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15 December 1991, Volume 10 Issue 04
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Restudy of the upper age limit of Beijing Man site
Shen Guanjun, Jin Linhong
1991, 10(04): 273-277.
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This paper presents the U-series dating of two calcite samples taken from a traavertinlayer interstratified in 1--2 layer at Locality 1 of Beijing Man Site. The reli-ability of the obtained results is supported by following evidences:The results oftwo samples are consistent within thestatistical error of+ 1o and their 230^Th/234^Uratios all near to equilibrium; Three parallel 230^Th/234^U age determinations of BZC-3 give consistent results; Concordance between 230^Th/234^U and 227^Th/230 ^Th ages indicatesa closed system of BZC-3. Based on the weighted mean of isotopic ratiosof three230Th/234Uanalyses of BZC-3, the upper age limit of Beijing Man Site should be(42±-5^11) x 10^4 years.
Human skull of Qidan Nationality from Liao Dynasty tombs in Shanzuizi site, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia
Zhu Hong
1991, 10(04): 278-287.
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The skulls of Qidan nationality studied in this paper were excavated from the Liao dyna-sty tombs in Shanzuizi site, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia. The cranial. materials (9males and 3 females) are all adult skulls (22- -50 years of age). The article described the morphological features of Shanzuizi crania in some details and discussed the problems concer nedwith the racial relationship between the Shanzuizi crania and other modern and ancient cra-nia of Asiatic Mongoloids.
The characteristics of the crania are as follows: The cranial shapes in norma verticalisbelong to ellipsoid and ovoid. According to the cranial length-breadth index, cranial length-height index and cranial breadth-height index, their cranial forms belong tobrachycrany,orthocrany and tapeinocrany. The cranial vault sutures are uncomplicated in their structures.The transition between the lower margin of zygomatic process of the maxilla and the inferiormargin of zygomatic bone is rough in most of the crania. Their faces are wide. (141.56 mm)and very flat (the naso-malar angle is 150.06). Their nasal bones are low and flat (the simo-tic index is 31.60) and the nasal index shows that their nasal shapes belong to mesorrhiny. Theshape of orbit is low and wide (the orbital index I is 77.50).
The physical features of Shanzuizi crania show that the racial type of Qidan nationalityin Liao dynasty is mainly related to the modern Siberia Mongoloids (Northern Asiatic Mongoloids), but some characteristics of individual skulls show that they may be mixed with somephysical elements of the Eastern Asiatic Mongoloids or the Arctic Mongoloids (Northeastern Asiatic Mongoloids). In comparison with some ancient and moderncrania,the Shanzuizicrania are mostly similar to the crania of Xianbei nationality in Han dynasty and the modernMongolian crania.
A comparison of craniometry and roentgenographic cephalometry
Zeng Xianglong, Liu Wu
1991, 10(04): 288-297.
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Craniometry androentgenographic cephalometry were carried on three skulls to determine55 measurement points and do 53 items of measurements respectively in this paper. The over-lapping comparison of the measurement points shows that ' most (83.6%) of the points in cra-niometry can be determined on cephalometric roentgenograms precisely. Two-way analysis ofvariance indicates that there are no significant differences between the measurement results ob-tained by the two methods (P > 0.05). Because the definitions of some measurement points aredifferent in the two methods, the authors propose some measurementpoints should be addedand some experienced methods are proposed to determine some points which are difficult [olocate because of the overlapping of images in roentgenograms. Thepresent study discoveredthat according to the positions and distances of points on skull, the amplification rates can bedivided into several levels, which can basically reflect actual amplification errors. So the au-thors proposed that under the condition of standard amplification rate of 11.1%, the rates can bedivided into 11.1%, 8.0% and 4.0% to rectify the linear measurement data ofroentgenogra-phic cephalometry. The authors believe that roentgenographic cephalometry can be used in theresearch of physical anthropology and has good prospect in the future.
A study of the correlation between middle cross section of tibia and age
Tang Guchu, Gan Aizhu, Chen Shaoqiong, Liu Xun
1991, 10(04): 298-304.
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The statistic analysis of the Sagittal Diameters (SD), transverse diameter (TD) of middlecross section(MCS) of tibia, and the SD, TD of cavitas, and the margoanterior, medialis,laterior, facies medialis, laterior and posterior of substantia compacta was carried in 218 cases(1--94 years old) of Chinese Han nationality. The results showed that there exists a close relationship between the age and the SD, TD of MCS of tibia in 1 to 30 years old group, relativethickness of substantia compacta in 1 to 30 years oldgroup.
The average diameters of covitas in 1 to 25 years old group regularly vary with the in-crease of age.
Anthropological survey on Hasake Nationality in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
Cui Jing, Shao Xingzhou, Wang Jinglan et al.
1991, 10(04): 305-313.
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An anthropological study of 152 males and 106 females was made on Hasake nationalityfrom 20 to 57 of age in Tuoli County, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in August, 1985.The results are summarized briefly as follows:
1. Hasake nationality is closer to Kergeze, Xibo nationalities living in Xinjiang Uighur ·Autonomous Region and Dawuer than Miao, Yi, Jinpo nationalities.
2. The physical characters of Hasake nationality;
The index of head belongs to hyperbrachcephaly, hypsicephaly and tapeinocephaly. Themor phological facial index belongs to euruprosopy. The breadthof eye aperture belongs tomiddle type. The nose breadth is larger than interocular breadth of the endocanthion. Nasalroot height is higher. For nasal index, male belongs to mesorrhiny. but female leptorrhiny. Thefacial form is ovoid. The hair is straight in for m and black in color. The armstretch is longer.
3. Hasake nationality can be grouped under Easter Asian type of Mongloid.
Analysis on girl's growth and development among 27 Chinese minority nationalities
Ji Chengye
1991, 10(04): 314-320.
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This study was designed to study the mor phological differences and sim?ilarities of Chi-nese minority nationalities girls by using princi pal component analysis combining with clusteranalysis. The data. consisted of 32 groups from 27 minority nationalities (each of the five ofthese nationalities had an urban group besides the rural one), and in each group, seven anth-ropometric measures and indices· were used for analysing.These groups merged into seven clusters and showed significant variations of growth and development. with each other. The factors which caused these variations, such as the geography, ecology, socio- economics and lifestyles as well as the urban-rural difference, were investigated. The different growth characteri-stics among different nationalities and some strategies of improving their growth were also dis-cussed by the author.
Polymorphism of human red cell glyoxalase 1 in Han populations of China
Li shizhe, Du Ruofu
1991, 10(04): 321-323.
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The polymorphism of human red cell glyoxalase I was studied inHan subpopulationsfrom six cities by agarose gel electrophoresis. The frequency of GLOI*1 gene and the numberof testes in each subpopulation are as follows: Zhengzhou 0. 1023(220), Harbin 0. 1103(195),Huhhot 0. 1259(210), Guiyang 0. 1373(204), Lanzhou 0.1476(210) and Xi'an 0.1508(199). Asignificant difference of frequencies of GLO I gene was found between the Zhengzhou andLanzhou Han subpopulations. The difference of gene frequencies between Han subpopulationsis evidently smaller than that between ethnic groups in China.
New progress of studies on Paleolithic Culture in Nihewan basin
Xie Fei
1991, 10(04): 324-332.
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The paleolithic cultural sites are very plentiful in the Nihewan Basin, More than thirtysites of various period have been found recently in the Basin. These discovery provided a largequantity of scientific information for the research of paleolithic culture. Based on the scientificinformation we can probably convince that the small stone tool tradition runs through the who-le paleolithic age from beginning to end and the paleolithic culture possesses obviously the cha-racteristics of inheritance and development in its evolution. The microlithic tool tradition ap-peared in the late paleolithic period.
A study of the bone fragments of Shiyu Site
Zhang Junshan
1991, 10(04): 333-345.
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Shiyu is an important upper paleolithic site in North China. Its absolute age as dated by ra-diocarbon method is 28,000 years before present. Apart from a great amount of stone artifacts, nearly 10,000 pieces of bone fragments have been discovered. Professor Jia Lanpo and His col-leagues had studied the stone artifacts. In his paper, nearly 700 pieces of bone fragments in thebone assemblage were studied in order to find out the formation of the bone assemblage andwhether bone tools exist in it.
Except two bone fragments retaining articular ends, all the others are variously batteredbones broken from the shafts of longbones. Their length ranges from 39mm--177mm. Accord-ing to the bone thickness and fauna assemblage of Shiyu site, these bone fragments belong toherbivorous animals such as horse and gazelle etc. The majority of thefragments did notsuffer from serious weathering and abrasion. More than 80% of the fragments show evidenceof the hominid modification including cutmarks, chopping marks, percussion scars and boneflakes. 15% of the fragments have been gnawed by carnivorous animals.
The flake scars of 62% modified bones were distributed on long bone splinters separately.They might be produced by breaking bone to extract the marrow. 38% of the modified bonesshow some regular and consistant scar patterns. The angles of the edge formed by the consistantscar range mainly from 30°--70°, the length from 25--50mm. These regularly modified bonesare very similar with the bone tools produced experimentally. Obviously these regularly mo-dified bones were intentionally selected and modified for use as tools.Consequently, 39 piecesof the modified bones can be classified as bone tools. The worked parts of the bone tools con-centrated on sides and ends of the bones. The bone tools were chiefly retouched by direct per-cussion flaking on the inner surfaces. A few of the bone tools show smoothing and polishingof an end and part of sides, which are considered to be the result of utilization. On the otherhand, cutmarks can be observed on 80% of the fragments. This evidence indicates that Shiyusite should be the living and butchery site of prehistoric man.
Comparative study on cranioface and brain case in Asian colobines
Peng Yanzhang, Pan Ruliang, Ye Zhizhang, Wang Hong
1991, 10(04): 346-356.
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In order to study the differentiation of Asian colobines, fourteen variables measured oncranioface and brain case of 123 skulls, including Rhinopithecus, Presbytis, Presbytiscus, Pyga-thrix, and Nasalis, were dealt with by one-way, cluster and discriminant analyses. Informationof the paleoenvironment changes in China and southern East Asian since the late Tertiary wasused to examine the influences for migratory way and distribution range in Asian colobines.The cladogram among different genera of Asian colobines was made from the results of var-ious analyses. It was suggested that some new points or revisions should be made as follows:
1. Following the second migratory way, ancient species of Asian colobines perhaps pass-ed through Xizang along the northern bank of Tethys sea and Heng-Duan Shan regions,Yunnan. Because ancient continent connected Yunnan and Xizang had already located in eastbank of Tethys sea. the evolution of Asian colobines could have existed in two original centers,i.e. Sundaland and Heng-Duan Shan regions of China.
2. Pygathrix possesses a lot of similarities with Presbytiscus, but it is less correlated withRhinopithecus.1f the revision comnbined Pygathrix with other two genera shown byGroves(1970)is correct, only Pygathrix and Presbytiscus can be put together.
3. Nasalis(2n=48) may be the most primitive genus in Asian colobines. Some featureswere shared with Rhinopithecus, for example, body size, terrestrial activities and limb pro-portion etc., were considered as common inheritance of symplesiomor phous characters.
4. Rhinopithecus, without reference to cranioface and brain case or the origin, is the mostspecial genus in Asian colobines. It may represent the highestlevel of evolutionary positionamong various genera in Asian colobines (Peng et al., 1985).
Survey and analysis of feeding habits of Rhinopithecus bieti
Wu Baoqi
1991, 10(04): 357-371.
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1.Four methods have been developed for following and closing with the group (s) of Rh-inopithecus bieti and the author had taken the normal behavioral samples in the field. It isespecially indicated, however, that measuring behavior is only one of the three important as-pects of answering behavioral questions. The other two should be, (1) answering how one canclose with the subject (s), and going into details of his approaching procedures; (2) testing his hypothesis by an appropriate statistical test. Not a single one of the three aspect can be dis-pensed with answering any behavorial question.
2. A key parameter Q was founded standing for the .. ratio of one type of vegetable be-tween residues in dung (X) and food taken by animals(Y), and further, a formula ?=(l/Q)X was founded for reliably calculating the a verage volumes of types ofherbivorous dietstaken by a group of R. bieti in the wild during a period. The Q should be the best parameterof today for study of the amounts of herbivorous food taken by monkeys in the wild.
3. Through feeding 'behaviorsurveyed in wild and captivities and its excrements identi-fication, the principal diets for Rhinopithecus bieti were classified as three types as follows:(1) Leaves and stems of Monocotyledoneae, esp ecially Gramineae which hasparallel vascularbundles and prickles: (2) Some species in Lichens which has hyphae interwinded each otherand coming into mycelium; (3) Small buds, barks, stems and fruitsof angiospermous trees.However, for the first time, leaves of Abies sp., Picea sp., and other conifers are not consider-ed as diets for R. bieti. For these reasons, R. bieti has more adapted humidly tropical and sub-tropical angiosperm enviroment than vegetational zones of Abies and Picea in high and cold orsnowy mountains. According to the results, R. bieti's principal habits should be terrestrial and itsevolutionary stage has been shifting from the tropical forest into the open woodland and gr-assland. Therefore, the causes of formation of this monkey's distribution in high and cold orsnowy mountains needs more research.
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