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    15 March 2011, Volume 30 Issue 01
    A report on the 1993 excavation of the Gaolingpo Paleolithic site in the Bose basin
    HOU Ya-mei; GAO Li-hong; HUANG Wei-wen; XIE Guang-mao; LIN Qiang; WANG Wei; TIAN Feng
    2011, 30(01):  1-12. 
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    This paper is a preliminary report of the excavation and study of stone artifacts from work at the Gaolingpo site of Baise ( Bose) Basin in 1993. From an area of 40㎡, totally 445 stone artifacts were collected together with some tektites. The majority of artifacts are flakes and chunks except for some formal tools and manuports. There are various types of choppers and also becs, which is the second most prominent tools after those from the Fengshudao site in Baise Basin. The character of flakes shows a high degree of complex working. The large proportion of flakes and chunks reveals that the excavated area was a stone tool - making workshop. These knapped flakes and debris may have close relationship with conventional tool types like handaxes, picks and chopper, etc. from other Paleolithic sites in the basin. New types of choppers and flake tools like becs indicate the potential of future research of the Baise Paleolithic industry.
    Research on stone artifacts unearthed in 1998 from the Beiyao loessic Paleolithic site, Luoyang City
    LIU Fu-liang; DU Shui-sheng
    2011, 30(01):  13-21. 
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    This paper describes some of the stone artifacts unearthed in 1998 from the Beiyao Loessic Paleolithic site located in Luoyang City. The artifacts are found from layer S2 to L1 of the loess deposits, with an absolute chronology from over 200ka to 70-80ka BP. Layer S1 and S2 are full of stone artifacts, while layer L2 and L1 have less cultural materials. According to a stratigraphic study, there are no distinct changes in stone tool characteristics from layers S2 to L1. The artifacts include cores, flakes, debris, and a few formal tools such as points and scrapers. These tools is very similar to the flake - scraper tradition of northern China, and different from the pebble industry in southern China. By comparing with other archaeological sites in Luohe Valley and with the observation that animal fossils are scarce in the deposit, the author believes that the Beiyao site is probably a temporary stone-artifact manufacturing site.
    An experimental study of flaking microblade
    ZHAO Hai-long
    2011, 30(01):  22-31. 
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    This paper describes a brief history of experimental microblade flaking studies and provides some experimental work in flaking microblades by the author. Microblade manufacturing techniques are an important development in the late Paleolithic. Around the Sea of Japan in northeastern Asia, there is a wide range of raw materials used for obsidian microcores and microblades. By observing and analyzing microblades from the Changbai Mountains in the late Paleolithic and from the Kerchin Sand region in the early Neolithic in Jilin Province, the author notes different platform types, and recognizes three distinct methods of manufacture: indirect percussion, the pressed method, and direct percussion.
    The author differentiates three types of microblades (named Type A,B and C) according to characteristics of the platform. Type A has a small smooth platform without any broken scars on the back edge; Type B has a small smooth platform with some broken scars on the back edge; and Type C has a bladed platform with some broken scars on the back edge. Type A microblades could be produced by the indirect and pressed methods, Type C could only be made with the direct percussion method, and Type B could be produced with any of the three methods. This comparative study showed that all three microblade types were recognized from both the Paleolithic and Neolithic sites.
    Therefore,the differentiation of these three types of microblades can contribute to further research on northeast Asian microblade industries.
    Geometric and morphometric analysis of middle Pleistocene Hominin teeth from Yiyuan, Shandong Province
    SUN Cheng-kai;ZHOU Mi; XING Song
    2011, 30(01):  32-44. 
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    Morphometric analysis of the crowns of six teeth from the Yiyuan site were compared with those of Homo erectus, archaic and late Homo sapiens from Asia, Australopithecus, African early Homo and recent Chinese. The present study shows that the Yiyuan teeth retain some primitive traits, including their trapezoidal outline shapes of the upper premolars and the straight mesial outline of the first upper molar. Other features are apomorphic, as manifested in the extent to which outline of P3 buccal cusp expands mesially and distally, the outline shape of the P4, which is close to that of the recent Chinese, the relatively large paracone size compared to the metacone in M1, and the roundness of the buccal outline and relatively restricted metaconid of M1. Fossil teeth of early and middle Pleistocene Chinese exhibit many similarities to each other, with no obvious differences being shown, therefore Chinese Homo erectus and archaic Homo sapiens could be treated as a sample group. The teeth from Yiyuan could also be placed in this group, however these teeth are quite “evolved ” compared with other sample members. It is noteworthy that M1 and M1 have a very large value of BL / MD, which surpasses each of corresponding specimens used in present study and may be meaningful in interpreting evolutionary progress.
    Mortality curves for horses(Equus caballus) from the Lingjing site, Henan Province
    LI Zhan-yang; ZHANG Shuang-quan; ZHANG Yue; GAO Xing
    2011, 30(01):  45-54. 
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    Horse (Equus caballus) is one of the dominant species of the faunal assemblage from the Lingjing site, Henan Province. Based on dental remains of this animal, this paper tabulated the death ages of various individuals and further constructes the life tables for the populations of this species. Some comparative studies were also conducted between fossil materials from the site and other related faunal assemblages from around the world. The mortality curves for horses from the Lingjing Site clearly indicate that adult horses were preferentially hunted by the hominids who frequented the site.
    Dental disease and skeletal pathologies in the Duzhong population sample from Mianchi County, Henan Province
    SUN Lei
    2011, 30(01):  55-63. 
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    Dental pathologies (such as caries, periodontal disease, hypoplastic defects) and skeletal pathologies ( including malocclusions, osteomas, degenerative disease in the vertebral column, cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and lesions of skull) were analyzed in 15 skeletal samples from the Duzhong site (dating to late Yangshao culture) in Henan Province. Age and sex comparisons of individuals with caries were analyzed using Chi-squared ( χ2 ) tests, with results showing that sexual difference of frequencies of caries is not significant. In addition, caries are not significantly associated with age. In term of pathologies, artifical occipital deformation was examined in one skeletal sample and dental extraction in four skeletal samples.
    Research on ancient human skulls from the Gugu'an site of the Han dynasty in Qingshuihe County, Inner Mongolia
    ZHANG Quan-chao; CAO Jian-en; ZHU Hong
    2011, 30(01):  64-73. 
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    In this research, 13 ancient human skulls (6 male, 7 female) unearthed from the Guguan site of the Han Dynasty in Qingshuihe County, Inner Mongolian Province were studied. The morphological features of the Guguan group crania show that the racial type is closely related to the modern East Asiatic Mongoloids, but some physical characteristics of these skulls are closer to those from the ancient Central Plains nationality population and the modern population in North China. These authors researched the racial type of the ancient groups in south-central Inner Mongolia before the Qin Dynasty, and noted the presence of an “ancient Central Plains type” from in this area. The main racial type of the Guguan population is discussed as they are likely immigrants from the ancient central plains.
    A study of the physical characteristics of the Yunnan Mongol people
    ZHENG Lian-bin; LU Shun-hua; DING Bo; YU Hui-xin; LIU Hai-ping; ZHANG Xing-hua
    2011, 30(01):  74-85. 
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    Sixty-seven physical characteristics (9 somatoscopic features and 58 anthropometric features) of 439 Mongol adults (202 males and 237 females) from Tonghai County, Yunnan Province were investigated. In addition to these features, 32 physical indices, stature distributions and 11 related indices were also calculated. The results of this research were as follows: the percentages of the Mongoloid fold and eyefold of the upper eyelid were low; the percentage of medium-sized nasal root height was the highest in males; the small-sized nasal root height was the highest in females. Most of the Yunnan Mongol adult sample were medium-sized in the alae nasi and in the upper lip height. The lobe type was mostly triangular in shape. The colors of hair, eye and skin were black, brown and yellow, respectively. Typical physical characteristics of the Yunnan Mongols were sub-middle stature, mesocephaly (length-breadth index of head shape), hypsicephalic type, hyperleptoprosopy, medium chest circumference, medium shoulder breadth, mesatiskelic type, narrow distance between the iliac crests and a medium length of the trunk. The highest percentage of male stature was sub-middle type, whereas females were small-sized. Males were mostly metriocephalic type (breadth-height index of head shape), while females were tapeinocephalic type. Maximum head length, nasal height, nasal breadth, mouth breadth and morphological facial height of the Yunnan Mongols were the largest among seven Mongol ethnic groups. Maximum head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, stature and body weight were the smallest feature. In 14 of the Yunnan ethnic groups, morphological facial height, nasal height and body weight of the Mongols were the largest feature. The stature was larger, while nasal breadth and mouth breadth were smaller. In conclusion, the physical characteristics of the Yunnan Mongols were close to that of the Achang, Bai and Yi, which belong to the South Asian type of Mongoloid. The physical characteristics of the Yunnan Mongols were quite close to the North Asian type rather than to other South Asian types, which may be a result of gene exchange between surrounding ethnic groups.
    An analysis of ocular distance measurement and growth in 4308 Chinese Han people of aged 2-25 years from Sichuan
    SHI You; WANG Hong; YOU Kang; HU Xing-yu
    2011, 30(01):  86-90. 
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    The purpose of this research was to study the ocular form and growth status of the Han nationality of Chinese in Sichuan Province. Four indices were determined from anthropometric and photographic methods conducted on Han aged between 2 and 25 years old. The 2154 males and 2154 females were divided into 29 groups according to their ages. The mean and standard deviation of data of each index from all groups were calculated,and the sexual differences and growth status by age were studied. The results showed that the extern-binocular breadth and interpapillary distance of males was greater than females in most groups,with significant differences shown between genders,while the interocular breadth and eyeslit breadth of males were slightly larger than females,with no significant difference between genders. Ocular growth curves increased with increasing age,and one to two peaks occurred. Ocular growth is found within certain stages,and females show faster growth status than males in some certain ages.
    Dermatoglyphic research of the Han people living in Shangdang area, Shanxi Province
    NIE Chen-xia; ZHANG Hai-guo; CHE De-cai; MA Hong-lian; ZHAO Shuang; GE Dong-zheng; PEI Lu-tian; WANG Yan-sha; ZHANG Lian-zhu; WU Bin
    2011, 30(01):  91-101. 
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    In this study, we collected and analyzed the dermatoglyphic variables of 1000 Han individuals living in Shanxi, China. We report on a wide range of characteristics including total finger ridge count, a - b total ridge count, atd angle, axial triradius percentage distance, and frequencies of fingerprint pattern, palmar thenar pattern, palmar interdigital pattern, and simian line. It is two class model swatch. [Feng: I do not understand this previous sentence, so I am unsure how to edit it.] This study is the first comprehensive dermatoglyphics research of the Central Plains Han. This dermatoglyphic data will be useful for future research in Anthropology, Genetics and Medicine.
    Preliminary research on the origin of Tibetan ethnic populations in Tibet: the clue from dermatoglyphics
    WEN You-feng; YE Li-ping; HU Rong; XI Huan-jiu
    2011, 30(01):  102-108. 
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    To explore the origin of dermatoglyphic patterns in Tibetan ethnic populations, 1183 Tibetans were selected using stratified cluster sampling. The characterstics of this sample were then compared to 56 other populations using cluster analysis. In the Tibetan ethnic sample, whorls ( 52. 89% ) were the main type of fingerprint pattern, loops were next (42. 95% ) followed by arches (4. 16% ). Total finger ridge counts were 144. 75 in males and 133. 87 in females, with the mean of 139. 01. The Atd angle was 42. 95°and 43. 28° in males and females, respectively. Cluster analysis of palm print and fingerprint parameters showed that northern populations such as the Tibetan ethnic group, the Han nationality and descendants of the Diqiang nationality (Menba nationality, Qiang nationality and so on) clustered into one group. This work thus ndicates the relationship of the Tibetan ethnic population was close to the Han nationality and the descendants of Diqiang nationality, but distant from peoples of Indian and Bengali ancestry.
    A preliminary research of the several quantitative palm-print characteristics with relation to gastric cancer
    SUN Ying; ZHANG Liang; LIAO Qi-Mei; QU Jing-Hui
    2011, 30(01):  109-114. 
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    This article extracted and analyzed several palm-print characteristics that correlate with the occurrence of gastric cancer and compared these characteristics with those of the control group by T-test. The results showed that there were differences between the patients and the control group in the ATD-angle, angle between the third flexor line and handbreadth, a-bRc of hand palms. These observations provide a powerful theoretical basis for establishing a quantifiable dermatoglyphics feature index system having relation with gastric cancer, and give a strong support for using clinical screening of early patients.