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    15 March 1987, Volume 6 Issue 01
    The distribution of immunoglobulin Gm allotypes in forty Chinese populations
    Zhao Tongmao, Zhang Gongliang, Zhu Yongming, Zheng Suqin, Liu Dingyuan, Chen Qi, Zhang Xia
    1987, 6(01):  1-9. 
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    Data from population and family studies show that the human immunoglobulin Gm allo-types prove to be unique genetic markers in studies of human genetics, particularly in the characterization of different race or population determined by the differences in Gm haplotype composition and its frequency.
    In this paper, a total of 5, 641 individuals from 40 populations were typed for Gma, f, x, b, and g factors. The genetic distances between 13 minorities (Zhuang, Uygur, Dong, Hui, Korean, Kazak, Bai, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Oroqen) and 27 Han populations were computed by Nei's method on the basis of Gm haplotype frequencies and a phylogenetic tree was constructed.
    The conclusions were (1) The common Gm haplotype are afb, axg, a, and ag. The Gmfb haplotype is observed only in Uygur, Hui, and Kazak. (2) There is a parallel relationship between genetic distances and geographic distances for these populations. (3) The Gmafbhaplotype frequency increases sharply from north to south, and there is a concomitant sharp decrease in ag and axg frequencies. (4) A hypothesis was proposed by the author that the origin of the Chinese nation might exist in both of the Yellow River region and the Yangtze River region and the most likely boundary between the Southern and the Northern Chinese is near the thirty degrees north latitude.
    Racial relationships between Chinese and Japanese: A statistical study of cranial measurements
    Wang Linghong
    1987, 6(01):  10-18. 
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    Japanese racial elements are supposed to have been immigrated through almost all possible "roads"from surrounding seas. Japanese anthropologists have consistently paid attention to the surrounding regions, especially the continent of Asia, in seeking the "root"of Japanese people.
    The present study considers the affinities of the inhabitants in the Japanese Islands within a broad spectrurn of the surrounding regions. The Japanese groups studied consist of the Minatogawa man, the Tsugumo, Yoshiko and South Kanto Jomon period groups, the Doigahana and Mitsu Yayoi period groups, and the rmodern Japanese groups of the Kanto, Kinai, Hokuriku, Ryukyu and Hokkaido Ainu regions. In accordance with this composition, late Paleolithic, Neolithic and modern Chinese inhabitants are used for comparison. Both Northern and Southern Chinese groups of the three periods are included. In addition, Neolithic and modern North Asian populations, as well as modern populations of Korea, Southeast Asia and Oceania, 38 groups in all, are included in this comparison.
    All of the 38 groups have neans of the following 13 variables in common: cranial length, Cranial breadth, basi-bregmatic height. cranial base length, minimum frontal preadth, bizygomatic breadth, facial length, upper facial height, nasal height, nasal breadth, orbital height, orbital breadth (maxillofrontale-ektokochion) and total facial prognathism. These 13 means of the 38 groups form the data-set for statistical study.
    Cluster analysis based on the Penrose's distances, factor analysis and discriininant analysis have been carried out.
    The mean square distances produced a dendrogram which shows that the Upper Cave man and the modern Andaman group are distant from the remaining 36 groups, while these 36 groups compose 4 blocks: 1) Paleolithic Liujiang man and Minatogawa man; 2) Chinese Neolithic and Japanese Jomon groups; 3) modern Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian groups; 4) Japanese Yayoi groups of the North Kyushu and Yamaguchi regions and North Asian groups.
    As to the factors analysis, the first factor explains 35% of the total variance. As in the comparison of Chinese groups only, which was reported in the author's previous paper, almost all of the linear variables, especially orbital breadth, cranial base length, facial length, cranial length, minimum frontal breadth, nasal breadth and bizygomatic breadth, have large factor loadings. This factor can be explained as size factor. In contrast, orbital height has a negative loading on the first factor. This implies that orbital height has a negative correlation with the other variables with regard to this factor. Also prehistoric groups have higher factor scores than modern groups of the same region. For the second factor, the variables which have the largest loadings are upper facial height, orbital height and nasal height. This factor reflects, mainly, geographical variation, and secondly, secular change from the Neolithic (Jomon period in Japan) to recent times. In this point, also, the analysis is comparable with the analysis of Chinese groups only.
    A scattergram based on the first two factors documents a similar trend in terms of secular change from Neolithic (or Jomon) period to recent times in North China, South China and Japan. The general trend is a reduction in cranial size. This reduction concerns the 7 variables which have large loadings on the first factor. At the same time, orbital height increases slightly.
    The purpose of the discriminant analysis was to detect the ability of each variable to distinguish between the groups of Neolithic (or Jomon) period on the one hand, and the groups of recent times on the other, regardless of whether Japanese or Chinese were represented. Its use was intended to test the significance of the differences between the two temporal periods in each variable. The results indicate that there are very significant differences between these two periods in facial length, cranial base length, nasal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, orbital height, cranial breadth and minimum frontal breadth.
    Summing up the results produced by the above three methods, one can see that: I) the early inhabitants of the Japanese Islands were most similar to the South Chinese of the same period; 2) Yayoi period people in the North Kyushu and Yamaguchi regions were characterized by high facial height. Their racial elements were affected by a North Asian race; 3) modern Japanese are most similar to modern Chinese among the modern populations studied; 4) there is parallelism in terms of secular change over the period from the Neolithic (or Jomon) to recent times between North China, South China and Japan.
    The statistical study described above leads to a further discussion about the racial relationships between Chinese and Japanese peoples.
    1. Starting with Prof. Kotondo Hasebe, Japanese anthropologists have generally recognized that the earliest ancestors of modern Japanese were derived from South China. The results of the present study are in good agreement with this viewpoint. This immigration seems to have happened in a time earlier than late Pleistocene—the age of the Liujiang man and Mi- natogawa man. Although the Liujiang man and Minatogawa man were very similar to each other, they were still different in stature, cranial breadth, bizygomatic breadth, orbital breadth, facial prognathism etc. If these two samples could represent their respective populations, it is a logical inference that this couple of "cousins", as Prof. Hisashi Suzuki said, had diverged for a period of time. Furthermore, the existence of cultural remains and perhaps human fossils of a period earlier than that of the Minatogawa man gives support to this statement.
    In the Quaternary glacial epoch, sea level was reduced by about 100 meters or more. The sea between the Continent and the Japanese Islands became a vast land or at least a land bridge linked them up. It is this land or land bridge that was the "road"of the immigrants from South China.
    2. Although the Yayoi people in the North Kyushu and Yamaguchi regions were affected by a North Asian race in certain elements, modern Japanese people are still most similar to modern Chinese. With the fact in mind that they share a common ancestor, two alternative hypotheses can be put forward: that repeated immigration or parallel secular change accounts for the similarities between them.
    3. With the close of the Quaternary Glaciation, the Japanese Islands separated from the Continent. The geographical basis for immigration on a large scale has not existed since the end of the glacial age. Also important is the way of life of Neolithic people. Agriculture, domestic animals and pottery occurred in this age. Residents lived settled lives increasingly. Immigration did not occur as frequently as before.
    The Yayoi period in Japan was analogous to the Qin and Han dynasties in Chinese history in chronology, which developed foreign trade through ocean-going freighters. A nomadic nationality Xiongnu in the north border of the Qin and Han was also strong.Nevertheless, it is still hard to image that the barrier of the sea could be overcome by immigrants on such a scale so that the local inhabitants (but not the immigrants) were assimilated and absorbed gradually.
    4. A certain parallelism in different regions in terms of secular change during the period from Neolithic to recent times implies that common motive forces were responsible for this process. In the list of candidates for these forces might be included cultural and technical progress, improvement of implerments, change in food composition and food preparation, as suggested by some authors. In other words, for the secular change of a population in Holocene time inter-population factors are primary or more important; external influence is secondary or less important.
    As to the affinities of Japanese, a common rermote ancestor and a common trend of secular change resulted in the racial similarity of modern South Chinese and Japanese peoples.
    The statistical analyses were carried out under the instruction of Prof. Kazuro Hanihara during the author's stay in the University of Tokyo as visiting scholar. Gratitude is expressed to him and his colleagues, especially Dr. Makiko Kouchi and Mt. Kiyotaka Koizumi for their help.
    Anthropological research of tibia in mordern Chinese
    Zheng Jingzhong
    1987, 6(01):  19-27. 
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    Tibiae of 100 Chinese adults (50 males and 50 females) were used for this paper. The materials studied were unearthed from the vicinity of Xian.
    The measurements taken in this paper are whole length, condylo-malleolar length, physiological length, proximal and distal epiphyseal breadths, sagittal diameter of the superior medial and the superior lateral articular surface, sagittal diameter of the distal epiphysis, anteroposterior diameter and transverse breadth at the level of nutrient foramen, min. circumference of the shaft and torsional angle. Their ant hropometries have been taken by Martin's method. The data of the measurements are listed in table 1.
    Sex differences of the various linear measurements are very significant. Side difference of the torsional angle of tibia is very significant, however no sex difference for this angle.
    The data of the various indices are listed in table 10. Sex difference of the caliber index is significant.
    Racial and the regional differences have been discussed.
    Dermatoglyphic study of Hezhen Nationality in Northeast China
    Zhang Jizong
    1987, 6(01):  28-40. 
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    Dermatoglyphic data on 58 traits (frequencies of ten finger patterns; ten finger ulnar and radial ridge counts; TRC and ARC; both hand patterns on the hypothenar and thenar/1, IⅡ, I1Ⅱ, IV interdigital areas; and main line A, B, C, D: atd angles, T-ratio, a—b. b—c. c—d. a-d plam pattern ridge-count) and indices of finger and pal prints are presented in this paper for Hezhen nationality from Northeast China.
    Relative analysis and principal component analysis of Hezhen derrnatoglvphic characters are made with computer.
    The normal dermatoglyphic parameters of Hezhen nationality are similar to Han nationality. Finger prints are more important than palm prints for studying dermatoglyphics.
    Finger prints and palm prints are genetically independent.
    An investigation about the neonates' weight
    Li Yu, Xia Enlan, Cui Yunwen
    1987, 6(01):  41-45. 
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    This paper analyses the obstetrical records of the Obstetrical Department of Beijing Fuxing Hospital, dealing with menarchal age, parturition age of women in Beijing area, and the body weight of their neonates. Several statistical methods have been used to find out any relation between the data of the neonates and their mothers as well as other birth background factors.
    The results show that there is no notable relation between the mother's age and the weight of neonate. But the stature and weight of the mother significantly effect the weight of neonates, so does the baby's sex. The rime of the pregnancy also has something to do with neonates, weight. But it is difficult to tell how and why it does so.
    Deviation analysis points out that the parturition seasons have effect on the increase of mother’s weight after giving birth. For this, no author reported before.
    The growth status of 2一6 years old kindergartner in Beijing
    Chen Zhao
    1987, 6(01):  46-54. 
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    In summer 1985, 833 kindergartnets of 2—6 years old were measured by the author in Beijing. The number of boys is 439, and girls, 394. The anthropometric items include stature, sitting height, arm length, maximum shoulder breadth, maximum hip breadth, girth of head, girth of upper-arm, girth of chest, girth of waist, girth of thigh and body weight.
    The initial data have been processed by computer. According to age, the children have been divided into several groups.
    Under the same circumstances, the effect of parent native place and nationality on growth level is not significant (P>0. 05) , neither is the difference between girls and boys. But, the difference between two age groups is significant (P<0. 01) . In other words when children are 2-6 years old, the effect of heredity on growth level is not significant and there is no sex difference in physical appearance, except genital organs.
    The stature and weight increase rapidly, the average increase of the stature is 70 mm per year and the weight is about 2000 g per year. As the children grow up, the increase speeds of the boys' weight and the children stature are regularly changed, the former going up, and the latter going down. The change in gitls' weight is more complex.
    The standard correlation coefficients of most length dimensions of the body are higher than that of girth. In comparison with the data of 1975, the increase speed of the children stature has reduced.
    On the new materials of paleoliths from the Hanshui Valley
    Tang Yingjun, Zong Guanfu, Lei Yulu
    1987, 6(01):  55-60. 
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    A lot of new materials of Paleoliths from over 10 localities in Hanzhong basin have been found recently since the first materials were reported in 1980. The present paper is a preliminary study of the Paleoliths and the stratigraphic section of the localities (containing Wenquan, Chituling, Yangjiawan, Hujiadu of Mianxian; Longgansi of Nanzheng; Chengdingcun, Diheba of Chenggu; Dabagou, Yangzheng, Jinshui, Balong of Yangxian) . The new materials were collected by a fieid team of IVPP and Geological Museum of Shaanxi Province in the autumn 1985.
    The materials of 200 Paleoliths are mostly made of vein quartz, quartzite, pyrolith and quartz sandstone. The stone assemblage consists of bolas, chopper-chopping tool, points, scrapers. They are very like those from Lantian, Sanmen gorge, Dingchun of North China and Baise, Guanyindong of South China typologically.
    The Paleolithic artifacts mentioned above were found in the sediments of the third terrace consisted of the yellow-reddish sandy clay with concretion and some mammalian fossils including Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Ursus sp. , Stegodon orientalis, Rhinoceros sinensis, Sus sp. , Muntiacus muntiak, Rusa sp. , Gazella sp. , Bubalus sp. etc. were found in it. The fossils associated with the Paleoliths belong to the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna, so that, the Paleolithic age can be attributed to Middle Pleistocene.
    Bifaces in China
    Huang Weiwen
    1987, 6(01):  61-68. 
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    For a long time, biface (coup-de-poing) has been considered a typical and monopolistic category of tool in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Indian peninsula during the Early Paleolithic, but East and South Asia have been considered as the part where biface is completely absent or rare. However this concept became less and less confirmed by increasing discoveries in archaeology.
    In fact, biface is not absent or rare in China. Temporarily, this category of tool had occurred since the end of Early Pleistocene or the beginning of Middle Pleistocene (ca. I m. y. ) to Early Holocene. However, most of them appeared during Middle Pleistocene. Geographically, it has been found in China from the South to the North and Northeast especially in the "Fen-Wei Graben"of the North, the Hanshui Valley and the Baise Basin of the South.
    Bifaces from China were retouched not only by pebble, but also by flake. Technologically, most of them were flaked alternately by hammerstone, while some of them may be retouched by soft hammer. As far as the rool's group, biface together with chopper-chopping tool, bolas, unifacial heavy pointed tool, cleaver, etc. constituted certain stone assemblages in China. This phenomenon is obvious in several Early Paleolithic industries such as those from the "Fen-Wei Graben", the Hanshui Valley and the Baise Basin. These industries are in sharp contrast with the other types such as the Peking man culture from Zhoukoudian and the Guanvindong culture from Guizhou province. In the latters, scrapers and points retouched by smaller size of flakes are numerically more significant.
    As in China, in other parts of East and South Asia there were certain Paleolithic bifacebearing industries, for example, the Chongoknian in Korea peninsula, the Patjitanian in Java, the Soan culture in northwestern India-Pakistan subcontinent and the Tampanian in Malay peninsula, etc. In addition, bifaces were also found in Central Asia area of USSR and Mongolian plateau.
    To summarize, biface should not be of neglected component of Paleolithic culture in East and South Asia. Speaking of typology and technology there are no essential differences between the West and East bifaces. The Paleolithic biface-bearing industries found in East and South Asia are strongly suggested that this area was not "an isolated and self-sufficient area, closed to any major human migratory wave"as Teilhard de Chardin said (Teilhard, 1941) , and biface may be such an evidence for the communication existing between West and East. By any means, Movius' "Two Culture theory”needs to be reevaluated indeed. Equally, an universal and unili- near evolutionary framework is also not feasible because it is contradictory with what happend in reality of the Paleolithic world. Instead, it seems to me that a framework which different traditions interlaced and set in is a logical hypothesis.