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    15 June 1987, Volume 6 Issue 02
    New materials of Ramapitbecus from Keiyuan, Yunnan
    Zhang Xingyong
    1987, 6(02):  81-86. 
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    The fossils were found at Xiaolongtan of Keiyuan, Yunnan Province, in 1980 and 1982. The materials are as follows: a lower tooth row with M1-M3 and a fragment of left maxilla with I2-M3 and a right maxilla with C1—M2.
    According to its morphological features the specimen can be attributed 10 Ramapithecus. The associated mammal remains include Ramapithecus keiyuanensis, Sivipithecus sp. , Rodentia, Mustelidae, Gomphotherium xiaolongtanensis, Gomphotherium cf. macrognathus, Te!ralophodon cf. sinensis, Zygolophodon chinjiensis, Tapirus sp. , (A. B) , Propotamochoerus parvulus, Listriodon sp. , Dicoryphochoerus sp. , Castoridae and Cervidae. The fauna is considered to be of late Miocene in age.
    A preliminary study of Dagudui mountain prehistoric stone tool workshop in Xiangfen county, Shanxi province
    Wang Xiangqian,Li Zhanyang, Tao Fuhai
    1987, 6(02):  87-95. 
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    The Dagudui mountain prehitoric stone tool workshop was discovered in October 1984 by the authors. The site is located on the western range of the Taer mountain near the Shanugou village, N 35o 50' 28, E 111° 29', about 7 kilometres to the west of the well-known Dingcun site. The stone artifacts are massively accumulated around the site and numbered about tens of thousands. The cultural layer is 4 metres in the thick part and covered over the whole slope of the mountain. The raw material is greyish black metamorphic rock, obtained directly from the underneath bedrock. The stone flakes are the main component of the assemblage. The cores are mainly irregular in shape, and the representative of the regular cores is the funnel- shaped core, but small in number. All tools are made by direct knapping inethod, and most of them are made of flakes. They are divided into three major types: chopper, scraper and point. The point could be also subdivided into 6 kinds: short flat point, long sharp point, shoulder-shaped spearhead, spear-shaped point, triangular point and duckbill-shaped point. The spear-shaped point is a kind of new implement so far discovered in the region. No polished stone tools have been found. The Dagudui assemblage is regarded as a new regional cullure in North China. The age of the Dagudui mountain culture is estimated between the end of the paleolithic age and the early period of the neolithic age.
    The polymorphism of adenylate kinase, adenosine deaminase, haptoglobin and a1-antitrypsin in Mongolian, Korean and Zhuang populations of China
    Xu Jiujin, Cui Meiying, Li Shizhe, Chen Liangzhong, Du Ruofu, H. W. Goedde, H. G. Benkman, G. Kriese, P. Bogdanski
    1987, 6(02):  96-102. 
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    The genetic polymorphism of adenylate kinase (AK) , adenosine deaminase (ADA) , haptoglobin (Hp) and ar-antitrypsin (ai-TA) was investigated in the Mongolian of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Korean of Jilin Province and Zhuang of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in China. The gene frequencies of Mongolian, Korean and Zhuang were: AK.11-0. 9843, 1. 0000, 1. 0000; ADA1-0. 9529, 0. 9468, 0. 9573; Hp1-0. 2597, 0. 3152, 0. 3571; PiM-0. 9953, 0. 9953, 0. 9928; Pi°-0. 0000, 0. 0000, 0. 0072; PiF-0. 0047, 0. 0047, 0. 0000, respectively. The x2test showed that all of the observed distributions of phenotypes of four genetic markers in Mongolian, Ko- rean and Zhuang populations were consistent with the Hardy-Weinberg’s law.
    ADA polymorphism in nine ethnic groups of China
    Zhao Hong, Du Ruofu
    1987, 6(02):  103-108. 
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    Using the starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining, we analysed the ADA polymorphism of nine ethnic groups in China. The highest frequency of ADA2 gene was found in the Bai ethnic group (0. 0735) , and the lowest in the Tujia (0. 0300) . There was a significant difference between them. The frequencies of ADA2 in the Uygur, Yi, Hui, Tibetan, Manzu, Dong, Miao ethnic groups were 0. 0654, 0. 0622, 0. 0610, 0. 0547, n. 0485, 0. 0450, 0. 0320, respectively. There was no significant difference among them, and with those of Bai and Tujia ethnid groups.
    A preliminary dermatoglyphic study of Yugu nationality
    Dai Yujing, Yang Dongya, Chen Xiaobang
    1987, 6(02):  109-116. 
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    The present paper reports the normal values of 8 dermatoglyphic parameters of Yugu nationality in Gansu province. The sample consists of 195 boys and 151 girls. The results from both sexes are as follows:
    The frequencies of finger pattern W, L and A are 51. 24%, 46. 66% and 2. 22% respectively. The main TFRC is 147. 18, and the main a-b TRC is 40. 69. The frequencies of true patterns in palmar thenar, palmar hypothenar, interdigital area Ia, interdigital area I3, interdigital area Is/13, interdigital area l4 are 9. 21%, 25. 47%, 1. 57%, 19. 17%, 21. 64%, 56. 63% respectively.
    In addition, the paper reports that A, B, C and D main line terminations are often in 3, 5', 5", and 7 areas respectively in both sexes.
    In comparison with Han nationality and white people, Yugu nationality is significantly different from Han nationality in some traits of palmar prints, not significantly different from white people. This indicates that Yugu nationality have relations with white people.
    A dermatoglyphic study of the hands in the Wa nationality, Yunnan, China
    Lv Chengming, Guo Yingming, Yang Fengtai, Huang Chengmian
    1987, 6(02):  117-124. 
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    The dermatoglyphic parameters of 900 samples of the Wa Nationality in Yunnan were determined and compared with those of the Han Nationality and Caucasians. It is suggested that the dermatoglyphic parameters of Wa people have both their own features and general characters of the Mongolians. Low Furuhata Index (finger patterns W to L ratio, 0. 65: 1 for males and 0. 58: 1 for females) , low frequency of persons with Simian line (2. 60% for males and 2. 00% for females) and big mean atd augle (41. 79±4. 50 for males and 43. 05±4. 41 for females) are marked features of Wa people. The mean atd angles and TPD values of children at the age of 11 to 14 years tended to increase with age, but irregular changes of those from 15 to 18 age group were found.
    Hand anthropometry of Nanjing females
    Fu Wenchen
    1987, 6(02):  125-130. 
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    An anthropometric study of hand dinnensions of 180 Nanjing female workers was carried out. The 24 hand measurements that were taken are those thought to be of special importance for the design of machinery and machine guards. Comparisons are made between different age groups. The characters of different age groups are basically similar in hand dimensions, but some measurements still have significant age difference.
    Skeletal age, height and weight in twins
    Guo Mei, Ye Guangjun, Ye Gongshao
    1987, 6(02):  131-138. 
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    A total number of 307 pairs of twin of the same sex aged 6 to 14 were investigated. The result shows that the proportion of twins among the primary pupils was 0. 39%. The proportion of MZ twins was 54. 12%, while the proportion of DZ twins was 45. 88%. The skeletal age, height and weight were all genetically determined, with a heretability of 79. 3e, 36. 5% and 78. 2% respectively. The genetic factors might influence these indexes differently in different age groups. Various environmental factors lasting for a long time have greater effect on height and weight than on skeletal age.
    The dimensions and cusp types of the teeth of modern South Chinese
    Wei Boyuan, Lu Xuguang
    1987, 6(02):  139-143. 
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    Teeth measurements and observation of cusp types have been made on 1963 permanent teeth of modern Chinese of south China. The mean measurements of total length, length of crown, length of root, M-D diameter and B-L diameter of crown, M-D diameter and B-L diameter at cervix of each tooth category were made. The statistical results on cusp types of each molar category indicates that the number of cusps from Ml to M3 tends to reduce. The Carabellis Tuberculum on M1 occurred in 23. 8%, and that on M2 in 1. 6%. The shovel-shaped I'occurred in 91. 8%.
    Sexual diagnosis of scapula by discriminant function analysis
    Ren Guangjin
    1987, 6(02):  144-146. 
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    Four measurements were made on 84 scapulas (66 males and 18 fernales) , i. e. mor phologi cal breadth (X1) , mor phological length (X2) , length of the spine (X3) and length of glenoid cavity (X4) . The data were calculated according to Fisher's method. The results showed that the best discriminant function was X3with X4 (the overall accuracy of sex prediction reached to 97. 62%)
    Estimation of stature from sternum of adults in North China
    Hu Peiru, Zhao Zhiyuan
    1987, 6(02):  147-151. 
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    28 adult cadavers from north China were studied. The average value of the stature, the total length of sternum, the length of the manubrium sterni, the length of the body of sternum were measured. The coefficients of the correlation between the average length of the sternum and the stature were calculated. The coefficient of correlation between the total length of the sternum, the length of the manubrium sterni, the length of the body of the sternum and the stature are 0. 8630, 0. 7122 and 0. 8395 respectively. It shows that the correlation between them is rather high. But in the males the coefficients of correlation are 0. 7157, 0. 5789 and 0. 5669 respectively; while in the females they are 0. 6111, 0. 5630 and 0. 6122 respectively. Nine regression formulae from the average length of sternum and the stature were computed.
    The relationship between stature and total length of sternum reveals a higher coefficient of correlation and a lower standard error of estimation, as comparied to that between stature and length of the manubrium sterni and that between stature and length of the body of the sternum. The reconstruction of stature from the length of the body appears more reliable than that from the length of the manubrium of the sternum.
    The comparative studies of musculature of Rhinopithecus
    Ye Zhizhang, Peng Yanzhang, Zhang Yaoping
    1987, 6(02):  152-161. 
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    The different characteristics of 56 musculi in Rhinopithecus were dealt with for comparative research. There are some differences betwecn the muscular systemis of three species of snub-nosed monkey. The major features of the myology of these animals, except that of anthropoid and human, share with Cercopithecoidea. In Ceropithecoidea, the muscular system of Rhinopithecus is more similar to that of leaf monkey than that of other species and some characteristics of them are more advanced than that of other monkeys. In the sense of the evolution, the myology characteristics of golden monkey are between leaf monkey and apes, so these species are relatively more advanced than other species of Cercopithecoidea. The conclusions are summarized below.
    1. Though some of the characteristics of muscular system in three species of Rhinopithecus are mostly homologous, there are also some differences among them.
    2. According to our observations, the results slightly differ from that found by Patterson (1942) in R. roxellanae. It is possibly diffferent in animals themselves. But some results of patterson's obviously belong to noting mistakes, because these results gained by us from three species of Rhinopithecus are all identical.
    3. Most of the myology characteristics are similar to that of other species in Cercopithecoidea, but some of the features resemble that of ape and human being and differ from other monkeys. It indicates that Rhinopithecus is more advanced than other animals of Cercopithecoidea.
    4. The myology characteristics of Rhinopithecus are mainly similar to those of leaf monkey and some of them show much more development than those of leaf monkey. If leaf monkey occupies intermediate position between Old World monkeys and gibbon in the phylogeny as it was shown by Ayer (1948) in Semnopithecus entellus, we consider that in terms of the myology characteristics, Rhinopithecus must occupy the position between leaf monkey and gibbon.