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    15 December 2008, Volume 27 Issue 04
    Human cranial fossils from Nanjing and Bodo: a test of the center and edge hypothesis
    ZHANG Yinyun, LIU Wu
    2008, 27(04):  287-294. 
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    A significant form to the geographical distribution of human variation towards the end of the Early Pleistocene was noted by Alan Thorne and explained by his  Center and Edge hypothesis in 1977. He recognized that populations sampled at the peripheries of the human range were more homogeneous than samples from the center, or eastern Africa. Some of the homogeneous features at the peripheries could be linked to common characteristics found in populations from the same area today. In other words, features that marked modern geographical variation have been found to appear in initial immigrants living at peripheries.
    The Thorne hypothesis predicts an opposite pattern of the late appearance of regional features at the center of the range and their early appearance in Homo erectus populations at geographic or ecological peripheries.
    Two crania Bodo and Nanjing 1 both dating approximately 06Ma BP are from a center and a periphery location, respectively. Both of these crania preserve comparable facial skeletons, and for these reasons, the Bodo and Nanjing 1 are ideal for testing the  Center and Edge hypothesis.
    A comparison of Bodo and Nanjing 1 facial measurements indicates the following results. 1) The anatomical differences between Bodo and Nanjing 1 are more marked than those between center and periphery modern populations. This result suggests that as early as 06Ma BP, fossil populations seemed to show more geographical variation than modern populations. 2) In facial measurements, Nanjing 1 is similar to modern population of East Asia, suggesting that at the periphery, some of features that marked modern geographic variation appear in Homo erectus and were maintained for very long time periods. However, at the center region, the metric facial features of Bodo were not distinctly linked to features of modern population from the same area today. This comparison confirms the prediction of the  Center and Edge hypothesis.
    Preliminary comments on the paleoenvironment of the Shuidonggou locality 12
    LIU Decheng, CHEN Fuyou, ZHANG Xiaoling, PEI Shuwen, GAO Xing, XIA Zhengkai
    2008, 27(04):  295-303. 
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    The Shuidonggou Locality 12 (SDG12) was an Upper Paleolithic culture dominated by microblade technology. The cultural layer embedded in the middle2upper part of the floodplain stratum belonged to the second terrace ( T2) of the Biangou River , and chronological data shows that this stratum deposit dates between 47ka211ka BP, which belonged to the upper Late Pleistocene. The cultural layer , reformed slightly by flow and belonged to a sedentary deposit, dates about 11 ka BP (close to the interface of the Pleistocene and Holocene). Pollen from the site showed vegetation composed mainly of Ephedra, Compositae, Zygophyllum, Artemisia and Gramineae indicative of an arid to semi-arid climate. Vegetative cover was of a dry steppe landscape, and the climate was relatively warm and humid during the SDG12 cultural layer formation. There were swamp-growth plants, and temperate zone broadleaf and hardwood trees such as Betula, Quercus and Ulmus. Understanding human activity in the context of certain paleoenvironments at the SDG12 site will clarify the development of the Shuidonggou culture, especially with regards to the study of the North China microblade culture.
    The stratigraphic distribution and zoogeography of the early pleistocene mammalian fauna from south China
    JIN Changzhu, ZHENG Jiajian, WANG Yuan, XU Qinqi
    2008, 27(04):  304-317. 
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    Since the concept of the Gigantopithecus Fauna was proposed in 1957, there has been considerable progress in the study of Early Pleistocene mammals in South China. So far, the Gigantopithecus Fauna is known from 12 sites distributed across the five provinces of South China, plus some significant fossils and cultural relics of early humans. The information furnished by these discoveries is of great help in understanding the evolution of early humans and the development of human culture. In the present paper, the mammal faunas of the Early Pleistocene are divided into 3 biostratigraphic stages, each containing a representative assemblage of mammals. Based on a multiply stratigraphic division and comparison, some problems relating to these faunas are discussed, and some new opinions on their stratigraphic correlations are put forward. Zoogeographic regions and transitional zones in the Early Pleistocene of South China are also illustrated.
    Stature determination of human bones from the Taohuayuan cemetery of the Ming and Qing periods in Ji county, Tianjin (Ⅰ)
    YUAN Haibing, LI Fajun, ZHANG Jinglei, SHENG Lishuang, ZHU Hong
    2008, 27(04):  318-324. 
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    This paper describes research on stature estimation of a sample of human bones, unearthed at the Taohuayuan cemetery in Ji County, Tianjin, from 2004 to 2005. Approximately 171 human bone pieces were studied ( 97 male fragments, 74 female fragments). Using regression formulae we determined that the average male stature was 167.19 cm, which is between stature of ancient males of northern China and that of contemporary males. The average stature of females was 152.89 cm, which is shorter than ancient females of northern China and contemporary females.
    The study of bone histology in the human skeleton
    ZHANG Jizong
    2008, 27(04):  325-330. 
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    To assess species affiliation of bone fragments by examining histological characters using a sample of two male skeletons (skulls and long bones only) aged 20 years and 30 years. The human sample was collected from forensic autopsies. Bone was cut into 2mm histological section plates, which were then observed at 10 ×20 power with an Olympus, HB-20 microscope. Different parts of the human skeleton showed a variety of bone histological characters and different parts of the same bone (for example, the upper and lower sections of a long bone) showed various microscopic structures. The outer and inner circumferential lamellae, interstitial lamellae, osteons, and bone lacuna were observed on different parts of the bone. Histological characters of compact bone and spongy bone were described, and with this qualitative data entered into the computer. Photomicrographs were also taken. This study has demonstrated a new method for bone fragment identification in forensic anthropology, which is also useful to studies in anthropology and archaeology.
    A research on the ancient human stature from the Xindianzi cemetery, Inner Mongolia
    ZHANG Quanchao, CHAO Jianen, ZHU Hong
    2008, 27(04):  331-335. 
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    The Xindianzi site is located on the terraces northwest of Xindianzi village, Helingge, er town, Hohhot city, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The site occupies an area of 30000㎡ and is dated to 2500 BP. The Muddy ( Hun) River, flowing from the northeast to the southwest is in the vicinity of the southern part of the site. The excavation of the Xindianzi cemetery is very important because it represents a Bronze Age site on the northern frontier along the Great Wall in China. Analysis of ancient human limbs unearthed from the cemetery was undertaken as part of this research, and it was determined that the average stature of male inhabitants was very short, and the average stature of female inhabitants was very tall.
    A report on a significantly small male human skull
    CHEN Hong
    2008, 27(04):  336-343. 
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    This especially small human skull (known as T1) was from a Chinese male with a height of 168 cm and aged about 40 years. Upon measuring and observing various skull features, the following observations are made. The skull is especially small in overall size; the frontal region is particularly small and narrow but the surface area of the skull is relatively large. The maxilla and mandible jut forward prominently. As expected with the small skull size, standard skull measurements, including length, width, height and arc, chord and perimeter are less than the minimum values found in other skeletal reports. Cranial volume is also less, and is assessed at 602 ml, which is less than half of the reported minimum volume of 1340 ml for most humans.
    Personal identification using the frontal sinus
    TANG Jianpin, HU Deyi, HU Bo, YU Xiaojun, LAI Xiaoping, LU Qinglin
    2008, 27(04):  344-349. 
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    The purpose of this research was to observe and record characteristics of the frontal sinus in a southern Chinese Han population, and to apply this population data to the fields of forensic anthropology and forensic radiology. A total of nine aspects of the sinus that included 22 characteristic indices were observed and recorded. These frontal sinus indices were scored by a series of digital codes whose diversities and discrimination probabilities ranged from 0.46861 to 0.91120. The cumulative diversity and discrimination probabilities of these 22 indices were 0.9999999999988, with the match probability being 1.18366×10^-12, a result of more than 7.5 ×10^11possible combinations. It was noted that all 22 characteristic indices were variable to each individual, and that they were strong markers for personal identification of the frontal sinus. It was also noted that these characteristic indices and this identification method developed in this study show excellent discrimination probabilities.
    A study of the physical characteristics of the Derung and Mang peoples in China
    ZHENG Lianbin, LU Shunhua, XU Bosong, LUO Dongmei, ZHANG Xinghua
    2008, 27(04):  350-358. 
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    The physical characteristics of 200 adults (97 males and 103 females) of the Derung peoples were investigated from Dulongjiang village, Gongshan county, Yunnan province. In addition, physical characteristics of 56 adults (33 males and 23 females) of the Mang peoples were investigated from Jinshuihe village, Jingping county, Yunnan province. Indices and statistical distributions of the physical characteristics were calculated, with the following results.
    1) The physical characteristics of the Derung and Mang are similar, and close to the characteristics of the Dongzu, Lahu, Yizu and Benglong. 2) Among the populations of the South Asian type of Mongoloid, the interocular breadth of the Derung and Mang is larger, in contrast to other indices that are relatively small. 3) Some types of characteristics of the Derung, including hypsicephalic type, acrocephalic type, medium chest circumference and medium distance between the iliac crests were observed in high frequencies. In males, the percentage of mesocephaly, leptoprosopy, mesorrhiny, long trunk, mesatiskelic type and broad shoulder breadth is high, while in females, high frequencies appeared in brachycephaly, euryprosopy, leptorrhiny, medium length of trunk, subbrachyskelic type and narrow shoulder breadth. 4) Typical physical characteristics of the Derung and Mang are mesocephaly (length2breadth index of head), hypsicephalic type, mesorrhiny, mesatiskelic type, medium chest circumference, broad shoulder breadth and medium distance between iliaccrests. Males are of the metriocephalic type (breadth-height index of head), euryprosopy and long trunk. Females are of the acrocephalic type and medium length of trunk. The percentage of hypereuryprosopy is equal to that of euryprosopy in females. 5) In the Derung and Mang, percentages of mongoloid fold are small. Nasal root height is relatively small but nasal breadth is larger than in populations of the North Asian type of Mongoloid.
    A study of the relationship between digit ratio and breast cancer
    LU Hong, HUO Zhenghao, CHEN Jing, GAO Ping, LI Tao, SHI Zhiyun, PENG Liang, DANG Jie
    2008, 27(04):  359-363. 
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    Digit ratio (2D∶3D; 2D∶4D; 2D∶5D; 3D∶4D; 3D∶5D; 4D∶5D) including mean values of both hands of 256 women from Ningxia Han nationality (control and breast cancer sample of 128 each) were studied. The relationship between digit ratio and womenπs age was also analyzed, with the following results. 1) The mean values of the digit ratio of the healthy control and breast cancer samples presented the following trend - 2D∶3D < 2D∶4D < 3D∶4D < 2D∶5D < 4D∶5D < 3D∶5D. 2) The breast cancer sample had higher mean values than the control sample. Compared with the control sample, there were significant differences of 2D∶3D ( P < 0105), 2D∶4D ( P < 0101) and 2D∶5D(left P < 0105) in the breast cancer sample. There was also a higher percentage of 2D > 4D in the breast cancer sample. 3) The relationship between 2D∶4D (including left hands, right hands, and the mean values of them) and the womenπs age was significant in the breast cancer sample (P < 01001) .
    Discriminant analysis of quantitative palm principal linear patterns
    ZHANG Liang, QU Jinghui
    2008, 27(04):  364-368. 
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    In order to discuss a novel feature vector describing quantitatively human palm patterns requires distinguishing six traditional kinds of patterns. These patterns from 302 palms belonging to 151 human subjects were described by the feature vector and analyzed using the Fisher discriminant analysis method. Results indicated an accuracy rate of 96% with this method. In particular four out of six palm patterns ( bridge line, simian line, sydney line, rudimentary creases) were classified correctly. The validation rate of 96% was achieved through the " Jackknife" method. In conclusion, the feature vector clearly and accurately describes six kinds of palm patterns.
    A comparison of the handprints of our countrys outstanding Sanda athletes and those of some diseased patients
    DENG Fanghua
    2008, 27(04):  369-372. 
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    A comparison between the handprints of Sanda athletes and some cancer patients (those diagnosed with stomach, lung and esophageal cancer) shows almost identical characteristics. Developmental trends of fingerprint whorl patterns increase, whereas ulnar loop patterns decrease. The related index sign data differ between the reference group and the contrast group by statistics analysis. It is suggested that the Sanda athletes diet may have an effect on preventing the occurrence of malignant pathological changes above.
    The genetic relationships of the 7 Y2STR Loci in the 13 populations of China
    ZHU Yongsheng, HUO Zhenghao, DANG Jie, CHEN Yintao, PENG Liang
    2008, 27(04):  373-378. 
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    The purpose of this research was to study the genetic relationships of the 7 Y chromosomal short tandem repeat gene loci (abbreviated as 7 Y2STR gene loci) in 13 populations. The frequency of alleles of the 7 Y2STR loci (DYS19, DYS389 I, DYS389 II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393) were obtained from a sample of 150 unrelated individuals living in Ningxia. We used multiplex amplification, and the genotypes were determined using Genescan and Genotype software of the ABI377 DNA sequencer. Once the genetic data was collected, genetic distance was calculated and a phylogenetic tree constructed. This tree showed that the Hui population of Ningxia, Han of Beijing, Yunnan, Anhui, Tianjing, Hunan, and Fujian peoples were in an identical cluster. Tibetan, Yugur, Pu nationalities and others were another cluster. It is clear that the Hui population have genetic affiliations with the Han in China and thus provide molecular biological evidence for Hui nationality genetic affiliation. The 7 Y2STR gene frequency distribution in 18 groups is clearly parallel to geographic distance.
    Paleodietary analysis of humans from the Neiyangyuan site of Xiangning, Shanxi province
    PEI Deming, HU Yaowu, YANG Yimin, ZHANG Quanchao, ZHANG Guowen, TIAN Jianwen, WANG Changsui
    2008, 27(04):  379-384. 
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    In this paper, we analyzed the carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in human teeth from the Neiyangyuan Site, Shanxi Province, in order to reconstruct diets, reveal lifestyle, and explore the effects of the Rongdi Minority on the human economy. The site belongs to the Jin Culture, with its archaeological emphasis on agriculture, however mean values of δ13 C ( - 8.27% ) and δ15 N ( 9.54% ) in thisresearch indicated that the lifestyle of these ancestors mainly relied on stockbreeding. Obviously these results might be influenced by the horde ( Rongdi) . The abnormal δ13 C value ( - 15.36 % )and the higher δ15 N value ( 9.88 %) from sample XNM50 indicated that hunting was a subsistence activity. Statistical analysis of δ13 C and δ15N values showed that there were no distinct sexual differences in diets but there were significant differences between graves of different sizes.