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    15 June 1991, Volume 10 Issue 02
    An examination of temporal variation in the hominid dental sample from Zhoukoudian Locality 1
    Zhang Yinyun
    1991, 10(02):  85-95. 
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    More than 50 years ago, in his publications on human fossils from Zhoukoudian Locality 1, Weidenreich argued that the difference in size of Sinanthropus teeth is a sexual one(Weidenreich, 1935) and the large type of teeth belong to male individuals and the small to females" (Weidenreich, 1937). He concluded :"The mor phological character of the Sinanthropuspopulation of Locality 1, therefore, remained unchanged during the long periodsof timenecessaryfor the fillig-up of the cave (Weidenreich, 1935).
    In this paper, a comparison of the teeth from upper layers with those from loweronesshows that a temporal variation is also responsible for the difference in size of the teeth fromthis site. The temporal variation can be seen in mandibular teeth. Over the timespan from 500to 230 Ky B.P, the lower incisors tend to be larger whereas the lower canines and postcaninesto be smaller. The P, reduces less than the P,, and the M; reduces less thanthe other molars.An evolutionary change in direction of early Homo sapiens conditionis suggestedin thedental sample from Zhoukoudian Locality l.
    Study of metric traits and geographical variations of modern Chinese skulls
    Liu Wu, Yang Maoyou, Wang Yecheng
    1991, 10(02):  96-106. 
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    The object of this study is to explore the characteristics of modern Chinese skulls and itsvariations amongdifferent geographical regions and nationalities.
    The materials used in this study include the metric data of 19 groups of modern Chinesemale skulls ranging from northeastern Changchun to southern Hainan island. The measurem-ents taken in this study are 16. Three statistical techniques used to deal with the data are: me-ans comparisons, indices comparisons and cluster analysis. The results are as follows:
    1. Means comparisons show that the skulls of north Chinese have bigger values of cranialhorizontal circumference, orbital height, orbit?l breadth, nasal height and upper facial heightthan those of South Chinese.
    2. Indices comparisons indicate that from north to south, the percentages of brachycrany,leptorrhiny and hypsiconchy decrease; mesocrany, mesoprosopy, mesorrhiny and mesoconchy increase.
    3. The result of cluster analysis shows all these groups were classified into two parts. just according to geographical regions.
    According to the results of the analysis of the skull data, it is proposed that moulern Chi-nese should be divided into two types (north and south).
    Study of ESR dating for burying age of the first skull of Peking Man and chronological scale of the cave deposit in Zhoukoudian Site Loc. 1
    Huang Peihua, Jin Sizhao, Liang Renyi, Lu Zhongjia, Zheng Lizhen, Yuan Zhenxin, Fang Zhaomeng, Cai Bingxi
    1991, 10(02):  107-115. 
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    Sixty years ago, Pei Wenzhong (W. c. Pei) discovered the first skull of Peking Man inthe 1lth layer, Loc. 1, Zhoukoudian, Beijing (1929). However, the actual age of its burying isstill not sure up to now. In this paper, the deer fossil teeth are collected from the 3--4, 8--9and 11 layers in Loc.1. The accumulative dosés and internal annual doses of fossil teeth ( ena-mel) have been gotten by electron spin resonance spectrometer (ESR) and neutron activationanalysis. The environmental annual doses have been obtained by thermoluminescene dosime-ters to be embedded in the 2nd layer to the 12th layer of the site. The linear uraniumuptake :model is adopted to calculate the ESR ages of fossil teeth. ESR datingresults showthat theburying age of the first skull of Peking Man is 578ka. Other burying ages of Peking Manin the 3--4th layer and the 8--9th layer are 282 ka and 418ka, respectively. According to thedating results of ESR, ET, TL,U-series and paleomagnetic stratigraphicalmeasurenent, aprimary chronological scale of the deposits of Peking Man Cave is proposed in this paper.
    Methods for dento-facial measurement in modern dentistry
    Zeng Xianglong
    1991, 10(02):  116-126. 
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    Computer systems for dento-facial measurements used in dental research andclinic inrecent years are described and classified according to their principles. These advanced measurement techniques willgreatly improve traditional craniometry and human face measurement in physical anthropology.
    Research on the physical characteristics of Dongxiang Nationality in Gansu Province, Northwest China
    Dai Yujing, Yang Dongya
    1991, 10(02):  127-134. 
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    The Dongxiang people (106 males and 101 females) living in the :Dongxiang County ofGansu Province wereinvestigated and measured anthropometrically from July to Septemberin 1988. The age ranges are from 23 to 55 in male and 20 to 50 in female. Their parents andgrandparents are all of Dongxiang nationality.
    The items of 44 direct measurements, 8 indirect measurements and 48 indices were studi-ed. The measurements and indices of all individuals were classified into 15 different types ac-cording to the standards of Martin and Saller (1957). The conclusions are as follows:
    The mean stature of males is 1667 mm, and that of females is 1542 mm. In staiure type,the frequency of medium and tall is 48.1% and short, medium short is 27.2% in males, the fre-quency of short and medium short is 41 .6%, medium. and tall is 34.7% in females.
    According to five different indices (eu- eu/g -op, auricular height/g -op, auricular height/eu-eu, n-gn/zy-zy and nasal breadth/nasal height), most of the head typesbelong to mesoce-phaly, hypsicephaly and laptorostriocephaly respectively in both males and females. Most ofthe facial types belong to leptoprosopy and hyper leptoprosopy inboth males andfemales.Most of the nasal types belong to leptorrhiny in both males and females.
    On the basis of constitutional characteristics of Dongxiang nationality, together with otherevidences, the present authors prefer the fusion hypothesis of the origin of Dongxiang na-tionality, that is the Dongxiang nationality was formed by the fusion ofthe Hui,Mongol,Han and Zang (Tibetan) nationalities.
    The relationship between skeletal age and intellectual development of children
    Xu Yong, Zhang Guodong, Wang Wenying
    1991, 10(02):  135-138. 
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    The relationship between skeletal age and intellectual development of children was siudied in 342 6--11 years old children. The findings showed that the IQs inchildren with askeletal lagwere less than those without such a lag, and that skeletal age was related to mental age. The result suggests that skeletal age, as an index of maturity, may be closely relatedto the intellectual developmnent of children.
    Association of adipose tissue distribution with relative skeletal age in boys: fels longitudinal study
    Xi Huanjiu, Alex F. Roche, Richard N. Baumgartner
    1991, 10(02):  139-146. 
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    The association between relative skeletal age and fat patterning was analyzed using datafrom the Fels Longitudinal Study for boys at the chronological ages 8--17 years old. Fat patterning, as indicated by age-specific means for three skinfold thickness indices adjusted forweight/stature, was peripheral between 8 and 12 years of chronological age but began to in-crease in a centripetal direction towards a generalized distribution after 13 years old.From14 to 17 years of the chronological age, boys with advanced relative skeletal ages had more centripetal fat patterns, as indicated by the ratio subscapular/(subscapular + triceps) skinfold,than those with retarded skeletal ages. The mean annual increment in this ratio was significantly greater from 13 to 14 years of chronological age in boys with advanced relative skeletal agesthan in those with retarded relative skeletal ages. Fat pattern index scores at 17 years of chronological age, however, could not be predicted from relative skeletal ages at 7, 11 or 14 years oldafter ad justment for baseline fat pattern indexscores andweight/stature. It wasconcludedthat fat patterning, as quantified by the ratio indices used in this study, was associated onlyweakly with relative skeletal age in boys.Fat patterning may be associated morestronglywith other indicators of relative maturity such as secondary sex characteristics in adolescentboys.
    The paleolithic site at Dafa Village, Yuci District, Shanxi Province
    Gao Xing, You Yuzhu, Wu Zhiqing
    1991, 10(02):  147-154. 
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    The Dafa paleolithic site is located at the right bank of Xiaohe River, near Dafa village(112°50'10'E, 37°40'30"'N), about 15 KM west. to Yuci city, Shanxi province.
    The site wasfound in 1980 and excavated in the same year and the year following. Morethan one thousand stone artifacts, some few mammalian fossils and numerous broken bones [ wereunearthed from the sand contained gravels layer of the second terrace of Xiaohe River-]
    The fossil remains consist of the following forms: Canis lupus, Equus przewalskyi, Equushemionus, Sus scrofa, Megoloceros sp., Bos primigenius. Ail of the mammalsrepresented bythe above fossils used to live in the northern part of China during Upper Pleistocene.
    The stone artifacts (mainly made of pebbles of flint and quartzite), including paleolithsand microliths, can be classified into cores, flakes, microcores, microblades, scrapers, points,burins and debris. The major component of the implementsarescra pers.The artifacts wereflaked and retouched by three methods: direct percussion by a hammerstone, bipolar techniqueand pressure technique. All of them are very small in size, and most of the tools are very finein workmanship. The Dafa industry shows a close relationship withSiyu site innorthernShanxi and Xiachuan site in southern Shanxi in technology and typology.
    Stratigraphic subdivision of hominoid fossil localities of Yuanmou, Yunnan
    Zong Guanfu, Pan Yuerong, Jiang Chu, Xiao Lin
    1991, 10(02):  155-166. 
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    Yuanmou basin is located in the south of the Hengduan Mountain, about 200 km. to thenorth-west of Kunming city. The hominoid localities are situated on the high platform of hoththe Xiaohe and the Leiyi rivers in the north of Y uanmou basin,about 30--40 km. north ofYuanmou county. The strata of the hominoid localities(Baozidongjing, Hudieliangzi,Gai-pailiangzi, Daishujingliangzi) are all fluvial deposits, consisting of sand, gravel, sandy clay,about 30- 50 m. or more in thinkness. The Neogene beds are directly overlying on the old be-drock ( Mesozoic Red Beds" and Granite) and Early Neogene bed (Miocene lacustrine deposits).
    There are three localities ( Baozidongjing, Hudieliangzi and Gaipailiangzi) on the highplatform of Xiaohe river. "Homo erectus zhupengensis (Jiang et al., 1987) or Homo orientalis (Zhang et al., 1987) was collected from the locality, Baozidongjing near Zhupeng Vil-lage. It was considered to be early stage of lower Pleistocene (B. P. 2 Ma). The -' Ramapi-thecus hudienensis" (Zhang et al., 1987) was collected from the Hudieliangzi near Ziaohe :Village and considered to be late Pliocene (B. P. 3--4 Ma).
    According to the characteristics of deposits and the fauna and comparing them with thoseof hominoid fossil site of Lufeng, we draw the following:
    l. Baozidongjing bed of "Homo orientalis" is higher than that of Ramapithecus hudien-easis.But judging from the bearing of borh the strata of them and the trace of new struture,the Baozidongjing bed can b econsidered similar to the bed of Hudieliangzi site.
    2. The age of Baczidongjing bed with "Homo orientalis" is similar to the one of Hu-dieliangzi bed with " Ramapithecus hudienensis". It is because the elements of Hi pparion,Chilotherium and some Carnivora also appeared in the Hudieliangzi bed.
    3. Judging from the comparisons of the Carnivora and the others of Yuanmou Xiaohefauna, it is possible that the geological age of Yuanmou fauna was later than Lufeng faunaand probably represents a lower fauna zone of the Early Pliocene (B. P. 5--6 Ma) in South China.
    The Leilao hominoid fossil was found by a field team of the Paleontology, Yunnan Province in the spring of 1990. Leilao is a yillage of Yuanmou county and about 10 km. to theSouth of Xiaohe hominoid site and collected from Daishujingliangzi near Leilao village. They are:
    Brachyrhizomys nagrii
    Monosaulax sp.
    Hyaenidae indet. gen. sp.
    Stegolophodon banguoensis
    Stegotetrabelodon primitium
    Hipparion platyodus
    Chilotherium yuannanensis
    Macrotherium salinum
    Potamochoerus sp.
    Suidae indet. gen. sp.
    Yunnanotherium sp.
    Dorcabune sp.
    Muntiacus sp.
    Muntiacus fenhoensis
    Cervavitus sp.
    Cervinae indet. gen. sp.
    As can be seen from the above list the fauna is similar to the Xiaohe hominold fauna,such as Monosaulax, Stegolophodon, Hipparion, Chilotherium, Macrotherium, Yunnnanothe-rium, Dorcabune etc. So the Leilao hominoid fauna can be correlated with the Xiaohe fauna.
    Late Pieistocene fauna discovered in Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan
    Pan Yuerong, Li Qingchen, Lin Yipu, Jiang Chu
    1991, 10(02):  167-175. 
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    In the winter of 1984, a cave-fissure deposit was first discovered in Yuanmou county,Yunnan. Seven species of mammalian fossils were recovered from the locality, i.e. Rodent in-det, Hytrix subcristata, Crocuta ultima, Cervus sp. (1), Cervus sp. (2), Bos (Bibos) sp., Cap-ricornis sp.. These are members of the " Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna which is known fromsouth China during the Late Pleistocene. An age of 16540±1470 B.P. was determiaed by ra-diocarbon dating of the samples of fossil bones. The geological age is considered to be thelater part of the late Pleistocene as judged from the fauna and the 14^C test.
    Xiao Midi is about 3km. to the south west of the village of Reshuitangcun of Yuanmou county and is situated on the top of Balan mountain. The maximum altitude is 1466 neters.The cave -issure deposit was developed in the Kunyan group of the Presinian period. Itwas formed by the convergence of the shear plane of a conjugated fracture.The cave in-clines NW and NNE. The dip angles are 80 and 60 respectively, resulting in an almostvertical fissure cave. The width is 5- -8 meters.The inclination is NNE and the thicknessis about 20 meters.
    The deposit is fillded with a series of fragments of redbrown silts, clayey soils and in-cludes some brecia and lesser lime nodules. The wall of the cave is rough but there are nostalactite. The red crust weathering at the top is similar to that of T3, T4, T5 on the Long-chang River in Yuanmou Basin. It is interesting that there are more infant individuals inthe mammalian fauna.It raises doubts whether it is related to human activity although humanfossils had not been recovered in the site. So it may give a clue as to investigate paleoanthro-pology in future. The mammalian fauna consists of most of Artiodactyla, which reflect gras-sland- -style environment mainly.
    This cave-fissure deposit was the first one discovered in Yuanmou. It is important because it fills the gap of late mammalian fauna in the area. It is the more recent geologicallysite in the Yuanmou Basin, being younger than Pliocene and early Pleistocene mammalian lo-calities previously recognized. It also adds to our knowledge of the cave fissure deposits beside the fluvial and lacustrine facies on the sedimentary face. It proviled new material for study of tbe palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment in the Yuanmou Basin.
    The present situation and prospect of human origin research
    Wu Rukang
    1991, 10(02):  176-180. 
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    News and activities
    1991, 10(02):  186-188. 
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