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    15 June 1983, Volume 2 Issue 02
    Homo erectus from Hexian, Anhui found in 1981
    Wu Maolin
    1983, 2(02):  109-205. 
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    The excavation was carried out by a field team of IVPP including the author together with the Museum of Anhui Province from May to June, 1981.
    A lot of mammalian and 7 pieces of human fossils were found in this excavation. The present article deals with only the human fossils.
    The material includes five teeth and a piece of right supraorbital torus and a fragment of parietal bone.
    The characters of the fossils may be summarized as follows:
    1) The upper central incisor is bigger than those of all Homo erectus. The lingual surface is shovel-shaped and bears a well-developed basal tubercle from the free border of which extend several finger-like prolongations ending abruptly at the central pit of the lin_x001F_gual surface. These features are very similar to those of Peking Man and Yunxian Man.
    2) The pattern of the occlusal surface of the upper molars is similar to that of Peking Man. The paracone is separated from the metacone by a transvesal furrow which transgresses the buccal edge and descends to the neck of the buccal surface. Real longitudinal furrows are lacking. The slope of each cusp shows a larger wrinkle on the middle and a smaller one on each side of it.
    3) The lower molars show a typical DryopUhecus pattern. The trigonid is distinctly broader than the talonid, while the trigonid of the Neanderthal group is generally narrower than the talonid. A cingulum is present. Their size fall within the range of those of Australopithecus and is much larger than that of Peking Man and Java Man.
    4) The supraorbital torus is heavy. The supratoral sulcus between the torus and the frontal squama is present, but it is much less pronounced than that of Peking Man.
    From the evidences mentioned above, Hexian human fossils undoubtedly belong to Homo erectus.The upper incisor of Hexian Man, however, is not similar to the Yuanmou incisors in morphology. The lateral borders of the Yuanmou incisors are more divergent outward than those of Peking Man and Hexian Man. One of three finger-like processes of the Yuanmou incisors extends to the cutting edge. These primitive characters frequently appear in anthropoid incisors.
    Comparative studies of the position of the greatest cranial breadth and the cranial heights of the skull of Homo erectus pekinensis
    Shao Xiangqing
    1983, 2(02):  116-208. 
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    In this paper, the cranial vertex height, the position height of the greatest cranial breadth, the position index of the greatest cranial breadth, and the lateral cranial height based upon porion were applied to explain the evolutionary trend of the position of the greatest cranial breadth and of the cranial vertex height.
    The figures of these measurements and indices (obtained from casts with the exception of modern specimens ) are as follows:
    1.The cranial vertex height:
    91 mm in Homo erectus pekinensis. 105一112 mm in Homo Sapiens neanderthalensis, 112-124 mm in Homo Sapiens Sapiens ( fossils ),113.78±0.32 mm in recent man.
    2. The position height of the greatest cranial breadth:
    8-9 mm in Homo erectus pekinensis, 9-30 mm in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. 32-58 mm in Homo sapiens sapiens (fossils), 51.50±0.59 mm in recent man.
    3. The position index of the greatest cranial breadth (2)/(1) *100:
    8.79-9.89 in Homo erectus pekinensis, 8.57-26.79 in Homo Sapiens neanderthalensis, 28.07-46.77 in Homo Sapiens Sapiens (fossils), 45.25±0.50 in recent man.
    4. The lateral cranial height based upon the porion:
    20-30.5 mm in Homo erectus pekinensis, 60.5-77 mm in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, 75.5-99 mm in Homo Sapiens sapiens (fossils), 87.56±0.25 mm in recent man.
    The foregoing data illustrates that the figures and indices of these measurements increase significantly in the course of human evolution.
    The application of Moire method in the study of the position of the greatest cranial breadth is a new technique which is able to show obviously the position of euryon is human evolutionary stages.
    Early Neolithic human skulls from Hemudu, Yuyao, Zhejiang
    Han Kangxin, Pan Qifeng
    1983, 2(02):  124-206. 
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    The human bones studied in this paper were unearthed by the Archaeological Group of Zhejiang Provincial Museum frof early neolithic Hemudu site, Yuyao County, Zhejiang Province in 1977. The age of Hemudu culture, according to 14C dating, is about 7000 years B. P.
    Among 13 skeletons observed only 4 are adults and the others belong to children about 6-15 years old, Only 2 skulls can be studied because of poor preservation of the material of this site.
    Based on morphological observation and cranial measurements, skulls of Hemudu have features of both Mongoloid and Negro-Australoid. Some Mongoloid characters of them are more obvious than late Paleolithic human skull of Liujiang.
    Most of neolithic human skulls from southern China have charcteristics of both Mongoloil and Oceanic Negroid. The similar morphological type can be traced back to Paleolithic proto-Mongoloid of southern China. It may be supposed that there are similar gene pool between the ancestors of Oceanic Negroid and the continental proto-Mongoloid of Asia.
    No evidence of custom of extracting tooth was found on Hemudu skulls.
    A preliminary approach to the relations between the blood groups and the anthropometric variation
    Xu Wenlong
    1983, 2(02):  132-141. 
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    This paper presents the results of an examination phenotypes within two blood group polymorphisms to determine the effect, if any, of blood groups on anthropometric traits.
    The examination is based on the data obtained from 404 subjects. All the subjects, belonging to Li nationality, are enrolled middle school students and the students at Guangdong College of Minorities. ABO, MN blood groups were determined and 35 features were simultaneously surveyed for all the subjects. The distributions of MN blood types in the ABO blood group system were also examined in this paper.
    It is clear by statistical analyses that blood group phenotypes show some noticeable differences with regard to average values of anthropometry. Judging from 35 physical traits as a whole, there exist significant differences among the blood group phenotypes, since the X2p(2df)s are less than 0.05 by rank order analysis. We may infer, in terms of our study only, that some correlations exist between blood group phenotypes and anthropometric traits. In MN system, the most striking feature about the results is the consistency of lower total rank in the samples of MN phenotypes for both males and females. It is deduced on account of the allelic equivalence of the gene M and N that the lower anthropometric measurements of the MN phenotype are related to the MN heterozygote. In ABO system, the significance of the results is clouded by our inability to distinguish, for A and B, the hemozygotes from the heterozygotes.
    We have made use of t test to compare the distributions of MN blood group phenotypes in the ABO blood group system. The results show that they are not related to ABO groups. It is concluded that no hereditary relation exists between MN system and ABO system, that is to say, MN blood group factors are hereditarily independent from ABO factors. This conclusion is identical with that established by other authors.
    Preliminary study on determination of bone age by microscopic method
    Zhu Fangwu
    1983, 2(02):  142-151. 
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    The histological age changes that occur in the cortex of human long bones were measured by counting the number of osteon, osteon fragments, non-Haversian canal and the average of the relative thickness of lamellae in four selected 100 power visual fields in the peripheral part of the cortex in ground cross sections of the mid-shaft of the femur. Bar charts of age and bi-logarithmic line charts of age were derived from 35 specimens covering an age range from 5 years through 86 years. Significant correlations were found between the actual age and estimated age. About 80% of the estimated ages calculated from the regression formulas derived from these factors are within ±5 years of the actual ages and nearly 90% are within ±10 years of the actual ages. Synthetic method is used to estimate age by data of all of the 4 items. When this method was checked on 24 specimens, about 80% of the estimates fall within ±5 years of actual ages, the results are better than those by Kerley's method for Chinese specimens.
    Morphological observations and measurements of the external aperture of carotid canal and surrounding structures in Chinese skulls
    Zheng Sunqian
    1983, 2(02):  152-156. 
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    From Changchun and Wuhan regions, the writer collected two groups of 133 intact Chinese skulls, of which careful observations and measurements of the external apertures of the carotid canals and surrounding structures have been made. The results are as follows:
    1. The form of the external aperture can be divided into three types: circular, oval and the form of a pumpkin seed. The circular form, accounting for 50.3 % is the commonest form, this result does not agree with the statement described in some textbooks.
    2. The lengths of the external aperture range from 4 to 8mm. The average value is 6.03 mm on the right and 6.045 mm on the left. Its maximum length is equal on both sides ( 8mm ), Widths ranges from 4-11 mm. The average is 7.99 mm on the right and 8.06 on the left. The maximum width is the same on both sides (11 mm), while the minimum is 5 mm on the right and 4 mm on the left.
    3. By comparision, the regional difference between the two groups of theskulls is significant statistically, e.g. in Changchun group the external aperture of carotid canal on the left side is longer and wider than those in wuhan group(t 2.16>1.98, p<0.05 and t 2.02>1.98, p<0.05 respectively ). While on the right side, the distance between the aperture and jugular fossa is much longer in wuhan group than those in Changchun(t 3.39 > 2.62, p<0.01).
    4. The inferior apertures of tympanic canaliculus occur bilaterally in 122 skulls (91.7 %), and it is absent in a few skulls. It does not appear on right side of four skulls (0.3 %), and on the left side of seven skulls(0.5 %).
    5. The jugular fossae vary in size and depth. 118 skulls (88.7%) are unequal on both sides. 115 skulls ( 86.5 %)have a larger and deeper fossa on the right side. In 15 skulls (11.3%)they are equal on both sides.
    Analysis of dermatoglyphics of 1000 cases on Gannan Tibetan
    Yang Jinrong
    1983, 2(02):  157-161. 
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    This paper reported the survey results of dermatoglyphics on 1000 cases of Gannan Tibetans.
    The finger patterns: Ulnar loops 44.71%, whorls 37.73%, radial loops 3%, tented arches 1.05%, double loops 7.93%, central pocket whorls 3.6% and arches 1.99%. Patterns of radial Loop and arch occur most often on digit 2. The radial loops and tented arches have the lowest frequency on digit 1. The arches have the lowest on digit 5. The females have slightly more radial loops arches than males.
    Palmar creases: The normal type is 74.75%, variation types 25.38% included simian line 8.15% and other types 17.23 % (The latter include transition 1, 2 and sydney forms).
    The palm length 19.89 cm on average. The distance from proximal wrist creases to t triradius is 2.27 cm.
    The total finger ridge count (TFRC):a-b ridge counts are 168.10 and 34.95 respectively. The atd angle is 39.18. The thenar and hypothenar patterns are 11.20% and 12.30% respectively. The missing of a, b. c, d triradius is 5.25% and displaced distally t triradius, 13.00%.
    Microliths from Xueguan, Puxian County, Shanxi
    Wang Xiangqian, Ding Jianping, Tao Fuhai
    1983, 2(02):  162-210. 
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    The microliths from Xueguan site were uncovered in the loess belonging to the late period of pleistocene in 1980. The types of microliths include microcores and microblades. Besides, other stone tools were scraper, point, burin and backed knife etc. The age of the cultural remains probably belong to the stage of late Paleolithic age or the early period of Mesolithic Age. This discovery provides important material to study the orgin and development of typical microlithic tradition in China.
    The palaeoclimitic changes inferred from Peking Man Cave deposits in comparison with the climatic sequence of other formations
    Liu Zechun
    1983, 2(02):  172-183. 
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    The deposits in the Peking Man Cave are more than 40 m thick(the bottom of the cave has not been reached yet).They constitute 17 layers of limestone breccia and non-breccia ( sand, silt, clay, travertine and ash). According to studies on detailed geological sections, sedimentology, various datings of animal fossils and pollens, it is evident that those layers can be correlated with the changes in the climate of glacial cycles in deep sea sediments. The cold climate inferred by breccia layers is identical with that of the glacial represented by the uneven numbers of the δ18 O curve of the deep-sea core and the warm climate inferred by non-breccia layers is identical with that of the interglacial represented by the even numbers. The cave deposits at Zhoukoudian, Beijing, show that the climatic variations of the Quarternary in China adhered to a certain orientation. In other words, from the Middle Pleistocene on, the climatic variations became obvious and the continental climate in tensified. Based on the principles of the development of limestone caves, a comparison between the cave deposits and the sediments outside the cave and the data of absolute datings, the deposits in the Upper Cave, the New Cave and the Peking Man Cave can be correlated to the terraces outside the caves, China's loess sections and the δ18 O stages of the deep-sea core. According to climatic stratigraphy, the 17th-15th layers of the Peking Man Cave may be correlated to the sediments of the third terrace outside the cave, while the 14th-7th layers with the second terrace, or lower gravel layer, were formed in the same period, the deposits of the Peking Man Cave, the New Cave and the Upper Cave may be correlated to the L1-L12 of the loess section in Luochun, Shanxi province, or δ18 O 16-2 stages of the deep-sea core V28-238.
    On the paleoclimate during the period of "Dingcun Man"
    Chen Wanyong
    1983, 2(02):  184-195. 
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    This paper deals witr the paleoclimate during the period of "Dingcun Man" by means of determination of sediments. The analyses of deposits (including differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, heavy mineral, chemical analysis pH value and organic substances) and data of fossil animals and plants suggest that the climate were changeable during the late Pleistocene: from warm to cool and parched in the early stage; the same change in the middle stage; and continuing cool in the late stage.
    Chronological sequence of six Late Pleistocene faunas in North China with the Brainerd-Robinson method
    Chen Tiemei
    1983, 2(02):  196-202. 
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    Contextual analysis suggested by Brainerd and Robinson and developed by Dempsey and Baumhoft was used to establish chronological sequence of six faunas in North China. The deduced chronological order is: Dingcun(1), Xujiayao(2), Saraosol(3), Siyu(4), Xiaonanhai(5) and Shangdingtong(6). This order might be acceptable for most anthropologists and archaeologists, and it goes along with the 14C and uranium series dating results. The Brainerd-Robinson method might be a sensitive technique for establishing fauna sequence.