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    15 December 2011, Volume 30 Issue 04
    Fingerprint patterns of Chinese gifted gymnasts
    SHAO Zi-wan; YUAN Lin; DIAO Hong
    2011, 30(04):  345-356. 
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    This study aims to investigate any differences of fingerprint patterns between gifted and ordinary gymnasts in China in order to provide references of potential to identify those gifted gymnasts at their young ages. The comparison of 100 gifted and 100 ordinary gymnasts in this study has revealed some significant differences between the two groups for three categories of parameters: type of fingerprint patterns, composition of fingerprint patterns and TFRC. More specifically, the gifted gymnasts have significantly higher frequencies for the following traits: Wd of middle fingers of both hands, Wd of right index fingers and ring fingers; Lu/WS of thumbs of both hands, Wd/Wd of middle fingers of both hands, Ws/Ws of little fingers of both hands; five- digital pattern 03011 of left-hand and 01022 of right-hand; ten-digital pattern 07003 and 05032 of both hands. A more symmetry of FRC figures between left hands and right hands is also noticed in the gifted gymnasts.
    Physical characteristics of the Buriats in China
    LI Yong-lan; ZHENG Lian-bin; LU Shun-hua; DONG Qigeqi; LIU Hai-yan; XIE Bin; ZHANG Xing-hua
    2011, 30(04):  357-367. 
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    Buriats are ethnic groups of cross-border distribution, with those of China living in Inner Mongolia. In August 2007 we investigated the physical characteristics of 310 Buriat adults ( 152 males and 158 females), with the following results. In ethnic groups of the North Asian type of Mongoloid, the percentage of eye-fold of the upper eyelid is 49. 34% in males and 58. 23% in feamles. The percentage of Mongoloid Fold is lower with 52. 63% in males and 48. 10% in females. The colors of eye and skin are lighter. The typical physical characteristics of Buriats include hyperbrachycephaly, hypsicephalic type, mesocephaly, mesoprosopy, mesorrhiny, broad chest circumference, medium shoulder breadth, narrow distance between iliac crests, mesatiskelic type, medium length of trunk and squat-type. Euryprosopy is of the highest frequency in the Buriats. Typical physical characteristics of males are super-medium stature, while those of female are of medium stature. The physical characteristics of Buriats belong to a branch of the Central Asian type of the South Asian type of Mongoloid, which also includes Eurasian origins. The physical characteristics of the Buriats are close to ethnic groups of Mongols, but there are also some distinct differences between these two groups.
    Dermatioglyphic analysis of the Han nationality in southern Hebei Province
    JIANG Bing-zheng; LIU Jing; CUI Yue; DU Xiao-min; WANG Chang-hong; YANG Qiu-xia
    2011, 30(04):  371-378. 
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    In this research we studied the dermatoglyphic characteristics of medical college students belonging to the Han nationality from Hebei Province. A random sampling was conducted among 1020 individuals, which comprised 510 males and 510 females. It was found that frequency order of all fingerprint patterns of this southern area are represented as Lu > W > A > Lr but with significant differences in whorl patterns between the sexes. There was no significant difference of the arch patterns between two hands. Fingerprint patterns in ten fingers indicated significant difference, and the distribution of fingerprint patterns was bilaterally symmetrical. Corresponding fingerprint combinations from high to low were the same in the two sexes, specifically L / L > W / W > L/W > A/L > A/A > A/W. FRC in the five fingers also showed significant differences but TFRC between the two sexes had no significant difference. There was a difference in the frequency of T/I、III、IV between the two sexes. In conclusion, we believe that fingerprint distributions show that homotype combinations have a very high compatibility whereas allotype combinations have no compatibility. Dermatoglyphic growth is mainly controlled by inherited genetic factors but is also influenced by sex. This research data showed that the group in southern Hebei Province, Shandong Province and in Liaoning Province belong to the same sub-group of the Northern Group.
    Cranial non-metric evidence for population admixture between east and west Eurasia in bronze age, southwestern Xinjiang
    ZHANG Jian-bo; WU Xin-hua; LI Li-ming; JIN Li; LI Hui; TAN Jing-ze
    2011, 30(04):  379-404. 
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    Xinjiang, the western-most province of China, was the area where the Oriental met the Occidental, and thus human groups in Xinjiang exhibit different ratios of population admixture and very high genetic diversity. However, few studies have been undertaken to determine when this population admixture began. In this paper, we studied 61 discontinuous traits of 20 skulls from the Bronze Age Liushui graveyard in Keriya County ( Katan) in southwestern Xinjiang to examine possible population admixture. Twenty discontinuous traits were used to compare the Katan samples with 53 population samples from various areas of Eurasia and North Africa. These traits included auditory exostosis, lambdoidal ossicle, occipito-mastoid bone, asterionic ossicle, parietal notch bone, accessory infraorbital foramen, hypoglossal canal bridging, tympanic dehiscence, accessory mental foramen, condylar canal patent, metopism, precondylar tubercle, paracondylar process, mylohyoid bridging, biasterionic suture vestige, jugular foramen bridging, transverse zygomatic suture vestiges, medial palatine canal, ovale-spinosum confluence and supraorbital nerve foramen.
    As the data did not show significant difference between males and females in the same population, we pooled the data of both sexes for each population in the analyses. Frequency comparison indicated that the Katan samples have closer affinities to southeastern Asians, eastern Asians, and southern Asians than to Arctic populations and North Africans. Fisher's exact probability test for the 20 discontinuous traits was performed between the Katan samples and the pooled samples of 12 geographical regions respectively. Few significant differences between these populations were found suggesting that the Katan population might have various origins and be related with peoples from various areas in Eurasia. Genetic distances between the Katan samples and another 53 samples were also analysed using principal components analysis, neighbour-joining tree, and multidimensional scaling base on the Smith's mean measure of divergence. These results indicated that population sample of Katan was mixed by the western and eastern Eurasians with strong similarities to the South Asian population.
    Therefore, we have demonstrated that population admixture between east and west Eurasia can be traced back to as early as 1000 BC in southwest Xinjiang.
    Processes in the study of primate nutritional ecology
    GUO Song-tao; JI Wei-hong; CHANG Hong-li; DAVID Raubenheimer; LI Bao-guo
    2011, 30(04):  405-414. 
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    Nutritional ecology is a field that studies the quantity and quality of food taken in by animals and involves adaptative and functional mechanisms used by those animal populations. There are five main considerations in this field: 1) energy maximization; 2) nitrogen ( protein) maximization; 3) regulation of plant secondary metabolites or PSMs; 4) regulation of dietary fiber; and 5) nutrient balancing. This paper introduces these five considerations in a review of studies by Chinese primatologists.
    The methods of research on the dominance of female in non-human primates
    ZHAO Hai-tao; ZHANG Jian; ZHU Zi-rui; LI Bao-guo; WANG Xiao-wei
    2011, 30(04):  415-424. 
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    Socio-ecological theory suggests a link between the rates of agonism, strength of competition for food or safety, reproduction, and structure of dominance hierarchies among group-living females. With research on non-human primates, it is critical to select the method of determining and describing dominance relationships. In the past, research on the Old World monkeys mainly focused on males, with little emphasis on the role of females. However recently, studies focusing on female dominance relationships have attracted more scientific attention. In primatology, the methods to determine dominance hierarchies are very important. Plenty of behavioral standards ( such as aggressive-submissive, feeding, carrying infant, grooming etc. ) were used in researching female relationships with results showing varied strategies among different species. Primate social structures are divided into two types: linear hierarchy and partial hierarchy, which can be described using different methods. We followed the“dominance-directed tree”methodology, which is able to detect both types of hierarchy. By summarizing a number of different research studies on dominance, this article presents a methodological standard for determining and describing female dominance relationships.
    Social structure of wild Macaca mulatta in the Mt.Taihangshan Area, Jiyuan, China
    TIAN Jun-dong; WANG Zhen-long; LU Ji-qi; GUO Xiang-bao; WANG Bai-shi
    2011, 30(04):  425-436. 
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    Between February 2009 and July 2010, we investigated the social structure of a wild troop of Macaca mulatta(named Wangwu 1 or WW-1) living in the Henan Taihangshan Macaque National Nature Reserve in Mt.Taihangshan area, Jiyuan, China. We collected data of agonistic behaviors among the adult individuals and matrilineal units by the Ad libitum sampling strategy and then established dominance hierarchies based on David's Score methodology. We also collected data on moving order of adult individuals' arrival to the provisioning site by instantaneous and scan sampling,and analyzed the relationship between social rank and moving order. The results showed that this troop with 41(7 adult males,13 adult females and 21 immature) individuals had an adult sex ratio(♀:♂?) of 1.43, and that all adult females belonged to three matrilineal units. In addition, the following ratios were evident-adult male: adult female: sub-adult male: sub-adult female: juvenile male: juvenile female: infant male: infant female, 1: 1.86: 0.29: 0.43: 0.86: 1.29: 0.14: 0, and the percentage of the immature accounted for 56.4% of the total troop members. A linear dominance hierarchy was found among adult individuals and the matrilineal units in the troop with the dominance rank of adults given by individual abbreviated name as: HB CH BB PZ HL JL XBL ZM GB CM HJ XBD BD BY HT, and for matrilineal units: HL Unit CM Unit BD Unit. We conclude that the Taihangshan macaques exhibited multi-male and multi-female social structure, with the dominance hierarchy of adult males steeper than that of adult females,while the social rank of adult females determined by their matrilineal unit's social rank. Besides, the α(alpha) rank of this troop was HB, an adult male who had clear priority access to food resources.