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    15 September 1985, Volume 4 Issue 03
    Morphological features of Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus and their phylogenetic relationships——Morphology and comparison of the Teeth
    Rukang (Woo Ju-kang), Xu Qinghua, Lu Qingwu
    1985, 4(03):  197-204. 
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    Since 1975 over 1, 000 teeth (isolated and attached to the jaws) of Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus have been collected at the Shihuiba site in Lufeng County, Yunnan Province. The morphological deseription and comparison of the materials show that many characters of Ramapithecus are consistent with those of Sivapithecus, but their canines and lower premolars exhibit bigger differences possibly of different sex. On the basis of the comparison with the living apes, they are similar to those of orang-utan in many features, but very different from gorilla and chimpanzee. One possibility is that Lufeng Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus are of the different sex of the same form, and related closely to the orang-utan.
    However, on the other hand, the teeth of Lufeng Ramapithecus have some characters approach to those of Australopithecus afarensis and A. africanus, while the big canines of Sivapithecus are very different from those of australopithecines. Thus another possibility is that Lufeng Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus are two different forms: the former may be a member of the early hominid evolving to australopithecines, and the latter seems to be more similar to orang-utan.
    Early Neolithic human skeletons from Shigu, Henan Province
    Chen Dezhen, Wu Xinzhi
    1985, 4(03):  205-214. 
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    The bifaces of the old world and the ancient cultural tradition of the orient
    Dai Erjian
    1985, 4(03):  215-222. 
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    New palaeolithic site from the Nihewan (Nihowan) Beds
    Wei Qi, Meng Hao, Cheng Shengquan
    1985, 4(03):  223-232. 
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    For over half a century people have been paying a good deal of attention to the Nihewan (Nihowan) Beds. In the spring of 1981, a palaeolithic site was discovered from the Nihewan Beds of the so-called Lower Nihewan Formation of early pleistocene in situ. There are a lot of stone implements at the site. The site named Donggutuo (IVPP Loc. 81012) itself situates Xujiapo (a local name, Lat. 40°13'22", Long. 114° 40'11") of the northwest of the Donggutuo Village which lies some 4 kilometres from the well-known Nihewan Village and is on the right bank of the Sanggan River in Yangyuan County, Hebei Province.
    The stone artifacts were yielded in the greyish deposits about 45 metres below the original topographie surface and are associated with Palaeoloxodon sp. , Equus sanme-niensis, Coelodonta antiquitatis, Bison sp. etc.
    According to the magnetostratigraphic study, the culture zone of the Donggutuo site was set up before the Jaramillo event, that is about 1 million years BP. The new diseovery suggests that the remains of Homo erectus itself might be found fron the Nihewan Beds in it not distant future.
    Human tooth and Paleoliths found at Locality 2 of Longtanshan, Chenggong, Kunming
    Qiu Zhonglang, ZhangYinyun, Hu Shaojin
    1985, 4(03):  233-241. 
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    A human deciduous molar (dm2) has been found at Locality 2 of Longtanshan, associated with paleolithic artifacts total 107 in number. The molar is similar to the dm2 of early Homo sapiens in morphology, but exceeds the latter in size. The artifacts include cores, flakes and tools. The tools may be divided into two types: choppers and scrapers. It is worthy of notice that one of the serapers, a convex side-scraper, is similar to that found in Lunan, Yunnan Province.
    The associated fossil mammals suggest an Upper Pleistocene age and the C14 dating results in 30, 500±800 years B. P. for this site.
    A survey of five minority nationalities' consanguineous marriage in Yili, Xinjiang
    Ai Qionghua, Haligiamu, Ke Qin, Tong Jinhai, Zhang Bangxiang, Wang Zhengxian, Jiang Yu
    1985, 4(03):  242-249. 
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    A Survey on the eonsanguineous marriages in five ethnic groups in Yili Kazakh Autonomous Region was earried out from April, 1983 to May, 1984. The total number of marriages inquired was: Uygur-—2553, Kazakh—1079, Hui—1235, Xibe-——1222 and Mongol——446. The percentage of consanguineous marriage and average inbreeding coefficient observed were: Uygur-8. 23% and 46. 74×10-4, Hui-—8. 10% and 45. 07 × 10-4, Xibe — 4. 66% and 24. 93 × 10-4, Kazakh —- 2. 87% and 11. 31 × 10-3, Mongol — 0. 45% and 2. 80 × 10-4, respeetively. It was noted that after 1950 the percentage of consanguineous marriage decreased in Xibe, but increased in Uygur and Hui. Most of the consanguineous marriages take place between the first cousins on maternal side, but 26. 18% of consanguineous marriage in Uygur and 14. 00% in Hui were between relatives on the paternal side. The percentage of mixed marriages in five ethnic groups ranged from 0. 2% to 4. 0%. In addition, the mortality before the age of 7 years (12. 89%) and the rate of congenital abnomalities and diseases 2. 99%) among children of consanguineous narriages were significantly higher than those of marriages between nonrelative (7. 76% and 0. 38%, respectively) .
    The physical characters of Zang (Tibetan) Nationality
    Zhang Zhenbiao
    1985, 4(03):  250-258. 
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    A somatological survey on 105 males and 40 females of Zang nationality living in Xizang was carried out by the author in July, 1980.
    Judging from all nonmetrie data from more than 100 males and females, the features of Zang nationality are obviously similar to those of Mongoloid. In addition, all the means of measurements in Zang nationality fall within the range of the variations of those of other minorities living in China, and also fall within the range of Han nationality except the least frontal breadth (see table 6) . It is probable that Zang nationality belongs to the physical type of modern Chinese.
    In view of the cluster graph of kinship matrix for 11 groups of other minorities, Dy values and Cq2 values, the physicel characters of Zang nationality are basically similar to those of the minorities and Han nationality living in the priovinces of northwest and north China.
    The author believes that Zang nationality originally evolved from the ancient inhabitants during Neolithic period in Xizang region and later gradually formed the modern appearance by mixing with the ancient inhabitants migrated from the north and northwest region of China.
    A study on hemoglobin Q-Thailand in China
    Zeng Yitao, Huang Shuzhen, Ren Zhaorui, Zhou Xiadi, Qiu Xiaokun
    1985, 4(03):  259-263. 
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    This paper presents the data of a study on ten HbQ families found in China mainland. Of the ten, 30 individuals were HbQ carriers. Three of them were double heterozygotes for HbQ and a-thalassemia genes and had HbQ-H disease, a severe hemolytic anemia associated with HbQ, H, and Q2 but no HbA or A, in their blood.
    From the geographical distribution of HbQ in China, it is clear that this variant is common in the southen part of China and is consistent with the fact that HbQ is more commonly found in South-East Asia.
    Analysis of chemical structure of the variant, including separation of globin chains by CMC, digestion of the abnormal a-chain with TPCK-trypsin, using finger-printing and HPLC of the tryptic digests, digestion of the abnormal peptide and HPLC of thermolytie digests, as well as analysis of amino acids composition and the sequencing of the abnormal peptide, indicated that aspartic acid was replaced by histiding at a 74.
    DNA was isolated from leucocytes of the HbQ-H patients and then digested with restriction endonuclease Bgl II. The results showed that normal 12. 5 Kb a-specific fragment was absent but only one 7. 7 Kb a-specific fragment present in the Bgl II pattern, It thus indicated that these cases of HbQ-H disease corresponded to a leftward deletional form of a-thalassemia and the genotype of the patients was inentified as -aa/-.
    The origin of the linkage of HbQ with leftward deletion of a-thalassemia 2 genes was diseussed and considered that it would result from: (1) HbQ mutation occurring on the a locus of the #16 chromosome bearing a deletion of gene; or (2) a chromosome crossover occurring between the two #16 chromosome bearing aghat or af, gene respectively; or (3) an unequal cross-over occurring between the two #16 chromosomes, one of which bearing a HbQ mutation on the ai locus.
    Regression formulae for estimating age and stature from epiphyseal fusion and linear measurement
    Xi Huanjiu
    1985, 4(03):  264-267. 
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    Based on the anthropometry of 2612 Han students and the observation of the antero-posterior roentgengraph of the knee of 1361 students born in Xian, this paper provides thirty regression formulae for calculating age and from the degree of epiphyseal fusion in the long bones forming knee joint and some linear measurements.
    The estimation of stature from height of tibiale is considered as a better choice. The degree of epiphysis-diaphysis fusion on upper end of fibula is the better information for estimating age. The stepwise regression is suggestible rather than the linear.
    The relationship between the stature and the sternal length in young students of Han Nationality in Xi'an
    Zheng Jingzhong, Yang Yutian, Dang Rulin, Zhang Huaitao, Kong Xiangyun, Yang Yuexian, Zhao Genran
    1985, 4(03):  268-274. 
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    The stature and the sternal length and their relationship were studied in 1585·young students of the Han Nationality (863 males and 722 females) in Xian in 1980. The age range was 16 to 24.
    The results are as follows: 1. The stature and sternal length increase with age before the age of 20 in male and of 21--22 in female. The speed of the sternal growth in proportion is faster than that of the stature, and is faster in female than in male.
    The variation coefficient of the sternal length is greater than that of the stature, and that of the stature in male is greater than in female, but that of the sternum in female is greater than in male. The stature and the sternal length show a significant sexual difference.
    2. The sternal length is about 10% of the stature, but this percentage varies with age and sex and is larger in female than in male.
    The stature-sternal length index increase with age and is larger in female than in male. However, there is no significant sexual difference except the groups of 16 and 21--22 years old.
    3. The correlation coeffients between the stature and the sternal length indicate a significant degree of correlation. Therefore, the sternal length can be used to estimate the stature of youn'g students of the Han Nationality in Xian based on the regression equation.
    A roentgenographic study of the sesamoid bones of the feet
    Ding Shinai, Yan xiguang, Rong Haiqin, Ding Chenggang
    1985, 4(03):  275-280. 
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    The sesamoid bones of the feet have been studied on 916 adult feet roentgenograms in Zaozhuang, Shandong. The main results are as follows.
    1. There were one to seven sesamoid bones in a foot, among which the two-sesamoid-bone type occurred most frequently (77. 8%) , the three-sesamoid-bone type occurred in 16. 9%.
    2. The sesamoid bones beneath the head of metatarsals occurred in 94. 5%, and that beneath the interphalangeal joint of the hallux occurred in 5. 5%.
    3. The pereentage distribution of the sesamoid bones beneath the head of the first metatarsal occurred in 99. 9%, that beneath the fifth metatarsal in 6. 4%, and that beneath the interphalangeal joint of the hallux in 12. 6%.
    4. 3. 9% of cases appear as the bipartite and tripartite sesamoid bones. This percentage is much lower than that of the Europeans and Americans.
    5. It is thought that the formation and development of the sesamoid bone in human foot are both eongenital and acquired.
    Observation on the Chinese zygomatic bone
    Li Yingyi
    1985, 4(03):  281-285. 
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    The author observed the zygomatie bone of 400 sides of 200 adult skulls collected in the region of Ying Chuan, Ningxia. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1. Ineidence of incomplete zygomaticum bipartium of unilateral side is a little higher than that of bilateral sides; both of them are 21. 5±2. 90%.
    2. There are differences of the incidence of the sutures of the incomplete zygomaticum bipartium. The orders of them can be arranged as the following: the posterior horizontal suture is the most, the anterior horizontal suture, the second and the complete one, the last.
    3. Incidence of the complete zygoticum bipartium is limited, and that of the bilateral sides is a little higher than the unilateral side, but the difference between the left and the right of the unilateral side is not remarkable (u=0. 82).
    4. Zygomatieum tripartium is rarely seen, only two cases of the right side (1. 0±0. 5%) .