人类学学报, 2023, 42(03): 398-411 doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2023.0019



杨紫衣,1,2, 靳英帅1,2, 王社江1, 张晓凌,1

1.中国科学院脊椎动物演化与人类起源重点实验室,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,北京 100044

2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Discovery and research review of knapped lithics of the South Asian subcontinent

YANG Ziyi,1,2, JIN Yingshuai1,2, WANG Shejiang1, ZHANG Xiaoling,1

1. Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049

通讯作者: 张晓凌,研究员,主要研究旧石器时代考古学。E-mail:zhangxiaoling@ivpp.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2022-07-31   修回日期: 2022-10-19  

基金资助: 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究(2019QZKK0601)

Received: 2022-07-31   Revised: 2022-10-19  

作者简介 About authors

杨紫衣,硕士研究生,主要研究旧石器时代考古学。E-mail: yangziyi@ivpp.ac.cn



关键词: 旧石器时代; 石制品; 类型; 技术; 南亚次大陆


The South Asian subcontinent, located south of the Eurasian continent and adjacent to East Asia, has a close relationship with Southeast Asia and China. It has long been a critical pivot of eastern and western Eurasia playing a unique and irreplaceable role in cultural communication and technology diffusion. In this paper, we clarify the research history, chronology and technology of knapped lithics from the South Asian subcontinent, in order to offer more information for further work.
Traces of ancient humans first appeared in the Early Paleolithic, and numerous lithics of different technological characteristics have been discovered since 1863, when Foote RB collected the first hand-axe in Madras, southeast India. Due to some historical reasons, however, there are three main problems in Paleolithic research of the South Asian subcontinent. First, only a few sites have been excavated, with most findings on the surface, which has led to controversies such as the identity of the Soan culture and its relationship to the Acheulian. Second, both the lack and uncertainty of dating data makes the chronology somewhat questionable and thus ambiguous for each stage of the Paleolithic. Third, despite the efforts of several generations of scholars, most archaeological reports of the subcontinent are still scarce, and many lack clear photographs or 3D models for researchers who do not have access to these important materials.
Various lithic technologies are recognized in the South Asian continent. Core-flake technology, including pebble tool and flake tool assemblages from the Early Pleistocene to the Holocene. This is a unique phenomenon because pebble tools such as chopper-chopping tools decrease and finally disappear with the rise of more complicated technologies in most cases. The Acheulian, Mousterian, blade, and geometric microlithic technologies are similar to those in western Eurasian, respectively. Large cutting tools such as hand-axes, cleavers and picks predominate in the Early Pleistocene, whereas geometric microliths are also widely distributed in Terminal Pleistocene and Holocene. Mousterian and blade products are not as common, which might hint at a different role that the subcontinent plays in human dispersal and communication in the early Late Pleistocene. Microblade products, such as minute blades(microblades) and specially prepared microblade cores, might come from East Asia where these products are large in quantity, mature in technique, and clear and complete in a developing sequence.

Keywords: Paleolithic; Lithics; Typology; Technology; South Asian subcontinent

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杨紫衣, 靳英帅, 王社江, 张晓凌. 南亚次大陆打制石器的发现与研究综述[J]. 人类学学报, 2023, 42(03): 398-411 doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2023.0019

YANG Ziyi, JIN Yingshuai, WANG Shejiang, ZHANG Xiaoling. Discovery and research review of knapped lithics of the South Asian subcontinent[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2023, 42(03): 398-411 doi:10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2023.0019

1 引言


打制石器1)( 1) 本文中“打制石器”一词不包括与陶器共存的新石器时代打制石器。)作为揭示古人类演化与适应的重要材料,在南亚次大陆很早就引起了学者们的关注。19世纪中期,英国地质学者发现该区域存在手斧遗存,随后,各国学者开展了大量的工作[3-9]。1948年,莫维斯参考东亚、南亚及东南亚的砍砸器与手斧遗存分布情况,沿着印度北部向西划出了“莫维斯线(Movius line)”,指出中国、印度北部和中南半岛在中更新世晚期时缺乏“进步”的阿舍利技术[10]。这一论断逐渐在学术界流行,认为东西方文化从旧石器时代早期开始就存在巨大的差异,并且一直延续至晚更新世。



2 研究简史

受学科发展历史和自然环境制约,南亚次大陆打制石器遗存的发现和研究多集中于印度和巴基斯坦两国,斯里兰卡和尼泊尔也有一些材料见诸报道,不丹、马尔代夫、孟加拉等国则基本缺乏相关信息(图12)(2) 图中细石器的概念与东亚细石叶细石器的概念并不一致,详见后文。)。


图1   南亚次大陆重要旧石器时代遗址分布图

Fig.1   Location of critical Paleolithic sites in the South Asian subcontinent



表1   南亚次大陆旧石器时代分期表(据Kenndy[30],Korisettar[31],Chauhan[32]

Tab.1  Division of Paleolithic in South Asia

分期Period石器特征Characteristics of lithic artifacts年代范围Age (kaBP)
Lower Paleolithic
Middle Paleolithic
Upper Paleolithic

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首先,各个时期年代的划分并不十分明确[30-33]。南亚次大陆手斧的年代可能延续到很晚,如据欧洲的技术模式划分,旧石器早期可延续至130 kaBP;旧石器中期的上限一般在114 kaBP[34],但也有一些颇具争议的材料表明可早至385 kaBP[35];石叶和细石器遗存在45 kaBP前后有一段并行的时间[36],旧石器晚期特征还需进一步厘清。

其次,南亚次大陆各期的文化内涵与欧洲的石器技术[37]不能一一对应,相反,多种技术共存的现象却十分普遍,如一贯被认为属于旧石器早期的索安文化(Soanian Culture),由于文化面貌并不清晰,不少学者对其“独立文化”的地位提出质疑[30];旧石器中期以石片工业为主,莫斯特技术虽然存在,但并不占主导地位;最早的细石器遗存年代更是早至约45 kaBP,与欧洲旧石器晚期遗存同期,不能直接与中石器时代(Mesolithic)划等号[38]


3 石器技术

3.1 石核-石片技术

石核-石片技术(Core-flake technology,又称Instant technology[42])常被称作模式I技术[37]。该技术通常被认为是最简单的石器生产方式,其以硬锤打击法为最主要打片方法,使用原料质量不一,耗费的时间和精力少[42]。目前,南亚次大陆已知最早的石核-石片技术遗存为巴基斯坦的Riwat遗址,其地层经古地磁测定为2.01 MaBP[43],石制品主要为石核、大型石片与砍砸器。


索安文化发现于20世纪30年代,它是南亚次大陆最具特点的石核-石片技术传统文化,代表了一种不含手斧的石器工业。它在广义上囊括了砾石石器、石片石器、莫斯特技术产品的技术混合体[9],狭义上仅指以砾石石器为代表的砍砸器传统[10]。由于缺乏明确的地层信息和测年数据[32],研究者们对其文化内涵与分期观点不一。de Terra和Paterson认为索安文化包括砍砸器、预制石核、长石片等元素[9],莫维斯将其统一归为砍砸器传统[10],而Stiles则认为所谓的砍砸器传统是调查时采样偏差造成的[47]。之后,学者又按照石制品组合将其分为下层索安(Lower Soanian)、早期索安(Early Soanian)、上层索安(Upper Soanian)和末期索安(Final Soanian),分别对应砾石石器、盘状石核石器、石片石器和勒瓦娄哇技术产品[48],同时包括了模式I与模式III技术。


根据砍砸器的存在,部分学者认为印度中部的Mahedevian和Durkadian砾石石器组合属于奥杜威工业[52]。而另一些学者又以整体数量偏少、技术面貌混杂为由加以反对,认为南亚次大陆石核-石片技术的文化面貌模糊,不能轻易归入奥杜威或克拉克当工业[36],一些曾被认为属于旧石器早期的砾石石器可能属于和平文化(Hoabinhian Culture)和安雅辛文化(Anyathian Culture)等更晚的文化类型[46]。有学者甚至认为“索安文化”并不是一个有效的概念[36]、已属历史话题[30]。目前学界仍保留着“索安文化”这一术语,但其确切的文化面貌尚有待未来新的发现和研究工作进一步厘清。

3.2 阿舍利技术


手斧是南亚次大陆最早发现的石器产品。早年学者根据印度南部发现的遗存提出马德拉文化(Madrasian Culture),包含手斧、薄刃斧、石片、砍砸器、勒瓦娄哇石器等[55],与西方阿舍利技术面貌并不完全一致。后来经过进一步研究,发现该组合是在缺乏地层依据情况下不同时期石制品的混合体,其中手斧等应属于阿舍利遗存[50]

南亚次大陆的阿舍利石器组合以手斧、薄刃斧为代表,部分地点还包括砍砸器、刮削器、尖状器、盘状器等[56],这可能与地表遗物组合混杂有关。石制品原料多为石英岩,但不同地区有就地取材的现象,如印度西南部存在石灰岩、玄武岩、粉色花岗岩质的手斧[57]。根据技术学和类型学,研究者们将阿舍利技术分为早期和晚期,年代大致以0.78 MaBP为界,从早到晚的整体变化趋势为:石器尺寸变小而个体差异增大,石器形态趋于稳定,片疤密度变大,石片在毛坯中占比增加等[58]。早期阿舍利遗存多有地层证据,而晚期阿舍利遗存则多暴露于地表[59],这很可能与南亚次大陆强烈的地表剥蚀有关。

阿舍利遗存在南亚次大陆分布广泛,它是南亚次大陆旧石器时代早期最具特色的石器遗存。除恒河平原、东北部雨林和半岛最南端外[32],喜马拉雅山区、西北部沙漠、中部河谷、东部高原和南部沿海地区均发现有大量的手斧遗存[57]。然而,与南亚次大陆其他旧石器遗址的问题一样,大部分阿舍利技术遗址缺乏绝对测年数据[36]。在为数不多经过测年的遗址中,最早的可早至1.50 MaBP前后[60],其他则多在0.70~0.40 MaBP的范围内。一些遗址的测年结果还存在争议,如Bori遗址通过K-Ar测年法可至1.38 MaBP[61],但后续的工作并不支持这一结果[62]。值得一提的是,南亚次大陆还存在晚至MIS 6(约130 kaBP)、非常年轻的阿舍利遗存[63]

3.3 莫斯特技术

莫斯特技术一词源自法国西南部的一处遗址,以勒瓦娄哇技术或盘状石核等产品为典型标志,在欧洲已作为旧石器中期文化的代名词[64]。随着多学科研究的发展和考古发现的增加,学术界对于莫斯特技术的认识不断深入,目前该技术出现的最早年代可追溯至0.31 MaBP前,掌握该技术的人群除了尼安德特人,可能包括现代人[65]

早在1932年,南亚次大陆就有莫斯特技术因素的石器见诸报道[66],但当时未引起太多关注,直到20世纪下半叶才得到学术界的正式认可[67]。目前,南亚次大陆最早的莫斯特技术遗存出自印度东南部的Attirampakkam遗址,约0.385 MaBP,其莫斯特遗存地层下伏阿舍利遗存地层,被研究者认为是阿舍利技术向莫斯特技术转变的证据[35]。然而,该遗址的勒瓦娄哇产品并不典型,是否属于真正的莫斯特技术目前颇有争议。另一年代较早的Hanumanthunipadu遗址经红外激发发光测年,约0.247 MaBP[68],其他经过测年的遗址年代数据在114~34 kaBP之间[69]

南亚次大陆的莫斯特石制品组合有勒瓦娄哇石片、莫斯特尖状器、端刮器、锯齿刃器、尖状器等,其中尖状器多分布在印度南部[70]。石器原料以石英岩为主,也有部分地区使用了燧石和玛瑙等优质原料[71,72]。南亚次大陆莫斯特技术遗存分布相当广泛,遍布西北部的沙漠和洞穴、东部高原、南部河谷以及中北部盆地[31],但在东南沿海地区几乎看不到这类遗存。喜马拉雅山脉南麓尼泊尔的Arjun3遗址也报道有旧石器时代中期遗存,光释光测年数据为67~30 kaBP,但其石制品以盘状石核为主,缺乏真正意义上的勒瓦娄哇技术产品[73]


3.4 石叶技术

Bordes最初将石叶定义为两边平行、长大于宽两倍以上的石片,其背面至少有一条与打击方向平行的脊[27]。其后,考古学者据此识别出了三种主要的石叶技术:勒瓦娄哇技术(Levallois blade technique)、棱柱状石核技术(Prismatic blade technique)以及呼马尔技术(Hummalian technique)[74]


与欧洲、非洲和西亚更新世的石叶技术相比[77],南亚次大陆的石叶技术出现年代非常晚[78]。目前所见最早的石叶遗存是位于巴基斯坦的55遗址,热释光测年数据为约45 kaBP,出土石制品以石英岩为主要原料,类型包括石核、石片和石叶等,未见典型石叶石核等[79]


3.5 细石器技术

Clark根据欧洲发现的石器遗存,将细石器(microlith)定义为以小石片或石叶为毛坯修理成的石器,通常捆绑、镶嵌后作为复合工具使用[37]。此后学者从石器制作的角度对石器小型化进行了专门讨论,总结出一些标准[80]。针对南亚次大陆的情况,Wedage将细石器定义为最大长度小于4 cm的小石片、小石叶及相关工具,并且特别说明小石叶和琢背修理并非必需的要素[81],不过大部分学者还是以几何形细石器或小石叶作为主要的判断依据。

南亚次大陆的细石器包括几何形细石器和非几何形细石器两大类[72]:前者是该区域细石器的主流产品,以半月形器、梯形器、三角形器等为代表;后者则是一个较为混杂的概念,同时包括细石核、细石叶,以及小石片、端刮器、边刮器等。在东亚地区的研究中,细石器以细石叶、细石核及相关石制品为限,一般不囊括小型石片石器[82,83]。南亚和东亚细石器的概念存在一定差异,细石叶细石器和小型石片石器揭示的文化传播与适应意义也大有不同,在开展地区对比研究时需要格外注意。如斯里兰卡约45 kaBP的Kitulgala遗址[84],原研究者认为的细石器遗存实为脉石英质小型石片石器组合,并非严格意义上的细石器遗存[85],无论是讨论几何形细石器技术或是细石叶细石器技术的扩散都不宜包括此类遗存。

南亚细石器的打制方法主要是硬锤或间接法,台面小或破碎,石器通常是琢背(backed)或斜折(obliquely truncated)修理。细石核可见金字塔形(pyramidal)、长方形(rectangular)、锥形(conical)、亚金字塔形(sub-pyramidal)、亚长方形(sub-rectangular)、亚锥形(sub-conical)等形态[86,87]。细石叶常被有意截断成各种形态,其形状和尺寸的差异可能是由于时代或生计模式不同[81]。原料上,大部分地区以燧石、玛瑙、玉髓等为主要原料,而在斯里兰卡则是脉石英和水晶占主导地位。南亚报道最早的细石器在45 kaBP前后,如印度北部47 kaBP的Dhaba第3地点[75],中部44 kaBP的Mehtakheri遗址[71],东南部38~35 kaBP的Jwalapuram 9遗址[87],东部48~25 kaBP的Kana和Mahadebbera遗址[88]。不过其年代虽早,文化面貌却与东亚细石器存在显著差异,在对比研究时需详细辨析斯里兰卡的细石器遗存多为几何形细石器,从更新世晚期一直延续到全新世[81]。在空间分布上,除了东北部雨林地区之外[81],细石器在河岸、岩石露头地、山麓、沙丘、洞穴、岩厦等各种地貌环境均有所见[89]。有学者认为南亚次大陆西北部沙漠地区的细石器出现很晚,与更早的石器遗存没有太多联系,可能并非本地起源;中部纳尔默达河流域则有非几何形细石器出现早于几何形细石器的现象[90],可能代表了细石器工业内部的发展变化。

石器小型化作为晚更新世期间全球石器共有的显著特点,其起源与扩散问题一直备受关注,许多学者将其与现代人及其复杂化行为、象征性行为等联系在一起[91]。在西方学者的视角下,南亚次大陆细石器的来源大致有以下两种假说[92]:扩散假说(dispersal model)认为掌握几何形细石器技术的非洲现代人群沿海岸线向东迁徙,在距今50 ka前后将该技术带到了南亚[91];适应假说(adaptive model)认为南亚次大陆与非洲的细石器并不相似,且两者存在时间差[93],因此南亚细石器技术是本地人群适应人口增长和环境恶化的产物[72]。事实上,南亚次大陆是东西方旧石器文化交流的枢纽,流动性极高、掌握细石器技术的人群在这一区域可能有着更为复杂的迁徙路线和交流活动。除几何形细石器外,南亚还有特殊的细石叶细石器,这类技术可能受到东亚周边地区人群的影响,其具体扩散路线和时间节点有待进一步研究。

4 讨论与结语

4.1 南亚次大陆打制石器的特点




4.2 南亚次大陆打制石器相关的重要科学问题


中国境内主要存在勒瓦娄哇石叶与棱柱状石叶两大类石叶技术,它们在旧石器晚期初段(Initial Upper Paleolithic)共存,其后,棱柱状/似棱柱状石叶石核技术与细石叶技术共存[97]。针对东亚地区的石叶技术与细石叶技术,有学者提出两者之间存在流变与传承关系,后者系由前者发展而来[98]。反观南亚次大陆,尽管存在莫斯特技术,却极少见到勒瓦娄哇石叶的报道[75],尽管存在典型的棱柱状石叶技术,却未大规模出现与东亚相似的细石叶遗存,这是由于人群、技术传播、环境适应的差异,还是此前报道存在材料认识上的偏差,值得进一步的思考和研究。



图2   南亚次大陆细石核与青藏高原细石核图

1-2. 南亚“雕刻器”‘Burin’ from South Asia,引自[100];3. 青海拉乙亥遗址柱状石核Cylinder microblade core from Layihai Site,Qinghai,改自[103];4. 南亚楔形石核Wedge microblade core from South Asia,改自[99];5. 南亚柱状石核Cylinder microblade core from South Asia ,改自[32];6. 西藏丁仲胡珠遗址柱状石核Cylinder microblade core from Dingzhonghuzhuzi site, Tibet,改自[96];7. 青海参雄尕硕遗址楔形石核Wedge microblade core fromTshem gzhung kha thog site, Qinghai,引自[101,102]

Fig.2   Microblade cores from the Subcontinent and the Tibetan Plateau

4.3 结语






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On some small highly specialized forms of stone implements found in Asia, North Africa and Europe

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Fresh light on the stone ages in Southeast India

[J]. Antiquity, 1930, 4(15): 327-339

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The first Indian Palaeolithic stone implement was found more than 60 years ago in a ballast pit at Pallavaram, a little to the west of the Madras-Trichinopoly road. Since then a large number of stone tools belonging to various prehistoric cultures have been discovered by several keen archaeologists, among whom Bruce Foote deserves special mention.

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Stone artifacts from the Bose basin, South China, are associated with tektites dated to 803,000 +/- 3000 years ago and represent the oldest known large cutting tools (LCTs) in East Asia. Bose toolmaking is compatible with Mode 2 (Acheulean) technologies in Africa in its targeted manufacture and biased spatial distribution of LCTs, large-scale flaking, and high flake scar counts. Acheulean-like tools in the mid-Pleistocene of South China imply that Mode 2 technical advances were manifested in East Asia contemporaneously with handaxe technology in Africa and western Eurasia. Bose lithic technology is associated with a tektite airfall and forest burning.

Li H, Li CR, Kuman K, et al.

The Middle Pleistocene handaxe site of Shuangshu in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Region, central China

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The easternmost Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian) from Jinsitai Cave, North China

[J]. Journal of Human Evolution, 2018, 114: 76-84

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The dispersal of Neanderthals and their genetic and cultural interactions with anatomically modern humans and other hominin populations in Eurasia are critical issues in human evolution research. Neither Neanderthal fossils nor typical Mousterian assemblages have been reported in East Asia to date. Here we report on artifact assemblages comparable to western Eurasian Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian) at Jinsitai, a cave site in North China. The lithic industry at Jinsitai appeared at least 47-42 ka and persisted until around 40-37 ka. These findings expand the geographic range of the Mousterian-like industries at least 2000 km further to the east than what has been previously recognized. This discovery supplies a missing part of the picture of Middle Paleolithic distribution in Eurasia and also demonstrates the makers' capacity to adapt to diverse geographic regions and habitats of Eurasia.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Zwyns N, Lbova LV.

The Initial Upper Paleolithic of Kamenka site, Zabaikal region (Siberia): A closer look at the blade technology

[J]. Archaeological Research in Asia, 2019, 17: 24-49

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In Asia, the Initial Upper Paleolithic refers to blade-based lithic assemblages that display a specific suite of features and date back to the beginning of the MIS3. Previously we reported strong similarities between examples from the Siberian Altai and North Mongolia, but little is known about what generates the variability observed at the assemblage level. The site of Kamenka is particularly relevant to address these issues for several reasons. First, it documents some of the earliest occurrences of the Upper Paleolithic in the Zabaikal region. Second, the fast burial of the archaeological layer and the bone preservation provide groundwork to discuss human subsistence strategies. Third, the dominant raw material sources could be distant and fall outside of the daily foraging radius. Here we give a closer look at the Kamenka A blade assemblage to model the reduction sequences. Our analyses confirm that the blade technology fits a conservative definition of the Initial Upper Paleolithic in Asia. Considering other lines of evidence (such as spatial distribution, or fauna analyses), we discuss the impact of mobility, site function and raw material procurement strategies on the assemblage composition. We conclude that while some of these parameters may affect the tool types and reduction stages represented within the assemblage, the blade reduction method does not show substantial differences between neighboring regions.

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Heading north: Late Pleistocene environments and human dispersals in central and eastern Asia

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The southern dispersal hypothesis and the South Asian archaeological record: Examination of dispersal routes through GIS analysis

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Zhang XL, Ha BB, Wang S, et al.

The earliest human occupation of the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau 40 thousand to 30 thousand years ago

[J]. Science, 2018, 362(6418): 1049-1051

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The Tibetan Plateau is the highest and one of the most demanding environments ever inhabited by humans. We investigated the timing and mechanisms of its initial colonization at the Nwya Devu site, located nearly 4600 meters above sea level. This site, dating from 40,000 to 30,000 years ago, is the highest Paleolithic archaeological site yet identified globally. Nwya Devu has yielded an abundant blade tool assemblage, indicating hitherto-unknown capacities for the survival of modern humans who camped in this environment. This site deepens the history of the peopling of the "roof of the world" and the antiquity of human high-altitude occupations more generally.Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau

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Earliest parietal art: hominin hand and foot traces from the middle Pleistocene of Tibet

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At Quesang on the Tibetan Plateau we report a series of hand and foot impressions that appear to have been intentionally placed on the surface of a unit of soft travertine. The travertine was deposited by water from a hot spring which is now inactive and as the travertine lithified it preserved the traces. On the basis of the sizes of the hand and foot traces, we suggest that two track-makers were involved and were likely children. We interpret this event as a deliberate artistic act that created a work of parietal art. The travertine unit on which the traces were imprinted dates to between ∼169 and 226 ka BP. This would make the site the earliest currently known example of parietal art in the world and would also provide the earliest evidence discovered to date for hominins on the High Tibetan Plateau (above 4000 m a.s.l.). This remarkable discovery adds to the body of research that identifies children as some of the earliest artists within the genus Homo.Copyright © 2021 Science China Press. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



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Stimulated cells and cancer cells have widespread shortening of mRNA 3’-untranslated regions (3’UTRs) and switches to shorter mRNA isoforms due to usage of more proximal polyadenylation signals (PASs) in introns and last exons. U1 snRNP (U1), vertebrates’ most abundant non-coding (spliceosomal) small nuclear RNA, silences proximal PASs and its inhibition with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (U1 AMO) triggers widespread premature transcription termination and mRNA shortening. Here we show that low U1 AMO doses increase cancer cells’ migration and invasion in vitro by up to 500%, whereas U1 over-expression has the opposite effect. In addition to 3’UTR length, numerous transcriptome changes that could contribute to this phenotype are observed, including alternative splicing, and mRNA expression levels of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressors. These findings reveal an unexpected role for U1 homeostasis (available U1 relative to transcription) in oncogenic and activated cell states, and suggest U1 as a potential target for their modulation.

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It has been argued recently that the initial dispersal of anatomically modern humans from Africa to southern Asia occurred before the volcanic “supereruption” of the Mount Toba volcano (Sumatra) at ∼74,000 y before present (B.P.)—possibly as early as 120,000 y B.P. We show here that this “pre-Toba” dispersal model is in serious conflict with both the most recent genetic evidence from both Africa and Asia and the archaeological evidence from South Asian sites. We present an alternative model based on a combination of genetic analyses and recent archaeological evidence from South Asia and Africa. These data support a coastally oriented dispersal of modern humans from eastern Africa to southern Asia ∼60–50 thousand years ago (ka). This was associated with distinctively African microlithic and “backed-segment” technologies analogous to the African “Howiesons Poort” and related technologies, together with a range of distinctively “modern” cultural and symbolic features (highly shaped bone tools, personal ornaments, abstract artistic motifs, microblade technology, etc.), similar to those that accompanied the replacement of “archaic” Neanderthal by anatomically modern human populations in other regions of western Eurasia at a broadly similar date.

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