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    15 December 2007, Volume 26 Issue 04
    Is the protruding nasal saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus caused by adaptation to cold climate ?
    WU Xinzhi, SHANG Hong
    2007, 26(04):  289-294. 
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    It has been asserted that highly protruding nasal saddle of Homo erectus skull from Nanjing was caused by adaptation to the cold environmental climate. Articles written by Coon (1962), Wolpoff (1968) and Franciscus and Trinkaus (1988) were cited to support this assertion. In fact, Coonπs opinion on this matter has not been supported by later studies, the latter two articles have not advocated that highly protruding nasal saddle is resulted from adaptation to cold climate. Instead Wolpoff (1968) asserted that the nasal breadth is correlated with the latitude in Inuit and Australian aboriginals. Data of measurements cited by the present author from Woo and Morant (1934) and Howells(1973) showing the degree of protruding of the nasal part of the skull at its upper and lower parts, in various populations living in the regions of different latitude, indicate that it is confusing in the relation between the degree of protruding and the latitude. There is no clear evidence indicating any relation between the protruding of nasal saddle and the climate. The relation between the shape of nose and the climate is much more complicated than considered previously. The contrast between the degrees of nasal saddle protruding in Inuit skull and Bodo human fossil opposes the assertion that the protruding nasal saddle is caused by adapting to the cold climate. Nanjing Homo erectus lived in the area around 32°N in which is warmer than the region Inuit lives, but the nasal saddle of Nanjing specimen is much higher than that of Inuit. These facts contradict the opinion that the highly protruding nasal saddle was caused by the adaptation to cold climate.
    Body size and shape in a human fossil from Liujiang, South China
    LIU Wu, WU Xiujie, LI Haijun
    2007, 26(04):  295-304. 
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    The late Pleistocene human fossils found in Liujiang, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, south China, include a complete cranium, right os coxae, sacrum, two femoral fragments and several vertebrae. Since there is no duplication of skeletal elements, the joint surfaces of adjacent bones articulate comfortably and there is a similar texture in the bones, we are confident that a single individual is represented. This somewhat complete discovery makes the calculation of body size, body proportions and relative cranial capacity (or encephalization quotient) more reliable than if the remains were fragmentary. In this study, we calculate stature, body breadth, body weight, EQ index, and body proportion for Liujiang based on measurements of the cranium and reconstructed pelvis. In addition, body size and shape are also analyzed. Our results indicate that the Liujiang individual has body proportions (i. e., body height relative to body breadth) typical of a warm-adapted population. The encephalization quotient of 5. 602 is larger than that of other middle and late Pleistocene humans like Zhoukoudian Upper Cave and Jinniushan, and is closer to those of Minatogawa 2 and modern human populations. Body weight is calculated at 52. 0 kg for Liujiang, which is also smaller than those of fossil humans living in higher latitude like Jinniushan, Zhoukoudian Upper Cave and European Neanderthals, but closer to those of Minatogawa, KNM2ER 3883 and KNM2ER 3733 who all lived in warmer climatic regions. The results of this study show that body size, body proportions and relative cranial capacity (EQ) of the Liujiang individual resemble Pleistocene and modern humans.
    Proceedings of human mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy and its applications to forensic medicine its Applications to Forensic Medicine
    RAN Peng , WU Jin, ZHANG Beilei, SHAN Huaxin, LI Yingbi
    2007, 26(04):  305-310. 
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    In the paper microlithic technology is defined on the basis of studying microlithic materials from the Hutouliang site. By means of statistical analysis and model, the author considers that there are two microlithic technologies existed in the Hutouliang site: wedge-shaped core Ⅰ and . In comparison, the microblade detaching efficiency of Type Ⅰcores are higher than the Type Ⅱcores.Type Ⅰcores have been recognized as a multi-functional artifacts that could have been used as tools such as scraper, point, drill, as well as microcore to produce microblades. Moreover, they could also have been carried along by prehistoric hunter2gatherers as part of provisioned toolkits, whereas Type Ⅱ cores only have been used as cores to detach microblades in living areas.
    A study of the spatial distribution of particular characteristics in the physique of Chinese male youth
    SHANG Lei, LI Hujian, ZHANG Zhiying, XU Yongyong
    2007, 26(04):  311-317. 
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    Objective To explore the spatial distribution of physique indices in Chinese male youth. Methods Spatial distribution maps of height, weight, chest-circumference, vervaeck index, detectable rate of sturdiness, detectable rate of slimness in Chinese male youth were produced using a local spatial interpolation technique in the ArcGIS 8.1 software. Cross-validation techniques were used to evaluate the fitness of these distribution maps. Results The spatial distribution map for height, weight, chest-circumference and vervaeck index in Chinese male youth shows a consistent distribution trend, which from north to south indicate that these indices tend towards smallness. The male youth in the north-east, north China, the northern part of north-west and the eastern part of east China except the Erdos Plateau are high in height. The youth in the north2east, north China and the eastern part of east China are comparatively sturdy. Youth in the area of Tibetan plateau, median part of south2west and the southern part of Shaanxi are slim in their bodily forms. Conclusion There are significant spatial differences in the physique of Chinese male youth. Influence of geographical environment , climate and economy on adolescent physique should be studied further.
    A study on the genetic polymorphism of apoB, D17S30 locus of Korean-Chinese and Han nationality in Yanbian
    QUAN Guihong, JIN Dongzhu
    2007, 26(04):  318-324. 
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    The apoB and D17S30 locus, which has a high degree of polymorphism, is an important identifier that measures the value of genetic marker systems in the study of anthropology. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, the variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) of the apoB and D17S30 locus were studied in Korean2Chinese and people of the Han nationality of Yanbian. There was a significant difference (P < 0105) in the total distribution of allele frequencies of the apoB and D17S30 locus between these two groups. Heterozygosity, polymorphism information content and individual identification of the apoB and D17S30 were all greater than 017. These results indicate that: 1) the distribution of allele frequencies of apoB and D17S30 locus has the better degree of polymorphism in Korean-Chinese and Han nationality of Yanbian; 2) these loci are suitable for individual identification and paternity diagnosis; 3) this type of research is valuable for studying the origin of nationality, transition, national distinction and genetic relationships between nationalities.
    Gene frequency distribution of ABO blood groups in Bouyei, Miao and Sui nationalities in Qiannan
    REN Guangxiang, DUAN Shugang , YU Yuesheng, YANG Shengwen
    2007, 26(04):  325-328. 
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    The phenotype and allele distribution of ABO blood groups in Bouyei, Miao and Sui populations in Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture were investigated. Results showed that the phenotype distribution of these blood groups in the Bouyei population was O > B > A > AB, while it was O > A >B > AB[ spacing made consistent ] in Miao and Sui populations. Allele frequency of ABO blood groups in the Bouyei population was similar to that in Miao and Sui groups, and the distribution of phenotypes in all three populations was in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Distribution of ABO blood group phenotypes between peoples in: the Qiannan region and the Qiandongnan region; the Bouyei and Miao populations in the Qianxian area; and in men and women of the Sui population in Qiannan region were significantly different ( P < 0105) . These results suggest that there are differences in the distribution of the phenotype of ABO blood group among populations of different nationalities , gender and in different regions.
    Recovery of gigantopithecus blacki fossils from the Mohui cave in the Bubing Basin, Guangxi, South China
    WANG Wei , TIAN Feng, MO Jinyou
    2007, 26(04):  329-343. 
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    Based on morphological diagnosis, sixteen teeth from Mohui cave should definitely be assigned to Gigantopithecus, including one lower lateral incisor, two upper and one lower canine, one left lower third premolar, three left upper premolars, one right first or second upper molar, one left third upper molar, four left first or second lower molars, one right first or second lower molar and one left third lower molar. Sizes of these teeth are markedly larger than Miocene or Pliocene G.bilaspurensis from India, and smaller than mid-Pleistocene G. blacki from South China, however these teeth show anatomical similarities to early Pleistocene G. blacki from Liucheng in Guangxi and Longgupo in Chongqing. As a result of these comparisons, these teeth are assigned to early G. blacki of south China. Although Gigantopithecus had never been suspected of being an ancestor of Pithecanthropus of Beijing and Java, now it is widely thought to be distinct from human evolution and is believed to have become extinct in mid-Pleistocene. It is the largest primate to have ever coexisted with humans in Asia, however, evidence from this fossil is rare. These new finds from Mohui cave will be very helpful in comprehending the evolutionary relationship between Gigantopithecus and human.
    Large mammalian fossils recovered in Mohui cave total about 25 species, including: Hominoidea gen. et sp. indet., Gigantopithecus blacki, Hylobates sp. Macaca sp., Trachypithecus sp. Hystrix magna, H. kiangsenensis, Sinomastodon sp., Stegodon cf. preorientalis, Cuon dubius, Arctonyx collaris, Ursus aff. thibetanus, Ailuropoda microta, Panthera sp., Felis teilhardi, Martes sp. Paguma sp., Rhinoceros unicornis, Tapirus sanyuanensis, Hespertherium sp., Sus xiaozhu, Sus peii, Dorcabune liuchengense, Muntiacus sp., Cervus cf. fengqii, Cervus (Rusa) yunnanensis, Bovinae and Megalovis guangxiensis. Among the fauna, Hystrix magna, Stegodon cf.preorientalis, Ailuropoda microta, Tapirus sanyuanensis, Hespertherium sp., Sus xiaozhu, Sus peii, Dorcabune liuchengense, Cervus cf. fengqii, Cervus (Rusa ) yunnanensis, are typical members of early Pleistocene Liucheng fauna. These taxa are also found in the Longgupo faunal assemblage. So, the faunal age of Mohui cave should be close to these two sites, probably early Pleistocene biostratigraphically. Analysis of 47 paleomagnetic samples collected from about 6 m of sediment in Mohui cave was of normal polarity. Considering the faunal age, this result suggests that the geomagnetic polarity column of the cave should date to the Matuyama, of which approximately 7 metres of sediment is correlated with the Olduvai Event.
    Mammalian fauna from the Lingjing paleolithic site in Xuchang, Henan Province
    LI Zhanyang , DONG Wei
    2007, 26(04):  345-360. 
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    A mammalian fauna was found during the archaeological excavations of last two years at the Lingjing Palaeolithic site in Xuchang, Henan Province in northern China1 The identified carnivores, proboscidean and perissodactyls are as follow: Viverra cf. zibetha, Ursus sp., Pachycrocuta cf. sinensis, Palaeoloxodon sp., Coelodonta antiquitatis, Dicerorhinus mercki, Equus caballus and Equus hemionus. The present paper discusses the character and age of the fauna and shows that the Lingjing mammalian fauna belongs to the northern region. This regionπs ecological environment is mainly open grassland with some mosaic forests, and in the semi-humid to semi2arid continental monsoon climate with average temperatures slightly lower than that of today. Extinct taxa in the Lingjing fauna make up 44.4 % of the total taxa. The age of the fauna is close to that of Xujiayao and is estimated to date about 100 ka BP.
    An examination of cluster and principle component analysis on the study of anthropology
    WU Xiujie, ZHANG Quanchao , LI Haijun
    2007, 26(04):  361-371. 
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    The Multivariate analysis can synthesize the database and supply the direct information, so more and more anthropologists prefer the method to analyze the relationship among the different populations. Because few people tested the method, some researchers still suspected the result from the Multivariate analysis. In order to conduct Multivariate analysis on the study of anthropology, we chose adult male skulls ( n = 668) of nine populations related to the different areas. These populations included: Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Huabei, Yunnan and Europe. Fourteen standard linear measures were culled to do cluster and principal components analysis. The relationship and difference of the populations are very similar comparison the result from Euclidean distance coefficient and City block distance. The primary results of this study indicate that Euclidean distance coefficient is useful for primarily judging the relationship and difference of the populations. The dendragrams drew of metric data of nine populations using different cluster analysis methods were varied. It is uncertain to determine the relationship of the populations only according to the cluster dendrogram, except the results from all kinds of cluster methods are consistent. With four PCA scores methods from skull metrical data, the distributions of nine populations did not change a lot. The principal components analysis is associated with the variables. When the variables change, the component matrix and the total variance loadings change too. Compared with cluster analysis, principal components analysis is better to explain the relationship of the populations. It suggests that the conclusion from multi2variables analysis should be considered carefully.
    Microlithic technology from Hutouliang site
    ZHU Zhiyong , GAO Xing
    2007, 26(04):  372-378. 
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    The phenomenon of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy has been greatly regarded in a variety of research fields including genetics, evolution, developmental genetics, forensic genetics and molecular biology. Because of the presence of mtDNA heteroplasmy and therefore a need to examine both the mitochondrial genome and the nuclear genome, studies of disease, evolution and phylogenesis are complicated. In addition, the mechanism of mtDNA replication and the application of mtDNA analysis to forensic practice are also significant developments in this type of research. Although there is no agreement about the mechanism for mtDNA heteroplasmy formation or for the standard method of how to determine mtDNA heteroplasmy, much progress has been made and this paper provides a current view on this research topic.
    Biases in the archaeofaunal record: taphonomic perspectives
    ZHANG Shuangquan, Christopher J. Norton, ZHANG Yue
    2007, 26(04):  379-388. 
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    The faunal collection excavated by the archaeologist or paleontologist almost never resembles the original death assemblage exactly (exceptions to this fact may be catastrophic mortality situations, such as volcanic eruptions). Nevertheless, before any interpretations can be confidently derived regarding the excavated bone collection, understanding the processes that affect the formation of an archaeofaunal assemblage is critical. This job is primarily the responsibility of taphonomists , who examine the biostratinomic (e.g., fluvial transport and abrasion) and diagenetic processes (e. g.,sediment compaction, biochemical etching) that affect faunal remains during accumulation and burial. The primary goal of this paper is to review these various taphonomic processes and provide examples from ongoing taphonomic research conducted in East Asia.