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    15 June 2008, Volume 27 Issue 02
    A preliminary report on the excavation of the Pengjiahe paleolithic site in the Danjiangkou reservoir region
    PEI Shuwen, GUAN Ying, GAO Xing
    2008, 27(02):  95-110. 
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    The Pengjiahe Paleolithic site, buried in the third terrace of the right bank of the Hanshui River, is located in the Pengjiahe village, Tutai town, Danjiangkou City, Hubei province. The site was excavated from November 15, 2006 to January 5, 2007 by staff of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Chinese Academy of Sciences), as a salvage archeological project due to the construction of the Dangjiangkou reservoir dam to a higher latitude. The excavation exposed an area of about 600 m2.
    Five stratigraphic layers of the third terrace were identified at the site, with the total thickness of more than 20 meters. Archaeological materials were mainly unearthed from the 2nd to 4th layer, three layers of brown-red clay and brown-yellow silty clay interbedded with carbonate concretion, 10216m in thickness, about 20225m above the Dangjiangkou reservoir water2level in December 2006. A total of 184 stone artifacts and 80 manuble pebbles were unearthed.
    The stone assemblage includes cores (37), flakes (67), chunks (55) and retouched tools (25). The general features of these artifacts are summarized as follows:
    1) Lithic raw materials exploited at the site were locally available from ancient riverbeds. More than seven kinds of raw materials were utilized in core reduction and tool manufacture including: vein quartz, igneous rock, siliceous limestone, silicarenite, siltstone, quartzite and schist. Quartzite, silicarenite and igneous rock are the dominant raw materials used for producing stone artifacts at the site.
    2) The principal flaking technique is direct hammer percussion without core preparation. The characters of cores and flakes indicate that the utilization rate of raw materials is low.
    3) Most stone artifacts (76.14 %) are large and medium in size, with 18.19 % is small in size.
    4) Most blanks for tool fabrication are pebbles and cores. Picks and choppers are large and medium in size, and the scrapers are small in size.
    5) Only three retouched tool classes are identified, namely choppers, picks and scrapers. Two handaxes were discovered during the excavated season, which may be eroded from the red clay to the surface.
    6) Modified tools appear to be retouched by direct hammer percussion, mostly unifacially retouched on the one end of the blank.
    It can be inferred from the excavation that the Pengjiahe Paleolithic site was buried in situ. The stone tool assemblage of the site shows close ties with the Pebble Tool Industry (Main Industry) in South China. Geomorphological and chronological comparison among the sites in the Hanshui River valley indicates that the age of the site should be close to the Middle Pleistocene, which places the Pengjiahe industry to the Lower Paleolithic in China.
    The Hanshui River drainage area which Pengjiahe Paleolithic site situated is located in the south piedmont of East Qingling Orogenic Zone as well as the climatic transition zone between North and South China. It is also the important region for early hominid occupation, migration and cultural exchange during Pleistocene. The excavation of Pengjiahe site not only enriches the human occupation data in the Hanshui River drainage area, but also bears great significance in studying human occupation behaviors adapted to natural environments in the Middle Pleistocene. Therefore, it is affirmed that the coming excavation of Paleolithic sites and Paleolithic research will give more evidence to the study of early human culture developing pattern, the cultural relationship between North and South China, as well as the early human migration and technique exchange between China and the west World in the Pleistocene.
    Three-dimensional finite element stress analysis of Tongue-shaped edge of bose heavy-duty tools
    YUAN Junjie, WU Chenghao, HOU Yamei, XIE Guangmao, WANG Wei
    2008, 27(02):  111-119. 
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    In the mechanical process of tool utilization, abrasion or damage from counterforce on worked materials can often occur in differing degrees on the effective edge of the tool. In this paper, a trial application of the Finite Element Method ( FEM) is applied to the analysis of tongue-shaped edges that are often observed in large tools such as handaxes, picks, and choppers from many Paleolithic sites in the Baise( Bose) Basin. Through a three-dimensional computer modelling programme the mechanical analysis of 44 stone artifacts with tongue-shaped edges( from 13 sites) shows that stress distribution on these tools was not uniform with the maximum stresses occurred along the tongue-shaped edges. In the FEM model of longitudinal and transverse load simulation experiments, edges began to appear damaged when the load was raised to the threshold but without destroying of the non-edge body part; an observation supported with archaeological specimens. These research results also indicate that the stress value of longitudinal load is much lower than that of transverse load, and under both conditions of simulating tongue-shaped tools these shapes were shown to be more applicable to splitting and chopping behaviors. This work demonstrates the value in applying FEM to the study of stone tool function.
    A research on the ancient human skulls from the Troitskiy cemetery in far-eastern region of Russia
    ZHANG Quanchao, FENG Enxue, ZHU Hong
    2008, 27(02):  120-126. 
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    The Mohe peoples are a celebrated population found in ancient northeastern Asia who roamed the area of modern Manchuria (Heilongjiang province) from the 5th century until the 10th century. At the end of the 7th century they founded the kingdom of Bohai. Traditional Chinese historians identify the Mohe as the same people as the Sushen, Yilou and Wuji, and it was during the Sui period that the Wuji renamed themselves the Mohe. The most important tribes of this group were the southernmost Sumo and the northernmost Heishui.
    In this article, ten ancient human skulls ( five male and five female) unearthed from the Tang Dynasty cemetery at the Troitskiy site of Mohe near the Jieya River in far-eastern of Russia were studied. The Troitskiy cemetery is one of the most significant sites representing Mohe archaeology and east west population exchanges in ancient northeast Asia. Morphological features of theTroitskiy crania show that this racial type is closely related to modern North AsiaticMongoloids, although some physical characteristics of these skulls are closer to those of the ancient and modern Baikal populations.
    Fossil mammals from Majuangou section of Nihewan Basin, China and their age
    CAI Baoquan, LI Qiang, ZHENG Shaohua
    2008, 27(02):  127-140. 
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    The Majuangou section (= MJ G, 40°13′3112″E, 114°39′5019″N) lies near Cenjiawan village and on the south of the Sanggan river in the Nihewan Basin. In 1990, Wei Qi first reported a new paleoliths2bearing layer from the middle part of the Majuangou section with the name Banshan Site (Wei Qi, 1994). Two years later, the Hebei Province Institute of Cultural Relic (= HPICR) found another artefact layer named as“Maguangou Site”from the lower part of the same section and did excavation in the next year (Li and Xie, 1998). In 2001, the first two authors gathered numbers of mammal remains and several paleoliths by washing the matrix collected from the“New artefact layer”, 8 meters below the bottom of“Maguangou Site”(Cai and Li, 2003). A test excavation was done and Goudi Site was named by Wei Qi (Wei, 2002). During the HPICR′s excavation seasons from 2001 to 2005, the fourth artefact layer was found and called MJ G Ⅱ. The four artifact layers found in the Majuangou section are, from the top to bottom, Banshan Site, MJ GⅠ( =“Majuangou Site”in Li et al , 1998), MJ G Ⅱand MJ G Ⅲ ( =“New artefact layer”in Cai and Li, 2003 and“Goudi Site”in Wei, 2002) (see Fig11). Zhu et.al (2004) reported magnetostratigraphic results of the four artefact layers mentioned above.
    The magnetic age of the MJ G Ⅲ given by Zhu et al ( 2004) is about 1166Ma, while the biostratigraphic age estimated by Cai et al (2003) is suggested to be older than 1180Ma. There is a small disparity between the two results. In 2005, invited by HPICR, the authors undertook the screen-washing work in the Majuangou sites and collected additional fossil mammalian specimens from MJ G I and Banshan Site. The purpose of this paper is to briefly describe the fossil mammals collected in 2001 and 2005 and to ascertain the age of the fossil2bearing beds. Further more, the potential factors interfering with the determination of magnetic chronology for these layers are discussed.
    By the way of washing about 315 tons of matrix, 553 small and 6 large mammal specimens were collected from MJ G Ⅲin 2001. They are Sorex sp., Erinaceus sp., Ochotona youngi, Ochotonoides complicidens, Allactaga sp., Spermophilus sp., Cricetulus sp. , Yangia tingi , ? Episiphneus sp., Micromys sp., Chardinomys nihowanicus, Cromeromys gansunicus, Borsodia chinensis, Allophaiomys deucalion, Canidae gen. et sp. indet., Canis sp., Mammuthus trogontherii, Hipparion sp., Rhinocerotidae gen.et sp. indet. and Cervidae gen. et sp.indet. (Fig12 —4).
    Only 7 poorly preserved specimens were found after washing about 850 kgs of matrix from MJ GⅠ in 2005. Four species , including Ochotona sp., Cromeromys sp., Borsodia sp. and Allophaiomys sp. can be recognized (Fig15).
    Sixty three specimens were collected from about 3 tons of matrix from Banshan artefact layer. These specimens belong to 7 species, Ochotona sp., Ochotonoides sp., Leporidae gen. et sp. indet., Allocricetus ehiki, ? Cricetulus sp., Borsodia chinensis and Allophaiomys pliocaenicus(Fig.6).
    The co-occurrence of A. deucalion, C. gansunicus, B . chinensis, ? Episiphneus sp., Y. tingi and C. nihowanicus shows that the MJ G Ⅲmammal fossils assemblage can be correlated with those from Haiyan Formation of the Yushe Basin, Shanxi ( Flynn et al, 1997 ) and Loc. 93001 of Wenwanggou, Lingtai, Gansu (Zheng and Zhang, 2001) . The age of MJ G Ⅲseems to be earlier than that of the end of the Olduvai normal polarity event, and possibly falls within the range of 2110—1180Ma. In addition, the coexistence of rooted Episiphneus and rootless Y. tingi has only been recorded in Chinese early Early Pleistocene (Zheng, 1994) .
    In Europe, the earliest appearance of Allophaiomys was once considered as the beginning of Biharian (Repenning, 1992) . The age of the type locality of A. deucalion, Villany25 in Hungary, however, is at present considered as from late Villanyian to early Biharian ( Kowalski, 2001). In addition, the magnetic age of the layer yielding Allophaiomys in Russian Tizdar is 2125—1196Ma (Pevzner et al, 1998) . In the loess section of Xunyi, Shaanxi, A. pliocaenicus appears in the paleosol layer S25 (Xue et al, 2001), which is 1183—118Ma (Ding et al , 2002). It seems to be un2 doubted that A. deucalion occurs before Biharian in Eurasia.
    In the Donggou section, about 2 km south of the Majuangou Site, A. deucalion was found in both layers 11 and 16 with C. gansunicus, while A. pliocaenicus in layer 19 with Y. tingi. The first two layers (11 and 16) were all regarded as to be late Villanyian, while the third layer (19) to be early Biharian (Zheng et al, 2006). It is rather closed to the magnetic result (Zhu et al, 2001) that the 81112 m depth of the 121 m Donggou section is with the age of the upper limit of the Olduvai event, which should be equivalent to the position between layers 18 and 19 (Zheng et al, 2006).
    The mammal assemblage from MJ G Ⅲshould be contemporaneous with those from layer 11 and 16 of the Donggou section because they all have rootless A. deucalion, rooted C. gansunicus and B. chinensis in common. Their ages should be earlier than 1180Ma, rather than the magnetic result of 1166Ma (Zhu et al, 2004) .
    In fact, there exist a few deposit intervals in the MJ G section, such as the exposure of elephantsπ footprints (Xie et al, 2006) and distinct unconformity beneath the MJ G Ⅲartefact layer (Fig17), which may make the Olduvai normal polarity event absent. The question here comes that the normal polarity event measured from 10 m depth under MJ G Ⅲ (Zhu et al, 2004) is or not the real Olduvai event.
    Without considering the absence of strata, it is easy to make an oversight on estimating the age by calculating the average deposit velocity between the two normal polarity events. As a matter of fact, the deposit velocity of the total 63m thick section of Majuangou Site should not be homogeneous, especially in its lower part with some deposit intervals. The magnetic dating, therefore, seems to be too young.
    Age structure analysis of cervus nippon in Tianyuan cave at Zhoukoudian
    LI Qing, TONG Haowen
    2008, 27(02):  141-150. 
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    In order to understand the cause of death of Cervus nippon found in Tianyuan Cave and to recognize the details about prehistoric humans' hunting activities, age profiles of these animals were determined on the basis of tooth attrition analysis. This work involved: measuring crown heights, assessing attritional characteristics of Cervus teeth ( including exposure of enamel and dentine), and examining closure of the infundibulum. Results of these analyses show that young adult and middle aged individuals were the dominant elements in the fossil assemblage. It is inferred that the sika deers were the preys of prehistoric humans.
    The measurement of male clavicle and the estimations of the maximum length
    CHEN Hong, WANG Dunlin, SHI Shaoping, MAO Yiqun
    2008, 27(02):  151-155. 
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    Objective: The paper lies in exploring the regression equation with some measured label for calculating the maximum length of clavicle, and then we can calculate indirectly the height of the decedent according to the result. Methods Using 75 adult male dead bodies collected locally, According to the physical anthropology measurement, we test variable label of clavicle with the body measure apparatus, and analyze the results with SPSS statistics software. Results correlation analysis and regression analysis indicate that it has a notable difference between the all labels and the maximum length of clavicle, P < 0.001, and thus the corresponding linear regression equations were set up. Conclusion In practical work, if just some label of the broken clavicle is measured, we can estimate its maximum length according to its regression equation, which is of significance in forensic practice.
    A study of the physical characteristics of the Nu nationality in Yunnan province
    Zheng Lianbin, Lu Shunhua, Luo Dongmei, Xu Bosong
    2008, 27(02):  156-164. 
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    A total of 67 anthropometric measurements and 31 physical indices were collected on 317 Nu adults (183 males and 134 females) from Yunnan Province. The results of this investigation were as follows. The percentage of Mongoloid fold is low, whereas the percentage of eye fold of the upper eyelid is high. The nasal root, the alae nasi and the upper lip were present in all individuals of medium height. A comparison of body measurements of the Nu to other nationalities in China showed that the nasal root height and the upper lip height were smaller, most of lobe types were triangular, and the color of hair, eyes and skin were darker. The average height of males was 16019cm and females was 15019cm, both of which belong to the sub2middle type. The average weight of males was 5415kg with females at 49. 5kg. Types of physical characteristics of the Nu were mostly mesocephaly, hypsicephaly, acrocephalic, mesorrhiny, mesdeg, medium chest circumference with medium distance between the iliac crests. In addition , the percentage of mesoprosopy, long length of the trunk and wide breadth of the shoulder were highest in males, while the percentage of euruprosopy, medium length of the trunk and medium breadth of the shoulder were highest in females. The Nu were slim and small in body proportions, and their physical characteristics belong to the South Asian type of the Mongoloid race.
    Trends in skinfold thickness and body composition of Children aged 7 —12 in Shandong Province from 1995 to 2005
    Zhang Yingxiu
    2008, 27(02):  165-171. 
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    Trends in skinfold thickness and body composition of urban and rural children aged 7—12 were analyzed by using the data on students physical fitness and health surveillance from 1995 and 2005 in Shandong province. In the past 10 years, the sum of the triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness of these children averaged increases of 7.97mm (urban male), 4.54mm (urban female), 11.42mm (rural male) and 9.48mm (rural female). The percentage of fat increased on average 3.42 % (urban male), 2.07 % (urban female), 4.92 % (rural male) and 4.35 % (rural female), with body fat increases of 2.34kg (urban male), 1.27kg (urban female), 2.82kg (rural male) and 2.30kg (rural female). Lean body mass increased 1.96kg (urban male), 1.42kg (urban female), 1.78kg (rural male) and 0.96kg (rural female). It was noted that increases of percentage fat and body fat of urban children was larger than that of rural children, and that boys was larger than girls. Because percentage of fat had a significant increase, the prevalent rates of overweight children in this age group showed a rapid increase, from 11.78 % (urban male), 6.22 % (urban female), 2.78 % (rural male) and 1189 % (rural female) in 1995 to 17.86 % ( urban male), 10.02 % ( urban female), 12.03 % (rural male) and 6.46 % (rural female) in 2005. This increase was also clear in obese children with rates of obesity from 5.00 % ( urban male), 3.67 % ( urban female), 0.56 % (rural male) and 0.33 % (rural female) in 1995 to 16.57 % (urban male), 8.16 % (urban female), 9.62 % (rural male) and 6.56 % (rural female) in 2005.
    The dermatoglyphic study of Hui and Han nationalities in Ningxia(Ⅱ): palm print
    DANG Jie, HUO Zhenghao, PENG Liang, CHEN Yintao, JIAO Haiyan, LU Hong, ZHONG Huijun, ZHU Yongsheng
    2008, 27(02):  172-179. 
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    To report the palm print parameters between Han and Hui nationalities in Ningxia, the randomized samples were collected from 614 persons including Hui 262( male 129, female 146) and Han 352( male 206, female 146) . The results were: 1) The tPD in Hui nationality were more higher than in Han nationality ( P < 0.01) , it is more correlative between tPD and atd; 2) There was no significant difference between two nationalities in thenar eminence and hypothenar, but left hand had more frequency than right hand; 3)The main line in the left hand of Hui nationality were more higher than in Han nationality, depauperate C line were higher than C line absent; 4) The rate of feedthrough hand had no significant difference between two nationalities. 5) The significant difference of thenar exist in Hui nationalities who lived in difference area. 6)The frequency of thenar had difference among different ethnic group.
    A review to the China’s physical anthropology research and teaching activities from 1895 to 1950
    DU Jing
    2008, 27(02):  180-188. 
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    From 1895 to 1950, Chinese physical anthropology paid attention to combine the study with teaching, to integrate physical measurement with cultural investigation, and to keep close links between biology and archaeology. The study purposes of Chinese physical anthropology lied in revealing the physical traits and diversity of nations. In the initial stage, the study and teaching of anthropology had been developed mostly by the foreign scholars; in the later period, the Chinese indigenous scholars pushed it forward. In addition, the development of Chinese physical anthropology in the later stagewas deeply influenced by the war between China and Japan. In prewar days, the studies were made in Northeast China, North China, East China and South China; during the war, the studies were developed in the Southwest China; after the war, the studies were conducted in the Southeast and South China.