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    15 March 1990, Volume 9 Issue 01
    Magnetostratigraphic dates of Lantian Homo erectus
    An Zhisheng, Gao Wanyi, Zhu Yizhi, Kan Xiaofeng, Wang Junda, Sun Jianzhong, Wei Mingjian
    1990, 9(01):  1-7. 
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    Skeletal remains of Homo erectus found in Pleistocene loess at two sites near Lantian in central China are of greatly different geologic age. The fossil-bearing strata at Gongwangling is about 1.15 myr old whereas the remains found at the Chengjiawo locality in middle Pleistocene loess are about 0.65 myr old. The datin is based on new paleomagnetic polarity determinations and on the lithostratigraphic position of the fossils in the loesspaleosol sequence. The buried conditions and the living environment of fossil Man at Gongwangling may indicate that an important geological event called the “Gongwangling” event was marked by the tectonic uplift of the Qingling mountains and a climatic deterioration that happened 1.15 myr ago.
    Paleolithic artifacts found in Daqiaotun site of Yushu County Jilin Province
    Jiang Peng
    1990, 9(01):  8-15、98. 
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    During September and November of 1988, archaeologists of Jilin Province found cultural remains and a fair number of mammalian fossils near Daqiaotun village in Yushu county. These were laid in the fine and course sand layers, black and greygreen silt, in the first terrace of the Lalin River tributary. We found 17 stone artifacts, including cores, flakes and manufactured scrapers, points (or pointed tools) and chopper. Among these artifacts 47% were tools. Of these tools 62.5% were scrapers. The tools were usually retouched by direct percussion; it was mainly trimmed on the dorsal surface, which was the tradition way for retouching stone tools in northern part of China. Apart from these, two bone artifacts were also found. Of these, one was a scraper made of a fragment of the incisor of a mammoth, which is described in the paleolithic materials of China for the first time. Mammalian fossils found in the same level with the cultural remains totaled. 15 types, belonged to 8 orders, 10 families and 13 genera. While the majority of the fossil remains are of existing species, a small percentage of the animal species in the assemblage are now extinct. In the process of examining these animal fossils, we discovered many artificial traces and animal markings on the fossil surface. Observing the strata, from which came the cultural remains and animal fossils, we realized that Daqiaotun site was not a human settlement in the Paleolithic, but the concentration of all these varities and the large number of fossils point out a relation with fransitional redepost.
    The cultural remains' and animal fossils of Daqiaotun site were all found in the first terrace, and should belong to the Holocene. But based on the characteristics of the stone, bone artifacts and the nature of the animal fossils, they are probably related to the Late Paleolithic age. They may, therefore, be redeposited from Guxiangtun formation of the Late Pleistocene here.
    Observation on Changbinian
    Kato S.
    1990, 9(01):  16-19. 
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    Many piéces esquillées (wedge -shaped lithic tools) were identified at the Changbin caves, on the east coast of Taiwan Province. Archaeologists believe that the piéce esquillées can be helpful in answering the question of mainland China-Taiwan connections during the prehistoric age.
    Differences between the hand-wrist and the knee in assigned skeletal ages
    Xi Huanjiu, Alex F. Roche
    1990, 9(01):  20-26. 
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    Skeletal ages were assessed for 4902 pairs of hand--wrist and knee radiographs of children aged 2 to 17 years. The FELS method was used to assess the hand-wrist and the RWT method was used to assess the knee. The mean absolute differences, within ageand sex-specific groups, ranged from 0.34 to 0.87 years. The SD of the differences ranged from 0.31 to 0.68 years and, like the means, tended to increase with age until about 8-l1 years. The means and SD were generally larger for the boys than for the girls except after 14 years. Within age-and sex-specific groups, the maximum differences were from 1.45 to 2.99 years. These maximum differences changed irregularly with age but tended to increase until 11 years in the boys and 9 years in the girls. These large absolute differences between the skeletal ages of the hand -wrist and the knee cannot be explained completely by the effects of observer errors. These skeletal ages are not interchangeable; in at least 5% of children, the choice of the area for skeletal age assessment will markly influence the evaluation of individuals, the prediction of adult stature and the selection of ages for epiphyseadeses.
    Observation of the groove and foramen in the lateral wall of the orbit in Chinese
    Xue Lianghua
    1990, 9(01):  27-30. 
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    The groove and foramen of the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artely and the lateral orbital groove were examined on 236 skulls ( 472 orbits) in Chinese adult. The main results are as follows: the incidence of the groove of the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery is 55.9%; the incidence of the lateral orbital groove is 17.6%, in which 24 skulls(28.9%) are bilateral.
    The one dimensional and multidimensional regression equation calculating the diameters of middle pelvis with external measurement of pelvis
    Hu Xingyu, Li Chaoming, Lin Nanyan
    1990, 9(01):  31-34. 
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    In this paper the diameter between tubercles of iliac crests (X1), diameter between anterior superior iliac spines (X2 ), diameter between greater trochanters (X3) and diameter between ischial tubercles (X4) of 126 women, who are at child bearing age and are not pregnant, were acted as the independent variable. The dependent variable and the trans verse diameter of middle pelvis (Y ?) were evaluated. The multidimensional regression equation was calculated: Y ?= 6.89 + 0.05(X1)+0.12(X2) + 0.23(X3) + 0.77(X4). The external sacro-pubic diameter (X1) and inclination of pelvis (X2) were acted as the independent variable, and the dependent variable-the sagittal diameter (Y ?)-was figured, The regression equation was as follows: Y ? = 6.09十0.39 (X1) - 0.05(X2). These two regression equations were tested by the analysis of variance. F values are 40.69 and 8.26 respectively. They both are of high significance, so they can be used in clinical practice to estimate the diametes of middle pelvis, replacing radiogrammetry.
    A dermatoglyphics study of the deaf-mutes
    Li Pingzhou, Song Yongchun, Chen Huilong, Tu Lagen, Zhang Shichun
    1990, 9(01):  35-40. 
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    The palmar dermatoglyphics were studied on 380 deafmutes (190 males and 190 females). The data were compared with those of normal group. The index of whorl of the fingers is higher in the deaf-mutes, while that of arch and radial loop of the fingers is lower than those of the normal gr?up. The occurrence frequency of normal type of palmar creases is lower than the normal group. The mean values of t-d TRC are 175.70±20.82 for deaf-mutes, which are significantly lower than those of normal group.
    Determination of normal values of dermatoglyphics parameters in Kerkeze Nationality of Xinjing
    Jin Gang, Li Yuqing, Meng Xiulian, Wang Yan, Zhang Haiguo, Shen Ruochai, Chen Renbiao
    1990, 9(01):  41-44. 
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    The paper reports the normal values of dermatoglyphgics parameters in population of Kerkeze nationality in 1,000 samples (500 male and 500 female). The following features were studied: FRC atd and tpd, finger print a-b TRC, thenar pattern, interdigital patterns of hand, hypothenar patterns, simian line, hallucal patterns of sole, interdigital patterns of sole, hypothenar patterns of sole, calcar patterns, digital triradius and axial triradius.
    Studies of the change and heretability of menopausal age
    Wang Liqun, Du Ruofu, Weng Zili
    1990, 9(01):  45-54. 
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    The menopausal age was surveyed in Han, Mongol and Hui ethnic groups in Huhhot City, Inner Mongolia. The median ages at menopause (X ?±S.E.) for Han, Mongol and Hui women in the city proper were found to be 50.57±0.13, 50.47±0.17 and 50.76±0.20 years, respectively, and no significant difference was found between these three groups. The median age a menopause of Han women in suburbs was 50.17 t 0.17 which did not significantly differ from that in city proper. The median age at menopause of Han women in city proper has postponed about 4 years during the last 30 years. And in average, the menopausal age of daughter was 1.8 years later than their mother's. It was also found that the ages at menopause of mother and daughter were significantly related (r=0.4599), and the heretabiIity for menopausal age was 0.7006.
    Physical characteristics of Bonan Nationality from Gansu Province, northwest China
    Yang Dongya, Dai Yujing
    1990, 9(01):  55-63. 
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    Bonan nationality was measured in 105 adult males and 103 adult females in August, 1988. Items of 44 direct measurements and 8 indirect measurements and 48 indices were investigated.
    The measurements and indices of all individual were classified into different types according to the standards of Martin and Saller (1957).,Results can be summarized briefly as follows:
    The average stature is 1634mm (male) or 1537 (female). In stature type, the frequencies of short. medium short, medium and tall are nearly equal both in male and in female. According to three different indices, most of the head types belong to mesocephaly, hypsicephaly and metriocephaly respectively both in male and in female. Most of the facial types belong to leptoprosopy and hyperleptoprosopy both in male and in female. Most of the nasal types belong to leptorrhiny both in male and in female. Most of the hand types belong to mesocheir both in male and in female.
    The sexual difference presents more obviously in items of measurements than in items of indices.
    Principal components analysis (PPCA) was made using anthropometric data of several nationalities or populations from northwest China. The characteristics used in PCA are head length, head preadth, minimum frontal breadth, facial breadth, bigonial breadth, physiognomic facial height, morphological facial height, nasal height, nasal breadth, mouth breadth (only in male) and stature. From the eigenvectors, we can conclude that PCI replesents size characters concerning the cephalo-facial breadth both in male and in female. PCII represents shape characters concerning the cephalo-facial breadth, length and height both in male and in female, and PCIII represents head length character in female.
    Cluster analysis was made using the scores of PCI, PCII and PCIII instead of original variables. Accumulated contribution of PCl, PClI, and PCIlI reacher up to 96% in male and 93% in female. From the dendrogram of cluster analysis, Bonan is closes to Dongxiang, Hui, Han from Gansu, than to Mongol, Uygur, Tibetan and Han from Shaanxi Province.
    Tracing investigation on growth and development of the students in middle school
    Hua Zhaohe, Peng Yuwen, Hu Xueqin, Yang Xun
    1990, 9(01):  64-70. 
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    This paper reports the tracing investigation on growth and development of 976 students of Han nationality in middle school, Wuhu urban districts, Anhui province. The survey was carried out from October, 1986 to October, 1988. The measurements include stature, body weight, blood pressure and menarche. Comparisons between the two sexes and with the average of Han nationality of 1979 in China were made. In addition, we compared our data with those of Japanese. The tendency to accelerate growth and development, and to advance female sexual maturation in juvenile at present was also analysed.
    An investigation on cephalic characteristics of 771 children of Han Nationality in Nanjing District
    Wang Xiaoming, Tang Shizong
    1990, 9(01):  71-75. 
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    Sixteen items and their relevant indices concerning the normal craniofacial part of 771 children of Han nationality in Nanjing district were measured in this paper. Although the cephalic type of children is of the same as that of adults, i.e. short type as a whole (including ultra-short type), both the facial type and the nasal type are quite different. The latter are mainly of platyopia and ultra-platyopia types and the medial type is few, especially the stenotic type; the nose is mostly of platyrrhine type.
    The growth at all seasons of the 4-5 year-old kindergartners at the kindergarten of Changzhi city
    Cai Mai'e, Hao Kai
    1990, 9(01):  76-80. 
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    In 1985, measure ments and statistical analysis were done for the all season growth of 216 kindergartners (boys 125, girls 91) born in 1980 and 1981 at the kindergarten of Changzhi city, Shanxi Province. The average stature of boys increased 6.12 cm, girls 5.65 cm. The average weight of boys increased 2.49 kg, girls 2.35 kg. The amounts of the stature and the weight increaed at each season are examined with F test. The differences at each season are significant (P <0.01). The best growth season in a year is autumn. Compared to the other three seasons, the result of Dunnett test shows that only the amounts do not prominently differ from that of autumn in the increase of boys and girls spring stature and girls' , winter weight (P> 0.05). In summer and winter, the differences are significant (P <0.01).
    Distribution of α1-AT phenotypes in seven Chinese national populations
    Yu Shihui, Zhang Guiyin, Chen Linan, Duan Yuqin, Zhao Huiquan, Huang Chengbin
    1990, 9(01):  81-85. 
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    The phenotypes of a1-AT were determinded for Chinese Han and six Chinese national minorities including Mongolian, Korean, Manchurian, Tahur, Owenkand Olunchun nationalities, The frequencies of PiM and Pivariant alleles were not significantly different between Han population and these national minorities. PiEtokyo allele is the most common a1-AT variant and Piz is absent in all the Chinese population observed by us, and one heterozygote was found in Olunchun nationality, showing certain evidence for studying the ties of blood between Chinese Han population and these Chinese national minorities.
    Distribution of adenosine deaminase in five Han ethnic groups and three minorities
    Zhang Zhi, Zhao Hong, Du Ruofu
    1990, 9(01):  86-89. 
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    The polymorphism of adenosine deaminase (ADA) was analysed using the starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining in eight Han ethnic groups and minorities in China. The ADA2 frequencies of them are: Han(Harbin) 0.0386, Han(Chengdu) 0.0492, Han(Zhangzhou) 0.0240, Han(Guiyang) 0.0343, Han(Xi'an) 0.0302, Buyi (Zhenning) 0.0584, Yao(Bama) 0.0190, Hani(Yuanjiang) 0.0136. There is some regularity in the distribution of ADA' frequency.
    An analysis of handprint patterns of heredoatoxia kinship
    Huang Xinzhe, Hao Chunjie, Xu Xingjun, Li Yong
    1990, 9(01):  90-92. 
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    70 samples of handprint patterns of a heredoataxia kinship were studied. The percentage of the fingerprint in uluar loop is slightly lower and arch type slightly higher; palmar crease in normal type is low but simple crease and transitive I type are both high; atd angle count is a little large. The high rate appears from digital triradius c line to 9 and 7.
    A preliminary study on the physical development of teenagers in Western Hubei
    Li Ren, Liu Shuyuan
    1990, 9(01):  93-96. 
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    News and activities
    1990, 9(01):  96-97. 
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