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    15 March 2005, Volume 24 Issue 01
    The refitting of lithic artefacts from the Longyadong Cave, Luonan Basin, China
    Wang she jiang
    2005, 24(01):  1-17. 
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    A systematic refitting analysis was carried out in 1999 on the stone artefacts excavated from the Longyadong cave, Luonan Basin, China. 18608 lithic artefacts excavated from the inner cave in 1995 were selected as the refitting unit. It included two strata: (i) Layer 10, the disturbed layer, and ( ii) the upper part of Layer 4, a red clay soil layer, the principal sediment at the cave.
    Out of a total of 18 499 stone artefacts ( except the manuports, hammer stones, anvil stones, and some of the burnt stones) , 94 refitted groups were identified. These sets included 212 elements, made up of 27 cores, 67 flakes, 37 broken flakes, 71 chunks, one small piece of flaking debris, and nine retouched flakes. The raw materials range from various coloured quartzite ( cream, red, and dark grey colour etc. ), quartz, sandstone, flint, and igneous rock. The refitting rate is about 1115%.
    There are two patterns of refitting in current work. The first is where flake(s) or chunk(s) can be refitted to a core, or flakes can be refitted together and represent a succession of removals but where the core cannot be identified. The second pattern identified is those artefacts that have broken either during the manufacturing process or through post2depositional disturbance. The former pattern will be referred to as conjoins, the latter as joins. Joins include all broken artefacts whether broken from the percussion point or medial snaps.
    Seventy2eight groups, or 82198% in total of 94 refitted groups, consist of two elements, and include conjoined core with flake (s), conjoined flakes, or joined flakes and chunks. These refits usually possessed a cortical platform. Eleven groups ( 1117% ) consist of three refitted elements. Four groups ( 4126% ) consist of four refitted pieces. The largest refitted group conjoined together was made up of five elements. This comprised of 1106% out of the 94 refitted groups.
    Spatial Distribution of Refitted Lithic Artefacts
    For the core and flake ( s) or chunk (s) conjoined sequences, the maximum and minimum horizontal separation distance is relatively narrow compared to the other refitted types. The horizontal rectilinear distance between conjoining flakes ( chunks) is relatively longer than the other types. The joined broken artefacts have a lower mean distance suggesting that these are relatively more undisturbed than the other groups. The retouched type reveals the opposite pattern. The rectilinear distance between retouched flakes is the largest with the nearest rectilinear distance 9913cm, which is significantly greater than other refitted types.
    The vertical separations of retouched flakes are significantly different and are separated over larger distances. Their mean vertical separation is nearly twice that of the other refitted types. Most of refitted artefacts are simple conjoins or joins of two artefacts. They have a vertical separation from one to 20 cm. However, some refitted groups are separated by over 20 cm, and are mostly associated with retouched flakes.
    Taphonomic Issues
    The results from experiments have shown that lithic scatter patterns are influenced by a number of factors, including the method of manufacture, the movements of the knapper, animals inside the cave, the amount of artefacts, the habits of the knapper ( e. g. , the height of knapper. s hand above the ground standing or sitting, etc. ), trampling, and the strategies of tool use such as re2use of former blanks or tool re2sharpening. Because of the possible range of both natural and behavioural influences on the distribution of artefacts within the cave, alternative explanations must be considered. Technological explanations cannot be the only influences operating on horizontal distributions of refitted artefacts. As we have refitted that some refitted artefacts lay up to 6133 m apart, while some other sets lay close together.
    There are 87 groups, in total of 94 refitted groups that have been measured in situ while the other artefacts came from the disturbed Layer 10. Nine refitted groups ( 912%) of 87 groups lay more than 4 m apart. The percentage of different refitted types is composed of two conjoining groups ( 10% ) from a total of 20 core2flake groups, two joining groups ( 8133%) in a total of 24 groups of broken pieces, four groups ( 10181% ) in total of 37 groups of conjoining flakes, and one group ( 16167% ) in total of six groups of conjoining retouched flakes. The results suggest that serious artefact disturbance has taken place in the cave. However, the rectilinear distance of some refitted groups lay less than 4 mapart, their horizontal distribution pattern can be interpreted as representing part of a hominid knapping event, since it is clear that the inner cave wall configuration separates some of the refitted artefacts, and argues against simple natural process.
    The horizontal distribution of related broken flakes or chunks, particularly, the elements that are the closest together, suggests that they lie near their original positions. Fifteen groups of refitted broken flakes are broken or separated by distances of less than one metre. In these cases their distribution in almost certainly the result of primary knapping. Here it is argued that they more likely reflect behavioural patterns rather than natural disturbance.
    Analysis of the distribution of the broken pieces also provides important information about post2 depositional events. Several pieces lay close together without any gap between them indicative of trampling or some other external pressure such as pressure caused by the weight of the cave deposits.
    The stratigraphy and the TL dating suggest that the deposit has been built up over a period of tens of thousands of years. Given that the thickness of the analytical unit is about 70 ) 90cm and built up nearly 100 kyr between 35616 ? 1718kyr and 27319 ? 1317kyr, it is likely that the lithic artefacts were exposed on the surface for a substantial period of time. No stratigraphic unconformity or sediment gap within the upper Layer 4 has been identified which would indicate that the artefacts were exposed for a considerable time before deposits covered them. The artefacts therefore have undergone a process of hominid or non2human animal trampling before they were buried.
    Careful analysis of the sediments of the Longyadong cave shows that there is no evidence for significant fluvial action. The presence of intact, very thin 1 ) 2mm thick deposits interleaved with a number of 2 ) 3mm trampling strata in the inner cave, suggests no major disturbances. Fluvial action does not appear to have been a major influence on the artefacts distribution patterning.
    Overall the evidence suggeststhat artefacts separated by large distance can be interpreted in terms of hominid behaviour. These appear to have been selected for use or transport to another location. Conversely, the joined broken pieces with distances less than 10cm suggested that they were formed during in situ lithic manufacture or broken through trampling.
    The study and interpretation of the vertical movement of lithic artefacts in the Longyadong cave is relatively complex when compared to the horizontal distributions. The results show that most of the refitted artefacts at the cave underwent vertical movements from zero to 20 cm. However, the largest differential separation are those found in the conjoined core and flake(s) groups of up to 48 cm, while conjoined retouched pieces were found to be 40 cm apart. There are four refitted groups ( 416% ) of the 87 refitted groups with vertical displacement of over 30 cm. Ten refitted groups ( 11149%) have vertical displacements of 20 to 30 cm. Twenty2three refitted groups ( 26144%) have vertical displacement of 10 to 20cm, while the other 50 groups ( 57147%) with have a vertical separation of less than 10 cm. The results suggest that conjoined groups, particularly the conjoined retouched flakes are significantly different from the other refitted groups. Their mean vertical separation is nearly twice that of the other refitted types.
    It is impossible to indicatewhich agent was responsible for the vertical displacement of artefacts in the Longyadong cave. Some experiments and excavations of archaeological sites with sandy sediment matrix show that when artefacts were deposited, the heavier pieces tend to penetrate further. However, at the Longyadong cave, the relationship is reversed to some extent. This may be related to the surface area of lithic artefacts and the differing sediments in which these were deposited.
    Only the heavier conjoined core and flake( s) group is displaced toward the lower levels. The other three refitted groups challenge the conclusion that heavier artefacts tended to travel further down into the deposits over time. Generally, the results show that the degree of vertical movement of refitted groups does not support the previous findings at the other sites with a fine sand matrix.
    In an assessment of the principal factors, biological activities may be ruled out as a major agent. The cave site deposits have clear stratigraphic ordering with 2 ) 3mm thick strata preserved in the unit. Although some plant roots were found, the matrix was nearly horizontal, and the macro level biological activities do not seem to have played an important role in displacing artefacts.
    A major factor in the formation processes is the alternate wetting and drying of the deposits that probably played a significant role in vertical movement of refitted artefacts. The clay soils are liable to wetting and drying, with a formation of cracks allowing smaller flakes to penetrate into lower layers more easily than larger, heavier artefacts. Rainfall slowly percolates from the cave roof in droplets wetting the sediments and allowing it to expand. When dry, it contracts and cracks. The artefacts located in the softer soil inside the cave in northwest corner have a deeper vertical distribution than other areas. The influence of differential clay moisture content appears to have a considerable effect on vertical displacement of artefacts. The cave deposits are loess and there is no evidence that shows regular flooding through the cave particularly in the Layer 4.
    Trampling may have played a major role in vertical displacement, since the cave was occupied by early hominids and non2human animals for a very long period. It was quite probable that lithic artefacts had been exposed on the surface for a long time before they were buried. The density of artefacts in the central parts of cave was not as high as the surrounding areas and the fact that the soil here was more compact appears to have led to a greater displacement of artefacts due to trampling.
    It appears that the effects of artefact weight, sedimentary environment, hominid trampling, other bio2disturbances, and soil properties have had a significant influence on artefact distribution inside the cave. Hominid behaviour is one factor but other site formation factors have been identified. The wetting and drying of sediment has played an essential role in the dispersal of lithic artefacts in the cave.
    Technological Issues
    Experimental replication of flint2knapping shows that the d bitage are scattered within 50 cm around the knapper. It has also provided information on how much dispersion of flaking debris can be expected in situ. Although the exact method of lithic reduction cannot be identified, the characteristics of special flakes show that the former occupants of the cave used anvil2chipping, bi2polar, and hard hammer percussion techniques for flake production. Based on experiments, it was found that anvil2chipping technique was used to detach flakes. Quartzite river cobbles were used and when struck scattered d bitage up to a maximum of 150 cm from the knapping site. Ninety percent of shatter was distributed within 70 cm of the knapper. It contrasts with the distribution of refitted artefacts in the cave, where the mean distance of all refitted groups except the broken flake type is greater than 150 cm. If 50 cm is used as the common criterion for hard hammer percussion, then there are only 12 refitted groups ( 13179%) that fall into this range. When the common criterion of 70 cm of rectilinear distance is used for anvil2chipping technique, only 16 groups ( 18139%) fall within this range.
    It has been demonstrated that there is a close relationship between the position of knapper and the resultant d bitage scatter. That is, the further away from the ground surface the knapper is positioned, the greater dispersal of the d bitage, with some individual flakes travelling up to 4 m away. A more concentrated pattern is likely to result when the knapper is seated. This means that the rectilinear distance of dispersion of refitted stone artefacts might not be useful for identifying the specific knapping technique in the Longyadong cave.
    Unfortunately the refitted groups cannot be used for studying specific lithic reduction technology, although other patterns can be identified through an analysis of refitting artefact groups. For example the distance between core and flake(s) or chunk(s) show a narrower range of dispersal when compared to other types. This implies that under some experimental circumstances, when the first flake is removed from a core in a sitting position, d bitage scatters in a fan where the distance between core and d bitage equals that of the radius of the fan. However, the conjoined results of flake(s) or chunk (s) show a different pattern. The distance between each set is variable. At face value the interpretation could be that the conjoining flakes were picked up and selected for re2sharpening or directly used as a tool after they were detached. It suggests that the flakes underwent post2knapping removal and discard. Moreover, since the conjoined retouched flakes were chosen for re2sharpening, the rectilinear distance between them suggests that even after retouching, the tools were taken away from the cave. It seems that the knapper did not work at same location during the knapping sequence. They appear to have moved from one area to another. Such activity would transport the artefacts from their original location to another work area.
    However, the groups of joined broken flakes differ from retouched groups. They appear to have formed in two ways. One is the result of knapping processes, where the pieces were reduced by percussion processes or the detached flakes hit another object in percussion processes to made the flake break. The second is by post2depositional processes, such as trampling or striking another rock. It is not hard to imagine that the rectilinear distance for broken pieces remained short compared to the other refitted types unless they were chosen for further retouching or removed during heavy disturbance. The experiments and the analysis of the joined artefacts groups support this hypothesis.
    New finds of Qingciyao palaeolithic site in Datong in Shanxi
    LI Chaorong, FENG Xingwu
    2005, 24(01):  18-24. 
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    The Qingciyao paleolithic site, an important early paleolithic site in Shanxi Province, was discovered in the spring of 1975 and excavated twice in 1976 and 1977 respectively. The previous report of excavation was published in 1983.
    In 1984 and 1987, some stone artifacts including cores, flakes and tools, were discovered again. Most of stone materials are quartzite, and a few are quartz and flint. Direct hammer flaking was mainly employed on cores with alternate percussion, and bipolar flaking was used occasionally. The flakes are dominant in the assemblage, and some flakes with scarred platforms and with prepared platforms are identified for the first time. All of stone tools are scrapers and trimmed predominantly by hard hammer on flakes. Some scrapers were crudely trimmed in the alternate ways. The majority of the retouch occurred on the dorsal surface of the scrapers by simple and crude percussions, some scrapers retain various degrees of cortex. The types and techniques of the Qingciyao assemblage are similar to those of the early Paleolithic sites in North China. It provides new materials to study Qingciyao culture.
    Preliminary report on the paleolithic remains from red clay of Zhangzhou, Fujian Province
    FAN Xuechun
    2005, 24(01):  25-31. 
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    Fifteen Paleolithic sites were discovered in north-west part of Zhangzhou City in August, 2003. Sixty-seven pieces of stone artifacts have been unearthed from upper and lower brick red clay beds, 11 pieces are collected on surface. The stone artifacts consist of cores, flakes, stone hammers, scrapers, chopper or chopping tools, points and pick. All of there were made of cobbles or broken rocks and crudely fashioned by stone hammer. Besides point, most of stone tools are rather large. The raw materials include quartzite, quartz-sandstone, vein quartz and volcanic rocks.The characteristics of the artifacts found in Zhangzhou indicate that they are similar to those found in the Lianhuashan Site of Zhangzhou County.
    Red clay deposits are widely distributed in Zhangzhou area.At the section of ZP003 site, the red clay sediment sequence consists of 4 parts from bottom to top: 1) Reddish yellow reticulated red clay; 2) thick layer of reddish brown red clay; 3) lower brick red clay; 4) upper brick red clay.There are gravel beds or sandy gravels are intercalated between the neighboring red clay layers( see Fig. 1). Author suggests that the lower brick red clay belongs to early-Late Pleistocene and upper brick red clay belongs to late-Late Pleistocene. So the lower cultural layer may be of Middle Paleolithic and upper cultural layer of ZP003 Site and other sites may be attributed to late Paleolithic.
    The tooth wear and health condition of the Bronze-Iron ages
    LIU Wu , ZHANG Quanchao , WU Xiujie , ZHU Hong
    2005, 24(01):  32-53. 
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    The tooth wears and some other features related to health status were observed and compared on the remains unearthed from the archaeological sites in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia at the Bronze-Iron ages, and from Henan and Shanxi of Neolithic period. Our results indicate that the average tooth wears are close between the residents of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, and the residents of Henan and Shanxi. Besides, some special patterns of tooth wears appear on the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia inhabitants. Obvious differences of the caries and antemortem tooth loss were found for the people living in the Chinaps frontier areas and central areas along theYellow Rivers with higher frequencies of carries occurring in the Henan and Shanxi groups, and more antemortem tooth loss in the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. We also found highly developed exostosis on mandible and maxilla in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia inhabitants.The authors believe that the diets eaten by the people living in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia are different from those consumed by the people about 2000 years later in Henan and Shanxi with more tough food eaten by the former groups.The high occurrence of more heavily wear in frontal teeth and some other special patterns of wear, antemorm tooth loss and exotosis on jaw bones in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia suggest that the people in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia lived in the relatively tough environments, frequently gnawing hard objects, or using teeth as some kind of tools.All these activities made the masticatory organs bear strong loadings.The differences of caries occurred in the frontier and central areas indicate that the food rich in carbohydrate compositions were consumed by the prople living in central areas. The authors propose that in many areas of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia about 3500 ) 2000 years BP, the people mainly relied on the hunter2gatherer economy type with lower proportions of agriculture in their life.
    The comparison and analysis of physical development of Kazak students for the past 10 years
    ZHANG Mingtao, TANG Yong, LIANG Shaohua, MENG Xinling, WANG Lanting
    2005, 24(01):  54-57. 
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    For the development status of Kazak children and adolescents, the authors measured 2 589 Kazak urban students of the age between 7 and 18 years old. The measurements include stature, body weight, sitting height, chest circumference, shoulder and pelvic width. The results that all indexes are increased along with the accretion of age. The average increasing values of all indexes of boys are higher than those of the girls. Compared with the results of the same investigation in 1985, values of stature, body weight, and chest circumference changed recent 10 years. The rush age of stature growth are still at 142year2old for boys and 102year2old for girls. The increment of sitting height is not in corresponding proportion to the stature. There are negative values of shoulder width increment in some age groups of female, and pelvic breadth in all age groups of both male and female. It indicates that the body constitution of Kazak students has changed comparing with that of 10 years ago.
    The variations of skin-fold thickness of Bouyei adults
    ZHANG Shuli, ZHENG Lianbin, LU Shunhua, YANG Jianhui, ZHAO Zhou , SUO Liya
    2005, 24(01):  58-63. 
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    The skin-fold thicknesses of calf, suprailiac, subscapular, triceps, biceps, and facial are investigated in a sample of 494 Bouyei adults including 259 males and 235 females. The results are as follows :(1) As a whole, each skin-fold of females is thicker than that of males of the same-age Bouyei adults; (2) The torso and facial skin-folds are thicker than the limb one in males, which is similar in females; (3) The changes of 6 skin-fold thicknesses are smaller with the age increment, especially in males .
    On somatotpye of adults of Black-Zhuang nationality by anthropometry of Heath-Carter aethod
    PU Hongqin, LI Peichun, QIN Limiao, WU Rongmin, HUANG Shining
    2005, 24(01):  64-69. 
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    In order to study somatotype characters of adults of Black-Zhuang nationality, 331 subjects ( 165 males and 166 females) of Black-Zhuang nationality aged from 20 to 60 in Chengxiang Town of Napo County at Bose, Guangxi were somatotyed by Heath-Carter anthropometry. The results are as follows: ( 1) The mean somatotype for male is 1158- 5119- 2169 in balanced mesomorph, and for female is 2199- 4130- 1179 in mesomorphic endomorph; ( 2) SAD and T between male and female are 1185 and 16104 respectively and there is very significant sexual difference in somatotype of Black- Zhuang nationality ( P< 0101) ; ( 3) Compared with data of other eight ethnic minorities, endomorphy for male of Black-Zhuang nationality is the lowest and mesomorphy isthe highest, while others for male and female on mediate.
    A study of the genetics polymorphisms of five red cell isoenzymes and two serum groups in the Oroqen, Ewenki and Dawuor Nationalities in the Chinese of Inner Mongolia
    LIU Mu, SHEN Shuping, MA Shuanzhu, et al.
    2005, 24(01):  70-76. 
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    Red cell isoenzymes GPT, 6-PGD, ACP, ADA, AK1 and the serum group GC-Tf are genetic polymorphisms that are inherited according to the Mendelian law of segregation. In this paper, the phenotype frequencies of the GPT, 6-PGD, ACP, ADA, AK1 and GC-Tf have been investigated by the method of typing GPT-ACP-6PGD-ADA-AK1 and Gc-Tf on the same mixed starch agarose gel electrophoresis among seven Chinese nationalities, Ewenki, Oroqen and Dawuor.
    The distribution of their type frequencies varied with ethnic group and the gene frequencies, DP and CDP were also calculated. The ranges of gene frequencies of Ewenki, Oroqen and Dawuor were: GPT^1 0.46875 - 0.47225, 6-PGD^A 0.8563 - 0.8583, ACP^A 0.2139 - 0.2208, ADA^1 0.9500 - 0.9596, AK^1_1 0.9963- 1.000, Gc^1 0.64375- 0.65445, Tf^c 0.9669- 0.96945. The DP were: GPT 0.6288- 0.6303, 6-PGD 0.3999- 0.4037, Acp 0.4916- 0.5187, ADA 0.1487- 0.1800, AK_1 0- 0.0111, GC 0.5839- 0.6029, Tf 0.1147- 0.1236. No rare genes of other isoenzymes or serum groups were found.
    The differences in the distribution of 5 isoenzymes and 2 serum groups in the 3 ethnic groups were analyzed. It was found that there were many similarities in the genetic characters of the Oroqen, Ewenki and Dawuor herdsmen populations addressed in the past  suoluner, showing the possible common blood ties of these 3 populations, which has been recorded in the historical data.
    Study on white line of finger print of Hui and Han nationalities in Ningxia
    LU Hong, HUO Zhenghao, ZHONG Huijun, JIAO haiyan, Cheng Yintao, PEN Liang , DANG Jie, ZHAO Wei
    2005, 24(01):  77-81. 
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    What line of finger print of 390 individuals(male 189, female 201)of Hui and 425 individuals(male 217, female 208) of Han nationalities in Ningxia was investigated. The results were that the occurrences of white line on finger prints for Hui was 19103 % (male: 17109 %, female: 20185 %) and for Han was 17155 % (male: 16122 % , female: 18194 %). The occurrences of white line on finger print of female was frequent of the same nationalities. Significant variances of the same nationality were found between females and males(χ2 = 81916, P < 0101 or χ2 = 51434, P < 0105). Significant variances were not found between Hui and Han nationalities(χ2 = 21956, P > 0105).