The distribution of 24 red cell blood antigens in Hezhe Ethnic group in Heilongjiang Province
Liu Jie, Jia Guanjun, Zhang Lixin et al.
1996, 15(01):
194 )
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The distribution of red cell blood group systems, including ABO, MNSs, Rh, Kidd, Duffy, Kell, Diego, Lutheran, Lewis and P was investigated on 94 individuals of Hezhen Ethnic Group with parents and grandparents of the same group in Jiejinkou and Baca Xiang, Tongjiang County, Heilongjiang Province. The results showed that the gene frequencies q(0.2223)>p(0.1692), m(0.6011)>n(0.3989) are characteristic of Northern Chinese. Other gene frequencies were as follows: r=0.6085; S=0.0691,s = 0.9309, MS=0.0691, NS = 0, Ms = 0.5320, Ns = 0.3990; D=0.9797, E=0.3192, C=0.6755, d=0.0203, e=0.6809, c=0.3245, CDe=0.6045, cDE=0.2287, cDe=0.0759, CDE=0.0706, Cde=0.0005, cdE=0.0198, cde=0, CdE=0; P1=0.1008, P2=0.8992; Dia=0.0949, Dib=0.9051; Fya=0.8989, Fyb=0.1011; Lua=0.0372, Lub=0.9628; Jka=0.4096, Jkb=0.5904; k=1.0000, K=0. No Rh0(-), CCDEE, CcDEE, ccDee, Fy(a-b-), Jk(a-b-), Lu(a+b-), Le(a十b+), K+k- and K+k+ types were found.