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    15 June 2009, Volume 28 Issue 02
    Late Pleistocene human teeth found in the Huanglong Cave, Yunxi of Hubei Province
    LIU Wu; WU Xian-zhu; WU Xiu-jie
    2009, 28(02):  113-129. 
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    The morphological and metrical features of seven late Pleistocene human teeth found in Huanglong Cave, Yunxi County, Hubei Province, were compared with relevant fossil and recent human samples. Our work indicates that most of the dental features of the Huanglong Cave teeth resemble those of modern humans, with a few features also identified in the late Pleistocene humans. The occurrence of shoveling and double shoveling on the upper incisors , and enamel extension on the upper molar from the Huanglong Cave suggest that these humans already had typical dental morphological features of East Asian populations. This study also found a greater size and more pronounced robustness in the Huanglong Cave anterior teeth as compared to modern humans. Obvious damage and chipping caused by non-masticatory utilization of teeth was also recognized.
    A report on the 2007 excavation of the Ranjialukou Paleolithic Site in the Three Gorges Region, China
    PENG Fei; PEI Shu-wen; MA Ning; GAO Xing; LI Guo-hong
    2009, 28(02):  130-146. 
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    The Ranjialukou Paleolithic site, located in Fengdu County, Chongqing, is buried in the third terrace of the left bank of the Changjiang River. The site has been excavated three times during 2000, 2001 and 2005 field work seasons by the staff of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Chinese Academy of Sciences), as part of a salvage archeological project in the Three Gorges Region. The past excavations exposed a total area of about 1800 ㎡, with 1031 stone artifacts collected. A 4th excavation was divided into A and B trenches, which exposed area of 264㎡ and 1740㎡ , respectively.
    Five stratigraphic layers of the third terrace were identified at the site, with the total thickness of more than 5 meters. Archaeological materials were unearthed mainly from the 5th layer, a layer of alluvial cobbles 1.0 m —3.0 m in thickness. A total of 470 and 116 stone artifacts were unearthed from the cultural layer of A and B trenches, respectively. Note that there are also 24 stone artifacts from the upper cultivated layer of trench B.
    The stone assemblage includes cores, flakes, chunks and retouched tools. Lithic raw materials exploited core reduction and tool manufacture were locally available from ancient riverbeds, and there were more than 14 kinds of raw materials belonging to igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic types. Silicarenite is the predominant raw material, and the principal flaking technique is direct hammer percussion without prepared striking platforms, but showing anvil chipping and throwing against anvil techniques (“ Yangtze flaking technique”) . Most stone artifacts are large in size, and most blanks for tool fabrication are flakes exceeding 80 percent of blank size. Seven retouched tool classes are identified, with choppers and scrapers being the dominant classes, followed by notches, knifes, points, picks and cleavers. Modified tools appear to be retouched by direct hammer percussion with mostly unifacial retouch on the distal end and lateral margin of the blank.
    Geomorphological and chronological comparison among sites in the Three Gorges region indicates that early human activities took place in the late Middle Pleistocene. The stone tool assemblage of the site not only resembles the Pebble Tool Industry (Main Industry) in South China , but also bears the unique characteristic of a high percentage of flakes and flake tools in the assemblage. It can be inferred from a comparison of the Three Gorges region, Luonan basin in Shannxi Province and Hanshui drainage area that this high percentage of flakes and flake tools existed in the adjacent areas, which may indicate a single Paleolithic cultural tradition.
    A report on the excavation at the Xishan Paleolithic Site, Xintunzi County, Fusong City
    CHEN Quan-jia; ZHAO Hai-long; WANG Chun-xue
    2009, 28(02):  147-153. 
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    The Xishan site , situated at the Xishan Hill of the Xintunzi town in Fusong City, Jilin Province, was excavated in 2002. The site consists of 3 layers, with stone artifacts found in Layer 2, the yellow-clay layer. Altogether 30 stone artifacts, all made of obsidian were collected from the site, including blade cores, flakes, and microblades. In particular, the blade core weighed 17.4kg with a blade scar of 322mm in length and 44mm in width on the platform, which is rarely seen. The remains of an oval2shaped basalt stone circle was also found, which is made up of both an inner and outer circle, with the largest dimensions being 6.5m (length) and 4.8m (width). This evidence may represent a hut or a temporary place for the people at that time, and is a very important archaeological discovery in this area. According to the stratigraphy alignment and the lack of polished stone artifacts and pottery, the site can be dated to the upper Paleolithic or later.
    Continued research on the Miaohoushan Site, Liaoning Province
    WEI Hai-bo
    2009, 28(02):  154-161. 
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    The present paper introduces briefly the progress of ongoing research at the Miaohoushan site in Liaoning Province, which is the earliest human occupation in northeast China at the present time. The study shows that stone artifacts including choppers, cleavers, spheroids, picks, scrapers, notches, and bipolar artifacts are similar in technology and typology to the industry at the Zhoukoudian Homo erectus site. The “Miaohoushan fauna” consists of the essential elements of the Zhoukoudian fauna dating to the Middle Pleistocene. New uranium-series dating indicates the age of the Miaohoushan to be at least 500 ka BP.
    A study of the physical characteristics of the Deng in China
    ZHENG Lian-bin; LU Shun-hua; YU Hui-xin; LUO Dong-mei; ZHANG Xing-hua
    2009, 28(02):  162-171. 
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    Sixty-seven physical characteristics on 144 adults (60 males and 84 females) of the Deng living in Chayu county of Tibet were investigated. Thirty-one physical indices and their distributions were also calculated.
    The results of this work are as follows. The percentages of upper eyelid eyefold and mongoloid fold are low. The height of the alae nasi is essentially medium-sized. Nasal root height is medium-sized in males and small-sized in females. Lobe shape and upper lip height are mostly medium-sized. In the Tibeto-Burman language family, many head and face indices of Deng are comparatively low or relatively small, however maximum head breadth is large. Some common physical types of the Deng include hypsicephalic, acrocephalis and mesoprosopy. In males, the percentage of mesocephaly ( length- breadth index of the head ) and mesorrhiny is high, while in female the highest frequency is brachycephaly and leptorrhiny. Typical physical characteristics of the Deng include a long trunk and a medium distance between the iliac crests. In addition, males are of the mesatiskelic type, with medium chest circumference and broad shoulder breadth. Females are of the subbrachyskelic type, with broad chest circumference and medium shoulder breadth. Typical stature of the Deng is short, and generally body indices are very low. Interestingly, the physical characteristics of Deng are similar to the Derung who belong to the South Asian type of Mongoloid.
    A study on skinfold thickness measurement and body composition analysis of students in the Huining Senior Middle School
    LIU Xu-dong; ZHANG Ge-xiang; MA En-he; ZHAO Jin-sheng; XIAO Yong-liang; ZHU Ming; WANG Yu
    2009, 28(02):  172-178. 
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    Objective To analyze and estimate the regularity and characteristic of skinfold and body fat of students in grade one at the Huining Senior Middle School.
    Method To select students through random cluster sampling and measuring their height , weight , subscapular skinfold ( SSF), triceps muscle of arm skinfold ( TSF), and navle skinfold (NSF), and then calculating BMI value, body density and body fat. Results The main problem in this sample was being underweight; 21.07 % males and 17.86 % females had BMI values lower than 18.50 kg/㎡. Weight, height and BMI of the subjects were increasing with increased age. The results of the Huining student sample were higher than that found in a Gansu Province study, but lower than the whole nation in the Physical Fitness and Health Surveillance of Chinese school students conducted in 2005. The lowest values of SSF, TSF and NSF occurred in the 16-year-old group of males and the 15-year-old group of females. These three skinfold measurements of males had a tendency to drop before the 16-year-old group and to rise after 16-year-old group. With increasing age, the body fat of all subjects increased before the 16-year-old time/period and decreased after 16-year-old time/period. The combined body fat (BF- Combined) of males calculated by the sum of SSF and TSF was lower than the body fat as determined by the SSF (BF- SS) but higher than that determined by the TSF (BF- TS). The lean body mass (LBM) of males increased with age, whereas the LBM of females did not change significantly with increased age, however, the LBM- Combined of both males and females was higher than the LBM as determined by the TSF and by the BF- SS (LBM- SS). There is a difference in the percentile of the sum of SSF and TSF in males and females of this study as compared with the Physical Fitness and Health Surveillance programme. The P3, P5 and P10 of males were higher with other slower than the percentile norms from 2005. The percentile of females aged 14 were higher than the norms in 2005 with other ages were lower. All of these results indicate that the body fat of students in Huining Senior Middle School were not high compared to other groups.
    Conclusion These findings showed that physique development of Huining students was in agreement with children in puberty but that the main problem in this sample was that of being underweight. The major growth in males was mainly defined through body weight, and that of females through body fat. It is suggested that there be further education in promoting more exercise and the development of a better diet, especially an increased intake energy foods and high grade proteins. An improvement in living habit is also recommended.
    Morphometric analysis of Chinese teeth: molar crown and cusp areas of a recent north Chinese population
    XING Song; LIU Wu
    2009, 28(02):  179-191. 
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    Studies of the molar crown basal area and relative basal cusp area in human evolutionary research has been important but it has been difficult to measure precisely the occlusal or cusp areas of the teeth. In recent years, advances in computer technology have made it possible to quantify some of these complex traits. With the combination of digital photography and advanced computer software, two non-linear morphologies, absolute occlusal area and relative basal cusp area ( RBCA) , of maxillary and mandibular molars of recent Northern Chinese have been quantified. From the results of this research, the following conclusions are made: the gradation protocone> paracone> metacone> entocone as noted in any one of the maxillary molars, while the RBCAs display various sequences in the three mandibular molars; the metacone and protocone of the maxillary molars shows a clear allometric tendency; the RBCAs variability is collectively higher in the mandibular molars than in the maxillary molars, distal cusps rather than mesial cusps, and increases from M1 to M3. This research investigated the molar RBCAs of modern Chinese for the first time and now provides fundamental data for future application in palaeoanthropological and physical anthropological work.
    A comparative study on the tooth crown size of Pleistocene fossil orangutan from South China and its taxonomic implication
    WANG Cui-bin; ZHAO Ling-xia; JIN Chang-zhu; HU Yao-wu; WANG Chang-sui
    2009, 28(02):  192-200. 
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    A great number of Pleistocene fossil orangutan teeth have been discovered in south China in recent decades. These materials will play an important role in understanding the large ??hominoid evolution and environmental change in eastern Asia. In present paper, total 192 postcanine teeth of Pleistocene fossil orangutan from at least 17 localities of south China are measured for tooth crown size (MD×LB) and compared with the data of Holocene subfossil and extant orangutan from Indonesia by Hoosier’s ( 1948) . The results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in postcanine tooth crown sizes, mainly in premolars and first two molars between three groups. The Pleistocene orangutan teeth from south China are significantly bigger than that of the extant orangutan, and also somehow bigger than that of those Holocene subfossil orangutan from Indonesia. The results indicate it is acceptable that the Pleistocene fossil orangutan in south China is assigned to one subspecies, Pongo pygmaeus weidenreich (Hooijer, 1948) .
    ChaÎne Opératoire in lithic analysis: definition, concept, and applications
    CHEN Hong; SHEN Chen
    2009, 28(02):  201-214. 
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    This paper provides a comprehensive review to the concept of the Cha?ne opératoire in lithic studies, one of the most important but confusing analytic concept since 1970s. Having discussed its development , definition , context , and applications, the authors consider the concept of the Cha?ne opératoire to be a dynamic theoretical device and a methodological alternate in lithic analysis, rather than simple analytical techniques equivalent to “core reduction”,“refitting analysis”or “mass analysis ”,which could be integrated into analyses of dynastic stone tool lives. In the view of the authors, the framework of the cha?ne opératoire was built on two behavioral dynamics ( technical gestures and mental operations ) that are connected through an operational sequence. A few archaeological applications demonstrate that the use of the concept of the Cha?ne opératoire in lithic analyses can be successful if researchers have posted a sequence of questions related to the dynamic life of stone tools with sufficient and applicable data. In order to understand this concept in comparison with similar terminology commonly used in North American archaeology, this paper introduces the concepts of behavioral chain, organization of technology, and reduction sequences illustrating the advancement of the Cha?ne opératoire. However, this theoretical concept still has some problems that need to be refined in the future.