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    15 June 1986, Volume 5 Issue 02
    The dental remains of early Homo Sapiens found in China
    Zhang Yinyun
    1986, 5(02):  103-113. 
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    The dental remains whieh were believed to be of early Homo sapiens* were found at several sites in China: Chaoxian, Xujiayao, Changyang, New Cave of ZKD, Tongzi and Dingeun. Unfortunately, these remains have never been systematically compared with each other. So it is not surprising that the teeth of Tongzi were recently reconsidered to be of Homo erectus rather than of early Homo saplens. Furthermore, the work on Xujiayao teeth led to an open question of two types of early Homo sapiens coexisted in China.
    In this paper, all the human teeth from the sites mentioned above are compared, the dental characters of early Homo sapiens are summarized, and the coexistance of two types of early Homo sapiens is diseussed.
    The sites, except Dingeun, yielded 23 teeth in total. As a whole, these teeth resemble those of Homo erectus in nonmetric characters. The measurements of these teeth show that the canines and posterior teeth are hardly distinguished from those of Homo erectus while the incisors tend to be broader. The dental remains of Chaoxian, Xujiayao, Changyang, New Cave of ZKD and Tongzi, taken together, should represent a group of early Homo sapiens, equivalent to or closely related to the early group of this grade. It is also suggested by their dating.
    As to the three teeth of Dingcun, their reliable dating is still awaited. The inei-sors and molar appear to be modern. However, the molar presents some additional characters which are common to the late group of early Homo sapiens. Conservatively speaking, the Dingcun teeth might represent either the late group of early Homo sapiens or the anatomically modern Homo sapiens. By morphological "dating", the teeth of Dingeun are much younger than those of Xujiayao in age.
    The view that two types of early Homo sapiens coexisted in China can not be supported by the dental remains so far discovered.
    The taxonomy of neolithic man and its phylogenetic relationship to later paleolithic man and modern man in China
    Chen Dezhen
    1986, 5(02):  114-127. 
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    In approaching the taxonomy of Neolithic Man and its phylogenetic relationship to Late Paleolithic Man and Modern Man in China, the statistical methods used here are Penrose's shape distance and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) ; the physieal osteometrie data collected consist of Neolithic Man (15 groups male, 12 groups female) and Later Paleolithic Man (2 groups male, 1 group female) . Eleven characteristics are compared: the Maximum eranial length (g—op) ; Maximum eranial breadth (eu—eu) ; Basi—bregmatic height (ba—b) ; Minimum frontal breadth (ft—ft) : Maximum bizy- gomatic breadth (zy—zy) ; Upper facial height (n—pr) ; Orbital height; Orbital breadth (mf—ek) ; Nasal breadth; Nasal height (n—ns) and Total prognathism (n—nr The results obtained from analyses are as follows:
    Firstly, according to the scattergram based on the principal component scores, combining the dendrogram based on Penrose's shape distance, and also taking the male taxonomy into main consideration, while taking the female for reference (because the differentiations in physical characteristics among male groups, generally speaking, are rather larger than those among females) , the Neolithie Man in China can be divided into two large groups: Northern China group and Southern China group. The Southern China group is composed of Tanshishan, Hedang, Zengpiyan and Hemudu. The Northern China group can be redivided into 3 subgroups: a, Xiawanggang, Miaodigo and Yedian; b, Shigu, Dawenkou and Xixiahou; c. Baoji, Huaxian, Banpo, Hongshanhou and Hengzhen.
    Secondly, Hengzhen is a special group in taxonomy. It is located at the middle position between the Southern group and the third subgroup of the Northern group in the scattergram based on the principal component scores. It is theorized that there exist some blood admixtures in Hengzhen. Moreover, in the wide plane of Northern China (the valley of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River) , the valley of Han River and Inner Mongolia during the Neolithic period some exchange of genetic materials may have occured among the neolithie populations.
    Thirdly, in Neolithic Man of China, both in the Northern group and in the Southern group there exist so-called Negro-Australoid racial traits. The comparison of Neolithie Man with Later Paleolithie Man, based on the main index values and total prognathism of skull, makes it no doubt that these traits can be traced back to Later Paleothic Man of China—Liujiang Man and Upper-cave Man, who can be distinguish- ed clearly from Neolithic Man of China in physical characteristics in the scattergram, and can be considered as two different loeal types of Later Paleolithic Man. The fur ther comparison of Neolithic Man with Modern Man in China (including inhabitants of Northern China, Fujian province and Hainan island) is made, also based on the main index values and total prognathism of skull, showing that the development of the physi- cal characteristies of Chinese is a genetic and successive course from Later Paleolithic Man to Modern Man via Neolithic Man. Thus, so-called Negro-Australoid racial traits, such as the narrow and long cranial pattern, heigh vaulted crania, lower orbit, wide nose and some projective prognathism (from the morphological observations) , themsel- ves are intrinsic characteristies of Neolithic Man in China, only there is a little diffe- rentia in the degrees of display of these traits among groups.
    I am very grateful to Professor Kazuro Hanihara of the Department of Anthropology of University of Tokyo for his help with sending the data to the Computer Centre of the University of Tokyo and his very kind direction.
    The height of mental foramen of Chinese and near contemporary Australian aborigines
    Wu Xinzhi, Wei Xiyun
    1986, 5(02):  128-129. 
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    In Chinese specimens, sexual differences of the height of mental foramen and mandibular body are significant; no signifieant sexual differenee shown in relative height of mental foramen. In Australian specimens, significant sexual differences are shown in the height of mandibular body and relative height of mental foramen. In the height of mandibular body, absolute and relative height of mental foramen no significant difference is shown between these two series. Data are shown in the tables of the Chinese text.
    A further study on the relationship between morphologic features of pubic symphyses and age estimation
    Zhang Zhongyao
    1986, 5(02):  130-137. 
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    This paper gives some further results of the sexual variations in the morphologies of male and female adult (more than 14 yeare old) pubis symphyses (180 of male and 140 of female) , which had been dealt with in the previous paper of the author (1982) . The sexual criteria and morphology affecting factors for assessing age at death were discussed. The author concludes that pubis symphysis morphologies of male and female adults are different from each other, and the corresponding age eriteria, whieh were proposed for male and female based on statistical method, must be used respeetively in the process of age assessment.
    Certain diseases, lower limb injuries, serious malnutrition and pregnaney might give influences to the morphology of pubes, and to the age estimation. 59 cases were tested blindly and checked, and the results were compared with those given by Snow (1983) . Some problems concerned were also discussed.
    The measurements, correlation and sexual diagnosis of Chinese atlas
    Ren Guangjin
    1986, 5(02):  138-142. 
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    The measurements on 85 Chinese atlases (46 male and 39 female) have been taken. The main results are as follows.
    1. The total transverse diameter (X1) and the antero-posterior diameter (X2 ) of the atlas are 45. 98±0. 46 mm and 78. 36±0. 57 mm in male, 42. 06±0. 37 mm and 70. 9土0. 54 mm in female, respectively.
    2. The maximum transverse diameter of the vertebral foramen and the anteroposterior diameter of the vertebral foramen are 29. 76±0. 27 mm and 27. 75±0. 29 mm in male, 27. 75±0. 26 mm and 25. 90±0. 29 mm in female, respectively.
    3. The sexual discriminant function is Z=X1+2. 21098 X2, (X1=breadth, X2 = sagittal diameter) and its critical value is Zo=172. 9102. 12. 9-18. 5% of all cases are the miselassified.
    Sex ratio in Yuxi district, Yunnan province
    Wang Honglin, Du Ruofu
    1986, 5(02):  143-152. 
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    The sex ratio (male: female 100) in Yuxi Distriet, Yunnan Province was analysed by using the data of the last national census in 1982. The following results were obtained:
    1. The sex ratio of total population in Yuxi District (99. 22) was lower than that of the whole country (106. 3) , even the sex ratio in the age group of 0-4 and 5-9 years (103. 45 and 102. 90, respectively) were also lower than those of the whole country (107. 15 and 106. 24, respectively) .
    2. The sex ratio of Dai ethnic group is unusually low, that of 0-14 years old being 98. 54. The sex ratio of Hui ethnic group is also low, with a value of 101. 22 for O-14 years age group, while that for Han ethnic group in the same district is 104. 16.
    3. The persons born in the period of"Great Leap Forward" and“Temporal Difficulties in National Eeonomy" (aged 20-24 years) have a especially low sex ratio (92. 30) , which is the same when caleulated for different ethnic groups, or different counties, or urban and rural populations separately, and also for the whole country. It is suggested that the inerease of spontaneous abortions might be the cause.
    4. The sex ratio of the total population in Yuxi District has been ever increasing steadily since the liberation, from 88. 70 in 1953 to 94. 94 in 1964, , and to 99. 22 in 1982.
    5. The sex ratio of urban area (156. 48) is much higher than that of rural area (95. 86) , which is similar to the other parts of the country.
    The physical characters of Chaoxian nationality in Jilin province
    Zhang Zhenbiao
    1986, 5(02):  153-161. 
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    A somatological survey on 236 males and 177 females of Chaoxian nationality, and on 170 males and 98 females of Han nationality living in Jilin province was carried out by the author in August, 1979.
    In table 6, "t"values of each items between Chaoxian nationality and Han nationality in Jilin Province are calculated. It may be seen that all“t"values of each items between both groups are less than 2 except the aurieular height, the morpholo- gical facial height and the bigonial diameter. These data of "t"values show that the physical character of Chaoxian nationality is basically similar to those of Han na- tionality in Jilin province. Judging from Du values in table 7, it can be seen that Chaoxian nationality is closer to Han nationality in Jilin and Manzu nationality in Hei- longjiang province than other nationalities.
    As to the relationship of the various nationalities in northeastern China, the anthor ealeulates "Cz2" values among the various nationalities and also gives dendrogram based on the shape distance (see figure 2) . The dendrogram indicates that Chaoxian nationality most close to Han nationalities in northeastern China and Manzu and Mongol nationalities, and also close to Han nationalities in Shandong and Hepei provinces. I tentatively place these eight groups into a single physical pattern. Thus, it is proved that have originated they may originate from an aneient inhabitant in north China but not from Papeoasians in Siberia region.
    It is worth noting that Ewenke and Orogin nationalities do not belong to same pattern with Chaoxian and other nationalities in this cluster, which does not conform to any previous statements, i. e. they are far away from other nationalities in northeastern China in the physical character. It may be implied that the origins of Ewenki and Orogin nationalities are different from that of other nationalities in northeastern China. They possibly represent the physical pattern of ancient Tungus tribe.
    A Paleolithic site at Puding, Guizhou
    Li Yanxian, Cai Huiyang
    1986, 5(02):  162-171. 
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    The cave of Baiyanjiao is situated some 9 kilometres south-west of Puding, Guizhou. The cave site was discovered in 1978 and was excavated in 1979, 1982 and 1984. As a result, more than 1000 pieces of stone artifacts, 22 forms of animal fossils and two bone artifacts were obtained. The fossils associated with the industry belong to the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna. A radiocarbon date from Layer 3 at site is 12080±200 B. P. and Layer 5 has been dated by radiocarbon to 14630±200 B. P.
    Uranium series chronological sequence of some palaeolithic sites in South China
    Yuan Sixun, Chen Tiemei, Gao Shijun
    1986, 5(02):  179-190. 
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    The ages of 11 important palaeolithie sites in South China were determined by uranium series dating of vertebrate teeth, bones and travertines. In order to test the assumption that there is closed system in fossil bones, the 230Th, 231 Pa and/or231Pa/230Th ages for every sample were measured simultaneously. Only those ages of samples that give concordant ages by different methods are considered reliable. According to the present and our previously reported results for the palaeolithic sites in North China (Chen, Yuan and Gao, 1984) , an uranium series ehronological sequenee was given.
    The gross and microscopic morphology of the uterine cervix in Rhinopithecus bieti
    Zhang Yaoping, Ye Zhizhang, Peng Yanzhang
    1986, 5(02):  191-197. 
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    The uterine cervix of R. bieti was studed maeroscopically and microscopically. The results were as follows:
    The cervix of R. bieti was not strongly developed and was not clearly demarcated from the corpus uteri. The cervical canal was straight or slightly bent and was not found any colliculus in it. The cervical glands and crypts of the cervical mucosa were absent in the eetocervix and the midcervix; whereas, in endocervix, a few cervical glands and erypts were found. The cervical squamo-columnar junction was located near the external os. The zone of transition between the stratified squamous vaginal epithelium and the cervical columnar epithelium in this animal was not clear. This junetion between both epithelia, therefore, was absent. There were two types of epithelial cells in the cervix, ciliated and seeretory. The later was predominant and it contained a lot of granules whieh were periodie acid schiff positive material. The percentage of the secretory and ciliated cells varied within different sections of the cervix. Ciliated cells of cervical epithelium oceured in 7-25% (table 2. ) The cervical stroma consisted of muscular and fibrous elements. In general, the morphological structure of the uterine cervix in R. bieti was similar to that of Presbytis francoisi, but it differed from that of macaques.