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    15 December 1999, Volume 18 Issue 04
    On the progressiveness of the stone artifacts from the Xiaochangliang site at Yangyuan, Hebei
    Li Yanxian
    1999, 18(04):  241-254. 
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    The site of Xiaochangliang is situated at Datianwa, Yangyuan County, Hebei Province. It was found in 1978. You Yuzhu et al. suggest that the site belong to early Pleistocene in age. More than one thousand pieces of stone artifacts w ere found in situ in association with a mammalian fauna including Mimomys chinensis, Hyaenalicenti, Equus sanmeniensis and Proboscidipparion sinense. Some scholars regard the stone artifacts show rather progressiveness, even achieve the pattern of the loess period. Therefore occurs contradiction between the early age and the progressive techno-typology of the stone artifacts.
    The present author reexamines and analyses the stone artifacts from the Xiaochangliang site. In his opinion, the irregular small artifacts do not mean the progressiveness of technology. According to You Yuzhu et al. in the collections from Xiaochangliang the rate of waste attains a percentage of over 90% . It means the rate of utilization of the raw materials is low rather than high as some scholars maintained. A few blade-like flakes with irregular sides are far from evidence of progressive technology. The so-called prepared platform on a flake has 4 facets due to the blows of different time even from different directions. It is difficult to affirm this flake has a prepared platform. Two flakes have been described as tools with very fine retouches. The present author thinks they are utilized flakes. In short, judged from flaking and retouch of the stone artifacts, the Xiaochangliang collections show simple and rough working , no any distinct progressive character can be observed on them. The types of stone tools are few and simple rather than complex. In comparison with those from the Peking Man site, the stone artifacts from the Xiaochangliang site are less progressive than the former; the latter does not at tain the techno-typo logical level of the late Pleistocene ones. It seems to the author that based on the materials so far published, the character shown on the stone artifacts from the Xiaochangliang site, by and large, coincide with the conclusions offered by the biostratigraphy and paleomagnetism.
    Discussion on Nanjing man's age
    Zhou Chunlin, Wang Yongjin, Cheng Hai, Liu Zechun
    1999, 18(04):  255-262. 
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    Based on the latest U-series dating of flow stone calcite in Nanjing Man Cave ( Little Cave) with TIMS, the age of Nanjing Man may be older than 500 000 years. The analysis of mammalian, spore and pollen fossils indicate that the deposit containing hominid fossils was formed in the cold ( glacial) stage. By the cluster analysis of mammalian fossils in Little Cave and in Peking Man Cave, the layer containing Nanjing Man fossils is correlated with the 6th breccia layer in the Peking M an Cave and the Stages 14 of marine deposits δ18 O. This result approved the new dating by TIMS which suggests that the age of Nanjing Man is earlier than 500 000 years ago with more evidence.
    The living environment of home erectus from Tangshan, Nanjing and other sites
    XU Qinqi
    1999, 18(04):  263-269. 
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    There are many paleoanthropological sites in South China, such as Yuanmou, Yunxian, Nanjing , Hexian, Chaoxian, etc.
    The date of the fossil hominid crania from Tangshan, Nanjing , and the Tangshan fauna corresponds to the late stage of the Peking Man fauna in Zhoukoudian, i. e. the Middle Pleistocene ( 0. 127— 0. 5Ma) . The Tangshan fauna is a monotonous one o f northern type, because all the 15 species found in Tangshan are also members of the Peking Man fauna. So the Tangshan fauna must have been living during a period which corresponding to the cold stage and might be at oxygeniso to pestage 10 ( 0. 33— 0. 37 M a).
    The geological age of the hominid skulls from Yunxian, Hubei, and the Yunxian fauna can be correlated with the Gongwang ling fauna, i. e. the Early Pleistocene ( 1. 0— 1. 4 Ma) . All the 23 species found in Yunxian are southern elements o f China, so it is a fauna o f southern and northern type. Both the Yunxian and Gongwang ling fauna must have been living during a warm stage, corresponding to the Waalian warm stage in Europe.
    The Yuanmou site is the oldest one among the paleoanthropological sites in China. The Yuanmou fauna (i. e. the Fourth M ember of the Yuanmou Formation) includes 29 species. Many of them are the northern mammals, such as Ochotonoides complicidens, Megantereon nihowanensis, Eostyloceros, Metacervulus capreolinus, Muntiacus lacustris, Paracervulus attenuatus,Cervavitus, Axis shansius, A .rugosus, Rusa , Procapreolus, Gazella , etc. They w ere living in North China during the Early Pleistocene and the Pliocene. So the age of the Yuanmou fauna corresponds to the Early Pleistocene ( 1. 4— 1. 90 Ma ) and must have been living in a cold stage. Many scientists argued that this cold stag e ( at about 1. 6 Ma ) represents the beginning o f the Pleistocene ( Backman et al. , 1983; Shackleton et al. , 1984).
    The artiodactyla from Hulu cave, Tangshan, Nanjing and the environment of Nanjing man
    Dong Wei
    1999, 18(04):  270-281. 
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    Hulu Cave is located at Tangshan County , Nanjing Municipality , Jiangsu Province. It is composed of a main cave and a branching cave. Some mammal fossils were found by local workers in 1990 and 1992 in the main cave, and they were identified by Professor Xu Qingqi up to 15 species. The fauna is very close to that of Locality 1 of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site and that of Hexian Man Cave.
    Xu felt that it would be possible to find hominid fossil at the cave. A big discovery was made on 13 March of 1993, a hominid skull was unearthed in the branching cave. This finding aroused the interests of many related units and experts. Professor Wu Rukang was then funded by CNN SF to launch a research on the site. Within the framework of this research, the present author studied the artiodactyla found from the main cave. The artiodactyla found in the main Hulu Cave and identified by the present author total 3 fimilies, 5 genera and 5 species. Another team has identified Capreolussp. with their collections ( Huang Yunping , 1996). The artiodactyla found at Tangshan Hulu Cave are therefore as follow:
    Sus lydekkeri
    Cervus ( Sika ) grayi
    Megaloceros pachyosteus
    Elaphodus cephalophus
    Capreolus sp.
    B Aubalus cf.
    They are larger in size ( e. g . Sus lydekkeri, Cervus grayi , Megaloceros pachyosteus ) and more advanced in morphology ( e. g. Sus lydekkeri, Bubalus cf. teilhardi) than those from Locality 1 of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site. And they are very likely the descendents of Zhoukoudian forms. That is to say , the Hulu fauna is younger than Zhoukoudian fauna, and likely the late Middle Pleistocene. The Elaphodus cephalophus is the first Pleistocene record in East China. The Hulu fauna is similar to Hexiam fauna, too , but less important than Zhoukoudian fauna.
    Among these 6 species, 4 of them arecervids, which are forest-woodland dwellers. The suid is also a woodland dweller, while the buffalo is a grassland dweller. Both suid and buffalo are wetland dwellers too. It can be concluded that the environment of the period was forest-woodland, with some intermittent grassland and wetland. The vegetation was rich. The annual temperature was similar to the present, but the winter temperature was lower than the present. The early man in the north was very likely pushed southward by the cold weather while the fauna and flora sorrounding Hulu offered him a good source to develop his hunting and gathering techniques.
    The links between the preserved large mammals of the Xishuidong fauna, Lantian, Shaanxi and human behavior
    Li Chuanling, Xue Xiangxu
    1999, 18(04):  282-290. 
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    About 880 specimens were found in Xishuidong , Lantian, Shaanxi in 1981 in association with stone artifacts, bone tools, charcoal and ash layers. About 42% of them are identifiable, and 58% of them are fragmentary bones. Some of the fragmentary bones can also roughly be classified according to their sizes and their remained character. After studying systematically , it is found that these fossils fall into 13 species, nine of which are large mammals. The preservation of the large mammals shows the following statistical feature:
    From the above table we can see that the number of species and the minimum number of individuals of each species are quite different. The PAS( the Preserved Amount of Specimens∶ the number of specimens of one species of total number of specimens) and the RAS ( the Relative Abundance of Species∶ the minimum number of individuals of one species of the total minimum numbers of the fauna) of the herbivore are much higher than thseo f carnivore. The N SI( the number of specimens per individuals) reflects the relative completeness of an individual animal. From the above table we can also see that the N SI seems to be in proportion to the size of the animal body. The higher the N SI, the larger the animal, and the much more the fragmentation.
    According to the standards of Behrensmeyer( 1978) , 80% of the fossils are in weathering stage 0, 18% are in weathering stage 1-2 and only 2% are in weathering stage 3-5. So the exposure time of most bones might not be long . Most fossils show no abrasion. This indicates that the fauna had not been moved by water for along distance.
    Almost all skeletal elements of the Naemohedus, Cervus, Dicerorhinus, Bison were preserv ed. However, the preservation of them are not proportioned. The expected number of each element has a great difference with the actual number found. One of the reasons might be that many fragmentary bones can not exactly be determined from which species and which part of the body they are derived.
    One obvious character of the broken limb bones can be observed. From humerus and femur to metacarpus and metatarsus, the lower position the bone, the much less the frag- mentation. Most autopodium is complete, while almost all stylopodium and zygopodium are damaged. In addition, the completeness of bones seems to be related to their sizes. This is also reflected by the N SI.
    On the character of preservation mentioned above, the authors tried to investigate. What was the cause for the animal bones existing in this cave. Four possible ways are analyzed. In conclusion, it is considered that the large mammals must be carried to Xishuidong by ancient human being , and the main force of the breakage of fossilsis closely related with the chopping of the ancient men. This can best explain the above characters.
    Discovery of plant remains in the neolithic site at the bancun site, Mianchi county, Henan province and their significance in human environment
    Kong Zhaochen, Liu Changjiang, Zhang Juzhong
    1999, 18(04):  291-295. 
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    Bancun site, which is a tanelevation of about 230 meters, is located on the second terrance in middle reach of Yellow river, Henan Province.
    The paper deal with the plant fruits and seeds obtained from the Peligang and the second period of Miaodegou culture. During the about 7000aBP. the Bancun site used to be covered by warm-temperate broad-leaf deciduaus trees, consisted of Quercus, Celtis, Cornus and etc. Mianwhile some herbaceous plants, such as Perilla frutescens and Glycine soja might have grown in the wetlands of Bancun locality.
    Judging from the nature of cultivated species, such as Setalia italica and Panicum milliaceum during 4500aBP. or so , forest was decreased by Human ultization and reconstuction of natural environment in prehistoric time of the second period in Miaodegou culture. Moreover, there′s a difference between in labor tool and farmig and fishery-hunting in primitive ecoromy of Bancun site.
    So , this paper is based on the datum of plant remains discovery at Bancun site provided important information for study cultural development and natural environment changes in middle reach, Yellow river. It is pointed out that plant evidence is still short for Yangshao culture ( the first period of Miaodegou) , so , it is necessary to make further investigation.
    The recent physical condition of Elunchunzu and its comparison with that 60 years before
    Zhu Qin, Wang Shuxun, Yan Guibin, Zheng Lianbin, Zhang Fuqin, Liu Chunrong, Gao Xu, Ma Peishan
    1999, 18(04):  296-306. 
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    An anthropological study of 191 adults ( 85 males, 106 females) of Elunchunzu living in Elunchun Autonomous Banner, Inner Mongolia, was carried out in July 1996. Five observational items and 33 measurements were investigated. The results w ere summarized brielfy as follows.
    1. The physical characters of Elunchunzu: The average stature is 165. 5 cm in males and 153. 5 cm in females. They belong to the medium type in both sexes. The head indices belong to brachycephaly , hypsicephaly and metriocephaly respectively. The morphological facial index belongs to mesoprosopy. Mongolian fold is present in the individuals more than 50% in the sample. This is true for both sexes. The nasal bridge is straight, and the nasal index belongs to leptorrhiny.
    2. A comparison with the results of the study o f Elunchunzu 's physical characters carried out 60 years ago shows that the stature of the mordern Elunchunzu is higher than that 60 years before by 3. 9 cm in male and 6. 8 cm in female. The other metrical values of bodily part have also increased in various degrees from 60 years before to present. The forms of the head and face basically tend to becoming short, narrow and high.
    3. The level of the physical condition in cases living in urban area is better than those in rural area. On the other hand, the development of the subcutaneous fa t is thicker in people living in urban area than those in rural area.
    4. In comparison with other minorities living in the northern areas of China, we found that the stature of Elunchunzu is shorter, the trunk is narrower, the nasal breadth is smaller and the inter-canthic diameter is larger.
    The trend of difference between urban and rural area about height growth in Chinese Han nationality children
    Zhang Yingxiu
    1999, 18(04):  307-310. 
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    This paper analysed the trend of difference between urban and rural area about height growth in the past 10 years ( 1985— 1995) in Chinese Han nationality children aged 7— 18 in twenty-six provinces. The result shows that the difference in height between urban and rural children lessened 0. 55 ( boy s) and 0. 64 ( girls) cm on the average. The lessen range in adolescence is biggest. The trends are different among provinces, the southern provinces lessen obviously than northern provinces.
    Distribution of apo E polymorphism in four Chinese national populations
    Chen Feng, Xue Yali, Huang Chengbin, Dong Lan, Fu Songbin, Zhang Guiyin, Li Pu
    1999, 18(04):  311-315. 
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    In present study after extracting genomic DNA from four population DNA fragment of the fourth exon of apo E, which contains site 112 and 158 in amino acid sequence, were amplified by PCR-RFLP and conducted polymorphism analysis. The results showed that the distribution tendency of apo E allele frequency in four populations ( the Han, the Daur, the Oroqen and the Ewenki) is similar to that reported home and abroad, but the frequency of alleleε3 is significantly higher than that of Europe and American populations.