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    15 September 2015, Volume 34 Issue 03
    Discussions on the Significance and Geologic Age of Penghu 1 Mandible
    WU Xinzhi, TONG Haowen
    2015, 34(03):  281-287. 
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    This human mandible has been reported by Chang et al. in Nature Communications, 2015. The present authors consider that it is worthy to give further analysis and discussion on the significance and date of this important specimen. The extraordinarily high index of robustness, large bicondylar breadth, large P1-P2 alveolar length, robust lateral superior torus, wide extramolar sulcus, especially big molar and absence of the mental protuberance, suggest the mandible belonging to Middle Pleistocene. While the alveolar index at M2, superior mandibular length and ramus heights may represent the progressive features of this mandible. The positions of the lateral prominence and mental foramen, the deep depression formed on the planum triangulaire between the crista endocoronoidea and the crista endocondyloidea, congenital agenesis of the third molar, absence of the retromolar space, short condyle and large M2 indicate the mandible’s closer affinity with the East Asian than with European Pleistocene humans. The lack of typical member of Stegodon-Ailuropoda fauna in Penghu fauna suggest that the Penghu mandible was more probably derived from northern than southern China. The single mental foramen and wide extramolar sulcus suggest this mandible not belonging to Homo erectus. The authors incline to tentatively classify the mandible into archaic Homo sapiens without excluding the possibility of raising a new species name for it after discovering relevant fossils in the future. If the the standard for sexing in Homo erectus proposed by Weidenreich could be applied to the Penghu mandible, it is reasonable to be of a female individual. Among human fossils the lack of chin could be seen in Neanderthals, Middle Plesistocene and earlier humans. The absence of retromolar space, congenital agenesis of third molar, and the position of the mental foramen, wide extramolar sulcus, and the alveolar index at M2 are unfavourable to attribute the Penghu mandible to Neanderthals. The index of robustness, P1-P2 alveolar length, condyle length, the position of lateral prominence support the Penghu mandible being closer to Middle Pleistocene Homo of East Asia than to Neanderthals. So the lack of chin in Penghu mandible more probably reflex its Middle Pleistocene age than its attributing to the Neanderthal lineage. Until present mandibles with incipient chin have been found at Klasies River Mouth of South Africa and Zhirendong Cave, Chongzuo, South China. The former is estimated as around 90 ka BP, the latter was dated as around 110 ka BP. Penghu mandible has no chin at all, so it could not be as late as the mandibles of these two sites or it should be in Middle Pleistocene. The sea bottom of Penghu channel was exposed in several time periods including 10ka~70ka, 130ka~190ka, 225ka, 240ka~280ka, (300ka?,) 335ka~360ka and 425ka~450ka BP. Judging from the dates of exposures of sea bottom in this area of Taiwan Strait and morphology of the Penghu mandible especially the difference between Penghu and Zhirendong mandibles in the morphology of symphyseal region, the date of the former could be in the range between 130 ka and 450 ka BP.
    Early Mid-Pleistocene Stone Artifacts Including Handaxes Discovered at the Baifeng Site in Tianyang County, Bose Basin, Guangxi, South China
    LI Dawei, HUANG Zhongzheng, LUO Zhibo, LIAO Wei, WANG Wei
    2015, 34(03):  288-298. 
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    The Baifeng Paleolithic site is located in the fourth terrace, southern bank of the Youjiang River, Bose Basin, South China and in 2008 there are 37 pieces of stone artifacts with 2 pieces of tektites discovered in situ. These stone artifacts include two handaxes and sixteen picks and most of their blanks are flat cobbles. Their raw materials are sandstone, quartzite, quartz, lava and so on. Some tektites coexisted with the stone artifacs from the fourth terrace were dated to around 803 ka BP and thus it is estimated that the age of the Baifeng site should be in the end of the Early Pleistocene.
    Stone Artifacts Collected from the Xibaimaying Site in the Nihewan Basin
    JIA Zhenxiu, ZHANG Xinglong, PEI Shuwen
    2015, 34(03):  299-306. 
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    The Xibaimaying site is one of the most important Late Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin. Eighty seven stone artifacts were collected from the anthropogenic layer of the site. The stone artifact assemblage can be classified into cores, debitage and retouched pieces. The debitage dominates the whole assemblage and comprise of whole flakes, broken flakes, flake fragments, and chunks. Chert dominates the raw material type, followed by quartz and siliceous dolomite. Most stone artifacts are small in size. The principal flaking technique at the site is direct hammer percussion followed by bipolar technique. Scraper is the tool type which was modified by direct hammer percussion. According to the new materials and the report on the excavation of Xibaimaying site in 1980s, the lithic technology of the site can be assigned to the small Flake Tool Tradition in North China.
    Sample Method for Studying a Large Number of Stone Artifacts Based on Lithic Materials of the Dayao Site
    XU Ting, WANG Yinghua, SHAN Mingchao, LIU Jiaxu, CHEN Fuyou, GE Junyi
    2015, 34(03):  307-317. 
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    In combination with the features of simple random sampling, cluster sampling and continuous repeated sampling, this paper designs specific program of sampling research which can be used to study large number of stone artifacts. By sampling and assessing at the same time, we can deduct the whole picture using limited samples. The article uses this method on the research of the stone artifacts of the Dayao site and has got some success. Specific procedures are as follows. First, divide the overall into several independent groups with the cluster sampling method and make every group be numbered. Second, use simple random sampling method to select a random group and get the results of the statistical analysis. Then, select another group in the remaining randomly. Accumulate the group with the first group and make statistical analysis. And so on, repeating to sampling statistics stabilized. The sampling and evaluation of samples simultaneously in this sampling method, not only to control the sample size, but also to verify the statistical reliability of the results. Besides, this sampling method can also help to trace the source of the stone artifacts as well as the study of comparison of areas where different stone industries distribute.
    Minimum Analytical Nodules Analysis of Stone Artifacts from the Xujiacheng Site, Gansu Province, North China
    ZHAO Yuchao, LI Feng, CHEN Fuyou, LI Gang, WANG Shan, GAO Xing
    2015, 34(03):  318-329. 
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    Refitting of chipped stone artifacts is an increasingly common research method in China. Grouping artifacts into raw material units is always the first step as the preparation for refitting. Refitting studies are very time consuming and sometimes only little is found to be fitted together. However, the units formed in the refitting process still yield useful information. We discuss minimum analytical nodules (MAN) and their analysis approach (MANA) as a means of further understanding site formation process, technological organization and mobility at the Xujiacheng site. The site buried in the Malan Loess overlying the second terrace of the Shuiluo River in Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province. Archaeological materials were mainly unearthed from the 4th and 5th layers. The assemblage used in this paper focuses on the 346 stone artifacts which were unearthed from the 4th layers. 11 different raw material nodules were identified including 124 stone artifacts. The minimum analytical nodules analysis shows that the distribution pattern of stone artifacts in the main archaeological layers were resulted from in situ stone flaking and retouch. The interruption is much stronger on the border between different layers. The stone artifacts have strong expedient characteristics. Basing on the limited area, it is difficult to separate different types of activity areas within the site. The MAN could not be refitted completely, suggesting some artifacts were moved in or removed from the site. The implications are that occupants of Xujiacheng primarily employed relatively short foraging trips around the local site, and there were likely several living centers coexisted in this area. MANA is applicable to assemblages that contain materials which are highly variable in color and texture. Limited by the lithic materials which were dominated by quartz and granite and small excavated area which is around 20m2, this research does not show all the potential of MANA. Future studies should combine all potentially useful methods together as a means of building more robust theory to get more information on lithic technology, site formation, spatial organization and human mobility.
    Influence of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Raw Stones Collected from the Shuidonggou Site
    SHAO Yaqi , HUAN Yong , DAI Yujing , ZHOU Zhenyu, GAO Xing, YANG Haisheng
    2015, 34(03):  330-337. 
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    The Shuidonggou site in Ningxia Province shows for the first time confirmed existence of heat treatment in the East Asian Paleolithic. In this paper, quantitative study about the mechanical properties was conducted on dolomitic stones from the Shuidonggou site through compression tests and XRD (x-ray diffraction). The results showed that after the stones were heated at 450oC, raw materials became more homogeneous with a decrease of SiO2 and an increase of calcium content. Correspondingly, a 31% decrease of the average value of compression strength was observed, along with a 27% increase of the average value of maximum strain. Zigzag phenomena occurred in stress-strain curves through intermittent cracking of the stone. These transformations led to less knapping force and more opportunities to adjust knapping directions, and consequently reduced knapping difficulties. Through heat treatment, the quality and production efficiency of stone improves.
    Pleistocene Bos (Bibos) gaurus from Bailong Cave in Yunxi County, Hubei, China
    WANG Xiaomin, XU Chunhua, TONG Haowen
    2015, 34(03):  338-352. 
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    Bovine is very common in Quaternary hominid sites in China with abundant fossil specimens. But there are still many controversies of the identification and classification. Isolated teeth are the most very often finds at cave sites in South China, so the problems about the identification of Bovine are particularly acute. The present paper describes the fossil Bovine from Bailong Cave in Hubei Province. There are a large quantity of isolated teeth, broken crania, horn-cores, mandibles and post cranial bones. The remarkable characters of these fossils are as follows: horn-cores short and strong, dorsoventrally elliptical in cross-section; frontals arched and rised between the horn-cores; parietals retreat from face frontails; occipitals round and relatively high; postcornual constriction is quite narrow and the temporal fossae have strong depressions; the angle of mandible is over 90°and the mandibular ramus leans backward; morphological complexity of p2 is between that of Bubalus and Bos (Bos) taurustaurus. Based on the morphological characters and dimensions, these fossils are referred to Bos (Bibos) gaurus. Bailong Cave has the most abundant specimens of Bos (Bibos) gaurus in China, which offer the important evidences to distinguish the Bovine fossils from Cave sites in South China.
    A Research of Domestic Animal Bones from the Lanjiazhai Site
    WU Xianzhu, ZHOU Houxi, HUANG Miaobing
    2015, 34(03):  354-366. 
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    In 2012, six species of livestock bones, including Equus caballus, Bos taurus, Capra hircus, Gallus gallus domesticus, Canis familiaris and Sus domestica of Spring and Autumn period, were unearthed from the Lanjiazhai site in Wushan Mountain. It is the only ancient culture site that six kinds of domestic animal bones in the pre-Qin period in the Three Gorges area were discovered at present. Wild animals were the main meat resources for people then, so it is difficult that domestic animal bones are discovered in early stage historical period in the Three Gorges area. Some major species of these domestic animals from the Lanjiazhai site, provide important materials for us to analyze and study the developmental process of economy model, behavior pattern and regional culture, etc. Equus caballus and Bos Taurus bones among them are the earliest domestic animals in the Three Gorges area, and their findings indicate that there existed some collisions, communications and integrations of various regional cultures then.
    A Study of the Daur Human Remains of Qing Dynasty from Nierji Reservoir Area, Heilongjiang Province
    ZHANG Quanchao, SUN Zhichao, ZHANG Qun, ZHAO Yongjun, ZHU Hong
    2015, 34(03):  367-376. 
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    protect the relics in the Nierji Reservoir area, the Heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Archaeology excavated three cemeteries of the Daur, namely the Quanfa(2002-NQ), the Tuanjie(2002-NT) and the Tiegula(2004-NT) and found some human skulls. In this paper, 6 ancient human skulls (4 male, 2 female) unearthed from the Nierji Reservoir were studied. Due to the striking similarities of the three cemeteries, we can regard the cranias from these cemeteries as one human group to conduct anthropometrical research. According to the culture relics information, such as epigraphs, we guess that the cemeteries belong to the Qing Dynasty. According to the result, we can guess that the Daur cranias are the most similar to the North Asiatic Mongoloids group, and there are also some characteristics that resembles the Eastern Asiatic Mongoloids in anthropology. The morphological features of the Duar group crania show that they have close relationships with the ancient Khitan population in physical characteristics, and thus provide some important materials in studying the origin of the Daur people.
    A Study of Human Statures of Skeletons Found in Han, Tang and Song Dynasty Tombs, Zhengzhou Area
    SUN Lei, ZHU Hong
    2015, 34(03):  377-389. 
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    In this paper, limb bones of adult skeletons (55 Han, 22 Tang and 39 Song) were observed and measured. These skeletons came from Han, Tang and Song dynasty tombs from the Xuecun site of Xingyang and other Xinzheng sites in Zhengzhou City. Statures have been calculated from the maximum lengths of the humeri, femora and tibiae according to formulae estimated by Chen Shixian and Zhang Jizong. The average statures of males in Han, Tang and Song dynasties are 169.52cm (159.11cm female), 167.03cm (158.39cm female) and 164.49cm (156.17cm female). T-tests were employed for comparisons of average statures between the sexes and dynasties. Differences between sexes were statistically significant in the same dynasty, but none of the differences between dynasties were statistically significant in the same sex. The decline of statures in the three dynasties could be associated with the integration of ethnic Han in the Central Plains and other populations in China. The decline might be caused by the increase in stress of survival and the influence of nutritional status. The lower degree of sexual dimorphism for the Zhengzhou skeletal series might indicate that differences of the quality and quantity of food received by men and women from Zhengzhou were less than the differences between both sexes from other areas during the Han, Tang and Song dynasties. This research shows that there are possible inequalities between the sexes, which was less than other areas.
    A Study of the Somatotypes Found in the Urban Hakka of Jiangxi
    BAO Jinping, ZHENG Lianbin, LU Shunhua, XUE Hong, WANG Yang, ZHANG Xiaorui, RONG Wenguo
    2015, 34(03):  390-396. 
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    The Heath-Carter somatotyping method is used to study somatotypes of 304 urban adults (154 males and 150 females) of the Hakka from Jiangxi Province. The results are as follows. The mean somatotype values of males and females are 4.0-4.6-2.0 and 5.0-4.2 1.9, respectively, which represents the endomorphic-mesomorph category in males and mesomorphicendomorph category in females. The age of 30 is the cutoff point of this somatotype in urban Hakka, which shows somatotypic differences at about 30 years old. The somatotype of males and females show significant differences before 60 years old, but there were no significant differences after 60 years. Compared with other domestic Han ethnic groups, the male somatotype is close to that of the Han (Inner Mongolia), with females close to that of the Han (Yunnan). Male and female somatotypes of the urban Hakka are slender compared to other Han ethnic groups.
    Genetic of DXS7133, DXS8378, DXS6789 and DXS7423 in the Maonan Ethnic Group from Guangxi Province
    ZHOU Lining, GONG Jichun, LUN Jun, DENG Qiongying, QIN Yaochun
    2015, 34(03):  397-403. 
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    To determine the genetic polymorphism of four X-STR loci among 167 unrelated individuals (57 female, 110 male) for Maonan groups from Guangxi Province, DXS7133, DXS8378, DXS6789 and DXS7423 were genotyped by multiplex PCR and Genscan. The numbers of alleles in the four X-STR loci were 4, 5, 9 and 3, respectively; the numbers of genotypes in the four loci were 5, 9, 18 and 5, respectively. The genotype frequencies in females were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05). The combined polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.9611, power of discrimination (DP) was 0.9771 in males and 0.0.9980 in females, and the combined mean exclusion chance (MEC) was 0.0.9611 in the trio cases and 0.8821 in the duo cases. The 4 X-STR loci were highly polymorphic in Guangxi Maonan population and it is powerful for individual identification, paternity testing and population genetics. As well as the human population genetics and forensic science research offers Guangxi Maonan group X-STR loci of basic data, enrich the genetic database of the Chinese nation.
    CT Analysis on Enamel Thickness of Pleistocene Fossil Orangutan from Guangxi, South China
    HU Rong, ZHAO Lingxia
    2015, 34(03):  404-416. 
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    Thousands of fossil teeth of Pleistocene orangutan were found in South China. In this study, we analyzed enamel thickness of 23 fossil teeth of Pleistocene orangutan from Guangxi by micro-CT scanning and three-dimensional reconstruction, and made some comparisons with other extant primates and modern humans, fossil apes and hominins, and discussed the issues of functional adaptability and taxonomy of enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan. The results are as followings. Enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan is not significantly related to the tooth size within the same tooth type, and there is no significant difference between maxillary and mandibular cheek teeth, and there is no significant difference with other fossil orangutans from different sites of Guangxi. Compared with other fossil apes, enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan is intermediate/thick. Both average enamel thickness (AET) and relative enamel thickness (RET) of Guangxi fossil orangutan are smaller than ones of Australopithecus and Paranthropus, and also smaller than Homo erectus, Neanderthal and early fossil Homo found in Africa and Europe. Compared with extant primates, enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan is thicker than most of monkeys and African apes obviously. Average enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan is a little thicker than extant orangutan but closer to modern human. Relative enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan is thinner than modern humans, and little difference with extant orangutan and both belong to intermediate/thick enamel. Concerning the taxonomy and phylogeny and diet adaptation of enamel thickness, we suggest that enamel thickness might be an intrinsic property that had evolved independently, and have a relationship with dental function. The intermediate/thick enamel thickness of Guangxi fossil orangutan maybe show that they had a relatively hard food adaptation.
    Discriminant Analysis and Allometric Growth Pattern of Hip Bones in Rhesus Monkey from the Taihang Mountains
    HU Fengxia, ZHAO Xiaojin, ZHAO Zhe, MAO Xiaojing
    2015, 34(03):  417-424. 
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    This research explored the sexual differences and allometric growth pattern of hip bones in rhesus macaques. Hip bone specimens were obtained from 66 skeletons of Macaca mulatta (21 male and 45 female). Four innominate variables were selected, and SPSS (Version 20.0) was used for statistical analysis. The one-way analysis of variance was used to compare the mean of each variable between the sexes, and the stepwise function analysis was used to establish discriminant functions that can be used to estimate sex for the hip bones. Most of measurements of hip bones of mature rhesus monkey were shown to be sexually dimorphic (P<0.01), while those of immature were not sexually dimorphic. Innominate bones of immature monkeys of both sexes resembled pelves of mature males. Three patterns of allometric growth in the innominate were tested in this study. Stepwise analysis showed that using the functions with only a single hip variable would effectively identify the sex of the adult monkey, with a correct classification rate of 87.0%. In the sample of Macaca mulatta pelves studied here, it is not possible to distinguish unfused male pelves from unfused female pelves. Sexual dimorphism in the pelvis of Macaca mulatta is related to the interaction between locomotory and obstetrical function, as the female pelvis acquires morphological features during postnatal development that differentiates them from mature male pelves and from immature pelves of both sexes.