Study on the hereditary relationship between anthropometrical characters and dermatoglyphics.
Zhang Jizong
1991, 10(03):
194 )
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The sample consisted of 106 females (Han nationality) from northeast China.Thc agerange is 18-- 34 years old. Anthropometrical characters (41) and dermatoglyphic characters (59) were analysed with computer.
Anthropometrical characters that related significantly with finger andpalm prints arehead length, physiognomic facial height, morphological facial height, upper lip skin height,upper red lip height, bigonial diameter, nasal breadth, mouth breadth, length of forearm, hei-.ght of iliac crest, height of anterior superior iliac spine siting height, foot height, brea?th ofshoulder, distance between iliac crests, girth of waist, girth of upper arm, ankle circumference.
Anthropometrical characters that related significantly with finger prints are hand bread .th, spinal breadth.
Anthropometrical characters that related significantly witth palm prints arc nasal height,head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, inter- canthic diameter, extra- -canthic diameter, lengthof upper arm, length of thigh, length of leg, foor length, foot breadth, girth of head, girth ofchest, girth of wrist, girth of thigh, girth of calf.