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    15 December 1985, Volume 4 Issue 04
    Palaeoliths from the Lower Pleistocene of the Nihewan Beds in the Donggutuo Site
    Wei Qi
    1985, 4(04):  289-300. 
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    A large number of stone artifacts made by hunter-gatherers of the early pleistocene some 1, 000, 000 years ago were discovered from the Nihewan (Nihowan) Beds of Tower pleistocene at Xujiapo near the Donggutuo Village about 4 km. southwest of the Nihewan (Nihowan) Village in Yangyuan County, Hebei Province. The artifacts consist df cores, flakes, stone and bone tools. The stone tools are classified as scrapers, points . and chopper-chopping tools. Generally small in size, the implements were chiefly made on little flakes except a few of the chopper-chopping tools, and most of them were re- touched in uniface. The scrapers of varied types made on flakes are most numerous. Some specimens are considerable fine. The Donggutuo industry is characterized by advanced stone artifacts which are generally known in the late pleistocene.
    Such advanced culture appeared in such old stratum is an interesting problem confronting palaeolithie archaeologists and quaternary geologists.
    On the stone industry of Xiaozhangliang
    Huang Weiwen
    1985, 4(04):  301-307. 
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    The stone industry of Xiaozhangliang from a Paleolithic site located at Nihewan Basin in the north of Hebei Province, has aroused much attentions and a heated discussion since it was discovered in 1978. Some scholars think the technique is so advanced that its age can not be too old.
    The geological section at Xiaozhangliang was found to consist of a bedrock base overlain by a thick fluviolacustrine sediments of interbedded sands, sandy clays and elays. The sequence is capped by an 8-15 m thick bed of loess. A layer of sand more than 40 m below the present ground surface was found to contain stone artifacts. The mammalian fossils associated with the stone artifacts include Hyaena sp. , Palaeoloxodonsp. , Hipparion sp. , Equus sanmaniensis, Gazella sp. , Cervus sp. , Coelodonta sp. , ete. . The age of the Xiaozhangliang Industry could be at the end of Lower Pleistocene or about 1. 0 m. y. BP based on the study of stratigraphic geology and paleontology and paleomagnetie determinations. According to preliminary reports, the materials for making stone implements are mostly chert which came from the old gravel bed nearby. The direct free-hand blows and the "bipolar"method were both used for flaking, but the latter only accidentally used. Some smaller blades and a piece of flake with faceted platform were observed. The types of stone artifacts include simple side scrapers, multiside scrapers, end serapers, double end serapers, proto-carinated scrapers, notched serapers, points, borers, small chopping-tools and ? burins. Retouches were made by simple direct percussion. The working edges on most of the implements are rather zigzag, but a few of them have neat working edges which might be retouched on anvil.
    Generally speaking, Xiaozhangliang Industry had many advanced characters, but it did not overstep its successor-Peking Man's Industry technically. Its oecurrenee indicated that the origin of the tradition of small stone tools in North China can be traced iback very early.
    On the Mesolithic of Guangxi and Guangdong
    He Naihan, Qin Shengmin
    1985, 4(04):  308-313. 
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    12 cave sites of Guangxi and Guangdong are compared with one another in artifacts, stratigraphy, faunal members and C14 dating. The results show that these sites are quite different from the paleolithic and neolithic ones and are in a transitional position in arehaeological context. A mesolithic age is supposed for these cave sites.
    Early Neolithic human skeletons from Shigu, Changge, Henan Province
    Chen Dezhen, Wu Xinzhi
    1985, 4(04):  314-323. 
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    The material on which this study relies was excavated from Shigu, Changge County, Henan Province by a field team sent by the Institute of Culture Relics of Henan Province from October of 1978 to December of 1980. According to the diagnosis provided by Guo Tienso and Chen Jiaxiang of the Institute of Culture Relics of Henan Province, 28 individuals were yielded from the layer of Pre-Yangshao graves, 16 from that of Yangshao graves and 3 from one of these layers.
    The neolithic site at Shigu has been the sole one so far, which eontains the human skeletons of the Pre-Yangshao graves. It provides the reliable materials for studying the physical type of the Pre-Yangshao neolithie man. The statistical test of the skulls from these two layers shows that the human bones buried in Pre-Yangshao layer are homogeneous with those from the Yangshao layer at Shigu site in physical type.
    The estimated ages based on the attrition of molars are about 10-15 years older than those based on the replacement of deciduous teeth by permanent ones and on the obliteration of cranial sutures and the fusion of epiphysis with diaphysis. This phenomenon is rather related to the diet; the food as we can imagine, eaten by neolithic man is much harder than that of nowadays.
    About two fifths of the total members died at the age of 25-35. The oldest man died in his late 40's. Women died at the age of 18—24 are much more than men died at the same age in percentage. This may imply a very high mortality caused by abnor- mal pregnaney and parturition.
    Using the formulas for estimating the eranial capacity according to the skull length, breadth and height (ba—b and po—b) , the figures calleulated are 1287. 86 ml. (male N=1) and 1305. 06 ml (female N=9) on the average.
    Based on the formulas derived from long bones of lower extremity of the modern Chinese, the estimated male and female statures of Shigu. population are 167. 0 cm. and 153. 5 em. respectively.
    The measurements of skulls are shown in Table 5. The female skulls are rather short, relatively high. They have moderately wide and high faces, mesognathous total facial angles, nasomalar angle of 152° in average, zygomaxillary angle of 142° in ave- rage, wide piriform aperture, low simotie indices, mesoconchy orbits, broad palates and narrow foramina magnum. The male skulls available for measuring are few. They have high vaults, flat upper faces, wide piriform apertures, mesoconchy orbits and low simotic indices.
    The main nonmetrical features of the skulls from this site are as follows: the sutures simple, the supercilliary arches small and not prominent, the anterior nasal spine not prominent, the skulls sphenoidal in shape, the canine fossa shallow, the presence of palatal torus and marginal tulbercles, the angular shaped transition of lower margin of maxilla and zygomatic hones in majority, the existence of mandibular torus and the shovel shaped incisors with a few exceptions in upper lateral ones, the upper wisdom teeth mostly unerupted and some lower ones unerupted on adult skulls.
    According to the analysis of the metrical and nonmetrical features, this population belonged to Mongoloids.
    According to the coefficient of racial likeness, the differences shown on male skulls between Shigu and other neolithic populations in Northern China are rather small. The differences between Shigu and those of Southern China are relatively larger. The female skulls of Shigu are rather close to the Neolithic populations in both Northern and Southern China. The mandibles are close to the Neolithic series from both Northern and Southern China without the distinction of sex.
    On the age of "Yuanmou Man"— A discussion with Liu Tungsheng et al.
    Qing Fang
    1985, 4(04):  324-332. 
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    According to the further study of Yuanmou formation and the comprehensive survey of Lithostratigraphy, paleontological stratigraphy, magnetic stratigraphy, the new tectonic movement of Yuanmou basin and the morphology of human teeth, the age of Yuanmou formation is proved to be early Pleistocene in this discussion.
    The locality of "Yuanmou Man"lies at the 25th layer of the fourth member of Yulanmou formation. A further investigation of the strata indicated that the sequence of strata is very clear without disorder. The new study on magnetic strata proved that magnetic polarity column of the fourth member of Yuanmou formation is situated near the Olduvai at the Matuyama reversed polarity epooh, and the age of "Yuanmou Man" is still 1. 70 m. y. B. P. , rather than 0. 50-0. 60 m. y. B. P. as considered by Liu Tungsheng
    A discussion on auto cab workspace and design of driver's chair
    Li Yu
    1985, 4(04):  333-344. 
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    Using anthropological method and anthropometric data analysis, the author studied and discussed the man-machine system of auto cab in this paper.
    a) The items of stature, shoulder height, sitting height, sitting eye height, sitting shoulder height, upper- and fore-arm length, thigh and shank length, shoulder breadth, sitting depth, buttock-knee length, stomach depth, chest breadth of more than 700 adult workers in Beijing and Sichuan have been measured.
    b) The data were analysed by micrioeomputer. The regional and sex groups were conducted and the means, the standard deviations, the ranges and other statistics of the dimensions were listed.
    e) The data of osteometry were used so that some dimensions could be rectified. In this way, the position of“H"point, the distance between the center of shoulder joint and elbow joint as well as that between the“H"point and the axis center of knee joint were defined. Then, the 5th and 95th per cent body movement models (BMM) of Bei- jing and Sichuan male population were built.
    d) The optimum depth, breadth and height of the pad, the angle formed by horizontal and seat as well as back, maximum area for hand, the distance between pads and back, and so on, were discussed. An optimum scheme was obtained. For all items stated above, the 5th percent BMM of Sichuan and 95th percent BMM of Beijing were con. sidered to be the lower and upper limits. Comparing with the Standard of Truck Driver's Operation Position by The First Ministry of Machine-Building of China (JB 2667-80) , the author found that there are some differences in workspace design. The author considered that the proposal mentioned in this paper is more suitable for the popnlation in China.
    e) According to the analyses of 10 male adults'back-lumbar profiles and the electromyographs of the longest muscle, it is pointed out that a lumbar cushion is important to prevent drivers from hurt on intervertebral discs. The shape of pad was discussed in this paper too.
    Some morphological characters of Rhinopithecus
    Ye Zhizhang, Peng Yanzhang, Zhang Yaoping, Liu Ruilin
    1985, 4(04):  345-351. 
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    This paper deals with comparative research of golden monkeys on the basis of the data of gross dissection for three species (R. roxellanae, R. bieti and R. brelichi) distributing in our country.
    Among 44 traits illustrated in the text; (1) 9 special features are unique for Rhinopithecus; (2) There are 4 shared characters between Rhinopithecus and Presbytis, while they seem to be absent in other primates; (3) 9 features are common in Rhinopithecus and other cololbines; (4) 5 features which are absent in other monkeys are shared by golden monkey and Presbytis, anthropoids and Homo; (5) There are 17 characters identical with those in anthropoids and Homo, but these traits are absent in Presbytis and other monkeys examined thus far.
    According to this comparative study the impressive knowledges are as follows: (1) Rhinopithecus, indeed, is the most advanced monkey among O1d World ones, although they also possess certain primitive characters; (2) From the discussion above, Rhinopithecus has built a bridge connecting Old World monkeys with anthropoids in phylogenetic relationship. The differences among three local populations are so remarkable (overpassing 60%, between each other) that we must consider them as three separate sper cies. Differences to such an extent have not been shown among different species in other genus of Colobidae.
    Brain of the Snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus)
    Liu Ruilin, Ye Zhizhang, Peng Yanzhang, Zhang Yaoping
    1985, 4(04):  352-361. 
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    The gross features of the brain of three species of Snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti, R. roxellanwe and R. brelichi) distributing in China, were examined with particular reference to the fissural patterns of the cerebral cortex.
    It was found that the brain of Rhinopithecus exhibits typical cereopithecids characteristics and the cerebrum especially exhibits the typical colobine sulcal pattern as follows:
    (1) The course of the rectus sulcus is relatively straight and does not diverge much from the orbit while both the intraparietal and lunate sulci arched. (2) The paths of the Sylvian and superior tempotal sulci are relatively parallel. (3) Both the paroecipitalis and the superior branch of the lateral calcarine sulcus are present. (4) The fronto-orbitalis is infrequently present while occipitotemporal sulcus is not visible in lateral views.
    In comparison with the other cercopithecids, the fissural pattern of Rhinopithecus is more complex than that of Presbytis, Macaca and many other genus of ceroopithecids. Thus the observations here in noted and the relevant comment made on them led to the inference that amon'g al the cercopithecids the snub-nosed monkey probably shows the highest cerebral development.
    The cerebellum of Rhinopithecus is similar to those of other cercopithecids, but it has the lesser size of the folium and tuber when compared with Macaca and Presbytis. The brain-stem does not call for any special remarks.
    Characters of the facial cranium of Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi
    Din Xifan, Mo Shitai, Zhang Wenguang
    1985, 4(04):  362-365. 
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    The means off the upper facial height, the nasal height and the simotic subtense of Zhuang are obviously lower than those of Han nationality in Guangxi. From the classifications of the upper facial index and the nasal index, Zhuang nationality belongs to Euryprosopy and Chamaerrhiny. The nasal bridge of Zhuang nationality is more concave than that of Han nationality in Guangxi. But most of other items of the facial cranium are less different from those of Han nationality in Guangxi Region.
    The authors consider that the characters of Zhuang nationality are basically similar to those of Han nationality in facial cranium, and appear to be of South China physical pattern.
    Measurements of the arc, chord and circumference, and sex-discriminating analysis in Chinese skulls
    Zhu Yongze, Cao Wenqiang, Lu Bingqiang, Zhang Chengling
    1985, 4(04):  366-371. 
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    1. The are, chord and circumference of 249 adult skulls of known sex (male 142, female 107) collected in Qingdao district of· Shandong province were measured and some indices were calculated.
    2. The ares of the frontal, parietal and occipital bone were compared and classs fied. The are of the parietal bone is the longest in more than 50% of the samples, and the longest frontal bone is more common in fem. ale than in male.
    3. The measurements showing significant sexual difference were used for. sex-diseriminating analysis.
    4. The measurements of the present samples were compared with those'tollectea from Zhangchun district and there are significant differences between them.
    Sex difference in the skulls of Xi'an area
    Dang Rulin, Yang Yutian, Zheng Jingzhong, Li Yingyi
    1985, 4(04):  372-378. 
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    Twenty items of 100 adult skulls (male 50, female 50) collected in the Xi'an area were measured. The sexual difference of eight items of them was very significant and could be used for sexual identification. The mesocrany, hysicrany and aeroerany were observed in most male and female cranial skulls. Compared with the data from Hunan Province and the Changehun area, the results showed that the hypsicrany might be used as the standard cranial type in Chinese.
    Age determination from structure of teeth
    Feng Jiajun
    1985, 4(04):  379-384. 
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    The materials investigated were 91 maxilhary first permanent molars of Southern Chinese.
    The method of area measurement of structures of the teeth on longitudinal section is applied. The crown-chamber index was calculated according to the following formula:
    Crown-chamber index = [ (area of enamel + area of pulp chamber) / (area of dentine of erown) ]×100
    The regression formula to estimate age is:
    Y=72. 32-0: 442X.
    (X=crown-chamber index)
    A survey on red cell blood groups of Hui ethnic group in Ningxia
    Yuan Yida, Li Changxiao, Du Ruofu
    1985, 4(04):  385-393. 
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    A survey on 11 red cell blood groups of Hui ethnic group in Ningxia was reported A total number of 208 unselected samples was examined with twenty anti-sera, namely, anti-A -B, -M, -N, -S, -s, -D, -C, -e, -E, -P1, -Lea, -Leb, -Fya, -Fyb, -Jka, -Dia, -K, -Lua and -Xga.
    A high frequency of B phenotype. (81. 91%) was found. Gene frequencies of r, p and q were 0. 5239, 0. 2231 and 0. 2530, respectively. The ABO blood groups distribution of Hui in the present study was similar to that of the previous report.
    It was the first time for Hui ethnic group to be tested with anti-M, -N, -S and -s simultaneously. A low rate of S gene was found. The s frequency of Hui was significantly lower than that of Uygur in Xinjiang and Tibetan ethnic groups, and close to that of Mongolian, but was higher than that of Han, Korean, Zhuang, Dong and Gaoshan ethnie groups. The frequencies of chromosome MS, Ms, NS and Ns were 0. 0281, 0. 4422, 0. 0313 and 0. 4984, respectively.
    Only one sample of Rh (D-) was observed with d gene frequency being 0. 0557. Of 179 people tested only 44 or 24. 58 per cent were positive with anti-P1. The calculated gene P1 frequency was 0. 1316. This result was significantly lower than that of previous study.
    In Lewis group, there. was a high frequency of Le (a-b-) (17. 81%) . No one Le (a+b+) phenotype was found. The Le" gene frequency was 0. 3882.
    Only two Fy (a-b+) cases were obtained in 219 tested the Duffy blood group. The high Fy' gene frequency (0. 9270) in Hui ethnie group was similar to that of other ethnic groups of China.
    Only anti-Jka serum were employed to test the Hui ethnic group. 151 samples among 219 tested were Jk (a+) . The Jke gene frequency was 0. 4428.
    In the Hui ethnic group, 15 samples (6. 85%) were found to be Di"-positive and the Dia gene frequency in Hui ethnic group was 0. 0349.
    All people were negative with anti-K and -Lua sera.
    Of 219 samples tested only 5 people were female. In Xg blood group, one female and 98 males were found to be of Xg (a+) phenotype. TheXga gene frequency in Hui ethnic group appeared to be 0. 4432.
    The genetie distances between 6 populations were computed by Nei's method (1978) and a phylogenetic tree of these populations was constructed on the basis of genetie distances caleulated with data of gene or chromosome frequencies of 11 red cell hlood groups, namely, ABO, MNSs, Rhesus, P, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd, Kell, Diego, Lutheran and Xg. The result of the genetie distances showed that the Hui ethnic group was gemetically close to Han and other ethnic groups of North China and far from Uygur ethnie group of Northwest China.
    Distribution of ABO blood group systems in Dongxiang, Baoan and Yugu Nationalities of Gansu
    Xu Min, Li Xiaoming, Wang Ping, Yang Yonglu, Zhao Gui
    1985, 4(04):  394-396. 
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    The distribution of ABO blood groups in Dongxiang, Baoan and Yugu nationalities of Gtansu was examined. Dongxiang nationality with high frequency of B (35. 94%) and low frequency of A (32. 42%) was observed. In common with other populations of Han nationality in central China and Tibetan nationality in Tibet, Baoan nationality revealed a high frequency of A (34. 16%) . Yugu nationality appeared to have higher frequency of o (43. 85%) .