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    15 September 1996, Volume 15 Issue 03
    The degeneration of third molars and its significance to human evolution
    Liu Wu, Zeng Xianglong
    1996, 15(03):  185-199. 
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    The purpose of this research is to study the frequency distribution of the degeneration of third molars in the world populations, and its significance to human evolution. The results show that the frequencies of both the agenesis and impaction of third molar are much higher in East Asian populations than all other populations around the world. The earliest occurrence and increasing rates of the agenesis of third molars varied in different geographical regions and ethnic groups, which resulted in the different frequencies of this trait among populations. The third molar impaction seems to be another expression of human orofacial degeneration, but the factors affecting the third molar impaction are much complicated than those for the agenesis. Present research reveals: the significant continuity of third molar agenesis occurred in the human populations of China chronologically. The agenesis of both third molars on Lantian Man mandible and upper right molar on Liujiang Man skull offers strong support for the theory of regional continuity for the modern human origin in East Asia.
    Ancient DNA extraction from Neolithic human skeletal remains and PCR based amplification of the X-Y homologous amelogenin gene
    Zhao Lingxia, Susanne Hummel, Cadja Lassen et al.
    1996, 15(03):  200-209. 
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    Ancient DNA was extracted from Neolithic human skeletal remains excavated in China. Single copy sequences of the X- Y homologous Amelogenin gene were amplified from the DNA extracts by PCR technique. Since the amplified sequences exhibit a sex specific length dimorphism they enable a sex identification on a molecular basis for ancient human bone and teeth.
    Preliminary results on U-series dating of Peking Man Site with high precision TIMS
    Shen Guanjun, Tah-Lung Ku, Bassam Gahleb et al.
    1996, 15(03):  210-217. 
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    The Peking Man site at Zhoukoudian in northern China presents one of the world's most important paleolithic site. A reliable chronology for the site is vital to our understanding of the physical evolution and cultural development of the human species.
    Earlier efforts have provided the following time frame for the strata at the site: the bottom (13th) layer-ca. 700 ka, the lowest human fossil-containing (10th) layer一ca. 500 ka and the uppermost (1-3) layers一ca. 230 ka. However, on close examinations of the dating methods used in arriving at these age estimates, one finds that certain assumptions introduced, hence the reliability of the results, have remained problematical. Furthermore, sample BZC-3, taken from an intercalated travertine in Layers 1-2, has been reported recently to have a 230Th/ 234U age of 421+110-54ka, an age much older than the previous age assignment (Shen and Jin, 1993).
    That relatively pure, compact and well-crystallized speleothem samples such as BZC-3 can be precisely dated and has been well documented. The large error limits quoted above result from the precision achievable by the α spectrometric measurements on samples of > 350ka of age. The newly developed thermal ionization mass spectrometric (TIMS) analyses of U and Th isotopes have promised to greatly reduce these error limits. With this promise in mind, we have initiated a program of TIMS dating of Zhoukoudian speleothems in hopes of refining the chronology of the Peking Man.
    We report here the preliminary results on the TIMS dating of sample BZC-3. The dating was done using the facilities at Centre de Recherche en Geochimie Isotopique et en Geochronologie (GEOTOP), University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada. Ultrasonically cleaned sample grains(~0.5 cm in size) of translucent calcites, free of visible porosity and detrital contaminants, were carefully hand-picked for TIMS analyses, following procedures adapted from Edwards et al (1986/ 87). The 233U-236U-229Th spike used was calibrated against a Precambrian uraninite standard(HU-1).
    The age derived from the weighted mean of four measurements is 414±13 ka. The integrity of BZC-3 as a closed-system is indicated by (1) the consistency within analytical error of 234U/ 238U and 230Th/ 234U in four subsamples (not homogenized aliquots); (2) the concordant 230Th/ 234U and 227Th/ 230Th dates measured by α spectrometry; and (3) the undetectable amount of 14C in the sample as measured by accelerator mass spectrometry.
    While supporting the 421 ka age reported earlier, the present more precise age of 414±13 ka for BZC-3 points to a much greater age for the Zhoukoudian upper strata than previously thought. The No.5 skull of Peking Man, a representative of the youngest Homo enectus in China, was excavated just below these strata and has been assigned an age of 230 ka. It is mainly based on this age assigmnent that hypotheses have been formulated concerning a possible overlapping existence in China of two species of Homo (erectus and sapiens) and a possible slower evolution rate of Asian Homo erectus compared with their African counterparts. None of these hypotheses is supported by the present dating results that the youngest member of the Peking Man family should be at least 400 ka old.
    The techniques of TIMS as applied to 230Th/ 234U dating have begun making significant impact on refining the Pleistocene chronology. As well, their capabilities have recently extended to the measurement of 231Pa. This paper represents the first attempt at TIMS dating of speleothem from an early paleolithic site. By careful search for suitable calcite samples from Zhoukoudian stratigraphic sequence and by stringent cross-checks between 230Th/ 234U and 231Pa/ 235U signals to be acquired by TIMS on such samples, we anticipate that temporal records of Zhoukoudian and other important early paleolithic cave sites can be deciphered with greater clarity than ever before.
    The somatotype study of Monggol in China by the Heath-Carter anthropometric method
    Zheng Lianbin, Yan Guibin, Liu Donghai et al.
    1996, 15(03):  218-224. 
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    The author used the Heath-Carter somatotyping method to study the adult somatotypes of 480 cases included 255 males and 225 females of Monggol nationality in Inner Mongolia. The results showed that the mean somatotypes of male were 4.0-4.4-2.1 in the endomorph-mesomorph category and that of female were 6.2-4.1-1.6 in the meso-endomorph category. There was very significant difference between males and females for the somatotype. In both sexes endomorph increased and ectomorph decreased with age, but after age 35 years somatotypes of females obviously changed. A comparison of the components between Monggol nationality and other samples showed that the Monggol had higher endomorph, with lower mesomorph for males and lower ectomorph for females.
    The sex ratio in Yunnan Province
    Wang Honglin
    1996, 15(03):  225-232. 
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    Having analysed the sex ratio (male:female 100) data based on the census of 1990 in Yunnan Province, we got the following results:
    1) The sex ratio (105.67) of the total population in Yunnan is 2.09 higher than that of 1982, 0.93 lower than that of the whole country (106.60), and 1.8‰ higher than the "comparatively balanced ratio" (1003.5:1000).
    2) The sex ratio of the Jingpo is especially low (95.77), and that of its age group of 0-14 years (101.81) is also the lowest among all ethnic groups; and that of the Zang or Tibetan is comparatively low (98.82), its sex ratio of the group aged 0- 14 is 105.75. The other ethnic groups with low sex ratio are: the Dai (100.34), whose, sex ratio in the group aged 0-14 is 101.99; the Naxi (101.63), that for its group at the age of 0-14 is 103.00; the Hui (101.99), with a sex ratio of 104.02 in the group of 0- 14 years; the Bai (102.05), whose sex ratio of the group aged 0-14 is 102.47; while the Han nationality has a sex ratio of 107.47 for the group of 0-14 years in age.
    3) Those who born during the period of the "Great Leap Forward' and the "Temporal Difficulties in National Economy", at the age of 20-24 at the national census in 1982, have a especially low sex ratio of 101.11. However, they have a sex ratio of 107.84 by 1990's national census (now at the age of 28-32). The former is mainly due to the increased spontaneous abortion and still birth, while the latter is caused by the floating population.
    4) The sex ratio in Yunnan Province has been increasing constantly. The average annual increased rate in the eight years after 1982 is 2.19 times of that of the eighteen years back from 1982.
    5) The sex ratio of the urban inhabitants (113.01) is apparently higher than that of the rural ones (105.67), but the difference is being decreased.
    6) The sex ratio varies in different areas in Yunnan Province. Three prefectures, Yuxi, Dali and Dehong; are minority districts with low sex ratio. But their sex ratios are increasing quite quickly, that is, 2.17, 2.11 and 2.69, respectively, higher than those in 1982.
    Preliminary study on the physical features of Hui Nationality in the town of Linxia
    Dai Yujing, Xi Ruisheng, Zhao Jin
    1996, 15(03):  233-240. 
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    In this study, 105 males and 128 females of the Hui nationality, living in the town of Linxia of Gansu province, were measured and observed, data of 53 measurements and 48 indices were summarized; constitutional type of the Hui nationality living in the town of Linxia were also analyzed. The results show that: The Hui nationality in the town of Linxia has its own character of northwestern Islamic nationality, on the other hand, they also show some physical characters of East Asian races.
    Anthropometry and development of mouth and lips
    Shi You, Shu Bin, Hu Xingyu, Deng Dehua
    1996, 15(03):  241-249. 
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    In this paper the means of 11 items of oral linear measurements taken among 4308 individuals from infant to young periods were report; The sexual differences were observed. It was seen that the difference was very significant in 8 items including the lip height after 13 years of age, and in 3 items including the vermilion height of the upper and lower lips after 18 years of age, but was not before juvenile period: The devlopment features were observed. It showed that the growth curves rise gradually in 6 items, but in the other items the curves rise obviously showing evident spurts.
    Distribution of 49 cases Hb G coushatta in the northwest of China-A genetic marker of aneient nomadic nationalities in the northeast of Asia
    Li Houjun, Li Li, Yu Wuzhong
    1996, 15(03):  250-254. 
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    This paper presents a review of the distribution of 49 cases Hb G Co-ushatta in population in the Northwest of China. The incidence of Hb G Coushatta in Xinjiang and Gansu are 0.57‰ and 0.43‰, respectively, and higher than 0.07‰ in Shaanxi. The incidence in the Uygur, Kazak, Khalkhas and Hui are 0.66‰一1.74‰, which are higher than 0.45‰ in Han nationality. The gene flow of Hb G Coushatta seems to direct from North to South and West in China. Concerning the movements of various populations in this area as reported in historical documents, the data suggest that this variant likely originated in the Northeast of Asia and was an important genetic marker of ancient nomadic ethnic groups.
    Studies on rRNA gene active and satellite association in Uigur, Kazak and Han Nationalities
    Cao Xin, Zhang Sizhong
    1996, 15(03):  255-259. 
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    Using techniques of Ag-NOR, the frequencies of Ag-NOR, SAc, SAt of 90 normal individuals of Uigur, Kazak and Han nationalities in Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region were studied. The results are summarized briefly in the following.
    The frequencies of Ag-NOR, SAc, SAt of normal individuals of Uigur, Kazak nationalities are siginificantly higher than that in Han (P<0.01). There is no significant difference between Uigur and Kazak (P > 0.05). There is good accordance with the conclusions obtained from human genetical and anthropologcal research.
    Physical characteristics of Miao nationality in Hunan province
    Ren Jiawu, Li Yanbin, Tang Maolin et al.
    1996, 15(03):  260-262. 
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    Distribution of Mongolian plaques in 1,441 infants
    Ai Qionghua, Xu Yuhe, Sai Fuding
    1996, 15(03):  263-265. 
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    Distribution of ABO blood group in college students
    Shao Linxiang, Hu Yanyue, Ni Xiaoying, Ge Yueying
    1996, 15(03):  265-267. 
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    Paleolithic research: materials, techniques and more
    Chen Chun
    1996, 15(03):  268-275. 
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    A review on Human Evolution
    McGraw-Hill, Zhang Yinyun
    1996, 15(03):  276. 
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