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    15 June 1982, Volume 1 Issue 02
    More ramapithecus skulls found from Lufeng, Yunnan ——report on the excavation of the site in 1981
    Wu Rukang, Han Defen, Xu Qinghua, Qi Guoqin, Lu Qingwu, Pan Yuerong, Chen Wanyong
    1982, 1(02):  101-108. 
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    The Joint Excavation Team of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleo_x001F_anthropology, Academia Sinica and the Yunnan Provincial Museum excavated at the fossil ape site of Shihuiba, Lufeng County, Yunnan Province (Locality of IVPP 75033) from October to December of 1981.
    The excavation area of the 1981 field season is next to that of 1980. The range of the excavation is 20m in length, 5m in breadth and in depth respectively. In addition, we also excavated a part of the sixth layer of the excavation area of 1980 (19m in length, 10m in breadth and 0.3— .5m in depth). A test pit (2m in length, Im in breadth and 3m in depth) was dug at the northern end of the excavation section.
    The excavation area is higher than that of 1980 because of typographical differ_x001F_ence. It was divided into two areas: northern area (K) and southern area (J). The thickness, composition and structure of every layer of the new excavation section is- somewhat different from that of the excavation section of the last field season.
    The excavation section of 1981 is described as follows.
    Excavation thickness is about 5m. Trend NE 30°, from top downward in turn:
    Yellow sandy clay with sand and gravel lenses. The clay was contaminated by ferro-magnesium and contains small quartz gravel. These materials came from the slope of hill nearby. There is a thin sandy layer on the bottom of layer 1. It thickens westward. An erosional surface exists between layer 1 and layer 2. Thickness 1.3― .6 m. Dip 220°. Dip angle 5°. More than ten kinds of mammalian fossils (Hipparion etc.) were collected.
    A human fossil tooth and fossil mammals from Nanzhao, Henan
    Qiu Zhonglang, Xu Chunhua, Zhang Weihua, Wang Rulin, Wang Jianzhong, Zhao Chengfu
    1982, 1(02):  109-117. 
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    One fossil human tooth and some mammalian fossils described here were collected and unearthed by the authors in the autumn of 1978 from the Xinghua hill foot (112°41z E, 33°28, N) located at 3.5 kilometers North-west of Yunyang city, Nanzhao county, Nanyang Prefecture, Henan Province.
    All fossils were buried in the brown yellow sandy clay situated in the second terrace, the surface of which is about 7 meters above the Jibe River water-level.
    The deposits of this site may be divided into 5 layers ( vide Fig. 3)
    1. Disturbed deposit. 0—Im thick.
    2. Brown black sandy clay. 0— .8 m thick.
    3. Brown sandy clay. 0.5 m thick.
    4. Sandy gravel. 0.1—Im thick.
    5. Brown yellow sandy clay (The fossils were found in this layer). 1.8m thick.
    The human tooth is a right lower second premolar, bigger than that of modern man, but similar to Sinanthropus, we attributed the Nanzhao specimen to Homo erectus in the stage of human evolution according to the faunal evidence.
    Fossil species from the site can be summarized as follows (vide Chinese list 1)
    Among the mammalian remains of the site, there is the element of Tertiary period Machairodontinae, which survived into Middle Pleistocene, and there are also the characteristic forms of Middle Pleistocene, such as Hyaena sinensis and Megaloceros pachyo- steus. Judging from the mammalian fossils of the locality, the age of the fossiliferous bed is considered as Middle Pleistocene and corresponds to that of Sinanthropus.
    In the site, some of North China Middle Pleistocene mammals, such as Equus san- menierms and Megaloceros pachyosteusf lived together with a few elements of South China, Stegodon and Tapirus augustus. The faunal knowledge of the transitional province between North China and South China provinces of the Quaternary mammals of China in Middle Pleistocene is enriched further.
    According to the ecology of the fauna, it seems that when Nanzhao man lived, the natural environment of Nanzhao district was similar to the natural landscape of Nan- zhao region of today.
    Sex differences and sex determination of the innominate bone of modern Han nationality
    Wu Xinzhi, Shao Xinzhou, Wang Heng
    1982, 1(02):  118-131. 
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    The materials studied in this paper include 115 male and 54 female innominate bones of adult si^e, most of which are stored in the Department of Systematic Anatomy of Xinjiang Medial College. They were unearthed from the vicinity of Uromuchi. Most of the specimens were sexed on the basis of the pelvis morphology by the authors, a few female specimens were sexed based on the typical morphology shown on the innominate bones only. No pathological bones are included in this study. All specimens belong to adult individuals.
    The measurements included in this paper are defined as follows:
    Pubic length I. Distance from the central point of acetabulum to the upper border of the pubic symphysis.
    Pubic length II. Minimum distance between acetabulum and upper border of pubic symphysis.
    Ischium length I. Maximum distance between the central point of acetabulum and the ischial tuberosity.
    Ischium length II. Maximum distance between the upper border of acetabulum and the lower border of ischial tuberosity.
    Diameter of acetabulum. Maximum vertical diameter of it.
    Breadth of sciatic notch. Distance between posterior inferior iliac spine and spine of ischium.
    Depth of sciatic notch. Length of a vertical line from the deepest point of this notch to its breadth.
    OB. Measured as shown in Fig. 1.
    The data of measurements and indices are listed in Table 1 in which the items are arranged from above downward as follows: pubic length I, ischium length I, ischiumpubis index I, pubis length II, ischium length II, ischium-pubis index II, diameter of acetabulum, diameter of acetabulum X 100/pubis length II, breadth of sciatic notch, depth of sciatic notch, index of sciatic notch, OB, OB X 100/breadth o£ sciatic notch. In this table, ++ and + stand for statistically very significant (T>3) and significant (3〉T〉2) sexual differences respectively.
    Figures 3—10 show the distribution by sex of various items of measurements or indices. One can diagnose modern Han innominate bones of unknown sex with reference to these features. The ischium-pubis index by itself gives the best sorting.
    We calculated the average of means of each item of both sexes and used it as the boundary value of each item. If all those specimens with larger (or smaller) value are diagnosed as belonging to the same sex, we are making wrong sorting for some specimens. The percentages of wrong sorting by using different items are listed in Table 2.
    Another attempt we made to get better result of sorting is to plot the values of one item against those of another item on a graph paper to obtain s series of diagrams of sex distribution (Figures 11一17) which are very useful for diagnosing innominate bones of unknown sex.
    Data of various ethnic groups published by other authors are compared with the data of the present authors (Table 3). Chinese Han innominate bones are nearer to those of American Whites and Eskimos than to those of Negros and Australian Aborigines. In Table 3, ++ and + stand for very significant and significant statistical differences respectively.
    A preliminary study of estimation of age by morphological changes in the symphysis pubis
    Zhang Zongyao
    1982, 1(02):  132-212. 
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    Morphological features of 180 human symphysis of the pubis af different sex and age were studied. The results of this research were tested in 10 cases. We found that the age of the dead can be fairly accurately estimated by the changes in the morpho_x001F_logical features of the symphysis pubis, with an error of only 土 1一2 years. Other relevant questions are also discussed in this paper.
    Dermatoglyphics of Li nationality and Lingao people in Hainan island, China
    Xie Yeqi
    1982, 1(02):  137-148. 
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    The finger and palm prints of 754 individuals (Li nationality:406 males and 152 females, Lingao people: 96 males, Han tribe: 100 males) were studied.
    The main characters of the finger and palm prints of the Li nationality (male) are as follows: finger print: whorl 49.56%, ulnar loop 45.00%, radial loop 2.76%, arch 2.68%, TRC 144.68; main line A: 1 type 20.57%, 3 type 67.24%, 5 type 12.19% ; main line B : 3 type 8.00%, 5 type 65.52%, 7 type 25.00%, 9 type 148%; main line C: ulnar 67.49%, radial 19.09%, proximal 8.37%, absent 5.05% ; main line D: 7 type 38.42%, 9 type 36.70%, 11 type 24.88%, more frequent 7 type than 9 type; MLI 6.62, a-bRC 37.27, PIP 1.23, axial triradius: t 78.29%, t' 21.33%, t〃0.37%; atd 38.57, simian line 10.10%.
    In Lingao male, the main trends of finger and palm prints are: finger print: whorl 43.85%, ulnar loop 50,73%, radial loop 3.44%, arch 1.98%, TRC 140.48; main line A: 1 type 25.52%, 3 type 62.50%, 5 type 11.98%; main line B: 3 type 8.85%, 5 type 68.75%, 7 type 21.35%, 9 type 1.04% ; main line C: ulnar 67.71%, radial 17.19%, pro_x001F_ximal 9.38%, absent 5.73% ; main line D: 7 type 38.54%, 9 type 39.58%, 11 type 21.88% ; MIL 6.47, a-bRC 38.19, PIP 1.25, axial triradius: t 85.79%, V 14.24%, t" 0, atd 38.18, simian line 14.06%.
    According to t test, ehi-square and cluster analysis, we can come to following conclusion :
    Some characters of the palm print of the Li nationality show a possibility of having existed mixed-blood between the Li nationality and Negro.
    In four branches of the Li nationality (Ha Li, Qi Li, Meifu Li and Bendi Li), Ha Li is the best representative in aspect of the main finger and palm print characters. This branch is similar to Qi Li, but Ha Li and Qi Li differ more markedly from Meifu Li and Bendi Li in main finger and palm print characters.
    Lingao people are similar to the Han nationality, and differ from Zliuang nationality of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in main finger and palm characters.
    Some palaeolithic artifacts discovered in Luoyang, Henan province
    Zhang Shenshui, Liang Jiuhuai, Fang Xiaolian
    1982, 1(02):  149-210. 
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    In spring 1978, some palaeolithic artifacts and several elephant fossils were found from sand-soil deposit lying underground in the depth of 12 m. in Luoyang, Henan pro_x001F_vince. Besides a scraper and a chopper, there are 9 cores, 17 flakes and some broken stone blocks. The elephant fossils including 2 incisors, a left several vertebrae, ribs and a femur etc. may belong to the same individual. We identified the left M3 as be_x005flonging to Palaeoloxodon cf. naumanni which is known of the late Pleistocene in age in northern China. Considering the typological characters of the artifacts and its as_x001f_sociation with Palaeoloxodon cf. naumanm, we suggest that they may be dated as late Pleistocene.
    Discovery of paleolithic artifacts in Wanrong, Shanxi
    Tang Yingjun, Zong Guanfu, Xu Qinqi
    1982, 1(02):  156-159. 
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    The mammalian fossils and palaeolithic artifacts described in this paper were found in Lishi Loess in Wanrong County, Shanxi in 1978 and 1980. The following forms are present in Wanrong Fauna.
    Canis sp.
    Hyaena sinensis
    Palaeoloxodon sp.
    Equus sanmemensis
    Coelodonta antiquitatis
    Sus cf. lydekkeri
    Gazella sp.
    Cervus sp.
    Bubalus sp.
    It is well known that Hyaena sinensis, Equus anmeniensis and Sus cf. lydekkeri are typical Middle Pleistocene members in northern China. It seems to us that Wan_x001F_rong Fauna is correlated with Zhoukoudien Fauna. The artifacts include five flakes and eight bolas.
    On the relative age of the paleolithic in south China
    Li Yanxian
    1982, 1(02):  160-168. 
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    Since 1951 the paleolithic archeology and paleoanthropology in South China have made a considerable progress. Human fossils or artifacts were found in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Taiwan. 50-plus stations bearing human remains or artifacts were eneountered in that region. Using the achievement of Quaternary mammalogy in South China, the present article reviews the chronological problem of these finds mainly from the point of view of biostratigraphy.
    A fauna from Lianhua cave, Dantu, Jiangsu
    Li Wenming, Zhang Zufang, Gu Yuinin, Lin Yipu
    1982, 1(02):  169-214. 
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    The Lianhua Cave is located at Beilonggang hill, southwest of Dantu County, Jiangsu. A human tooth belonging to a young individual associated with 16 species of mammals was collected from this cave. The 16 species of mammals are as follows: Macaca speciosa; Leporidae ; Hystyix sp.; Nyctereutes procyonoids; Ursus arctos; Ursus thibetanus; Arctonyx collaris; Crocuta ultima ; Dicerorhinus; Sus scrofa; Cervus cf. unicolor; Cervus sp. (1) ; Cervus sp. (2) ; Bubalus cf. wa/nsjocki; Bos sp.. They were buried in brown mild clay.
    The mammalian assemblage indicates: (1) The age of Lianhua Cave deposits is of Late Pleistocene, earlier than that of Shenxian Cave, Lishui County, later than that of Jurong Cave fauna; (2) The climate was similar to that of Jianghuai region nowadays.
    Uranium-series dating of fossil bones from Peking man cave——mixing model
    Xia Ming
    1982, 1(02):  191-196. 
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    A mixing model of uranium-series method based on Th230/U234 and U234/U238 ratios for the sediment of Peking Man eave is discussed here. The resulting ages of fossil bones collected at the Loe. 1 are determined as follows: about 230 X 108 yr B.P. for the lst-3rd layers, 350 X 103 yr B.P, for the 6th-7th, over 400 X 103 yr B.P. for the 8th-9th, and more than 500 X 103 yr B.P. for the 12th.
    In an attempt to explain the discordant isotopic ratios of a suite of bone samples from Peking Man eave, the author is of the opinion that the paleohydrological condi_x001F_tions in the environment changed during the last 200 X 103 yr, so did the migration processes of uranium concentrations. Hence fossil bones for uranium-series method have indeed commanded much attention.