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    15 June 2011, Volume 30 Issue 02
    Study on technological process of the shell ornaments discovered from the Shizitan Palaeolithic site
    SONG Yan-hua; SHI Jin-ming; SHEN Chen
    2011, 30(02):  115-123. 
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    This paper reports a preliminary study on technological process of making shell ornaments that were discovered from Shizitan, a microblade-industry Palaeolithic site complex in southwestern Shanxi, dated to 25000-10000 BP. Five finished shell ornaments and 3 by-products were identified from cultural layers at different locations of the sites. Based on perforating techniques, these shell ornaments are classified into "drilled-perforation" type and "grounding-peroration" type. Subsequently three methods of manufacturing processes are identified. The perforations seem to be larger in earlier period than in later period, reflecting the plausible changes of drilling techniques and possible different function over time. Also changes in morphological shapes of shell artifacts from flaked edges to polished edges were possibly in coincidence with changes in use of drilling tools that were employed by flaked tools in the early period and by microblade tools in the late period, possibly suggesting a specialization of ornament production.
    A preliminary report on investigations in 2009 of some prehistoric sites in the Tibetan Plateau marginal Rregion
    YI Ming-jie; GAO Xing; ZHANG Xiao-ling; SUN Yong-juan; P.Jeffrey Brantingham; David B.Madsen; David Rhode
    2011, 30(02):  124-136. 
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    During a systematic archaeological investigation from June to July 2009, six sites were discovered in the Tibetan Plateau marginal region. A large number of archaeological remains such as stone artifacts, broken animal bones, hearths, and charcoal was unearthed. The stone artifacts consisted of cores, flakes, chunks, microblade cores, microblades, and retouched tools. Some of the scrapers were retouched in great detail. The stone assemblage of this region shows that the flake industry and microblade industry were used synchronously at the majority of sites.
    Some charcoal collected from the hearths yielded radiocarbon dates. For example, the age of Yantaidong(also called "Ten Hearths") was about 10360±60 BP, and Baifosi(also called "White Buddha Temple") was dated to 4280±40BP.Based on evidence from the sites discovered in this region, we suggest that humans move into Tibetan Plateau gradually. This region provided humans with an extensive and broad spectrum of foodstuffs, opportunities for tool-making technology, access to natural resources and warm and wet conditions during the interglacial stage.
    Between 40-25ka BP(last interglacial),the climate was moist and warm, which gave humans the opportunity to move into the region. There is some archaeological evidence that clearly showed a human presence in this region around 30ka BP, in the form of seasonal resources. The Lenghu Locality 1 and Xiao Qaidam Lake are possible sites dating to this time but there still needs to be further of this time period.
    Between 25-18ka BP(Last Glacial Maximum), the cold and dry climate offered poor living conditions, which lasted to 15ka BP. No human remains have been found from this period, but after 15ka BP, the climate of the Tibetan Plateau became suitable for humans. A few sites have been found, and some such as Heimahe and Yantaidong suggest a type of social and foraging organization involving multiple family groups occupying the location for an extended period of time, probably for seasonal use.
    A report on the 2009 reconnaissance of Paleolithic remains in the Shuiluo and Qingshui River Valley, Gansu Province
    LI Feng; CHEN Fu-you; GAO Xing; LIU De-cheng; ZHANG Dong-ju; WANG Shan
    2011, 30(02):  137-148. 
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    Gansu Province is the first place in China where Paleolithic artifacts with clear stratigraphy were found. Most of these early finds were located in the eastern loess plateau, in the eastern part of the province. This report presents the result of a series of Paleolithic reconnaissance work conducted by the IVPP and the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archeology in 2009 in the Longxi Basin of the middle part of Gansu Province. Stone artifacts and mammalian fossils from 16 new localities were collected,14 of which were confirmed with clear stratigraphy and another 2 found in uncertain contexts with typical Paleolithic artifacts. Stone artifacts included flakes(n=96), chunks(n=64) and chips(n=33), followed by cores(n=26) and retouched items(n=8). Raw material was primarily quartz probably collected by ancient peoples from the adjacent riverbed. Hard hammer percussion was the main flaking technique, followed by bipolar flaking. Scrapers were modified on flakes by hard hammer percussion on a single surface. A small point with bifacial retouch was also found and through technological characteristics it exhibits close ties with the flake tool tradition in North China. Stratigraphic observations and preliminary AMS 14C dating suggests that these newly discovered localities were formed in two stage: L1S1(60/59~28 kaBP) and L1L1(27~10 kaBP). The middle part of Gansu Province is an important area that is abundant with Paleolithic sites. Among the 16 localities, the Xujiacheng1, Shixiakou1 and Shixiakou2 localities show the archeological value for further excavation from their clear stratigraphy and plentiful artifacts. In recent years almost 50 Paleolithic sites have been found in this limited area, and as a result it has become a key region of human dispersal and occupation in northwestern China during the late Pleistocene, which will provide valuable clues for interpreting human adaptive behavior, migration, and interaction with the environment in this area.
    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope evidence in human diets based on evidence from the Jiangzhai site, China
    GUO YI; HU Yao-wu; GAO Qiang; WANG Chang-sui; Michael P.Richards
    2011, 30(02):  149-157. 
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    Although human dietary evidence from the Jiangzhai site has already been investigated, there are some important issues that have not been discussed clearly, such as whether these human diets changed between periods, and whether there were any differences in human diets among the Banpo, Shijia and Jiangzhai sites. Considering these concerns, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis on ancient human bones from the Jiangzhai site was reanalyzed. The values of carbon isotopes of human bone collagen(-11.5‰~-8.5‰, with a mean value of-9.7±1.0‰, N=14) and the archaeological remains of millet(C4 plant) revealed that millet was the primary food resource for humans. The values of nitrogen isotope(7.8‰~9.7‰, with a mean value of 8.5±0.5‰, N=14) suggested that animal resources contributed a low proportion of the human diets. There was no correlation between human δ13C data and δ15N data, which suggested that the ancient human diet from this site was mainly based on highly developed millet agriculture at that time. In addition, there was no significant difference in the human diets between the two periods, which was a different result from the archaeozoological results. This result was probably because that the sample size of humans was small,the ratio of wild animal meat in human diets in the second period increased only a little, and meat was not a significant resource to human diets in both periods. Although the nearby Jiangzhai, Shijia and Banpo sites belonged to the same period, the mean δ13C value of human bones from the Jiangzhai site(-9.7±1.0‰, N=19) was similar to that of the Shijia site(-10.0±0.7‰, N=9), but much higher than that of the Banpo site(-14.8±1.9‰, N=5).These results suggested that millet agriculture at the Banpo site was inferior to that of the Jiangzhai and Shijia sites, which might be related to the small sample size of humans at the Banpo site and the differing paleoenvironments of these three sites.
    Discovery of a robust fossil Homo sapiens in India (Orsang River Valley, Lower Narmada Basin, Gujarat): possible continuity with Asian Homo erectus
    L S Chamyal; A Dambricourt Malassé; DM Maurya; Rachna Raj; N Juyal; S Bhandari; R K Pant; C Gaillard
    2011, 30(02):  158-191. 
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    The discovery in 1999 of an isolated skull of Homo sapiens in the Orsang River valley, a tributary of the Narmada River in western India, is significant for understanding human evolution in India and the links between South Asian Homo erectus and the oldest Asian Homo sapiens(or AMH, anatomically modern human).The fossil was found in an old fluvial deposit. Infrared stimulated luminescence(IRSL) dating of the host sediments and of those within the endocranium provided an age ranging from 50 to 30 ka. However, direct dating(AMS radiocarbon) of the bone gave a minimum age of 4981-5579 cal BP. The skull is found to refer to a brachycranial Homo sapiens and The most interesting features observed are the exocranial, a well developed torus angularis in the posterior part of the Asian Homo erectus, the greatest width in the lower part of the cranium(temporal) as in Homo erectus, which may be due to pneumatization of the mastoid process. The supramastoid crest is developed and very broad frontal sinuses are visible located in the broken glabellar area(20mm). All together, these robust features suggest a genetic continuity between Orsang skull and the late Asian Homo erectus.
    Early pleistocene ruminants from the Sanhe Cave, Chongzuo, Guangxi, South China
    DONG Wei; PAN Wen-shi; SUN Cheng-kai; XU Qin-qi; QIN Da-gong; WANG Yuan
    2011, 30(02):  192-205. 
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    The ruminants associated with Gigantopithecus fossils unearthed from the Sanhe Cave are systematically described. The identified taxa are as follow: Muntiacus lacustris, Cervavitus? cf. C. fenqii, Cervus(R.) yunnanensis, Megalovis guangxiensis, Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.,Bos(Bibos) sp. These fauna are most similar to those from the Gigantopithecus cave in Liucheng and Mohui Cave in Tiandong, Guangxi Autonomous Region. And these fossils confirm an Early Pleistocene age and an environment of a tropical bushy and forested environment favorable for habitation of high primates such as Gigantopithecus.
    A study of the physical characteristics of the Han people from Shouguang in Shandong
    ZHANG Xing-hua; ZHENG Lian-bin; YU Ke-li; BAO Jin-ping; WANG Zhi-bo; WU Ya-wen; SONG Guan-lan
    2011, 30(02):  206-217. 
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    Eighty-six physical characteristics of 306 urban adults(156 males and 150 females) and 472 rural adults(272 males and 200 females) of Han peoples from Shouguang County, Shandong Province were investigated. Fifty physical indices were calculated and their distributions analyzed.
    The resultss of this work were are as follows: (1) The eyefold percentages of eyefold of the upper eyelid for the groups was: are urban males(64.1%), urban females(72.0%), rural males(79.0%) and rural females(76.5%).The percentages of Mmongoloid fold are were urban males(40.4%), urban females(60.0%), rural males(21.0%) and rural females(34.0%). In terms of eye slit direction, external angles are were mostly higher greater compared to than internal angles in direction of eyeslits. The nasal root height wais a low-type, with. The nasal profile beingis straight. The nasal base wasis upturned. The maximumal diameter of the nostrils wais oblique. The breadth of alae nasi is was of wide-type. The upper lip skin height is was of middle-type. Thickness of, and lip thickness was are mainly thin lips. Hair color wais black and eye color wais brown. Urban adults and rural females hadare yellow skin color, while rural males wereare dark yellow. (2) The typical physical characteristics of Han of Shouguang County are was hypsicephalic type, mesorrhiny, long trunk and medium shoulder breadth. In addition, urban adults are were sub-brachyskelic type and with a broad chest circumference. Rural adults are were mesocephaly(lLength-breadth index of head), acrocephalic type, leptoprosopy and with a medium distance between iliac crests. (3) The typical physical characteristics of the Han of Shouguang County are were considered high in-sized stature.The width and height of the body, head and face of urban males are was higher than that of rural males. The circumference of the lower limbs, trunk and neck of rural males are was lower than that of urban males.The width of the pelvisc, hand and foot of urban females are was smaller than that of rural females,while the width and height of the head and face and the height of the body of urban females are was higher than that of rural females.(4) The results of a cluster analysis show that the physical characteristics of the Han peoples in Shouguang County are close to the Mongol, Hui and other ethnic groups found in northern China.
    A study of the physical characteristics of the Waxiang people of Hunan
    PI Jian-hui; LI Jie; LI Lin; ZHOU Jian-bo; WU Yi-zhong
    2011, 30(02):  218-226. 
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    In this study, the physical characteristics of 308 adults(156 males and 152 females) of the Waxiang people living in Yuanling County, Hunan Province were investigated. Twenty-one physical indices were calculated and their distributions determined. The results were summarized as follows. The hair was thick, black and straight. The percentage of Mongoloid fold was low in contrast to the eye fold of the upper eyelid, which was high. The eye crack was medium height and it's lateral angle was higher than the medial angle. The nasal root was high whereas the alae nasi was of medium height. The nasal bridge was straight in males and concave in females. The nasal base was upturned in most people. The upper lip was protruding and went beyond the lower lip, and the total thickness of the lips were thicker. The auricle was mostly oval-or egg-shaped, but the lobulus auriulae was mostly rounded. According to anthropometric standards for males and females, the types of physical characteristics of the Waxiang people were mostly of short stature, medium type, narrow shoulder breadth, mesatiskelic type, hyperleptoprosopy, brachycephaly, hypsicephaly, metriocephaly, and mesorrhiny. Comparing the Waxiang people with 27 other minorities living southern China, a cluster analysis showed that the physical characteristics of the Waxiang were most closely related to that of Derung and Lahu in Yunhan, and were remotely related to those of Lisu and Dong in Guangxi, and Tujia in Xiangxi. Thus this research concludes that the physical characteristics of Waxiang people in Hunan Province belonged to the South Asian type of Mongoloid race.
    Analysis of physical development in Yugu nationality children between the ages of 4 and 13 years
    FAN Yan-na; WANG Yu; DU Dan; ZHANG Ge-xiang; ZHANG Yin-hong
    2011, 30(02):  227-232. 
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    This paper describes the present-day physical development of Yugu nationality children between the ages of 4 and 13 from the Yugu area,Gansu Province for the purpose of providing reference material and advice to improve children's health care. For this work, heights and weights of 484 children(using a random cluster sampling strategy) were measured. The relationship between physical development and age, in two groups(4—7 and 7—13 aged children) were analyzed.Height-for-age(HAZ) and weight-for-age(WAZ) scores were calculated and evaluated for the groups, with consideration for growth retardation and underweightness, and the calculation of body mass index(BMI) to assess overweightness and thinness. The results of this work are as follows. The height of children was higher than a reference value. The ratio of overweightness and thinness in the 4—7 age group was 3.45% and 2.30% respectively. The proportion of malnutrition and severe thinness was 36.90% and 13.10% in the 7—13 age group, and the degree of thinness for girls was no better than for boys. The conclusion of this work is that the growth development of Yugu children is consistent with the general growth pattern. The problem we should recognize is to pay more attention to the 7—13 age group in terms of increasing nutritional intake and exercise regimes to improve physical quality of life.
    Analysis of the correlation of familial fingerprints
    FANG Ping; LIU Chi-ping; CHEN Lu; Wan Da-liang; ZHOU Xin-min
    2011, 30(02):  233-240. 
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    This research examined the genetic relationship between fingerprints and kinship through the analysis of fingerprinting,numbering,measuring 230 people from 28 separate groups. Fingerprint criteria included:total finger ridge count, ridge count, digital a and b total ridge count and atd angle between parental and filial generations. Calculation of correlation coefficients and of regression equations between these criteria were determined. It was recognized that all of these criteria may contribute to the heredity of family fingerprints.