le (a + ) (24.17%) was observed. Among 94 individuals tested, 4 cases of Le (a + ) were found to be ABH secretor secreting A or B substances but not H substance. A total o£ 638 specimens was tested for Rh (D) and only 2 (0.31%) of Rh(D) negative were found. Pi gene frequency appeared to be 0.2131. A lower Se gene frequency (0.4761) for ABH secretion in comparison with other nationalities of China was obtained.
    Genetic distances estimated on the basis of HLA
    Zhao Tongmao, Zhang Gongliang, Yuan Yida, Du Ruofu
    1984, 3(02):  165-170. 
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    The genetic distances between 17 populations were computed by Nei's method (1978) and a phylogenetic tree of these populations was constructed on the basis of genetic distances by the unweighted pair-group method of clustering (Sneath and Sokal, 1963). The results of present study agree with those obtained on the basis of gene frequencies of red cell blood group systems. There is a parallel relationship between genetic distances and the geographic distances of 17 populations.