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    15 March 1992, Volume 11 Issue 01
    Sibling correlations for skeletal age assessments by the FELS method
    Xi Huanjiu, Alex F. Roche, Guo Shumei
    1992, 11(01):  1-9. 
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    Sibling correlations are reported for FELS skeletal age from 2622 mixed longitudinal hand-wrist radiographs of 285 boys anl 276 girls. Because the observed correlat1ons were ir-regular across age, they were s1oothed using kernel regression. The brother-sister correlations'were generally lower than those for the cther types of sibling pairs, but they were s1milar to thebrother -brother correlations after 11 years. The sister-sister correlations were considerably higher than the brother-brother and brother-sister correlations after 12 years. The present data donot provide clear evidence of involvement of the X chromosome in the timing of skeletal matu-ration, but after 12 years the present data suggest such an involvement.
    The human fossils of Gezi Cave, Liaoning Province
    Lu Zun'e
    1992, 11(01):  10-12. 
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    In the autumn of 1983, the author identified some human fossils fromthe fossil fragmentbones which had been excavated from the Gezi cave palaeolithic site in 1973 and 1975. The human fossils include a fragment of parietal, a fragment of temporal and a patella. They are slightly fossilized and greyish-yellow in colour. The fragment of parietal is' the back part ofthe right pasietal bone, 59.5 mm. in length, 39.4 mm. in width, and 5.1 mm.1n thickness.Thefragment of temporal is thepart of the mastoid process. The patella has a light damage onits facies articularis. The surface of patella is rough with height 45 mm., width45 mm. and thickness 21 mm., W/H index is 100. The fossil patella is very close to that ofthe modern man and different from that of the Jinniushan man. The human fossils be-long to Homo sapiens of Late Pleistocene.
    Studies on the physical characters of Naxi Nationality in Yunnan
    Liu Guanhao, Yu Fachang, Li Ming, Cha Fachang
    1992, 11(01):  13-19. 
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    A survey of 200 adults of Naxi nationality (including 94 males' and 106. females) wasmade in May 1989. The results were as follows:
    Naxi nationality belongs to yellow race and may be grouped under Eastern Asian type of Mongoloid judging from their morphological features of appearance and some major meanvalues of measurements.
    In view of the cluster graph of kinship matrix for Han nationality and other nationalitiesliving in Yunnan, the physical characters of Naxi. nationality are closer. to, Lishu, .Jingpo, Yiand Han nationality than other nationalities.
    The physical characters of the Achang Nationality in Yunnan
    Li Ming, Li Yuemin, Cheng Hongzhong, Yu Fachang
    1992, 11(01):  20-26. 
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    A somatological survey on 260 adults of Achang nationality, including 143 malesand117 females, living in Yunnan was carried out by the acthor in July, 1990. The results were as follows:
    Judging from their allnonmetrical data, Achang nationality shows very much typicalfeatures of yellow race. We found that they are very similar in the features of appearence, conn-paring the major mean values of measurements in Achang nationality with those o!Hanand other nationalities living in Yunnan. But Achang nationalityhas the same features as'other minorities living in Yunnan. They have their own features of narrowerhead breadth,face breadth and bigonial breadth with wider mouth breadth than Han nationality.
    In view of the cluster graph of kinship matrix for Han nationalityand 10 groups ofother minorities living in Yunnan, the physical anthropological characters of Achang nationa-litp are closer to Lishu, Naxi andJingpo nationality than to other nationalities (see figure1). According to the analysis we consiler that Achangnationalitycan be clasified as theEastern Asian type of Mongoliod. T'hey may have the same ancestry like other minorities liv·ing in Southwest Yunnan.
    The physical characters of the Lai people in Guangxi
    Zhu Fangwu, Zhao Dongfong, Lin Huazhu et al.
    1992, 11(01):  27-33. 
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    A somatological survey on111 Lai people living in Guangxi was carried out in 1988. Thesurvey covered 60 adult males from 20 to 65 years old and 51 adultfemales' from 20 to 65years old.
    The results of the survey are summarized breifly as' follows: Judging by all nonmetricaldata, Lai people obviously belong to the Mongolian race. Averagesof most measurement ofLai people are close to those of Li and Zhuang nationality. All measurements arehigher inmale than in female. They belong to the thin physical type.
    ln view of the cluster graph of kinship matrix of Lai people and 18 groups of others inChina, the Lai people is closer to the Li nationality and Zhuang nationality than others.
    The Lai people are considercd to belong to Southern Asian pattern of Mongoliod inphysical characters. They may originate from the same ancester as other inhabitants living inSouthern China.
    On the physical development of neonates in Kazak and Han in Altai, Xinjiang
    Wang Lanting, Zhang Mingtao, Yang Xiaoqing, Gu Lina
    1992, 11(01):  34-37. 
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    The physical development of 1107 normal Kazak and Han newborns of gestational ageequal to or above 37 weeks' within 24 hours after birth was reported. The mean values of weight, body length, crown-hip length, head, chest and arm circumferences of Kazak were greater than those of Han. All measurements of males' were greater than those of females, and new-borns of multiparas were greater than newborns of primiparas in Kazak and Han. We thinkthat the physical development of Kazak newborns better than Han newborns was' due to racialdifference and new borns of multiparas in Kazak more than those in Han was due to the com-position of food and so on.
    Studies on the phalangeal configurations of Chinese
    Li Pingzhou, Song Yongchun
    1992, 11(01):  38-47. 
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    In this paper, the phalangeal configurations of 400 cases (males 203, females 200) of Han Nationality in Nanchang, were studied. The results showed that the most common type is hook(43.10%), the second and third most frequent types are straight (37.10%) and arch (15.28%).We have made comparisons in sex and hand differences.
    Polymorphism of seventh component of complement (C7) in five Han subpopulations of China
    Wei Xierong, Du Ruofu
    1992, 11(01):  48-51. 
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    The genetic polymorphism of seventh component of human complement (C7) was invest-igated for the first time in China. The gene frequencies of C7 alleles of Han subpopulations were: C7*1- .9144, C7*2- .0668, C7*4- 0.187 for Harbin; C7*1- .9070, C7*2- .0528, C7*4- .U402for Xi'an; C7*1- .9072, C7*2- .0696, C7*4- .0180, C7*3- .0052 for Chengdu; C7*!- .8152, C7*2-.1527, C7*4- .0296, C7*3- .0025 for Guiyang; C7*1- .8821, C7*2- .0849, C7*4-. 0212, C7*3- .0118for Zhangzhou. The results showed that the distribution of C7 in Guiyang Han was some what peculiar, that is, the frequency of C7*1 was lower and that of C7*2 was much higher than thoseof other four populations. According to the present study and previous reports, C7*1 was generally preponderant, and the frequency of C7*2 had its lowest falue in England and ratherhigh in Japan. The Chinese subpopulations had a mid value of C7*2 with exception of Guiyang subpopulation which had the highest frequency. The C7*3 gene was aIso observed in three sou-thern Han subpopulations (Zhangzhou, Chengdu and Guiyang).
    Cranial morphological comparison between Francois' and Phayre's leaf monkeys
    Pan Ruliang, Peng Yanzhang, Ye Zhizhang, Wang Hong
    1992, 11(01):  52-59. 
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    With Cartesian (three dimensional) co-ordinates of cranial landmarks, the study was undertaken as a preliminary attempt at a factor analysis of three dimensional cranial data.Results showed that independent variation related well to skull growth mnainly found on anter-ior and posterior segments. It is presumably that positive allometry should exist in these seg-ments during the maturity. However, some different variation, deliberately cranial differences,also could be defined in these two leaf monkeys. That is,craniofaceis more protrusive in phayre's leaf ronkey, but occipital region and foremen magnum infrancois' leaf monkey aremore posterior in position. More wider and higher skull, be related to eating more hard foods,were defined in francois' leaf monkey.
    The comparative study of brain asymmetry in six species of living nonhuman primates and tree shrews distributed in China
    Ma Yuanye, Cai Jingxia, Tian Yunfen
    1992, 11(01):  60-68. 
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    The brain asymmetries of tree shrews(Tutpaia belangeri chinensis), the slow loris (Ny-cticebus coucang), rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), leaf-eating monkeys ( Presbytis ntellus),golden hairmonkeys (Rhinopith·cus roxellanae). ( Rhinopithecus bieti), and gibbons ( Hylobates hoolock) have been observed with anatomical, electrophysiological, and behav ioural methods. The results are shown below (N = the numbers of animals):
    Anatomy: The brain sulci of six species of primates were measured, the length of Sylviansulcus of right cortex in slow loris was longer than that of left side. In the leaf -eating monkcys, the shape of arcuate sulcus was different between two sides of the brain. Most sulci ofthe parietal, occipital and temporal lobes were located more posteriorly in the rightcorticescompared to the left for rhesus monkeys, golden hair monkeys and gibbons.And in six ofnine rhesus' monkeys, the left fron1a] poles were more posteriorly than that of right sides. lngolden hair monkeys and gibbons, the shape of some sulci in left cortices were more complexthan that of right cortex and sone sulci in right sides were longer than that of left sides. In treeshrews, the weights of left cortices were greater than the right, while the volume did not differ. This may reflect cell density.
    Electroplhysiology: The amplitule of visualevoked poten!ials(VEP) were higher in leftcorticcs than right in 70% of tree shrews. Using VEP method to measure the areas ofvisualcortex, no differcnce was found between the areas of left and right visual cortex. Duringatten-tive tasks in rhesus monkeys the right prefrontal cortices showed EEG of higher frequency andlower amplitude compared to the left. After lesion left sides of dorsal hippocampus, in treeslrews, the heart rate became lower than before, but were not, if lesions were done in the rightsides.
    Behaviour: The hand preference of rhesus monkeys, leaf-eating monkeys, golden hair monkeys, and gibbons in picking up food was observed. With the exception of the rhesus,there was' right handed perference in males but not in females.
    Conclusion: The results suggest that there dre braina syninetries' in nonhuman prinnatescven in tree shrews; these asymmetries are more clear for species that are higher on the evolutionary ladder. There is also a difference in male and female animals in hand preference.
    Stone artifacts from the South Cave of Ma'anshan, Guizhou Province
    Huang Siting, Long Fengxiang, An Jiayuan
    1992, 11(01):  69-78. 
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    The south cave of Ma'anshan site is situated at the foot of the hill of Ma'anshan on thesouth of Tongzi town, Guizhou Province. Ir was discovered in 1989. In the next winter, au-thors investigated the site, and excavated a trench (1X5m^2) in the cave. From the :trench, about 63 stone artifacts and a large number of animal bones were found, while we: collected theremains, which include about 139 stone artifacts and lots of aninnal bones and4 fossil humanteeth, that scattered in the accunulation near entrance of the cave. The remains collected, infact, are originally from the cave deposits. The mammalian fossil species inclule Ursus, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Rhinoceros sinensis, Megatapirus augustus, Cervus and so forth. Thesione artifacts could be sorted as cores, flakes, scrapers, end -scrapers, points, burin and etc. Itsage would belong to late pleistocene supported by paleontological and cultural rem:ains. Thecharacteristics of the artifacts is s'imilar to those from Maanshan site in north side of the hillof Maanshan. Human fossil teeth, which include left I^1, right M^3, right M^1 and right dM^1,are similar to those of late Homo sapiens in mor phology.
    Study of the artifacts from locality of Shanzizao, Datong County, Shanxi Province
    Li Chaorong, Ren Xiusheng
    1992, 11(01):  79-85. 
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    The present article deals with the artifacts from the locality of Shanzizao of Datong county, Shanxi Province. the artifacts cousist of 8 cores, 3l flakes, 1 micro-blade and 26 tools.It is worthy of notice that the semi-conical core, cylindrical core, micro-blade and end scrapers in the component are similar to 1hos'e from Xiachuan, Xueguan andHutouliang sites. According to the study of stratigraphy and stone artifacts, the age of the artifacts from Shanzizao probably belong to upper Pleistocene or late Paleolithic.
    Some mammalian fossils and a flake from the Zhushanyuan Cave of Pingxiang City,Jiangxi Province
    Li Jiahe, Xu Changqing, Peng Yunqiu et al.
    1992, 11(01):  86-92. 
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    The fossil site, named the Zhushanyun Cave, is about40 km east of Pingxiang City,Jiangxi Province. The deposits in the cave were divided into 5 stratified layers from top tobottom (Figure 2), some mammalian fossils found in the layers 2--5 and a flake unearthed inthe layer 5.
    The fossil mammals consist of Ailuropoda melanoleuca fovealis, Stegodon orientalis, Me-gatapirus augustus, etc., belonging to the Ailuropoda -Stegodon fauna.Thefossiliferousde-posit of the site is thought to be late Middle-early Upper Pleistocene in geological age.
    U-series dating of speleothem samples from Guanyindong Cave at Qianxi County, Guizhou Province
    Shen Guanjun, Jin Linhong
    1992, 11(01):  93-100. 
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    Guanyindong Cave, situated at Qianxi County in Guizhou Province, with an abundance of paleolithic artifactsand of fossil remains, is considered as one of the most important paleolithic sites' in South China. The Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna of Group B deposits was assumed to be formed in early Middle Pleistocene judging mainly by the existence of Tertiary survivals, and Group A deposits without Tertiary survivals in Middle Pleistocene. The biostrati-graphic conclusion contradicts sharply with the results of U-series dating of fossil hones whichgive an age range of 57--l15 ka for all the artifact and fos'sil containing layers.
    Based on the U-series dating of speleothem samples, the GroupA deposits of this site should be younger than 40 ka, the 3rd layer of Group B younger than 50 ka, and 4--8 iayersof Group B between 50 and 240 ka. If the stratigraphic study may prove theuniformity of Group B deposits, the age of 4--8 lavers may be further narrowed to 100--190 ka. The results of this paper do not support the biostratigraphic relative age, but confirm that the lower part of Group B belongs to a late period of MiddIe Pleistocene, beingthe latest fossil record of Gomphotheriidae. This site may represent the cultural evolution traversing the lower, middle and upper paleolithic periods in South China.
    Measurement and observation of human umbilicus in vivo
    Du Qingtai, Shen Heqin, Li Songqi, Zheng Yanhong, Li hongqu
    1992, 11(01):  101-103. 
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    New discoveries and their implications in The Afar region of Ethiopia
    Wu Rukang
    1992, 11(01):  104-105. 
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    Identification of the age of rib tip sternum
    Ding Shihai
    1992, 11(01):  106-108. 
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