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    15 December 1989, Volume 8 Issue 04
    Yi yuan fossil Man
    Lv Zun'e, Huang Yunging, Li Pingsheng, Meng Zhenya
    1989, 8(04):  0-313、392. 
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    A piece of human skull and seven human teeth were excavated from the deposits in fissures of Qizian Hill, Yiyuan county, Shandong Province (E. 118°9', N.36°12') in 1981-1982.
    The piece of skull consists of fragments of parietal, frontal and occipital bones, which belong to an adult individual. The skull is rather thick, 9mm. and 13mm.at the bregma and the left asterion respectively.
    Two pieces of the supraorbital torus belong to the left and right on?s separately. They are very heavy. The supratoral sulcus between the torus and the frontal squama is noticeable, with supraorbital incisure. Morphologically they are comparable to Peking Man.
    All seven teeth are permanent, which include one canine, four premolars and two molars. They came at least from two individuals. These teeth are similar to those of Peking Man both in size and characters.
    We classify the Yiyuan fossil Man to Homo erectus. According to the fauna associated with the human fossil the geological age of Yiyuan Man can be placed in the Middle Pleistocene.
    A preliminary study of the flakes from the cave of Baiyanjiao, Puding,Guizhou
    Cai Huiyang
    1989, 8(04):  0-342、394. 
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    The present article deals with 1220 pieces of stone flakes found in the cave of Baiyanjiao. Puding, Guizhou. According to their striking platforms the flakes can be grouped into 11 categories. The cortex platforms predominate over the artificial ones. The latter is composed of 6 categories, i.e. plain; crested, scarred, prepared (only 0. 4%), punctiform and linear.
    Judging from the scars left by the previous flakes, it seems to the author that in most cases the core had been flaked 1 to 2 or more times before the given flake detached from it. More than half the flakes show that the matrix had been flaked from one or more directions different from the present platform.
    From the characteristics of the ventral surface, angle of striking platform, size and shape of the flakes it was deduced that they might be produced by the simple direct percussion and occasionally by the bipolar technique.
    411 pieces of flakes had been fashioned into implements. Among the retouch types the reversed retouch ( about 40%) predominates over the other types.
    The role played by Chinese paleoanthropological studies in the history of human evolution—In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the first Peking Man skull
    Wu Rukang
    1989, 8(04):  293-300. 
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    A lot of fossil apes was found in China, among which the most important ones are the Lufcngpithecus lufengensis. It seems close to the common ancestor of the African big apes and australopithecines. Besides, the Gigantopithecus is an interesting form of extinct aberrant ape.
    Important representative specimens were found in different stages of human evolution, such as Homo erectus from Lantian, Zhoukoudian and Hexian, archaic or early Homo sapiens from Dali, Jinniushan and Maba and late Homo sapiens from Liujiang, Ziyang and Upper Cave of Zhoukoudian.
    The dates of the earliest Homo erectus whether in Indonesia or in China are in controversy. The idea that Homo erectus first originated in Africa and then came to Asia around one million years b.p. has more evidence than the other suggestions at present.
    The morphological continuity of human fossils right from Homo erectus to modern Homo sapiens in China clearly exists. Thus it supports the multi-regional model of the theory of origin of modern humankind.
    The Chinese human fossils show close relations to the peoples of surrounding areas. A lot of work has also been done on the physical features of modern Han Chinese and many national minority groups.
    Tooth wear in early Homo sapiens from Chaohu and the hypothesis of use of anterior teeth as tools
    Zhang Yinyun
    1989, 8(04):  314-319. 
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    The anterior teeth are worn to a much greater degree than the posterior teeth in the early Homo sapicns from Chaohu, Anhui.
    The heavy wear on anterior teeth of Chaohu early Homo sapiens can be attributed to neither biological and pathological conditions in masticatory apparatus nor body diseases, More likely, the heavy wear results from the habitual non-masticatory use and the biting off hard and tough food.
    The heavy wear on anterior teeth of early Homo sapiens from Europe has been observed and explained by C. L. Brace. He proposed a hypothesis of use of anterior teeth as tools. This hypothesis emphasizes the non-masticatory use of anterior teeth. However, the anterior teeth also functioned as tools when the teeth of early Homo sapiens had to be used for cutting off hard and tough food by lack of specialized tools. The tool function of anterior teeth may involve mastication besides non-mastication in early Homo sapiens. With this understanding, the Brace's hypothesis is still valid for explanation of the heavy wear on anterior teeth of Chaohu, and the early Homo sapiens fossil from Chaohu is the first one from east Asia to support the hypothesis.
    Human skeleton from the Bronze-Age tombs in Benxi City, Liaoning Province
    Wei Haibo, Zhang Zhenbiao
    1989, 8(04):  320-328、395. 
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    The human skeletons were excavated from Bronze-Age Tombs in Miao-Ho -Shan of Ben-xi City, Liaoning Province. The cranial materials (including 4 males and 2 females) are preserved at Benxi Museum.
    The paper described the morphological features of Benxi crania in some details and discussed the problems concerned with the racial relationship between the Benxi crania and other modern crania of the neighboring populations in North Asia.
    The characteristics of the crania are as follows: The vault is ellipsoid to ovoid in norma verticalis. The Chignon can be. found at the rear part of two crania. The cranial form is long and wide but high. The vault sutures are uncomplicated in the structure. The lambdoid ossicle occurred on one cranium. The coronal ossicles on both lateral sides of coronal suture appeared on one of the crania. The transition between the lower margin of zygomatic process of the maxilla and the inferior margin of zygomatic bone is rough in all of the crania.
    In norma frontalis, the superciliary arch is more developed than the glabella, but the middle portion of the superciliary arch is stout and turns suddenly became of a very low relief at the lateral sides. This structure is very like those of Omisaki crania in Hokkaido (Ishida, 1988).The facial part is very wide (145.3 mm) and not high (72.3 mm). The horizontal contour of the nasal bone is low and flat (the simotic index is 29.71). The piliform aperture is not high but oderate wide. The inferior piliform margin belongs to the type of fossa prenasalis in most of the crania. The shape of orbital is low and wide. It is of interest to note that the infraorbital suture is observed in Benxi crania, many of which reach into the infraorbital foramen. This structure appeared in Omisalki crania (Ishida, 1988).
    The cluster analysis of the standardized Euclidcan's distance depends on 9 items of the cranial measurements based on the male individual. The results are shown in Fig. 1.
    This figure clearly shows that Benxi, Omisaki, Sakhalin Ainu, Tongus and Eskimo groups form one cluster separated from all of modern Chinese crania in different regions. It might be indicated that the characteristics of Benxi crania are more like that of Omisaki, Tongus, Sakhalin Ainu and Eskimo than that of the modern craina from different regions in China. With regard to the relationship between the Benxi group and 4 groups as mentioned above, the Benxi group has a close resemblance to Omisaki group in the cranial measurements. This is especially so for the cranial length, the cranial breadth, the cranial height, the bizygomatic breadth and the upper facial height. Besides, the Benxi crania also have extremely flat faces as that of Omisaki group (Ishida, 1988).
    From the cluster analysis and the comparative analysis, the present authors believe that the ancestor of the groups living in Siberia region and Okhotsk Seacoast must have come from the North Chinese people about 20000 years ago as Turner ll proposed in 1986. As for the cranial affinities between Benxi group. and Omisaki group, Hajime (1988) believed that the Omisaki amd Moyoro are the same racial group (the Okhotsk group), as the cranial measurements concerned, they have a close resemblance to the Nanays and Ulchs living in the low basin of Heilongjiang River. In this regard, we quite agree with his opinion. But, we prefer to believe that the Nanays and Ulchs rise from the ancient inhabitant lived in North China and may be from Bronze-Age population represented by Benxi group in North-Eastern China. This fact related to the migration of the ancient Chinese population. We inferred that the ancient Chinese populations of the North-Eastern in Bronze-Age wene to low basin of Heilongjiang River through Heilongjiang region and continued t0 move northward along the eastern coast of Siberia. Some of them crossed to Omisaki region through Sakhalin and became the modern Omisaki group. Thus, it stands to reason that Benxi group must be the direct ancestor of Omisaki group living in Hokkaido.
    Morphological research on the temporomandibular joint of Bronze-Iron Age human
    Zhu Hong, Song Shifu
    1989, 8(04):  329-334. 
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    The temporomandibular joints of 43 Bronze-lron Age human skulls unearthed in Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia are studied in this paper. According to their economic types, these skulls can be divided into two groups: the ancient agricultural nation group and the ancient nomadic nation group. The result of this research shows the difference about human dietary traditions decided by their economic types in the primary factor that leads to the morphological and structural changes of human temporomandibular joint.
    A reassessment of Megamacaca lantianensis of Gongwangling, Shaanxi Province
    Gu Yumin; Nina G.Jablonski
    1989, 8(04):  343-346. 
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    One new species of fossil Primates in the fauna of Gongwangling, Lantian County was described by Hu and Qi (1978). They assigned the fossil Io the species Megamacaca lantianensis. When we compared it with fossil monkeys from other localities we found that Megamacaca lantianensis should be attributed to the subfamily Colobinae, owing to the higher molar relief, shorter trigonid in the lower molar than Cercopithecinae and other features. There are more similarities in the teeth and jaws of Megamacaca with Rhinopithecus, but it is larger in size than any extant species of Rhinopithecus, its age is Early Pleistocene, therefore, we suggest to continue the species name. Thus the fossil primate of Lantian is named as Rhinopithecus (Megamacaca) lantianensis. Its body weight was estimated to be 14.3-17.9 kilograms.
    Functional morphological comparison on calcaneum in stump-tailed monkey (Macaca arctoides) and rhesus monkeys
    Pan Ruliang, Peng Yanzhang, Ye Zhizhang, Wang Hong
    1989, 8(04):  347-354. 
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    A multivariate study in this paper shows significant differences in the calcaneum between Macaca arctoides and Macaca mulatta. The morphology of calcaneum suggests that the Macaca arctoides is more terrestrial than the Macaca mulatta.
    Secular trend of growth in Chinese Han nationality children
    Lin Wansheng; Xiao Jianwen; Ye Gongshao
    1989, 8(04):  355-366. 
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    This paper reported growth secular trend in Chinese Han nationality children in twelve cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Harbin, Shenyang, Changchun, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu. The majority of children's age were from 7 to 18. From 1950' till now, growth secular trend in Han nationality children was obvious. During the last 30 years, the average body height increase was 2.66 (boys) and 2.4 (girls) cm and body weight increase was 1.64 (boys) and 1.14 (girls) kg in each decade. The differences of increase level were shown in each of the three decades and the largest increase value was in the last decade. The increase value at period of growth spurt was higher than other ages. Age at peak height velocity was 1 to 2 years earlier than before in most of the cities, from 1930' up to present, the growth secular trend also was obvious in Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Guangchou and Hangzhou. During the last half century, height increased 1.12 -2.66cm in boys and 1.42-2.67 cm in girls and weight increased 0.56-1.27 kg in boys and 0.65-1.18kg in girls in each decade.
    A study of the size and shape of cross sections of head hair of Chinese
    Xu Wenlong
    1989, 8(04):  367-371. 
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    Cross sections of 1405 head hairs collected from 91 Chinese were surveyed. Of the samples, 34 were males and 57 were females. The values of all the 4 hair traits for the male are different from those for the female but not significant. The Chinese have, in general, the largest and most nearly round hairs as compared with the other 3 races. Distribution of the round hairs and the hair variability occurring among persons were discussed, and a point of view about the morphological examination of the hair evidence used in court was advanced.
    The study of the effects of serious Iodine deficiency on physical and genetic characteristics
    Huang Tiezhu; Zhang Yifei; Xiang Shixiao
    1989, 8(04):  372-378. 
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    A study on a group of people in the serious iodine deficiency area in West Hubei was performed. The results are as follows:
    1. The Physical Characteristics
    The cephalic index is of mesocephaly type in both sexes. The facial form in most cases is of ovoid type. The morphological facial index mostly belongs to leptoprosopy type in males and females. The nasal index belongs to mesorrhiny. 'There are no Mongolian fold in half of the samples. Double eye-lids are observed at high percentage. The palpebral opening is from the middle to stenotic type and its direction is sloping upward laterally. The statures are rather short, averaging 159.04cm for male and 149.73cm for female respectively.
    2. The Blood Groups
    The distribution of ABO blood groups is O> B> A> AB, and that of the MN blood groups is MN> M> N.
    3. The Dermatogiyphics
    The atd angle is 43.18. The variation type of palmar creases is 34.25%, including simian line -9% and other types -25.25%.
    4. The Taste threshold for PTC
    The taste blindness frequency is fairly high and average taste threshold is fairly high too.
    Compared with the normal group of people in the iodine nondeficiency area, the results show that there are obvious differences between the people living in serious iodine deficiency area and iodine non-deficiency area.
    A fossil Homo sapiens skull unearthed in Pudingdong, Guizhou
    Huang Xianghong
    1989, 8(04):  379-381、396. 
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    Observation and measurement of glenoid cavity of scapula in Chinese
    Sun Chao; Zhao Heping; Ren Guoshan; Xi Huanjiu
    1989, 8(04):  381-383. 
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    News and activities
    1989, 8(04):  383-383. 
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