河北蔚县南柏山遗址晚更新世河套大角鹿角化石 |
梅惠杰, 张贝, 雷华蕊, 同号文 |
Antler fossil of Sinomegaceros ordosianus from Nanbaishan site of Late Pleistocene age in Yüxian, Hebei Province |
MEI Huijie, ZHANG Bei, LEI Huarui, TONG Haowen |
图6 中华大角鹿的地史分布 气候曲线数据源自LR04,参考文献[ 1.塔吉克中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros tadzhikistanis; 2.公王岭中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros konwanlinensis; 3.扁角中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros flabellatus; 4.肿骨中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros pachyosteus; 5.祥原中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros sangwonensis; 6.洛川中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros luochuanensis; 7.桑干河中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros sangganhoensis; 8.包头中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros baotouensis; 9.河套大角鹿Sinomegaceros ordosianus; 10.河套大角鹿门头沟亚种Sinomegaceros ordosianus mentougouensis; 11.矢部中华大角鹿Sinomegaceros yabei |
Fig.6 Geological distribution of the genus Sinomegaceros The data of the climate curve was adopted from LR04 [ |