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    15 June 1998, Volume 17 Issue 02
    A discussion on the so-called cultural relics found at Xihoudu site in Ruicheng county, Shanxi province
    Zhang Senshu
    1998, 17(02):  81-93. 
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    Xihoudu, situated in Richeng County, Shanxi Province, is a n important Early Pleistocene mammalian fossil locality. Many faunal remains have been unearthed from the site, along with some so-called lithic artifacts. However, since the very beginning, those stone materials have been fallen into hot debate, for they exhibit very clear trace of water polishing . Many archaeologists, from home and abroad, believee that those lithic materials could be resulted from strong fluvial activity , rather than being made by hominid.
    This paper provided a brief review of the history of Early Pleistocene archaeological research in China, made a preliminary analysis and evaluation on two kinds of ` artifacts’ and `fire use evidence’ from Xihoudu site.
    On the so-called stone artifacts, through analyzing surface features o f those lithic materials and comparing them with naturally bro ken riv er pebbles,it is clear that the Xihoudu ` lithic artifacts’ resemble broken pebbles resulted from fluvial movement very much, and the evidence of their workmanship is not conclusive. About the ` antlers with cutting marks’, it is evident that those cutting marks are very neat and straight, which are very different from the cutting marks on some currently known Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic antler artifacts found in China. The latter a re usually uneven, which are unanimous with the character of the edgs o f paleolithic stone tools in China. Experimental study on bones with various working materials also demonstrates that the conclusion made by Jia and Wang that those marks were produced by Early Pleistocene hominids is very disputable, and the agent responsible for the cutting marks o n the antler needs to be reconsidered.
    On the` burned bones, antlers and horse teeth’ , it is even not certain if those materials were really carbonized by fire, no t to mention whether they were burned by ma n-used fire o r natural fire. So it is quite premature to regard them as the`earliest evidence of fire use by hominid’ a t this moment. Much more work, particularly chemical and taphonomic analyses, need to be done in order to reveal the reality of those so-called burned materials.
    To sum up, the Xihoudu site needs to be restudied. Mo re fieldwork and experimental research should be carried out, and some basic studies, such as distinguishing real artifacts from eolith, starting from the recognition of the characteristics and workability of lithic raw materials in China , o ugh t to be strengthened. Only through such studies, reasonable and realistic conclusion can be reached o n some Paleolithic issues in China, such as the Xihoudu `cultural remains’ .
    The report on the excavation of a palaeolithic cave at Shennongjia district, Hubei province
    Xu Xianzhu
    1998, 17(02):  121-136. 
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    This paper introduces the main harvest and the preliminary research achievement o f the Rhinoceros care excavetion of Middle Paleaolithic site situated NW of Hubei, The cave lies o n the altitude of 2102 metres above sea level. It is the highest old stone implement relics beside Tibet in China. It gives the new mind about some animal living era. There a re many blunt and end edge of the stone implement ex cava ted from this site it is the first discovery of the culture of the Middle Paleolithic in Hubei, it is possible to represent a kind o f new ragional culture in southern part of China.
    Latest achievements of paleolithic archaeology in Beijing area
    Li Chaorong, Yu Jincheng, Feng Xingwu
    1998, 17(02):  137-146. 
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    There are plenty of Paleolithic culture sites in Beijing area. Some archaeological researches have been done since 1990 and 38 sites have been discovered in the area up to now . These finds provide richer archaeological materials for the study of Paleolithic culture in the North China
    The X-ray measurement and age determination of the sponge bone in superior portion of the femur
    Liu Fengchun, Meng Ye, Ding Shihai, Du Jianguo, Wang Guanxi
    1998, 17(02):  147-150. 
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    The X-ray films o f sponge part in the superior portion of 167 normal femora on patients and 36 buried femora were taken and measured. Four formulae for age determination w ere produced by statistic analysis. The results show that the length and indices of the sponge pa rt in the superior portion of the femur has negative interrelation with age. It is correct and reliable for age determination.
    Study on adult somatotype of Daur nationality
    Zheng Lianbin, Zhu Qin, Yan Guibin, Wang Shuxun, Liu Jiongou, Fu Jie, Meng Wei, E Yuesheng
    1998, 17(02):  151-157. 
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    The Heath-Carter somatotyping method was used to study the adult somato types among 456 Daur indivaduals ( 216 males; 240 females) in Molidaw a Banner. The results a re: ( 1) The mean somato types of males was Endo-Mesomorph category ( 3. 4— 4. 8— 2. 3) while that of females w as Meso-Endomorph category ( 5. 2— 4. 2— 1. 9). ( 2) In both sex es the values of Endomorph and Mesomorph increased with decreasing Ectomorph with age ( male: 20_ 44 y ears; female: 20_ 39 y ears) . Somato types obviously changed after the age of 30 in male and after 35 in females. ( 3) There was very significant sexual difference in the somatotype. Females had low er values o f Mesomorph and Ectomorph but higher Endomorph than males. ( 4) The Daur and the Monggol showed extremely significant difference. Daur males are more Mesomorphic and less Endomorphic. In comparison with Mongolian females, Daul females show ed less Endomorphic.
    Study on development of subcutaneous adipose tissue of Daur students
    Han Zaizhu, Zheng Lianbin, Lu Shunhua
    1998, 17(02):  158-164. 
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    A sample o f 1759 Daur primary and middle school students including 872 boys and 887 girls was investigated on the development o f triceps, subscapular, suprailiac and calf skin- fold thicknesses and body fa t (% ) in the Molidawa Autonomous Banner of Inner Mongolia. Th e results a re as follow s: With age 's increase, the torso skinfolds of boys grew thick and the limb ones grew thin while all the 4 skinfolds o f girls became thick during puberty. After age o f 12, skinfolds o f girls w ere very significantly thicker than those of boy s ( p < 0. 01). The body fat (% ) of boy s gradually declined in the early puberty and that o f girls sharply increased from 12 through 14 yea rs old. On the w hole, Daur students showed on fattiness.