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    15 March 1988, Volume 7 Issue 01
    Observations of non一metrical traits in the Northern Chinese skulls
    Wang Linghong
    1988, 7(01):  0-25、98. 
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    The incidences of 63 non-metrical traits in male, female and juvenile groups of 1he Northern Chinese skulls, in total 144, are reported. In addition, the basilar median canal of the occipital bone and the bridging of the condylar fossa described in last century or early this century occur in this series in a few cases. The condylar canal double is described as a new non-metrical trait reported for the first time to the knowledge of the author.
    The ancient human skulls from Shanpula Commune of Lopu County, Southern Xinjiang
    Shao Xingzhou, Cui Jing, Yang Zhenjiang, Wang Bo, Chang Xi'en
    1988, 7(01):  0-38、100. 
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    The authors studied 26 male and 33 female adult skulls (25-60 years of age). Most of them are 35-45 years of age. The materials were unearthed from Lopu County Shanpula Commune in 1984. The specimens are of 100 B.C. to 300 A.D. according to radioactive carbon dating and archeological records. Their sex and age diagnosis were based on morphology.
    The morphological observation and craniometry show that the Shanpula inhabitants are mostly closely related to Mongoloid in some features. However, they are also related to European in other features.
    The results of our survey indicated that the inhabitants of Shanpula are of mixed blood. Judging from historical literature, the skull represents the natives of Lopu County.
    Single species and sexual dimorphism in Sinoadapis
    Wa Rukang ( Woo Ju-kang), Wang Linghong
    1988, 7(01):  1-8. 
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    The diagnostic characters of the two species in Sinoadapis described previously in Lufeng specimens have been observed to be continuous through transitional phenotypes and the combinations of characters of the two species exist in some specimens. These characters are hereby not of taxonomic value but variations within a single species. Therefore, Sinoadapis shihuibaensis is considered to be a synonym of Sinoadapis carnosus and should be sunk. Sinoadapis in Lufeng is treated as a genus of single species.
    The diagnostic characters which distinguish Sivaladapis from Indraloris from the Siwaliks of India and Pakistan art analogous to those for distinguishing the two “species” of Sinoadapis. It is believed that the “gap” between the two genera would be filled by specimens which have not been discovered yet. It is probable that they may be a synonymous genus or even species.
    The distributions of each dimension of upper and lower canines in Sinoudapis are sexually non-overlapping with the exception of upper canine breadth probably due to the small sample size. Consequently, the canine specimens are easily sexed. As a measure of canine size dimorphism, the male/female ratio for a single dimension is determined to be 1.2.
    Unlike the canines, the distributions of each dimension of the lower 4th premolars are sexually overlapping or sexually non-discriminating, Nevertheless, the bi-dimensional distribution of length and breadth of the teeth reveals to some extent the existence of two clusters with few intermediates in the area of both means in sexually pooled sample. The concentrations represent the male and female averages of the measurements concerned respectively. The size dimorphism of the lower 4th premolars estimated by this way bas a ratio of 1.08. If this ratio is representative of the extent of generalized body dimorphism in one dimension, the male/female ratio of body weight might be estimated to be 1.26, or 8kg for male average and 6.4 kg for female average.
    The reconstruction of the head of the female Lufeng Ape
    Lu Qingwu, Zhao Zhongyi
    1988, 7(01):  9-16、101. 
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    The cervical part of vertebral column of the head portrait of the Lufeng ape is short, and it crosses the Frankfurt Horizontal at 50°. Its lateral contours, especially of the soft tissue of the concave . “nose -premaxilla” and the partial spherical premaxilla, are similar to those of the orang-utan.
    The pronounced features of the physiognomy of the head of the Lufeng ape are broad interorbital region and mid-face. Besides, its nasal root and bridge are very low and flat.
    The form of soft nose of the Lufeng ape is similar to that of the orang-utan on the basis of their similar piriform apertures. It belongs to the nose of ape-type. But the breadth of the alae nasi is narrower than that of the orang-utan. The antero-inferior parts of the base of alae nosi extend mesially like that of the gorilla. However, its alae nasi shows some hominid features, for example, the nostrils face slightly inferiorly, it projects somewhat laterally and its groove is little developed.
    The form of snout and muscles of lip of the Lufeng ape are similar to those of the orang-utan. Each end of the mouth is situated in the place between the canine and the first premolar. The red lips are very thin, especially the upper one. The form, the trend, and the strength of the muscles of upper and lower lips resemble those of the orang-utan. It is possible that the Lufeng ape possesses und undivided levator muscle of upper lip and lacks expressional functions in drawing the alae nasi and its groove.
    The soft tissues on the buccal aspect of the Lufeng ape are very thick and strong, and its masseter and buccinator are well developed.
    The distribution of dermatoglyphics parameters in fifty-two Chinese populations
    Zhang Haiguo
    1988, 7(01):  39-45. 
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    This paper presents the result of a study of 1l parameters of der1natoglyphics in 52 populations from 28 nationalities. The finger W frequency of females is not significantly more than males or is less than males, but the L" of males is not significantly more than females or is less than females. The distances between 52 populations are computed by L2 of cluster analysis method and phylogenetic tree is constructed. We can see south, north, and mixed populations at the phylogenetic tree. There is a parallel relationship between L2 distances and geographic distances for 52 populations. A hypothesis is proposed by the author that the delimitation of Chinese Nation using dermatoglyphics most likely boundary between the southern and northern Chinese is near the 30-33° north latitude or Yangtze River region.
    Distribution of ABO, MNSs, Lewis Blood一group systems and ability of ABH secretion in Yi, Tibetan and Manchu ethnic groups in China
    Ai Qionghua, Yuan Yida, Zhao Hong, Li Shizhe, Du Ruofu, Zhan Wenhui
    1988, 7(01):  46-52. 
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    A survey on distribution of ABO, MNSs, Lewis red-cell blood-groups systems and ability of ABH secretion was carried out in 1985 in the three ethnic groups, namely, the Yi ( Butao County, Sichuan prov.), Tibetan (Lhasa City, Xizang Autonomous Region) and Manchu (Xiuyan County, Liaoning prov). The gene frequencies observed were as follows:
    Yi-p 0.2089, q 0.2149, r 0.5762; m 0.6976, n 0.3024; S 0.0714, s 0.9286; MS 0.0557, Ms 0.6419, NS 0.0157, Ns 0. 2867; Se 0.4824, se 0.5176.
    Tibetan-p 0.1165, q 0.2545, r 0.6290; m 0.6281, n 0.3719; S 0.0603, s 0.9397; MS 0.0365, Ms 0.5916, NS 0.0238, Ns 0.3481; Lea 0.4653, Leb 0.5437.
    Manchu-p 0.1647, q 0.2774, r 0.5579; m 0.5929, n 0.4071 S 0.0333, s 0.9667; MS 0.0088, Ms 0.5841, NS 0.0245, Ns 0.3826; Lea 0.3696, Leb 0.6034; Se 0.4457, se 0.5543.
    A preliminary anthropometric study of the Dong Nationality in Hunan
    Lin Peiquan, Zou Jinhui
    1988, 7(01):  53-59. 
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    295 adult males and 280 adult females of Dong people were inyestigated at Tongdao Autonomous county, Hunan Province.
    All average readings of the items in males are larger than those in females with a great differences.
    The physical characteristics of the Dong people were analysed and compared with those of other nationalities.
    Histological investigations on esophago一gastric junctional area in Rhinopithecus
    Zhang Yaoping, Peng Yanzhang, Ye Zhizhang
    1988, 7(01):  60-63、102. 
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    A study of the esophago-gastric junctional area was carried out in 5 specimens of golden monkey of our country. The border of the mucous membrane between the esophagus and the stomach is very clear. This border is located in the cardiac orifice. The esophageal mucous membrane is thick and contains a few of the mucosal glands which are limited in the narrow zone near cardiac end of the esophagus, but the submucosal glands are not found in this area. The esophageal mucosal epithelium is typical stratified squamous and is characterized by the keratinization. The muscularis mucosae is broad, whereas the lamina propria, relatively thin. The muscularis is composed of two primary layers-an inner circular and outer longitudinal layer. Some of striated muscle bundles are intermingled in the longitudinal layer. The orifice between the esophagus and the stomach in boundedly band of circular muscles which are much thicker than that any elsewhere. The cardiac glands are short branched tubular ones. The cells of the cardiac glands are mucous. The mucous cell granules stain intensely, with periodic acid-Schff (PAS). Histologically there is an abrupt transition from squamous esophageal epithelium to columnar gastric epithelium at the esophagogastric junction.
    A brief report of the tentative excavation in Ma'anshan Paleolithic Site
    Zhang Senshui
    1988, 7(01):  64-74、103. 
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    This paper deals with a preliminary observation of the site and a brief study of the materials which were tentatively excavated in Ma'anshan paleolithic site in 1981. The site is situated about 2 km to southeast of Dongzi city (E. 106°49′37″N. 28°07′18″) and was deposited in a rock-shelter. We removed a section of sediments of approximately 4m in length and 1.2m in depth. Deposits excavated in the site have been subdivided into 7 layers from which we uncountered remains of utilized fire, some fossils, 175 stone artifacts and some bone tools.
    Fossils found in the present locality are very fragmentary and moderately mineralized, but those from layer 7 are strongly mineralized. The mammalian fossils contain Rodentia, Rhyzomys sp., Hystrix sp., Megatapirus argustus, Rhinoceros sp., Cervus sp., Muntiacus sp., Bubalus sp., Caprinae and Macaca sp. They may belong to Stegodon-Ailuropoda Fauna of southern China.
    175 stone artifacts including cores, flakes, hammer stones, scrapers, pointed tools, (?) an awl, chopping tools, some bone tools by chopping and a polished bone tool were also found.
    By a preliminary study of these specimens, we can see some general characters as follows:
    1. Flakes were produced by direct percussion and bipolar technique. The direct percussion seems to have been a more important process in obtaining flakes than the bipolar technique.
    2. Untrimmed utilized flakes are common.
    3. Tools made on flakes are nearly equal to those made on cores in quantity.
    4. Finished tools contain scrapers (78.3%), chopping tools(13.5%), pointed tools (5.4%) and an awl (P) (2.7%). Scrapers are the most common type in the assemblage.
    5. Small tools that do not exceed 40 mm in length comprise 51.3%, while medium and large tools occupy 22.2% and 27.5% in the industry respectively.
    6. Tools were mostly retouched by direct percussion, but two specimens were made by bipolar technique.
    According to the stratigraphies, fossils and artifacts found in Ma’anshan site, we suggest that this paleolithic site belongs to upper Pleistocene or late paleolithic, but the materials from layer 7 are probably older than those found in layers 2-6. Layer 3 of deposits was dated to be 18000±1000 b.p. (Uraium series) or 15100±1500 b.p. (14C).
    If the artifacts gathered in Ma’anshan site were compared with those found in other sites of Guizhou Province, we can see that this assemblage is more close to those found in Caohai where the cultural type was scattered over northwestern part of Guizhou than those found in Maomaodong where the cultural type was distributed over southwestern part of this province.
    Preliminary observation on Geting Site in North Tibet
    Qian Fang, Wu Xihao, Huang Weiwen
    1988, 7(01):  75-83、104. 
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    The locality to be discussed and designated as Geting site (Fig. 1) was discovered during the investigation for Quaternary geology and environment of Qinghai-Tibet plateau by the team of Institute of Geomechanics of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences in 1983. More than 100 pieces of stone artifacts were collected. They include 21 side -scrapers, 17 notches, one endscraper, 6 cores, 64 flakes and some wastes. The raw materials are siliceous rock pebbles which are come from the gravels near by. According to observation, the simple direct percussion method was applied in the flaking process. There is no trace of preparing platform either on cores or on flakes. All of the implements were retouched by flakes. The working edges on them are rather sinuous (Fig. 3).
    Like most of the sites which were discovered in Tibet area up to now and classified to the early stage of Stone Age (Table 1), the stone artifacts of Geting were collected from the surface of the site. The lack of associated fauna and reliable data for determining age makes it difficult to conclude the age of the stone industry. However, the principles of geology and geomorphology can grovide some possibilities for us to serve the problem, The Geting site is a limestone hill which is located on the southeast shore of Selincuo Lake, the second big saltwater lake in North Tibet plateau. The total area of the lake is about 1865 km2 with an elevation of 4530m of the lake level. Since Late Pleistocene the lake has been fallen into a course of intermittent falling because of strong uplifting of the plateau and retreating of the gracier. As a result, a wide lake- -floor plain with many lake-terraces which consist of sand and pebbles had been made (Fig. 2). The Geting limestone hill lies at 133m above the lake level and may be part of the high lake-terrace which had been formed in the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene. In other words, the age oi Geting industry may be set to the .ate Paleo1ithic or Neolithic.
    New discoveries of paleoliths from Angangxi, Heilongjiang Province
    Gao Xing
    1988, 7(01):  84-88. 
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    Daxingtun Upper Palaeolithic site is situated at 18 kilometres south-east of Angangxi District of Jijihaer County, Heilongjiang Province and had been excavated in 1981 and 1982. In 1986, we made a survey of this site again and found two new localities.
    The materials collected include mammal fossils, stone artifacts and a bone tool. Among the fossils, Cervus sp. and Muntiacus sp. have not been found in this site before. A piece of bone on which show striken marks is identified as a bone utensil. The stone artifacts, mainly made of flint, are composed of cores, flakes, blades and tools. Most of them are very small in size and some are microliths. The tools are subdivided into the convex side-scraper, straight-convex scraper, end-scraper and micro-point. A few of them show fine workmanship.