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    15 September 1989, Volume 8 Issue 03
    A fossil Human tooth from Qingliu, Fujian
    You Yuzhu, Dong Xingren, Chen Cunxi, Fan Xuechun
    1989, 8(03):  197-202、293. 
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    A fossil human lower first molar was discovered from the Fox Cave at Dongkou village of Qingliu county, Fujian Province in 1988. It is the first time that a human fossil was found from stratum in the province. The specimen was buried in the bed of greyish-yellow sandy soil with fine gravel, a deposit of Late Pleistocene.
    Six species of associated mammalian fossils were collected from the locality, i.e. Megatapirus augustus, Hystrix subcristata, Rodentia, Ursus sp., Sus scrofa, Cervus sp. They are the members of the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna, which is spread in South China during Late Pleistocene. From comparative study of the geology and geomorphology of the locality and the analysis of the fauna the age of the fossiliferous stratum could be the late part of the Late Pleistocene.
    The human tooth belongs to a juvenile individual. The tooth is undistinguished from modern man in size and morphology. It was considered to be assigned to the Late Homo sapiens. Besides, this human tooth suffered from severe dental hypoplasia and caries.
    Collection of stone artifacts from Zhuxicun, Rizhao, Shandong
    Xu Shubin, Yang Shenfu
    1989, 8(03):  203-208. 
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    Some palaeolithic artifacts described in this paper were found in a palaeolithic site near Zhuxicun, Rizhao county, Shandong province in 1983 and 1984.
    The artifacts were gathered on the surface of hill slope near Zhuxicun. They are chiefly made of quartzite pebbles. Among the finds, 27 cores, 47 flakes, 26 scrapers, 13 points, 14 choppers are recognized. According to the study of stone artifacts, the age of Zhuxicun may be dated to palaeolithic.
    Physical environment since Pliocene and the evolution of fossil man in China
    Lin Shenglong
    1989, 8(03):  209-215. 
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    Through the investigation of the evolution of fossil man in the context of physical environment since Pliocene in China, this paper puts forward some suggestive ideas:
    1. The main characters of physical environment since Pliocene in China are the gradual formation of three great topographic steps from west to east, the climatic changes, and the beginning of areal differentiation into three natural realms (Eastern Monsoon Area, North-western Arid Area, Tibetan Frigid Area), which had great effect on the evolution of fossil man in China.
    2. Influenced and restricted by the physical environment, the fossil man of China lived mainly in the Eastern Monsoon Area of which the physical conditions were the very best among the three natural realms.
    3. The general trend of distribution of fossil man was from south to north, then furthere to north-east in China.
    4. The earliest fossil man in China probably had came from other parts of the world, entering China from the south.
    Accelerator radiocarbon dating for Upper Cave of Zhoukoudian
    Chen Tiemei, R. E. M. Hedges, Yuan Zhenxin
    1989, 8(03):  216-221. 
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    Five accelerator-mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates of bone samples collected from Upper Cave, Zhoukoudian are given in this paper. Instead of collagen, amino acid was extracted from the bone for dating purpose. The measurements were carried out at the AMS facility of Oxford University. 10 ka and 20-23 ka of ages are suggested for the upper and lower limits of the Palaeolithic Culture of Upper Cave, respectively.
    A study of recent Human skulls from Hong Kong: assessment of sex and of regional population
    Wang Linghong
    1989, 8(03):  222-230. 
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    The Hong Kong skulls of known sex were collected by Dr. N. G. Jablonski and her colleagues in the Department of Anatomy of the University of Hong Kong. With her kind invitation, the present author measured and observed a part of this collection. The measurements of 117 craniometric traits provide the basis for a study of sexual differences and sexual assessment and for a study of their differences from the Taiyuan skulls and assessment of regional population.
    T tests reveal that male Hong Kong skulls have greater linear dimensions than female ones, while the naso-malar angle and the profile angle of frontal bone in female group are statistically significantly ot very significantly greater than in male. The stepwise discriminant analysis selects basi-bregmatic height, nasal height, internal biorbital breadth, profile angle of frontal bone and depth of mandibular notch on left side as its variables in the function, and produces the accuracy of 93.1%. Using other combinations of variables, the other 5 discriminant functions are also effective.
    In the comparison of regional populations, Hong Kong male skulls have longer, higher and somewhat broader cranial part, broader nose and prominent alveolar prognathism, while Taiyuan male skulls have higher facial part, that is, morphological and upper facial height, orbital height, nasal height, height of mandibular symphysis, and are combined with more prominent mental protuberance.
    In general, the differences between Hong Kong male skulls and Taiyuan ones are smaller than the sexual differences in either region, so that the discriminant functions for distinguishing between these two regional populations lead to lower percentages of cases correctly classified. While the accuracy for identification of mandibles alone is as low as ca. 70%, the prediction for skulls either with or without mandibles is practicable. The discriminant function covering basi-bregmatic height, n-pr upper facial height, orbital height on left side, nasal breadth, bregmatic angle, bicoronoid breadth, arc of symphysis; mandibular angle on left side produces the accuracy of prediction of as high as 85.3% and the accuracy of blind test of 82.6%. The percentages of correct prediction for the other 3 functions are also greater than 80%. In view of the respective homogeneity of the Southern Chinese skulls and the Northern ones, these functions might be applicable to distinguish regional populations in a broader geographical range without considerable decrease of the accuracy.
    Sex discriminant analysis of long bones of upper limb
    Liu Wu
    1989, 8(03):  231-239. 
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    100 long bones of upper limb of Chinese (males 50, females 50) are included in this study. 36 measurements were taken. Statistical analysis shows that the means of all measurements in males are larger than those in females significantly (P < 0.001). This study shows, that most of single measurement can be used to determine sex with better discriminant results. Of all 36 measurements 23 can be used as single sex discriminator with accuracy 75% or better among them 9 measurements can reach the accuracy over 80%. By using Fisher's method, 56 sex discriminant functions for bones of upper limb were calculated which can sex upper limb bones 80%-87% correctly. For the purpose of further raising discriminant rate, stepwise discriminant analysis was used to establish four stepwise discriminant functions which can determine sex with the accuracy over 90%.
    The length of the second metacarpal bone and the body height
    Jia Mian, Wang Naizhe, Liu Bingshu, Zhang Fengming, Yan Zheng, Zhu Jiangang, Pu Siqing, Yang Zhenduo
    1989, 8(03):  240-244. 
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    The authors have studied the relationship between the length of the second metacarpal bone and the body height in 1468 healthy boys and girls (male of Tibetan 373, female 363; male of Han nationality 368, female 364) of 7 to 18 years old. All of them were born and lived at the altitude of 3000-4000 metres above sea level at the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, China.
    The results indicate that the growth rate of the length of the second metacarpal bone and the height during adolescence is almost parallel All the correlation coefficients between them are positive (0.44-0.89, P<0.05), most are high (>0.60). Since all the indices between the length of the second metacarpal bone and the height are rather constant, the estimation of the height by measuring the length of the second metacarpal bone is feasible. This article provides the regression equations on estimating the height for the children and adolescent in this region.
    Preliminary investigation of copper and Zinc content in adult and newborn Skull
    Lin Qi, Ren Huimin, Lu Shouxiang, Niu Yangdou, Yao Ning, Lei Yanxia
    1989, 8(03):  245-247. 
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    The present paper reports a determination of copper and zinc in skulls (10 adult skulls and 15 newborn skulls) in Xi'an area by atonic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed that the normal content of copper in the adult skulls was 4.481 3.78 mg/kg dry tissue, zinc 597.05±472.54 mg/kg. In the newborn skulls, the normal contents of copper and zinc were 1.96±0.76 and 1160.38±859.71 (mg/kg dry tissue), respectively. These results indicate that the copper contents in adults skulls are higher than in newborn infants and the zinc contents in adults skulls are lower than in newborn obviously.
    Physical anthropology on Dong Nationality in Sanjiang Autonomous County, Guangxi
    Pang Zuyin, Li Peichun, Liang Mingkang, Pu Hongqin, Wu Rongmin, Zhou Shanjin, Wei Meiqie
    1989, 8(03):  248-254. 
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    404 Dong people (203 males, 201 females) living in the Sanjiang autonomous county in Guangxi were investigated and measured physically. Their ages ranged from 20 (female) and 22(male) to 60 years, respectively. Their fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, maternal grandfathers, maternal grandmothers were Dong nationality. The statistical data of 49 anthropometries, 38 indices and 16 somatoscopies were made. The physical characters of Sanjiang Dong nationality were summarized and comparied with those of other nationalities in “Rm” value. Sanjiang Dong nationality is similar to the Yao, the Yi, and the Miao nationalities.
    Parent-offspring (adult) correlations for cephalo-facial characteristics of a rural Han population in Northwest China
    Yang Dongya
    1989, 8(03):  255-260. 
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    The present study includes the 24 cephalo-facial measurements and 15 indexes of 69 families from a high- altitude population of Gansu province, northwest China. The correlation coefficients vary considerably from one kind of parent-offspring combinations to another, from one characteristics to another. It seems that the correlations are rather stronger between mother and son and between mother and daughter in breadth characteristics, between father and son and father and daughter in height characteristics; Sons are closer to their mother and father in head shape, daughters to their father in, head size; Sons and daughters are closer to their mother than to their father in facial shape.
    Analysis on genetic structure of human populations in China
    Weng Zili, Yuan Yida, Du Ruofu
    1989, 8(03):  261-268. 
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    The genetic structure of 22 ethnic groups in China was analysed by using gene frequency data of red cell blood groups. The Harpending and Jenkins (1973) topological methods of representing population structure were applied to the study on relationship between these ethnic groups. The plots of these ethnic groups showed clearly the gene flow between Caucasian and Mongoloid and between northern Mongoloid populations and southern ones.
    Genetic polymorphism of component Factor B (Bf) in Yao, Han, Zhuang, Miao and Uigur Nationalities in China
    Jian Bixi, Zhao Xiuzhu, Cheng Jianhua, Hong Tao, Tian Yanwu, Wang Ce, Wu Xiongwen, Zhu Zuojin, Zhang Mingan, Yin Jingzheng, Huang Lianbao, Guo Jiong
    1989, 8(03):  269-273. 
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    The complement component factor B (Bf) polymorphism of Yao, Han, Zhuang, Miao and Uigur in China was investigated by means of high voltage agarose gel electrophoresis and sebsequent immunofixation. The results showed that the Bf*S gene frequencies were the highest in all five ethnic groups. These were Yao 0.9071, Han 0.8727, Zhuang 0.8426, Miao 0.7667, and Uigur 0.6622, respectively. The Bf*F was the second major gene in these ethnic groups: Uigur 0.2680, Miao 0.2000, Zhuang 0.1343, Han 0.1159 and Yao 0.0929, respectively. The BfSO7 was the less common gene: Uigur 0.0586, Miao 0.0333, Zhuang 0.0231, Han 0.0091, and Yao 0.0000, respectively. In addition, some rare phenotypes were found, such as SO 45 in Han and FO 65 and F1 in Uigur.
    Distribution of eight blood group systems in Han ethnic group in Guizhou Province
    Hao Luping, Du Ruofu, Zheng Zhouying
    1989, 8(03):  274-278. 
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    Distribution of eight blood groups in Han ethnic group of Guizhou province was studied. P1 (0.1520) and Dia (0.0182) gene frequencies in Guizhou Han ethnic group are lower than those in other Han subgroups. The gene frequencies of other blood groups are p= 0.2171, q=0.1858, r=0.5969, m= 0.5400, n=0.4600, Jk2 = 0.4633, Jkb= 0.5367, Fy2= 0.9367, Fyb= 0.0633, halpotype frequencies are MS = 0.0301,NS = 0.0177,Ms = 0.5099, Ns= 0.4423, R1 = 0.5766, R2 = 0.2508, R0= 0.0511, Rz = 0.0421,r' = 0.0794. No Fy (a-) phenotype was found.
    The frequency of colour一blindness in Xibe Nationality of Liaoning
    Yin Jiaoyang, Liu Jian, Tian Xiurong, Su Xiaoping, Yu Liming
    1989, 8(03):  279-281. 
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    In May 1988, using《The test colour-blindness atlas》made by YU Zhi Ping (the fourth edition of 1982, the ninth print), we investigated the frequency of colour-blindness from Xibe Nationality inhabitants in Shenyang suburbs, among which 789 are males, 630 are females, totally 1419. The age of the examined people is 7-60 years old. We found male colour-blind-ness ( weakness) in 40 persons, and the frequency of colour -blindness is 5.07 per cent; the female colour-blindness (weakness) in 2 persons, and the frequency of colour-blindness is 0.32 percent. The rate (M2/F) between the square frequency of male colour -blindness and the frequency of female colour-blindness is 0.80.
    A review of the Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory
    Wu Rukang
    1989, 8(03):  282-283. 
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    Phalangeal segments and variation of metatarsal epiphyses
    Yu Guiying, W.B.Wood
    1989, 8(03):  284-287. 
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    Anthropological study on forearm bones of modern Homo sapiens in Xi 'an
    Yang Yutian
    1989, 8(03):  288-291. 
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    News and activities
    1989, 8(03):  292-292. 
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