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    15 June 1995, Volume 14 Issue 02
    The juvenile mandible of Lufengpithecus
    Lu Qingwu
    1995, 14(02):  93-189. 
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    A hominoid mandible of PA869 was collected from Lufeng, Yunnan Province during the excavation of winter season in 1980. The greater part of the left mandibular corpus behind the dm1 and the rami were broken off. But the bulk of the right mandibular body was preserved basically and the symphyseal part was beautifully preserved. All of the deciduous teeth, except the two dm2 are kept in situ. And the crown of the embryo of right first molar had developed well inside the mandibular body, and will emerge soon. The mandible is of about 3-3.5 years old, and belongs to a female individual. The distinctive characters of the juvenile mandible of Lufengpithecus were observed and measured, and compared with Sivapithecus, Australopithecus and the living great apes. The results of these comparisons were as follows.
    At the frontal surface of the symphyseal region, the superior part is vertical, and the central part has the shape of sharp bulge, to be strongly sticking out. At the posterior surface of the symphyseal region the planum alveolare is steeper, and it intersects the basal plane of mandible with an angle of 65°.The angle is larger than that of the juvenile mandible of Sivapithecus from Pakistan, GSP 11536, of Australopithecus from Kenya, KNM-ER 820 and KNM-ER 1477A, and of the living great apes, except the Simia stayrus No.19, with an angle of 65° too. The superior transverse tori is weak.
    Compared with the length of mandibular corpus, the height of symphyseal region is much larger. Its sympnyseal highness-length if body index (symphyseal highness / infradentale(id) to distal side of M1 * 100) is 73.5, and the same index of GSP 11536 is 73.3. Both indices are very similar. It indicated that all of the mandibular corpora of both infant Miocene hominoids are high and short. But the same indices of the juvenile extant great apes (No.389, No.19 and No.246), and that of the infant Australopithecus (KNM-ER 820 and 1477A) are all small than that of Lufeng infant ape.
    The Lufeng juvenile jaw has the lateral prominence on the surface of lateral corpus, and the lateral prominence divides into two branches, an upper and a lower one. This feature of the Lufeng juvenile is similar to the adult individual. In comparative specimen in this article, only the Simia satyrus, No.246 seemingly possess this feature. The whole lateral corpus of the Lufeng juvenile mandible is specially high and thin. The thickness-height index of mandibular body (thickness/highness x 100) is very small. Index I (at mental foramen) is 33.5, and Index II (at M1) is 60.0; and the GSP 11536, Index I is 54.7, Index II is 74.1.It indicates that the robustness of the juvenile mandibule body of Sivapithecus from Pakistan is larger than that of Lufeng infant mandible. The Thickness-height index of mandibular body(II) of the juvenile Australopithecus, for example, KNM-ER 820 is 94.1, KNM-ER 1477A is 93.1, i.e. the juvenile mandibular robustness of Australopithecus is largest among the fossil hominoids. There are double mental foramina on the corpus of the Lufeng juvenilc mandble. The vertical situation index of mental foramen(centre of the foramen to bottom edge of corpus / centre of the foramen to alveolar edge x 100) of the Lufeng mandible has a mid vaule between that of Australopithecus (KNM-ER 820)/Sivapithecus (GSP 11536) and that of the living great apes (No.19, 246, 389).
    The above characters of the juvenile mandible of Lufengpithecus indicate that the proportional relations between the lengths, the heights and the thicknesses of the frontal and posterior parts of the corpora are very similar to those of the adult mandible of same species.
    Evolutional process and depositional cycles of Peking Man Cave in relation to the living environments of Peking Man
    Huang Peihua
    1995, 14(02):  101-109. 
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    Evolutional process of Peking Man Cave may by divided into six periods: penepain level and karst funnels were formed in early pliocene (N12; uplifting of the peneplain and formation of the vertical cave in late Pliocene (N22); filling in the lowermost fissures of the cave during the early Pleistocene (Q1); levelling up the cave floor by deposition of the layers 13-11 in the early period of Middle Pleistocene (Q12; cave enlargement and filling by the collapse of the cave roof and its breccia deposits, from layer 10 to layer 3, during the middle period of Middle Pleistocene (Q22); collapse of the cave roof and its breccia filling up the cave during the layer 2 and the layer 1 were formed in the late Middle Pleistocene (Q32). In the filling process, the cave deposits, from layer 13 to layer 1, can be divided into seven depositional cycles. Each cycle corresponds to a climatic cycle: The lower deposits of a cycle contain silt, clay and travertine deposited from underground flows indicating warm temperate semi-humid climate. The upper deposits of a cycle contain breccia and huge blocks that were formed by the collapse of the cave walls and roof indicating temperate semi-arid climate. The seven cycles allow a correlation with the loess sequence S7-L2 and marine oxygen isotope stages 19-6 of the climatic cycles I-C. Peking Man started to occupy the cave during level up the cave floor by the breccia deposition of the layer 11, about 580 ka B.P. dwelled in eastern part of the cave and first used fire, about 530 ka B.P.; collapse of cave roof in the eastern part and moved to the western part of the cave about 340 ka; left the cave during the collapse of the cave roof and breccia deposit of the layer 3, about 250 ka B.P.
    The skeletal evidence of the ankylosing spondylitis in ancient China
    Zhang Zhenbiao
    1995, 14(02):  110-194. 
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    The skeletal specimens of the ankylosing spondylitis used in this study were from the Neolithic period sites of Xiawanggang in Henan province and Banpo in Shaanxi province, as well as the burial sifts of Han Dynasty of Shouzhou city and Beiwei Dynasty of Daton city in Shanxi province. These pathological specimens are preserved in local museum or Archaeological Teams, separately.
    The method used to observe pathological pattern, that is to say, the diagnosis of the ankylosing spodylitis mainly based on the presence of the annulus fibrosus calcification, the sacroiliac fusion or erosion. In addition, the presence of the cervical vertebrae fusion should serve as an criteria for the diagnosis of the ankylosing spondylitis. At the same time, the zygoapophyseal joint fusion, even when limited to two vertebrae, appears indicative of the ankylosing spondylitis. The results of the observation in this study are as follows.
    The nine individuals with the ankylosing spondylitis are identified among observed 322 individuals of three populations from the Neolithic period to the historic period (see Table 1). From table 1, it is found that the frequency of the ankylosing spondylitis in ancient Chinese varied in individual populations from 2.3% to 3.4%, and the significant time-related frequency is not present. The mean frequency of the individual is calculated as 2.8%, which is similar to that of the ancient population in America (2.7%).
    In five cases of the sacroiliac fusion, one case appears the complete fusion of the sacroiliac joint and the suture of sacroiliac joint is closed and lost completely. Other four cases also show the sacroiliac fusion, but the sutures of the sacroiliac joint are closed incompletely. From the back sides, the sutures of all of the saccoiliac joints are closed and lost completely.
    In four cases of the spine fusion, one case is afflicted with the fusion of the cervical and post-cervical zygoapophyseals (IC-IVC), one case is afflicted with the ankylosing of thoracic vertebral joint fusion (III T-VI T), other two cases are afflicted with the lumbar fusion characterized by the ossified outer fibers appears a smooth and undulating surface of bone connecting the vertebrate, but it shows no typical "bamboo spine".
    In view of these cases as mentioned above, it is reasonable to conclude that Chinese people have afflicted with the ankylosing spondylitis since the Neolithic period. From comparative results of the mean frequency in individual populations, it can be seen that the frequency is not statistically different from that noted among ancient populations in China or America, or between both. The comparison of sex ratios, however, in the individuals with sacroiliac fusion reveals marked difference between ancient Chinese and American, the frequency of sacroiliac fusion of male is higher than that of the female for American. On the contrary, the frequency of sacroiliac joint of female is higher than that of the male for Chinese.
    The author expresses his thanks for helpful advice and encouragment of Professor Bruce M. Rothschild of the Arthritis Center of Northeast Ohio. The author also wishes to thank Dr. Bruce Latimer, Director of Department of Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Professor J.Desmond Clark, Director of Laboratory for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of California, Berkeley for their kind permission to compare the skeletal pathological materials in their care, and Dr.D.R.Gary, Dr. Dennis Etler and Mr. Peng Langlin for their useful cooperations.
    On the hand-axes from Baise Basin
    Lin Shenglong, He Naihan
    1995, 14(02):  118-198. 
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    In recent years many stone artefacts were collected from Baise basin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Some of them were considered as hand-axes by some archaeologists. Author of this paper restudied and analysed these specimens and believes they are not the typical hand-axes. Some of them are chopping-tools and pick-like implement, and others are core-axes.
    A brief study on Chuandong Prehistoric Site (excavated in 1981)
    Zhang Senshui
    1995, 14(02):  132-192. 
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    Chuandong prehistoric site found in 1978 is situated west about 4km of the city of Puding county, Guizhou Province. The first systematic excavation of the site was undertaken by the Museum of Guizhou Province and Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Academia Sinica in 1981.This paper mainly describes the results of the preliminary study of this excavation and discusses some problems of the site.
    The cultural relics-bearing sediments were divided into 10 layers (unreaching bottom of the deposits). Abundant cultural relics which include over 3000 stone artifacts, about 500 specimens of the polished bone tools, some bone and antler artifacts, the plentiful remains of using fire (containing 4 "foyers", about 7000 pieces of burned broken bone and one ash layer), 30 pieces of human fossils, 13 species of mammalian fossils and more than 10000 pieces of mammalian bone fragments wcre found in situ.
    1. Industrial characters
    On the basis of the preliminary study of the remains from Chuandong prehistoric site excavated in 1981, some characters of the assemblage could be shown as follows:
    (1) Flakes were produced by three methods: edge crushing, hammer percussion and bipolar technique. The former two are the main way for making flake and the last is very rare in our collections.
    (2) The used flakes without trim are more common.
    (3) The majority of these tools were retouched on the ventral surface of the flakes and are larger in size. The tools could be divided into three types: scrapers, pointed tools and choppers including a few chopping tools. They were so finely trimmed as with regular shape and sharp edge. Most of end scrapers have a sharp cutting edge which is different from the same type of other sites in China.
    (4) The polished bone tools are subdivided into six types, such as spades, awls, needles, flat tool with a fork, no edge's slub and flat utensil latter similars to hairpin of Neolithic age in China. All bone tools were carefully manufactured with delicate shape.
    2. Discussion of some problems
    (1) The division of cultural pattern and stage The industry found in Chuandong prehistoric site could be subdivided into two patterns and two stages: the early one and late one. The differences on the relics of the early and late stages see table 1 in Chinese.
    (2) The period of the site According to 14C dating, the early stage is about 16000ybp(L8) while the late stage is dated to be 8080±100ybp(L3), 8670±100ybp(L4), 8540±100ybp(LS) and 9600±100ybp(L6). Therefore, the early stage belongs to upper Pleistocene or late Paleolithic stage and the late stage is attributed to early Holocene or Mesolithic and even to early Neolithic in China. Owing to no existing of the characters of Mesolithic and early Neolithic culture, such as microlith, polished stone tools and ceramics in the assemblage, the industry of the late stage is called as Epi-Paleolithic one and its period is named as Epi-Paleolithic.
    (3) Cultural relation and named problem Judging by the main characters of the assemblage from Chuandong prehistoric site, the artifacts of lower part is closely related to those from the upper part of Ma'anshan site of Tongzi county, Guizhou Province and Fulin site of Hanyuan county, Sichuan Province while relics of the upper part belong to Maomaodong Culture but there are some less important differences between the industries in Chuandong and Maomaodong prehistoric sites. We propose that the assemblage from upper part of Chuandong site should be called Chuandong cultural parttern of Maomaodong Culture.
    As mentioned above, the important significance of the site has been clearly known and its scientific situation has also laid more solid foundation in prehistoric archeology of China.
    The problem about tooth attrition and age estimation of two children from Zhenpiyan Neolithic Site in Guilin of China
    Zhu Fangwu, Lu Weishan
    1995, 14(02):  147-150. 
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    Two samples studied here were unearthed from the Zhenpiyan neolithic site in Guangxi of China. One(BT1M1) is estimated as of 23-27 years old based on tooth wear standard of modera Chinese, and is of 11 years old according to tooth eruption. Another(BT) is estimated as of 23 years old based on tooth wear standard of modern Chinese, and is of 8 years old according to tooth eruption. It shows that estimating age of a prehistoric individual based on tooth wear standard of modern Chinese would be older than based on tooth eruption by 15±5 years.
    Anthropometry of nose in infants and preschool children of Sichuan
    Shi You, Shu Bin, Ju Mei et al.
    1995, 14(02):  151-156. 
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    This paper reports the means, sexual differences and developmental features of nasal linear measurements taken among 1116 children (2-7 years) in Sichuan. There is no significant difference between the male and the female in the sellion to subnasale distance in most ages, but there is difference in a few periods such as 4-6.5 years, and the measurement in male is longer. In both sexes the growth curves for the measurements rise with age, and there are 1-2 spurts which suggest that the nasal development is closely related to particular stage, and the developmental curves of 2 indices show little change with age. 4 of these curves have 1-2 decussations in some ages, suggesting that the females develop faster in those periods. Among the nasal forms in both sexes, leptorrhiny is the most common type, mesorrhiny is less, platyrrhiny the least.
    Study on epiphysis-diaphysis fusion in the long bones forming knee joint of the rural children and youths in Kaiyuan,Liaoning
    Xi Huanjiu, Li Jinping, Gu Xuejing et al.
    1995, 14(02):  157-161. 
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    The skeletal age as a biological age of humans is a more accurate indicator for assessment of growth and development. In order to study the correlation between skeletal age and the indices of growth and development, we took the antero-posterior knee radiographs and got 23 indices of anthropometry of 2046 (male, 1061; female, 985) Han children and youths aged 6-23 years who were born in Kaiyuan County and in good health at the time of examination and menarcheal age was investigated for girls.
    The results indicate that the time of epiphysis-diaphysis fusion of male of the inferior end of femur, superior end of the tibia and fibula is at 18.7, 21.1 and 19.5 years and female 17.7, 18.7 and 17.5 years, respectively.
    The time of epiphysis-diaphysis fusion of the long bones forming knee joint correlates positively with body weight, sitting height etc. in boys and girls and with menarcheal age in girls. These are especialy true for the inferior end of femur and the superior end of fibula.
    The effects of sexual development on maximal oxygen uptake in girls
    Lin Wansheng, Ji Chengye, Zhang Yuqing et al.
    1995, 14(02):  162-168. 
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    According to whether experiencing menarche or not, the investigated girls at 11一13 ages were classified into two groups: group with menarche and group without menarche. Comparisons between two groups showed that height, weight, lean body mass (LBM) and absolute value of VO2max, VO2max/height and VO2max/HRmax in girls without menarche were smaller than that in their peers with menarche, and VO2max/weight and VO2max/LBM were bigger slightly. The possible reasons of emerging the differences were analysed.
    Variation of menarcheal age of Mongol and Han girls in Huhehot Region
    Zheng Lianbin, Li Shuyuan, Lu Shunhua et al.
    1995, 14(02):  169-175. 
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    Investigation on the menarchal age of 4 groups in Huhchot region were made in 1987, 1990, 1993, respectively. Statistics were made in groups arranged according to birth year and menarchal year. Results show that: 1)The process of moving up of MMA of girls born during 1963-1972 of both nationalities in Huhchot is quicker in recent years. The process of moving up of MMA of urban girls born after 1972 slowed down, but that of rural girls is still quicker; 2)The process of moving up of MMA of rural girls born during 1963-1977 is slightly higher than that of urban ones; 3)MMA of Mongol girls is usually earlier than Han who live in the same environment; 4)Statistics of data of 1993 by status quo method and retrospective method showed that the MMA of both nationalities in Huhehot has already reached the level of economically developed large cities in China and has been near to the lowest limit of MMA controled by genetic factors.
    Study and determination of elements in the Hui Nationality young human hair of Chinese various districts
    Wang Zhenying, Yang Ruoming, Wang Xiangyi
    1995, 14(02):  176-181. 
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    The concentrations of 6 elements in the human hair of 52 Hui nationality young people from 18 provinces, parties and autonomous regions in China were detemined with the inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). The standard T test of various groups of analytical data was utilized to check up the effect of different districts and sexual distinction. We discover that nationality factor is more effective than different districts to influence the concentrations of 6 elements in Hui nationality hair.
    The age of human fossils in Chaoxian
    Chen Tiemei
    1995, 14(02):  182-183. 
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    Prophase paleolithic of Japan - Ghosn Site
    An Zhimin
    1995, 14(02):  184-188. 
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