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    15 December 1987, Volume 6 Issue 04
    A revision of the classification of the Lufeng great apes
    Wu Rukang
    1987, 6(04):  265-271. 
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    Compared with the Sivapithecus specimens from Pakistan and Turkey, the Lufeng Sivapithecus has the following traits:
    1. Enormous interorbital breadth,
    2. Broad and short face.
    3. Broad, short and shallow hard palate.
    4. Ovoid orbits with horizontal longest dimensions and with somewhat angled outer corners,
    5. Dental arch diverges posteriorly,
    6. Different tooth morphology, molars with higher cusps and more wrinkles on the occlusal surfaces.
    Thus, it is suggested to bestow the Lufeng specimens a new genus name, Lufengpithecus lufengensis.
    The study of some fossil Orang-Utan from Guangdong and Guangxi
    Gu Yumin, Huang Wanbo, Song fangyi, Guo Xingfu, Chen Dayuan
    1987, 6(04):  272-283. 
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    Fossil teeth of Pongo were discovered in the 1930's in China but they were bought from traditional Chinese medicine stores. Fossils of Pongo found many times afterwards, were only identified as Pongo sp. Eighty-three Orang-Utan teeth derived from Luoding county, Yunfu county in Guangdong Province and some from three localities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are reported in this paper.
    We found that growth lines appear in the great majority of teeth from P4/3—M3 which have moderate wear and retain wrinkles (crenulations) . The morphological characters of these Orang-Utan teeth show that the subspecies Pongo pygmaeus weidenreichi Hooijer 1948 is valid and should be retained.
    Human fossil tooth from Luonan, Shaanxi and its geological age
    Xue Xiangxu
    1987, 6(04):  284-288. 
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    A right M1 of human fossil, associated with a left M1 of Ailuropoda and a right M1 (or M2) of Tapirus, were collected from Qinling Mountains. The exact locality of these fossils is on the hill slope behind the Donghe village, Luonan county, Shaanxi Province.
    The human fossil tooth is larger than that of modern man, and also larger than the average size of Peking Man, but quite similar to those of Hexian Man, Yunxian Man and Java Man. It possesses the vertical furrows on both lingual and buccal surfaces. The shape of the crown is about rhomboid and has an obvious medial lingual angle. There are a couple of ridges on the slope of each cone. Judging from its morphology and size, Luonan tooth probably belongs to that of Homo erectus.
    Except the size, the tooth of Ailuropoda is even less likely to be distinguished from those of cormmon panda on its characteristics. The size of the tooth of Luonan Ailuropoda is muclh smaller than that of A. melanoleus baconi, distributing widely in the Middle and Late Pleistocene of southern China and larger than that of 4. microta, a small type of Early Pleistocene, but rather similar to that of A. m. favealis of late Early Pleistocene or modern panda. Owing to its deeper petrification and associated with primitive human fossil, the panda fossil of Luonan would rather belong to A. m. favealis than modern one.
    According to the fossil evidence and the stage of human evolution, the geological age of these fossils from Luonan may be early Middle Pleistocene or Late Early Pleistocene.
    A study of stone tools from Baise, Guangxi
    He Naihan, Qiu Zhonglang
    1987, 6(04):  289-297. 
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    When the archaeological team, organized by the Museum of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was investigating the palaeolithic remains in the Baise basin in 1982, a large amount of stone artifacts was encounted at 21 localities on the surface of IlI-IV terraces of You Jiang river in Baise county. The total number of the stone artifacts studied here is 752. Most of them are made of siliceous rock, sandstone, quartzite and vein quartz. They were divided mainly into three groups: points, chopping-tools and bifaces. The artifacts are considered typologically to be of Paleolithic in age.
    A report of the Paleolithic site from Zhangnao Cave, Fang County, Hubei Province
    Huang Wanbo, Xu Xiaofeng, Li Tianyuan
    1987, 6(04):  298-305. 
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    The present report results from a tentative srudy of paleolith and fauna from Zhangnao Cave, Fang County, Hubei Province. The site belongs to cave accumulation, in which there are 12 mammalian fossil species and more than 2000 pieces of paleoliths. They can be divided into three types, that is, choppers, scrapers and points, and most of them are flake tools. The remanufacturing ways are various, but most of them are done in single face. It seems that Zhangnao Cave site represents a new cultural type of Late Paleolith in Yangtse valley. Its age is 13490±150 years.
    Study of the subtypes of group specific component in Bai, Miao, Tujia and Yi etynic groups
    Xu Jiujin, Du Ruofu, Ai Qionghua, Zhao Huiquan
    1987, 6(04):  306-314. 
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    The distribution of Gc subtypes of four ethnic groups in China was studied with isoelectric focusing followed by immunofixation. The Gc1F gene frequencies of Bai, Miao, Tujia and Yi were 0. 4082, 0. 4229, 0. 3592, 0. 4248; Gc1s were 0. 3035, 0. 2687, 0. 2864, 0. 3301; and Gc2 were 0. 2577, 0. 3035, 0. 3342, 0. 2208, respectiveiy. In addition, 16 persons who had rare variant alleles of Gc were found in these ethnic groups.
    Anthropological study on Kerges nationality in Tekes County, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomons Region
    Shao Xinzhou, Chui Jin, Zhu Xinan, Yang Zhengjiang, Wu Guimin, Zhao Jianxin, Ma Degui, Wang Xuexing, Asihaty
    1987, 6(04):  315-323. 
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    A somatological survey on 110 males and 105 females of Kerges nationality living in Tekes county, Xingjiang Uighur Autonomous Region was carried out in October, 1983.
    The results of the survey can be summarized breifly as follows:
    1. The physical characters of Kerges nationality:
    The index of head belongs to brachycephaly, hypsicephaly and tapeinocephaly. Double eye-lids are observed in high percentage. Breadth of eye aperture and Mongolian fold belong to middle type. The nasal index belongs to Leptorrhine. Nasion is high in position. The morphological facial index belongs to euryprosopy. The upper red lip is thin.
    The mean values of the statures in males ani females are 1683. 12 mm and 1557. 76 mm, respectively.
    2. Kerges nationality is most closely related to Xibo nationality living in Xingjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Dawuer living in Heilongjiang province, Han and Mongol living in North China, while it is remotely related to Li and Miao nationalities.
    3. Kerges nationality has significant features of Eastern Asian type of the Mongoloids.
    Physical anthropology on Miao and Yi nationalities in De'e, Guangxi
    Pang Zuyin, Li Peichun, Liang Mingkang, Sun Shanghui, Li Qun, Ou Yongzhang, Yang Yongshu, Zhou Shanjin, Qin Chen
    1987, 6(04):  324-335. 
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    576 Miao people (395 males, 181 females) and 178 Yi people (88 males, 90 females) living in the Dee Village of Longlin County, Guangxi, were investigated and measured physically. Their age ranged from 20 (female) and 22 (male) to 60 years, respectively. The results of somatoscopy and anthropometry were analysed and compared with those of other nationalities in China.
    The physical characteristics of the Hezhen tribe
    Shi Quande, Hu Junqing, Zhao Guixin
    1987, 6(04):  336-342. 
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    An anthropological study including 52 males and 58 females, aged 20 to 60 years on the Hezhen tribe was made. Our results show that the Hezhen tribe has typical characteristics of Hen nationality. The eye aperture is sloping upward laterally, and the breadth of eye aperture is of narrow type. The Mongolian fold is observable. The form of the nasal bridge is straight, and nose is low in height and narrow in breadth. The form of the head belongs to high as well as short-wide type. The thickness of red lips is of thin type. The face is of wide-low type. The physical characteristics above are similar to those of the Dawuer, the Ewenki, the Chaoxian, the Oroqen tribes and Han in North China.
    Dermatoglyphics observation on 544 children of Yao nationality in Guangxi
    Yan Guibin, Li Huiqiong, Tao Cheng, Zhang Qingrong, Huang Riping, Qin Anzhi, Xiao Fuying, Li Shanrong, Li Baozhu
    1987, 6(04):  343-351. 
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    Dermatoglyphics of 544 children of Yao nationality in Guangxi were observed and analysed. Basic parameters of percent frequencies of different finger prints, total finger ridge count, a-b ridge count, main line index of transversality, palmar main line end-area, percent frequencies of interdigital, thenar and hypothener true patterns, percent frequencies of hallucal patterns were calculated. These parameters were compared with those of Han nationality. The results show that dermatoglyphics of Yao nationality have both their own features and the general characteristics of Han nationality.