Red cell antigen polymorphisms and blood group combinations in different ethnic groups of China
Yuan Yida, Du Ruofu
1985, 4(02):
254 )
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The Han, Hui, Mongolian, Uygur, Dong, Gaoshan, Korean and Zhuang ethnie groups were studied with regard to their red cell antigen polymorphisms and blood group combinations.
The Han and ethnic groups of North China have more common alleles than the ethnic groups of South China do, and among Northern ethnic groups the Uygur has the lar. gest number of common alleles. These differences mainly deal with the Rhesus, MNSs, Ktll and Lutheran blood groups systems.
The most common blood combinations and their frequencies are listed as follows.
Han: 0, MNss, CCDee, P (+) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , Le (a-) , K (一) Lu (a-) , Xg (a+) 0. 0070
Hui: O, MNss, CCDee, P (–) , FY (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a–) , Le (a—) , K (–) , Lu (a-) , Xg (a+) 0. 0062
Mongolian: 0, MNss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , Le (a—) , K (一) , Xg (a+) 0. 0059
Uygur: B, MNss, CCDee, P (+) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a-b+) , Di (a-) , K (一) , Lu (a-) , Xg (a-) 0. 0025
Dong: 0, MNss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a—) , Le (a—) , Xg (a—) 0. 0053
Gaoshan: 0, Mss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , K (一) , Lu (a—) , Xg (a-) 0. 0079
Korean: A, MNss, CCDee, P (-) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , K (-) , 0. 0182
Zhuang: 0, Mss, CCDee, P (–) , Fy (a+b-) , Jk (a+b+) , Di (a-) , K (一) , 0. 0485.
The probabilities that two randomly selected individuals would be found to have. same eombination of phenotypes of 11 systems are less than 1 in 2500 for Uygur, 1 in 800 for Han, Hui and Mongolian, 1 in 500 for Gaoshan and 1 in 290 for Dong. The Korean and Zhuang ethnic groups have been examined for 8 blood groups. Their probabilities for two randomly selected individuals having the same combination are less than 1 in 250 and 70, respectively.
The probabilities of AB, RH (D-) comb ination are 2. 9% for Han, 4. 8% in Hui, 3. 2%in Mongolian, 39. 7% in Uygur, 0% in Dong, 0. 2% in Gaoshan, 0. 9% in Zhuang and 4. 8% in Korean, respectively.
The probabilities of exclusion of paternity with 11 blood groups are 59. 28% for Han, 63. 26% in Hui, 70. 60% in Uygur and 57. 13% in Gaoshan ethnic groups. This propability for 10 blood groups is 60. 66% in Mongolian, and that for 9 blood groups is 55. 03% in Dong. And those for 8 blood groups are 55. 86% in Korean and 47. 39% in Zhuang.
It may be concluded that the extent of the blood group polymorphism in the ethnie groups of North China is greater than that of Southern ethnic groups.