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    15 June 1985, Volume 4 Issue 02
    Occusal relationships between canine and premolar of Gigantopithecus Blacki
    Zhang Yinyun
    1985, 4(02):  97-104. 
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    Based on an observation on the wear of 45 P3s and 19 C's, three patterns could be classified in occlusal relationships between C'and P3 of Gigantopithecus blacki: "hominid'", "pongid'"and intermediate.
    The "hominid" and "pongid"patterns could be seen in most cases (44% and 42% respectively as shown in Pas) and were suggested to be due to female and male sexes. The intermediate pattern was found in a few cases including both sexes. It would therefore seem improper to use the occlusal relationships for taxonomie purpose without taking sex into account.
    The male canines do not wear down flat from the tip of the crown. Their shearing against the Ps can be maintained with age. It seems to be questionable that the canines of Gigantopithecus were used for grinding. In addition, the observation showed that the appearance of bicusps in P: was not directly related to the reduction of canine for Gigantopithecus.
    A fossil human from Zhaotong, Yunnan
    Zheng Liang
    1985, 4(02):  105-108. 
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    A fossil human tooth was found in Guoshan cave in 1982. The site is about 15 km to the north of the city of Zhaotong in Yunnan Province
    The tooth is left lower second molar. Aceording to its morphological features, it can be attributed to Homo sapiens. The associated mammal remains include Stegodon sp. , Rhinoceros sp. , Tapirus sp. , Bovinae and Cervus sp. The fauna is considered to be of Late Pleistocene in age.
    Fish fossils from the hominoids bearing locality at Shihuiba, Lufeng, Yunnan
    Liu Xianting(Liu Hsien-t'ing)
    1985, 4(02):  109-112. 
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    Fish remains described here were collected from the fossil ape site of Lufeng, Yunnan. They were represented by numerous lower pharyngeal teeth. Judging from the morphological characteristies of the pharyngeal teeth, fin-spines, and other characters, it is apparent that all of them belong to the genus Cyprinus and one species only. The shape and the pattern of masticating surface of these teeth are similar to those of the common Chinese carp, Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus. This species is widely spreaded in Asia at present time. Therefore the data of Miocene carp in this district is valuable in the study of the appearence and the distribution of this genus. It seems to me that fossil carp occurred there represent the early member of this species. Nowadays, there are many species and subspecies of Cyprinus in this region. It indicates that Cyprinus carpio has a long existent history and gave rise numerous offsprings. Basing upon this the author inelines to conclude that Cyprinus is a native fresh-water fish in China, and East Asia is the place of its origin.
    From the habit of carp we can recognize that the fish-bearing beds are lacustrine deposits, and had a warm, humid climate during late Miocene.
    New materials of Cuora Pitheca and its generic history
    Ye Xiangkui (Yeh Hsiang-k'uei)
    1985, 4(02):  113-117. 
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    In 1981, several specimens of Cuora from late Miocene1) of Lufeng, Yunnan unearthed together with fossil apes and other mammals were described by the present author as C. pitheca Yeh. Lately, several turtles were picked out again from Lufeng collection and handed to me for determination. With the exception of the fragments, these specimens represent at least six individuals of which only three are partly complete. Since the characters of these turtles resemble entirely to those of C. pitheca, they are identified as the same species just mentioned.
    Cuora is a living genus of Emydidae now existing widely in East and South-enst Asia. Since the discovery of C. pitheca from Yunnan in 1981, the generic history was traced back from recent to late Miocene, but left a great blank between these two periods. Recently, by the record of C. miyatai from middle (?) Pleistocene of Japan, and by those of C. flavomarginata from late Pleistocene and Neolithic of Zhejiang, China, the historical blank has been filled approximately. It is now known as: late Miocene—middle (?) Pleistocene—late Pleistocene—Neolithic—recent.
    Upper Miocene birds from Lufeng, Yunnan
    Hou Lianhai
    1985, 4(02):  118-126. 
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    The discovery indicates the first record of fossil birds from South China. 3 Orders, 3 Families, 6 Genera, 6 Species including 2 new genera and 4 new species are deseribed in the present paper. They are Anas sp. ; Aythya shihubas sp. nov. ; Bambusicala sp. ; Di-angallus mious gen. et sp. nov. ; Phasinaus lufengia sp. nov. ; Yunnanus gaoyuansis gen. et sp. nov. ; and order family indet. The fossils were collected together with Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and other vertebrate animals by a field party of IVPP. in Upper Miocene in the Shihuba, Lufeng County, Yunnan Province during 1980-1984. This is the brief report of my paper "Upper Miocene birds from Lufeng, Yunnan, China".
    Family AnatidacGenus: Aythya BoieAythya shihubas sp. nov. Characters: The proximal end of left humerus similar to Aythya, but the difference with the other species as follows: (1) the head of humerus smaller, the capital crest bigger, there is a groove in attachment of latissimus dorsi posterioris; (2) the external tuberosity of proximal end of humerus not clear, deltoid crest not expanded; (3) the ligamenital furrow deep, bicipital surface smaller.
    Family: Phasianidae Genus: Diangallus gen. nov. Diangallus mious sp. nov Characters: The size similar to Gallus, tarsometatarsus wider, bone wall thick, cal. car long and curved, tubercle for tibialis anticus very large, trochleae for digits 3 arch.
    Genus: Phasinaus LinnaeusDiangallus mious sp. nov. Phasinaus lufengia sp. nov Characters: Similar to Phasinaus, but the difference with the other species in the following: (1) tibiotarsus shrink, antero-posteriorly not flat; (2) inner condyle and outer condyle of tibiotarsus expanded; anterior intercondylar fossa deep and wide; (3) tarsometatarsus more slight than other species; (4) trochleae of distal end of tarsometa-tarsus slightly arched.
    Family: Incertae SedisGenus: Yunnanus gen. nov. Yunnanus gaoyuansis sp. nov. Characters: Small passerine. (1) head of humerus large, capital groove deep, pnematic formen only one, ligamental furrow not deep, deltoid erest thick; (2) the shaft of humerus more slightly, but proximal end and distal end expanded, olecranal fossa large and deep, tricipital groove very developed, internal condyle developed; (3) coracoid more strong, sterno-coracoidal impression not clearly expanded; (4) head of femur very small, crista trochanteris not developed, impressiones obturatoriae clearly; (i) tibiotarsus strong and long, but internal condyle and external condyle not expanded.
    Preliminary report on the investigation of Dingmo Cave in Tiandong County, Guangxi
    Li Youheng, Wu Maolin, Pen Shulin, Zhou Shibao
    1985, 4(02):  127-131. 
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    An upper fossil human tooth (right M1or M2) and a certain amount of Pleistocene mammalian fossils were found from the deposits of Dingmo cave of Tiandong county, Guangxi. The geological age of this cave deposits is tentatively considered as Late Pleistocene. The human tooth represents the first discovery of Pleistocene human materials in the western Guangxi.
    Measurements and morphology of transverse foramen of cervical vertebrae in Chinese
    Hu Shengyu
    1985, 4(02):  132-137. 
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    The author studied 600 cases of cervical vertebrae including 1200 foramen transversarium, which are from Northeastern China. The shapes of foramen are as follows: around; b–oval; c—triangle; d—square; e—double foramina (8-shaped) ; f—triple foramina.
    This article describes some typical morphological characteristics of vertebrae cervicales in detail. For example, there is a laminal ossium on each sulcus arteri aevertebralis of the first vertebrae cervicales, which forms a canal (this has been reported before) . The directions of the foramen transversarium of the vertebrae cervicales of the first through sixth are different. Some transverse foramina on both sides are different in size. In the first, through sixth vertebra cervicales there are not any foramen transversarium on one of the two sides of some vertebrae. Some transverse foramina on the right or left side are very small (the average of their aperture is 2. 8 mm in diameter. ) . Some transver. se foramina on the left side is not of the same size as that on the right. Some transverse foramina are divided into two parts, the compact bone of articularis processus superior of some vertebrae are overgrown forward, covering the foramen transversarium from the top, or even covering about four fifth of them.
    Relationship between parturition and female's dorsal pitting of pubis
    Zhang Zongyao
    1985, 4(02):  138-141. 
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    Observation of 130 female pubic bones has shown that among the 79 women who have not given any birth, 6 cases are found to have small or large pitting; of the rest 51 women who have gives child birth, 33 cases are seen to have no pitting on their pubes. The incidence of pubis pitting in women who died more than 15 years after giving their last birth is 2 times higher than in those who died less than 15 years after giving their last birth. The observation of all the specimens shows that among the pubes of the women aged below 25 the pitting cannot be seen and therefore it is clear that the appearence of the pitting of the pubis is concerned with age.
    The anthropometry and somatoscopy of nose
    Zhang Wanzhou, Yang Hanbing, Zhou Shikeng
    1985, 4(02):  142-150. 
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    The noses of 950 adults (467 males and 483 females) of Han nationality from Jiujiang were observed and measured. The' data show that there are obvious differences between male and female in nose types and diameters, while most cases belong to leptorrhine based on the nasal index.
    Study on the changes of stature of Han Nationality in Beijing and Chongqing districs
    Xu Jiujin, Du Ruofu
    1985, 4(02):  151-159. 
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    A survey was carried out to measure the stature and sitting height of 685 fatherson and 667 mother-daughter pairs of Han nationality in Beijing and Chongqing areas. The results indicate that sons |daughters are significantly taller than their fathers| mothers (inerease from 2. 3 to 4. 0 cm, p<0. 01) The average stature increased 3. 35 em during the last 28. 5 years. The two generations from urban area are higher than those from countryside. The height in the urban region increases more rapidly than that in the coun'tryside, and that of girls increases more than boys.
    The physical characteristics of the Tujia Nationality in Hunan
    Luo Yuancai, Han Chengzhu, Xiao Guanyu
    1985, 4(02):  160-172. 
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    Tujia nationality of Hunan has been observed and measured in 1392 individuals for stature, 1038 for head and face, 364 for eye, ear, nose, lip and chin. The ages of theindividuals range from 20 to 69 years.
    The average statures are 1592. 6 mm and 1487. 6 mm for males and females respectively. They belong to the short type of Martin's Classification in both sexes. The type of build belongs to the intermediate state. The averages of Manouviers skelic indices, 92. 53 for males and 91. 05 for females, belong to the Submakro-skelic type. The ratio between the length of various parts (arm, forearm or hand) and the length of the upper extremity as a whole is the same between the left and right sides or between male and female. The same is true for the lower extremity.
    indices of the head are 67. 65 for males and 68. 97 for females and belon'g to the hypsicephalic type. The breadth-height indices of the head, 82. 04 for males and 82. 46 for females, belong to the mesocephalic type. The morphological facial indices are 84. 30 and 82. 95, mesoprosopy and europrosopy, for males and females respectively. The upper morphological facial indices, 50. 90 for males and 49. 66 for females, belong to the meseny.
    The direction of the eye aperture is sloping upward laterally. The Mongoloid fold is observable in 60% cases and the fold of the upper palpebra is observable in 80% cases. The average of the physiognomic ear indices is 53. 90. The form of the earlobe is circular in 50% cases. There is Darwin's tubercle on the right for most cases, while it is absent on the left. The nasal root is of medium height. The form of the nasal bridge is straight or concave and the form of the nasal base is horizontal or drooped slightly. The nasal breadth-depth indices are 58. 20 for males and 58. 69 for females. The heightbreadth indices of the nose, 72. 88 for males and 70. 92 for females, belong to the mesorhiny type. The form of the upper lip and the chin are vertical from lateral view. The height of the cutaneous part of the upper lip is medium and the thickness of the upper red lip is thick.
    Tujia language belong to the Zang-Mian branch of the Han-Zang language family. They have no own written words. According to the physical chanacteristics, Tujia is kin to Miao Nationality and estranged from Han Nationality. Tujia people ought to be an independent nationality according to the view of the cultural and physical anthropology.
    An investigation of the physical characters of the boatsmen at the Lotus Hill, Guangzhou
    Huang Xinmei, Wei Guiyao, Liu Yueling, Zhang Jianshi, Zhang Shouqi
    1985, 4(02):  173-181. 
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    A somatological survey was carried out on 164 Boatsmen living at the Lotus Hill, Guangzhou. The objects of the survey include 106 males and 58 females, most of them are between 21 and 50 in age (70%) .
    The results of the study are summarized as follows:
    1. The form of face in most cases is of oval shape (54%) . Acconding to the conponent classification of the morphological facial height and breadth, most of the subjeets belong to medium flat type with moderate cheekbones. Their eye apertures are mainly' horizontal and the palpebral opening medium in size. The Mongoloid fold is present but not obvious. Eye lids with folds wider than 2 mm are often observed. The nasal bridge looks straight-concave with the rhinion sticking upwards in the profile view. The nasion is medium in height. The nostril opening, triangle or oval in most cases, posts in a vertical or sliding position. The alare is mainly medium in size and prominent in shape and usually wider than the interocular breadth. The sideview of the upper lip shows curymeric. The forehead of the males is apparently sliding while that of the female erect. The gnathion is straight. Only five males observed have double hair vortexes and the other subjects all have single vortex.
    2. The stature of the Boatsmen generally belongs to submedium type in males and short type in females.
    3. The breadth-length index of the head of the Boatsmen is of mesocephalic type in most cases (51. 2%) . The length-height index of the head shows 77% of hypsicephaly while the breadth-height index of the head shows 41% of metriocephaly and 38% of arecephaly. The (n-gm) : (zy-zy) index shows 35. 3%of leptoprocopy and 27. 6% of mesoprocopy in facial forms. 62% of the noses may be grouped under mesorrhiny type. The lower limbs are generally longer than their upper limbs and the skelic index represents 38. 6% of subbrachyskelic type and 36. 84 of mesolisklic type in females and 45% of mesoliskelic type and 25. 4% of submakroskelic type in males.
    4. The results of comparison indicate that the Boatsmen at the Lotus Hill, Guangzhou have the strongest resemblance to Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi in physical characters, and are similar to Li Nationality on Hainan Island but dissimilar to Yao Nationality at Jianghua County of Hunan Province.
    The results listed above contribute to the conclusion that it is apparent that the Boatsmen are grouped under Southern-Chinese of Mongoloid.
    Red cell antigen polymorphisms and blood group combinations in different ethnic groups of China
    Yuan Yida, Du Ruofu
    1985, 4(02):  182-194. 
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    The Han, Hui, Mongolian, Uygur, Dong, Gaoshan, Korean and Zhuang ethnie groups were studied with regard to their red cell antigen polymorphisms and blood group combinations.
    The Han and ethnic groups of North China have more common alleles than the ethnic groups of South China do, and among Northern ethnic groups the Uygur has the lar. gest number of common alleles. These differences mainly deal with the Rhesus, MNSs, Ktll and Lutheran blood groups systems.
    The most common blood combinations and their frequencies are listed as follows.
    Han: 0, MNss, CCDee, P (+) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , Le (a-) , K (一) Lu (a-) , Xg (a+) 0. 0070
    Hui: O, MNss, CCDee, P (–) , FY (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a–) , Le (a—) , K (–) , Lu (a-) , Xg (a+) 0. 0062
    Mongolian: 0, MNss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , Le (a—) , K (一) , Xg (a+) 0. 0059
    Uygur: B, MNss, CCDee, P (+) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a-b+) , Di (a-) , K (一) , Lu (a-) , Xg (a-) 0. 0025
    Dong: 0, MNss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a—) , Le (a—) , Xg (a—) 0. 0053
    Gaoshan: 0, Mss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , K (一) , Lu (a—) , Xg (a-) 0. 0079
    Korean: A, MNss, CCDee, P (-) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , K (-) , 0. 0182
    Zhuang: 0, Mss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , K (一) , 0. 0485.
    The probabilities that two randomly selected individuals would be found to have. same eombination of phenotypes of 11 systems are less than 1 in 2500 for Uygur, 1 in 800 for Han, Hui and Mongolian, 1 in 500 for Gaoshan and 1 in 290 for Dong. The Korean and Zhuang ethnic groups have been examined for 8 blood groups. Their probabilities for two randomly selected individuals having the same combination are less than 1 in 250 and 70, respectively.
    The probabilities of AB, RH (D-) comb ination are 2. 9% for Han, 4. 8% in Hui, 3. 2%in Mongolian, 39. 7% in Uygur, 0% in Dong, 0. 2% in Gaoshan, 0. 9% in Zhuang and 4. 8% in Korean, respectively.
    The probabilities of exclusion of paternity with 11 blood groups are 59. 28% for Han, 63. 26% in Hui, 70. 60% in Uygur and 57. 13% in Gaoshan ethnic groups. This propability for 10 blood groups is 60. 66% in Mongolian, and that for 9 blood groups is 55. 03% in Dong. And those for 8 blood groups are 55. 86% in Korean and 47. 39% in Zhuang.
    It may be concluded that the extent of the blood group polymorphism in the ethnie groups of North China is greater than that of Southern ethnic groups.