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    15 August 2024, Volume 43 Issue 04
    Invited Papers
    A review of anthropometry research in China
    ZHENG Lianbin
    2024, 43(04):  529-535.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0060
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    Anthropometry is an important branch of anthropology. This paper begins from the initial stage of anthropometry in the 18th century, introduces the main European scientists who promoted the development of anthropometry and several important international conferences of prehistoric anthropology and archaeology, and presents the new methods of anthropometry in recent years. Regarding the beginnings and development of anthropometry in China, after introducing the work of foreign scholars (Ryuzo Torii, Sergei M. Shirokogoroff, etc.), this paper focuses on Mr. Wu Dingliang’s pioneering work in Chinese physical anthropology. This paper analyzes the reasons for the rapid development of anthropometry in the 1980s, and reviews the initial period, vigorous development period, bottleneck period and leap-forward development period of China’s anthropometry research in the past 40 years. The author discusses the significance and function of the living population in anthropometry.

    Research Articles
    Body composition of Baoan adults in Linxia, Gansu Province
    BAI Jingya, CHENG Peng, MA Bin, OUYANG Siwei, WEI Dong, HAI Xiangjun
    2024, 43(04):  536-548.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0047
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    In order to explore the gender differences and age change in body composition, the bioelectrical impedance method was carefully applied to assess a comprehensive set of 31 body composition indicators among 658 adults in Baoan, consisting of 291 males and 367 females. The study discovered that the adults of Baoan possess a commendably normal body fat percentage, and they also exhibit notably developed muscles and impressively higher bone mass. However, the study pointedly revealed that the Baoan adults are teetering on the edge of an overweight status, with males particularly susceptible to the concerning issue of visceral obesity. Gender differences in body composition indicators were distinctly observed, except for visceral fat mass, which demonstrated no significant divergence between the sexes. The study further conducted a thorough analysis of the data across six distinct age groups, uncovering statistically significant differences in all 31 indicators. Indicators such as the visceral fat grade, visceral fat area, visceral fat mass, waist-to-hip ratio, left lower limb fat percent, extracellular fluid, and edema index were determined to be positively correlated with age. Conversely, the total muscle mass, limb muscle mass, estimated bone mass, total body water mass, intracellular fluid, protein, and basal metabolism exhibited a negative correlation with age, signifying a progressive decline in these components as individuals age. Comparative analysis with other ethnic groups illustrated that Baoan males have a higher total body water mass and more developed trunk fat and muscle mass compared to their Tibetan, Han, Hui, and Dongxiang males. They are nearly equivalent to those of the Yugur males. In contrast, Baoan females display a lower trunk and left upper limb fat percentage as well as less right upper limb muscle mass, which is found to be similar to those of Dongxiang, Tibetan, Hui, and Han females, yet they are comparatively lower than the Yugur females. The body composition characteristics of Baoan adults include a normal body fat percentage, well-developed muscles, and good bone condition. Males also tend to have higher levels of total body water mass and visceral fat.

    Physical characteristics of the Huangyi Va people in China
    LYU Jingyi, XIAO Yao, YU Keli, CHENG Zhi, NIE Haobo, GAO Xinying, YAO Yuetong, BAO Jinping, ZHENG Lianbin, ZHANG Xinghua
    2024, 43(04):  549-560.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0040
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    The Va people are distributed in the border area between China, Myanmar and Thailand, and their language belongs to the Mon-Khmer language group, which is divided into Va Va, A Va and Baraoke Va. In order to explore the physical characteristics of the Huangyi Va ethnic group in China, the research team measured the head, face and body parameters of 325 adults (127 males and 198 females) in Dazhai Village, Mengjian Township, Lincang City, Yunnan Province in 2023. Physical index and classification were calculated and analyzed by Excel and SPSS. The results are as follows: The crease rate of eyefold of the upper eyelid of male and female was higher (89.8% in male and 93.4% in female), and the mongoloid fold rate was lower (18.9% in male and 16.2% in female). The opening height of eyeslits was mainly medium, the direction of eyeslits was mainly medium, the maximum diameter of nostrils was mainly transverse, the nasal profile was mainly straight, and the alae nasi breadth was mainly wide. The lobe types was round, the zygomatic projection was tiny, and thickness of lips was middle. There were significant differences between men and women in 47 parameters such as head length, head breadth and minimum frontal breadth, which cresta iliaca breadth and hip circumference were greater in women than in men, and the other 45 parameters were greater in men than in women. According to the occurrence rate of index classification, it can be concluded that the men and women of Huangyi Va are mesocephaly, hypsicephalic, acrocephalic, mesorrhiny, medium trunk, wide chest, wide shoulder and wide crista iliaca, and the short stature type is the highest. Cluster analysis shows that the Huangyi Va ethnic group is close to Va and Deang. The principal component analysis showed that compared with the other 10 ethnic groups, the nose breadth, lip height, mouth breadth and interocular breadth of the Huangyi Va male were larger, and the face breadth and head length of the Huangyi Va male were smaller. The nose breadth, lip height, mouth breadth, interocular breadth, head length of the Huangyi Va female are at a high level.The morphological facial height and face breadth of Huangyi Va female is at a low level. This is closely related to genetic factors, living environment, eating habits and so on. The Huangyi Va adults belong to the physical characteristics of the southern ethnic groups.

    Physical characteristics of the Manmi people in China
    ZHANG Xinghua, XIAO Yao, YAN Kanweng, YU Yingxiang, GAO Wenfang, BAO Jinping, CHENG Zhi, GAO Xinying, YAO Yuetong, LIU Xin, YU Keli
    2024, 43(04):  561-573.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0051
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    A survey was conducted on 61 physical parameters, 20 body indices and 13 somatoscopic characteristics of 121 Manmi adults (53 males and 68 females) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. The results are as follows: The gender differences are statistically significant in 56 physical parameters such as stature, mass and head length. Except for the fact that the thigh circumference is greater in females than in males, the remaining 55 physical parameters are all greater in males than in females. There are statistically significant gender differences in the thickness of lips, opening height of eyeslits, nasal root height, nasal profile and hair occurrence rate of Manmi. Manmi mainly have lissotrichous, with 94.3% of males and 85.3% of females having eyefold of upper eyelid. Male mongoloid folds account for 28.3%, while female mongoloid folds account for 33.8%. The opening height of eyeslits is mainly medium, with the external angle of the eye being mostly higher than the internal angle. The nasal root height is mainly medium, and when the nasal profile is mainly straight. The nasal base is mostly upturned, and the maximal diameter of nostrils is mainly oblique.===The lobe types are mostly round, the chin is mostly straight, and the upper lip height is mainly medium. The physiognomic facial index, morphological facial index, transverse cephalo-fcaial index, vertical cephalo-fcaial index, manouvrier's skelic index and stature-shoulder breadth index of Manmi have statistically significant differences between genders, with male index values higher than females. The length-height index of head, stature-sitting height index, stature-crista iliaca index, stature-height of suprasteral notch above sitting plane index and acromio-cristal index of Manmi also have statistically significant differences between genders, with male index values being lower than females. According to the occurrence rate of index classification, Manmi adults have brachycephaly, hypsicephalic, hypereuryprosopy, mesorrhiny, wide chest, wide shoulder and wide crista iliaca. Compared with domestic ethnic groups, the Manmi physical characteristics are similar to those of the Blang and Jino, and belong to the physical characteristics of southern ethnic groups. The stature, sitting height, crista iliaca breadth, head breadth and morphological facial height of Manmi are relatively small, while the nose breadth, mouth breadth, lip height and nasal height are all relatively large. Compared with foreign ethnic groups, the male head and facial features of Manmi are closest to those of Thai people, while the female head and facial features of Manmi are closest to those of Vietnamese. The physical characteristics of Manmi are related to genetic factors, environmental factors and economic conditions.

    Head and facial characteristics and their differences among different peoples in China
    YU Keli, ZHANG Xinghua, CHENG Zhi, ZHENG Lianbin
    2024, 43(04):  574-585.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0044
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    Head and face parameters are an important part of biological anthropology research. At present, there is a lack of comparative study of large data of head and face parameters in Chinese population. Based on the head and face data of 62 Chinese ethnic groups (53 nationalities ) and foreign ethnic groups collected in recent years, this paper conducts principal component analysis to explore the differences and commonalities of head and face characteristics between Chinese populations, and analyzes the differences of head and face characteristics between Chinese and foreign people. The study found that the head and face characteristics of the Chinese population are divided into northern and southern types. The northern minorities have higher faces, longer ears, higher noses and higher upper lip skins. The southern minorities have lower faces, shorter ears, lower noses and lower upper lip skins. The Han nationality is between the two. In the principal component analysis diagram, the loci of 8 Han ethnic groups are scattered among each other. The Han ethnic groups of the south and north do not form their own dense areas. Compared with foreign people, Chinese people have longer ears, narrower noses and wider faces. The head and face morphology of Chinese people is quite different from that of Negro people, which is relatively close to that of Caucasian people. The ethnic group sites with male and female as the main scattered point plots all form dense areas. The seven Han ethnic group sites all enter the loci dense area, interweaving with the minority sites, and there is no relatively independent Han ethnic group dense area. All these show that there is an obvious fusion process in the development and evolution of the Chinese ethnic groups. The East Asian region where the Chinese live is bordered by the sea in the east and south, by the Gobi in the north, by the mountains in the west, and by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in the southwest. The geographical environment is relatively closed, which limits the communication and integration between the Chinese and other ethnic groups, thus forming typical Mongolian physical characteristics. This is the main reason why the head and facial characteristics of the Chinese are obviously different from those of Caucasian and Negro people.

    A comparison of head and facial characteristics between the Daur ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang
    LI Xin, JIANG Shuai, HUANG Ting, ZHONG Hua, WEN Youfeng
    2024, 43(04):  586-596.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0061
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    In this study, 629 healthy Daur adults (315 males and 314 females) from Molidavar Autonomous Banner (referred to as Moqi) of Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia and Tacheng City of Xinjiang were selected as research objects. 40 head and face indexes were investigated, and 5 head and face indexes and their subtypes were calculated. The data were processed by SPSS20.0 statistical software and R software.Research has found that there is a significant difference in the head and facial features of adults between the Daur ethnic group in Inner Mongolia and the Daur ethnic group in Xinjiang. The average value of each index of Daur nationality in Xinjiang is higher than that of Daur nationality in Inner Mongolia. Inner Mongolia Daur adults have longer head, wider head, wider face, narrower nose and lower nose. The adults of Daur nationality in Xinjiang have the facial features of medium length and width of head, narrow nose and low nose,which may be related to the geographical environment and communication and integration between populations.This study provides a reference for exploring the reasons and rules of the evolution of phenotypic characteristics between Daur ethnic groups and exploring the origin relationship of Daur ethnic groups.

    Latitudinal division of characteristic types of southern and northern Chinese groups
    LI Yonglan, ZHENG Lianbin
    2024, 43(04):  597-612.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0043
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    There are different views in the academic community regarding the latitudinal division of physical types in southern and northern China. In this paper, we wish to explore the latitudinal demarcation of the north-south body type from the values of the eight body indexes in 62 populations totaling 44,969 cases (19,883 males and 25,086 females). Through partial correlation analysis, it is found that latitude and body indexes are still significantly correlated under the condition that the control variables are per capita disposable income, annual average precipitation, annual average light and annual average temperature. Combining the results of the male and female bias correlation analyses, the height-weight index is the most suitable index for latitudinal demarcation analyses of north-south body types. Principal component analysis confirms that the characteristics of the Chinese population are divided into northern and southern types, and that there are no Han and Tibetan-Burmese types in addition to the northern and southern body types. The differences of body index values between Chinese ethnic groups are mainly reflected in three indexes: BMI, height-weight index, and height-chest circumference index. Compared with the southern Chinese male population, the northern male population is relatively obese, with higher percentage body fat, heavier weight and wider chest. The body weight of northern females are generally higher than that of southern females. Based on the distribution of communities in the middle zone of the aggregation area of the southern and northern community loci, the transition zone between the southern and northern types is inferred to be 30.0°~35.0°N. latitude. Through the scatter plot analysis of latitude versus height-weight index, it is found that the majority of the southern population loci are distributed below the left side of 30.0°N, and the majority of the northern population loci are distributed above the right side of 35.0°N. Moreover, there is a significant difference between the left side of 30.0° and the right side of 35.0°in terms of population characteristics. These confirm the suitability of 30.0° to 35.0° as the transition zone between the southern and northern types of China. Therefore, this paper suggests that 30.0°N latitude is the upper limit of the latitudinal distribution of the southern type of population, 35.0°N latitude is the lower limit of the latitudinal distribution of the northern type of population, and 30.0°N latitude to 35.0°N latitude is the transition area of the distribution of the characteristic types of the southern and northern body parts in China.

    Teeth morphology of Han, Hui, Mongolia, Miao and Uyghur peoples in China
    ZHU Haige, QIAO Hui, YANG Chen, GUAN Haijuan, ZHANG Hang, WEN Shaoqing, XIA Bin, TAN Jingze
    2024, 43(04):  613-628.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0050
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    Studies showed that the dental morphological traits are mostly controlled by multiple genes, and environmental factors have a relatively small impact on them. Therefore, there are significant distribution differences in different geographical or ethnic groups. The formation of these differences is closely related to the origin and evolution of populations or ethnic groups in different regions, as well as the communication and integration between populations. It is of great significance for revealing the origin and evolution of populations and the relationships between populations. In this study, 26 dental morphological traits of Han Chinese, Hui, Mongolian, Miao, and Uyghur populations were analyzed. We conducted the side consistency analysis, gender difference analysis, correlation analysis between traits and ageto explore the characteristics of dental morphological traits in five populations. Based on the population frequency data, the dental morphological traits of the five populations were compared with other Chinese populations, Japanese populations, Northeast Asia populations, Southeast Asia populations, European populations and African populations by multivariate statistical analysis. We explored the group relationships between five Chinese populations and global populations, as well as the dental morphological traits of the five populations. Our results showed that there was no difference between left and right sides in most dental morphological traits of the five populations, no gender difference in all traits, most dental traits showed no significant correlation with age. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that results confirmed that there objectively exist two types of dental features called Sundadonty and Sinodonty. The Han Chinese in Taizhou belongs to Northeast Asia populations, and has a high frequency of Shoveling and Double Shoveling. The Miao in Guizhou is located between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia populations, and the incidence of Shoveling is relatively high. The Mongolian in Inner Mongolia and Hui in Ningxia belong to Southeast Asian population by the principal component analysis and multidimensional scale analysis, but they are located between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia populations, and are clustered with the Miao in Guizhou through the adjacency network diagram. The lower frequency of Shoveling and Double Shoveling of Mongolian and Hui are similar to the Southeast Asian population. The Uyghur population is located between the East Asian population, the European, and North African populations, and is closest to the Han Chinese in Taizhou. The high-frequency Shoveling, Double Shoveling, and low-frequency Y-Groove are very similar to the Northeastern Asian population, but the absolute high-frequency of the Cusp4 is similar to the European population, confirming that the Uyghur population is a typical Eurasian mixed population.

    Relationship between body fat and cognitive impairment in the elderly people in Nanyang, Henan Province
    XU Guochang, ZHANG Peihua, CHEN Zhiguo, MA Changde, YE Songshan
    2024, 43(04):  629-637.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0045
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    This study used a cluster random sampling method to measure the body fat mass of 1036 elderly people over 60 years old in Nanyang area using bioelectrical impedance method. The simple intelligence state examination scale was used to evaluate cognitive function, and the distribution of total body and local fat mass in the elderly were statistically analyzed to explore the relationship between body fat mass and cognitive impairment.The results showed that the total body fat, visceral fat, trunk fat, upper limbs fat and lower limbs fat mass of the elderly women in Nanyang area was higher than that of the men (P<0.05). In terms of total body fat, visceral fat, and trunk fat mass, urban males had higher values than rural males, and rural females had higher fat mass than urban females (P<0.05), while no such change was observed in fat mass in upper and lower limbs. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal follow-up studies showed that the total body fat, visceral fat and trunk fat mass decreased with age in males (P<0.05), while no such change was observed in other indexes. Similarly, with the increase of age, there was no statistical difference in the change of total body fat, subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, trunk fat and limb fat mass in females. The incidence of cognitive impairment was 19.47% in males and 28.91% in females, both of which increased with age (P<0.05). The incidence of female cognitive impairment in rural areas was higher than that in urban areas (P<0.05). Total body fat, visceral fat and trunk fat in cognitive impairment group were higher than those in cognitive normal group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in fat mass in upper and lower limbs between the cognitive impairment group and the cognitive normal group. Total body fat, visceral fat and trunk fat were correlated with Mini-mental state examination score of cognitive impairment in all groups (P<0.05). There was no correlation between upper and lower limb fat mass and MMSE score of cognitive impairment in all groups. On the whole, the total body fat, visceral fat and trunk fat of the elderly in Nanyang area has a large gender difference, age difference and urban and rural difference, and has a close correlation with cognitive impairment. The incidence of cognitive impairment is higher in the group over 80 years old and the group of rural women. Health assessment and prevention of related diseases should be strengthened.

    Current physical status and related influencing factors of Zhuang and Han college students in Guangxi
    MA Fuwei, WEI Jingfu, HUANG Xiufeng, WANG Changli, YE Guangbin, ZHOU Min, BIN Xiaoyun
    2024, 43(04):  638-647.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0052
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    According to the Eighth National Survey Report on Students’ Constitution and Health released by the Ministry of Education in September 2021, the decline in college students’ physical fitness has not been effectively curbed. To understand the current situation and differences in physical health between Zhuang and Han college students and analyze the related influencing factors, this study collected the physical fitness test data of Zhuang and Han freshmen from 2018 to 2022 in a college in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It analyzed the grade distribution of the body mass index (BMI) of Zhuang and Han students and compared the differences in physical fitness test indicators and physical fitness index between Zhuang and Han students. The Zhuang and Han students were divided into two groups based on their BMI, and the differences in physical fitness test indicators and physical fitness index within and between the groups were compared. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was employed to explore the influencing factors of physical health. The results indicated that the proportion of underweight, overweight, and obesity in boys was higher than that in girls, while the proportion of normal weight in girls was higher than that in boys. Zhuang students performed better than Han students in 50-meter running, standing long jump, pull-ups (for males) and sit-ups (for females), but the average values of height, weight, vital capacity, and sit-and-reach were lower than those of Han students. Generally, the physical fitness index of Zhuang students was higher than that of Han students. Within the same ethnic group, the differences in physical fitness test indicators and physical fitness index among students with different BMI levels were generally more significant in the normal weight group than in the overweight and obese groups. When comparing Zhuang and Han students with the same BMI level, the differences in physical fitness between the two ethnicities were mainly in the normal weight group. The average values of Zhuang students with a normal body mass index in standing long jump, pull-ups (for males) and sit-ups (for females) were higher than those of Han students, and the mean values of vital capacity and sit-and-reach were lower than those of the Han nationality. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that ethnicity and BMI levels were the influencing factors of students’ physical fitness and health. Compared with normal weight students, the probability of low physical fitness index scores in boys and girls decreased from obesity, overweight, to low weight. The results suggested that there were certain differences in physical fitness and health status between Zhuang and Han students. Different intervention measures should be adopted to enhance the physical fitness and health status of students in different ethnic groups and with different BMI levels.

    Difference analysis of bone mineral density of college students in different sport projects
    LIANG Zhidong, MA Pan, LIANG Jiazhi
    2024, 43(04):  648-656.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0066
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    By comparing and analyzing the differences in bone mineral density of college students in different sports, this paper confirms the effective sports for improving bone mineral density of college students. A total of 500 subjects were recruited from 5 universities in Zhengzhou city by the methods of stratified sampling and simple random sampling. According to their sports specialties, they were respectively named the basketball group, volleyball group, football group, badminton group, table tennis group, tennis group, aerobics group, sports dance group, wushu group and control group. Each group had 50 people, half male and half female. The subjects are all from Henan province and are of Han nationality. The bone mineral density of the 1-4 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4), the femoral neck of the hip, and the whole hip were measured by dual-energy X-rays. SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis of the obtained data. The comparison between genders was performed by t test of independent samples, the comparison between groups was performed by F test, and the multiple comparisons after the event were performed by the S-N-K method. The results showed that there were gender differences in bone mineral density in all groups. Specifically, the bone mineral density of L1-L4, femoral neck and total hip of male students was higher than that of female students, and the above differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The male and female L1-L4, femoral neck and total hip bone mineral density showed significant differences between groups (P<0.05). The bone mineral density of male and female L1-L4 and femoral neck in the basketball group, volleyball group, badminton group and aerobics group was higher than that in the wushu group, football group, dance sports group and table tennis group, and the above groups and the tennis group were higher than the control group (P<0.05). The total hip bone mineral density of boys and girls in the volleyball group, tennis group, basketball group, badminton group and football group was higher than that in the wushu group, sports dance group and table tennis group, and the above groups and the aerobics group were higher than the control group (P<0.05). The results suggest that basketball, volleyball, football, badminton, table tennis, tennis, aerobics, sports dance and wushu sports can improve the bone mineral density of college students, and different sports may have different effects on the bone mineral density of the lumbar spine or hip, among which basketball, volleyball and badminton have relatively better effects.

    Correlation between height and footprint of the adult Han men in Hebei
    LI Yanlei
    2024, 43(04):  657-667.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0026
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    Footprint itself has will ‘leave a trace’ characteristics, and has the incomparable superiority than other trace evidences when used to estimate individual characteristics such as stature. Traditionally, forensic scientists use the stature-footprint length ratio (h/L) to calculate stature through footprint. The h/L (6.876 or 7) now we are using today was developed more than 40 years ago, but populations are dynamic, which means stature estimation standards should be constantly revised, thus ensuring the most accurate estimations are made. Research has shown that h/L has changed. Past statistical studies showed that h/L are greatly influenced by regional, national. However, h/L have not been seen studied in north China, especially in Hebei province in recent years. Therefore, this study focuses on the modern Han adults in Hebei province, establish the correlation between footprint and stature through footprints collecting, measuring and data analyzing, then build regression equation models of stature to estimate the contemporary Han adult male population in Hebei Province accurately and to compare the contribution degree of multiple footprint measurements, give recommendations on the order of the measurements, in order to solve problems more effectively. The sample comprises 205 Han male adults in Hebei province (age 19~51). A stature measurement was collected, and ten linear measurements were then extracted from bilateral footprints. Prior to data collection, a precision test was conducted to determine the repeatability of linear measurement acquisition. What’s more, the environmental factors such as temperature and time were controlled throughout the study. Results show: 1) The mean value h/L of left is 7.336 (6.806~7.848), the right side 7.350 (from 6.755~7.883), both left and right h/L are bigger than 7.33, is greater than the current ratio which is obviously not suitable for people of Hebei province today. 2) The bilateral difference of footprint measurements is significant, and the overall performance for the left foot is greater than the right foot, but less than 2 mm. 3) The length from forth toe to the pternion (D4) show significantly correlation with stature, and has the highest correlation coefficient (left side 0.758, right side 0.769). It was the most accurate single variable in the simple linear regressions to calculate stature with associated error rates of -28 mm to 22 mm. It is concluded that h/L based on noncontemporary individuals which we are using today is not suitable for modern populations, and the D4 measurement is recommended for stature calculation first.

    Relationship between finger length ratio and psychological status of Han Chinese college students in Zhejiang Province
    TANG Tingbing, YE Xiancai, ZHANG Jun, CHEN Guangping, FAN Xiaowen, YE Xiaoou
    2024, 43(04):  668-674.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0042
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    This study investigates the relationship between the digit ratio (specifically, the ratio of the second to the fourth finger, R2/4) and mental health status among Chinese Han ethnicity college students in Zhejiang. Mental health, defined as the state of well-being in which every individual realizes their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community, is of paramount concern in the educational context of Chinese universities. This research involved 473 Chinese Han ethnicity college students aged 19 to 22 from Zhejiang province (161 males and 312 females), with an average age of 20.24±0.651 years. The mental health of the participants was assessed using the Chinese version of the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90), and digit ratios were calculated by measuring the linear distance from the midpoint of the proximal crease to the tip of the second to fifth fingers on both hands using an electronic digital caliper. The findings revealed that the average scores for the nine factors of the SCL-90 ranged between 1.409 and 1.973, with females scoring higher than males in all factors except for somatization and hostility, where no significant gender differences were observed. Apart from the R2/3 and R3/4 ratios of both hands and the R2/4 ratio of the left hand (P>0.05), all other digit ratios were significantly higher in females than in males. Among males, the R3/4 ratio of the left hand was positively correlated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, whereas the R4/5 ratio was negatively correlated. The R2/3 and R2/4 ratios of the right hand were negatively correlated with interpersonal sensitivity, paranoia, and anxiety, respectively. The R2/5 ratio was negatively correlated with both interpersonal sensitivity and anxiety. In females, the R2/4 ratio of the right hand was negatively correlated with interpersonal sensitivity, phobia, and paranoia. The R3/4 ratio was negatively associated with phobia, while the R4/5 ratio showed a positive correlation. No significant correlations were found between other digit ratios and the SCL-90 factors. The preliminary results suggest a potential link between digit ratios and mental health status, influenced by a complex interplay of biological, environmental, and experiential factors. Future research should employ diverse methodologies to further validate the relationship between digit ratios and mental health and explore the underlying biological mechanisms. This study not only offers a new perspective for mental health research but also contributes to understanding the biological basis of human behavior and personality.

    Current situation and countermeasures of dermatoglyphic phenomics in China
    ZHANG Haiguo
    2024, 43(04):  675-686.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0059
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    In the dermatoglyphics phenomics of China, from 1978 to the present, completing a survey of dermatoglyphic variables for all ethnic groups in an ethnically diverse country like China is a huge research project, and an achievement that anthropological and dermatoglyphic scholars in the country could only have dreamed of before. However, through the efforts of scientists in China over the past 30 years, this dream has come true. Now we are organizing the previous achievements. Otherwise, we notice many problems that are not satisfactory. We investigated mostly 25 ethnic groups independently. We have conducted studies on 31 ethnic groups independently and still lack studies on 25 ethnic groups independently, which means the dermatoglyphics research in the country is incomplete. In the phenomics project items that are interrelated and related, we must add individual items. This article lists a large number of tasks that need to be accomplished. Dermatoglyphics phenomics research occupies and consolidates the top position internationally.

    An overview of human nasal morphology
    LI Haijun, YAO Xuechun, WENG Minjie, YANG Xiaoyu
    2024, 43(04):  687-700.  doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0041
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    The nose, as a key point of human facial morphology, exhibits distinctive features for individual appearance and possesses vital physiological functions simultaneously. Specifically, the size and shape of the nose, as well as the proportional relationship between the nose and the face, are crucial factors in facial aesthetics. Moreover, it is also one of the important indicators of ethnographic classification in some studies. Additionally, the nose plays a very significant role during human breathing as it can guide the airflow, alter the airflow resistance, regulate the body’s water loss, and maintain the heat balance. Current research on nasal morphological variation, both domestic and international, mainly encompasses the following various aspects of nasal morphology: 1) Sex- and age-related differences in nasal morphological variation. Generally, males have larger noses than females, especially in terms of nose width, length, and height. However, nasal angle measurements of men, such as the nasofrontal angle, nasal tip angle, nasolabial angle, and alar slope angle, are smaller than those of women. The distribution of nostril shape also varies significantly between men and women. Regarding age difference, there is a critical period for nose growth in adolescence, approximately from age 9 to 14. 2) Nasal morphological differences of the human nose among various ethnic groups. One of the most notable distinctions is the nostril shape. Essentially, Caucasian people have leptorrhine nostril shape, with larger nose height and smaller width; African people have platyrrhine shape, with smaller nose height and larger width; while Asians have mesorrhine shape with medium nose height and width. 3) Factors that affect nasal morphological variation, such as the head size, climate and environment, genetic factors and inheritance, and so forth; 4) Measurement of nasal morphological parameters, including facial landmarks and measurement methodology, both traditional and developed methods. 5) Related applications of nasal morphology, including those in the fields of disease diagnosis, medical orthopedics, personal identification, forensic investigation, and so on.===By summarizing and understanding the research data and conclusions of related existing literature, this paper provides a brief overview of the nasal morphology-related studies and methods of the measurement of nasal morphology. Firstly, it describes the nasal morphological variation between men and women. Secondly, it demonstrates the nose growth difference during different age periods. Thirdly, it compares the nasal morphological differences among ethnicities. Fourthly, it emulates multiple factors that may affect nasal morphology. Fifthly, it introduces the basic nasal morphological parameters and methods. Finally, it gives a review and prospect of the domestic research on nasal morphology.