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    15 December 1986, Volume 5 Issue 04
    Human fossil newly discovered at Chaoxian, Anhui
    Xu Chunhua, Zhang Yinyun, Fang Dushang
    1986, 5(04):  305-310. 
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    A human maxilla associated with fossil mammals has been discovered during the 1983 excavation season at the site which yielded an occipital bone in 1982. The maxilla, though not complete, shows characters of early Homo sapiens Based on faunal dating, the geological age of the human fossils is equal to or somewhat later than that of the layers I-4 of Zhoukoudian Cave, as suggested by fossil materials from the ame site in 1982.
    A fossil human tooth from Fengkai, Guangdong
    Qiu Licheng, Song Fangyi, Wang Linghong
    1986, 5(04):  311-313. 
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    An upper second premolar of Homo sapiens : apiens was found in the Tongzhongyan Cave, associated with some members of the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna. This site may probably be dated to the Upper Pleistocene.
    The height of mental foramen in Pleistocene human skeletons from Coobool Creek, Australia
    Wu Xinzhi, Peter Brown
    1986, 5(04):  314-316. 
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    The human skeletons of Coobool Creek were found in 1950 by G. M. Black from the central Murray River Valley area of Southern New South Wales, Australia. The authors took measurements of the height of mental foramen and the height of mandibulat body at the level of this foramen and calculated an index from these two items to indicate the relative height of this foramen. The results show that both individual variations and variations between both sides are large. There is no significant difference between the mean values of both sides.
    The average of data of both sides is obtained to represent the figure of each individual. The statistical results shown in table 1 are based on these averages. The data of near contemporary mandibles of Australian aborigines in Table 1 are cited from Wu and Wei (1986) .
    The discoverer of the Coobool Creek skeletcns, G. M. Black was an engineer and farmer, rather than a trained archaeologist. No precise archaeological, stratigraphical or chronological data are available for the material which he excavated. However, morphological and metrical comparisons with the Kow Swamp series (Thorne, 1976) suggests an age of 9000-13000 years B. C. (Brown, 1981) . More evidences for inferring its chronology are needed. Wu (1961) had presented an average value of 46. 3 for the relative height of 20 mental foramina of casts of Eurasian Pleistocene Homo sapiens sapiens in his article dealing with the study of Upper Cave Man at Zhoukoudian, Beijing. The corresponding mean value of male and female averages of Coobool Creek skeletons is 46. 2 which is close to Wu's data mentioned above. Wu and Wei (1986) reported that no significant difference is found between Chinese and the near contemporary Australian aborigines for the three items mentioned in this paper except absolute height of male mental foramen. So the change from Coobool Creek to modern Australian aborigines is foundamentally similar to that from Eurasian Ileistocene H. s. sapiens to modern Chinese. If there existed a similar tendency in the change from Pleistocene H. s. sapiens to modern man for the relative height of mental foramen in the two continents, the results indicated in this paper support the inference that Coobool skeletons are terminal Pleistocene in age.
    A study of the typology of stone tools from the cave of Baiyanjiao, Puding, Guizhou
    Li Yanxian, Cai Huiyang
    1986, 5(04):  317-324. 
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    The present article deals with the typology of stone tools found in the cave of Baiyanjiao, Puding, Guizhou. Pebble tools and tools made on flakes are analysed. Scrapers are abundant, comprising some 85% of the total, vary in shape, and delicately retouched, while points are few (4%) and roughly worked. End scrapers and backed knives as well as burins and notches are rarely represented. Pebble tools including choppers and chopping-tools make up 9% of the total.
    The paleoliths newly discovered at the Xigou site, Quwo county, Shanxi province
    Liu Yuan
    1986, 5(04):  325-335. 
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    The Xigou site is located at the western side of the confluence of Chaoyangxigou Valley and the Fuhe River, the tributary of the Fenhe River in the Chaoyang village of Quwo county, Shanxi province (111°26 50 E, 35°44'09 N) . It is about 12 KM northwest to the famous Ding- cun site.
    The Xigou site was found and preliminarily reported in 1956. From Aug. to Sept. of 1983, the author and others made excavation at this site. 514 stone artifacts, one human tooth and some fossils (2 gen. and 4 species) were buried in the sand contained calcarious nodules and a few small gravels from the third terrace. The members of the fossils are Pelceypoda, Gastropoda, Struthio sp. , Equus hemionus, E. przewalskyi, Coelodonta antiquitatis, Bovinae gen. ind. , Antilopinae gen. ind. and Homo sapiens. In he light of geology, geomorphology and the fauna, it is considered that the age of the Xigou Site is the upper Pleistocene. Tested by uranium series method, the date of the Xigou site is about 50, 000 B. P.
    The artifacts are predominantly made of pebbles of flint and quartz. The scrapers are major component of the assemblage, and the points and burins are the second. The chopper-choPping tools, the bifaces, a saw, a stone ball and a stone hammer are also found. The direct percussion method was mainly used in the industry of the site and the bipolar method was used sporadically. The sides of the flakes were trimmed to become rather straight working edges from the ventral to the dorsal. It is one of the attributes of the industry that the bifacial retouchment makes up relative proportion. According to the worked traces on the edges, the retouching methods were mostly used by stone hammer, a few of them by soft-hammer method. There are most edges of the tools with about 75°. But the repeated retouchment resulted in the rather blunt edges of some tools and abrupt edged scrapers. The most stone tools are medium and small in size.
    The excavation of this site has raised as many questions as it has answered. We have unearthed artifacts similar to those at Xujiayao and Shiyu in technology and dimension, and discovered the other components similar to those a Dingcun in technology and typology. In 1972, Prof. Jia Lanpo and others proposed two culture traditions in the northern Chinese Old Stone Age. The Xujiayao and Shiyu sites are the meinters of "the Loc. 1 of Zhoukoudian-Shiyu tradition", and the Dingcun site represents an example of "the Kehe-Dingcun tradition". So the Xigou site can not be classified as belonging exclusively to either one of these two traditions. However, it does appear that the industry at th Xigou site more closely resembles that of the Xujiayao and Shiyu sites. It is necessary to study further into the industries in the Xigou site and two traditions and compare them in details.
    The pollen analysis indicates that the herbs such as Gramineae, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia are common, and Pinus are of a little quantity. The majority in the fauna is typical grassland group. An environment of semi-dry, thinly wooded forests and grassland of the temperate zone can be suggested.
    Discovery of Paleolithic artifacts from Xiaozhan site in Datong city, Shanxi province
    Li Chaorong, Xie Tingqi, Hu Ping
    1986, 5(04):  336-345. 
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    The Xiaozhan site was found in 1982 and a test excavation was taken in 1984. The site (40°6'15N, 113°12'50E) is situated in the suburbs, about 6 km away from Datong city in Shanxi Provice.
    Forty pieces of stone artifacts were unearthed from the deluvium between the hind margin of the second terrace and the front margin of the third terrace, and 392 pieces were collected from the earth surface. The stone artifacts include cores, flakes and tools. The tools may be divided into four types: scrapers, points, burins and bores. The scrapers include single edged scIaper, double edged scraper, end scraper, disk scraper, high backed scraper and short round end scraper (thumbnail-shaped scraper) etc. It is worthy of notice that disk scraper, high backed scraper, short round end scraper and chiseled point are similar to those from Xujiayao and Shiyu sites and have much to do with paieolith in North China. According to the study of stratigraphy and stone artifacts, the age of Xiaozhan site probably belongs to upper pleistocene or late paleolithic.
    A study of temporomandibular joint in Neolithic age population
    Zeng Xianglong, Lin Jiuxiang, Huang Jinfang, Zhang Yuzhu
    1986, 5(04):  346-351. 
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    To get some knowledge about the condition of TMJ in Neolithic people and to examine if there are any morphologic difference in TMJ between Neolithic and contemporary population, routine observations of TMJ were made and dimensions of mandibular fossa and condyle were measured in a group of 22 Neolithic Age adult skulls, dated back to 3, 000-4, 000 B. C. 4 excavated at Baoji and Huaxian of China and the results were compared with those obtained from contemporary populations. It is found that there are substantial evidence of degenerative joint disease in 23% individuals studied, including gross attrition, asymmetrical attrition and irregular osteoanaphysis on both articular em nence and condyle. The dimensions of condyle are larger, the height of articular eminence and the depth of the fossa are greater, the posterior slope of the eminence is less oblique in Neolithic population han those in population today. It is suggested that a strong mastication force is responsible for TMJ disease in early people. With the changing of life-style and oral function there are secular trends in TMJ reduction in hurman evolution.
    A preliminary survey on dentoalveolar diseases of Neolithic human beings in China
    Zhan Longdan (Zhan Long-Dan)
    1986, 5(04):  352-357. 
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    There are skeletal specimens stored in Ant iropological Department of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Academia Sinica. These specimens include one skull, seven maxillary bones, four mandibles and one third molar. The main dentoalveolar diseases are dental caries, alveolar atrophy and wear. Other eight kinds are only a few cases as tooth fracture, malposed tooth, tooth elongation, microdontia, dentoalveolar abscess, periodontal abscess, embedded tooth and dentoalveolar deformity. The historical ages of·these skeletons were from 5, 000 to 3, 000 years before, representing the late neolithic period to Shang Dynasty. In this way, the historic research work of Chinese ancient human beings' oral diseases will be pu- shed up to 3, 000 years ahead. At that time, the neolithic period, the central district of China had a higher culture already. The oral disease presented seems almost like the recent Chinese.
    The oral condition of a Liao Dynasty woman of Qidan nationality
    Zhou Dacheng, Shao Fugen
    1986, 5(04):  358-361. 
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    The oral condition of a woman belonging to the Qidan Nationality of the Liao Dynasty is reported. Besides recounting the general oral condition the occurrence of caries and periodontal disease, attrition of the teeth, and especially the dissymmetry of the mandible induced by unilaterally disposed mastication are discussed.
    The relationship between tooth size and cranial size
    Wei Boyuan, Zhang Wenguang
    1986, 5(04):  362-367. 
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    Ninety male adult skulls from south Chinese and their 698 upper teeth (except M3) were investigated, and the coefficients of correlation between tooth size of each upper tooth category and each of six measured cranial items were computed. The coefficient tests denote that coefficients of correlation between tooth size of each tooth category and the maxilloalveolar length, and maxilloalveolar breadth, the right I2 and horizontal cranial circumference, the bilateral l2 and maximum cranial length, the left I1, bilateral I2, right PM1, bilateral M1 and middle facial bieadth, are significant, and the others not significant. On the basis of the significant coefficients 17 regression formulae of estimating cranial size from the tooth size were listed.
    The measurements and sexual diagnosis of the greater sciatic notch in Chinese
    Sun Shanghui, Ou Yongzhang
    1986, 5(04):  368-371. 
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    The measurements and calculations have been taken on 614 greater sciatic notch (358 males and 256 females) in Chinese. They are the greatest width, the greatest height, the length segment posterior of the greatest width, the length of posterior side, the length of anterior side, posterior angle (∠A) , anterior angle (∠B) and superior angle (∠C) . The sexual discrimi-nating function, critical value and misclassified rate were calculated from the variation of ∠A and ∠C.
    Observation on the Chinese scapulae
    Sun Chao, Xi Huanjiu
    1986, 5(04):  372-376. 
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    Observation on 404 dry scapulae of Chinese adults (male 115, female 87) from Xian area was carried out to investigate the shape of the spinae and margins of the scapulae.
    It was found in this study that the Chinese spinae scapulae can be divided into five types. There are racial and sexual differences in the shape of the marginis vertebralis.
    Menarcheal age of six nationalities in Yi Li of Xinjiang
    Ai Qionghua
    1986, 5(04):  377-382. 
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    From July 1983 to July 1984, the menarcheal age of 3972 females (12 to 23 years old) in Yi Li Prefecture, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, was surveyed by the retrospective method, among them were 924 Kazaks, 864 Uigurs, 486 Sibos, 209 Hui nationality, 216 Mongols and 1273 Hans. The mean ages at menarche and their standard deviation were: 14. 37±1. 09 years for Kazak, 14. 34±1. 41 years for Uigurs, 14. 21±1. 05 years for Mongol, 13. 89±1. 32 years for Hui nationality, 13. 78±1. 02 years for Sibo and 13. 61±1. 11 years for Han. Most girls in each nationality have their menarche in July, August and September provided that there was fine weather and good nutrition. Nevertheless, a remarkable tendency of advance of menarcheal age was observed. By comparing the menarcheal age of those born in 1961-1964 with that of 1969 —1972, it was found that the advance of mean menarcheal age during eight years was: 2. 67 years for Hui nationality, 1. 9 years for Mongol, 1. 78 years for Sibo, 1. 64 years for Han, 1. 17 years for Kazak and 1. 13 years for Uigur, respectively.