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    15 September 1992, Volume 11 Issue 03
    Cleavers in China
    Lin Shenglong
    1992, 11(03):  193-201. 
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    This paper reviews the cleavers found in China. Some of them are identified and describedby author first time. It seems that the cleavers found in China have their own special features,and iay be the developmental products of Chinese Palaeolithic at certain stage.
    Experimental studies of microwear analysis on stone artifacts
    Hou Yamei
    1992, 11(03):  202-215. 
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    According to the principal theory of Keeley(1980), the microwear research of this paper(one part of a master degree thesis of the author's*) consists of analysis on experimentally used tools and a blind test.
    In the use experiments of 40 flint tools, 22 use methods were adopted on 77 used edges inall. Worked materials include wood(dry, damp), fresh meat, fish, hide, and bone; motion ac-tivities are scraping, whitling, cutting, sawing, chopping, wedging, piercing, drilling and car-ving, Through the leading technical method of scanning electron microscope(SEM), distingui-shable characteristics are identified by analyzing microwear traces produced from different use methods. It comes to some valuable results and personal understanding:
    1. Using SEM for analyzing microwear on stone artifacts has its advantages, even though itexists limitations as compared with optical microscope.
    2. Crystal damage" was discovered on used flint tools for scraping wood. Partial damageof the crystal was observed in a groove under the SEM. The position of the crystal damage de-pends on the mechanics resource.
    3. Patterns of edge damage are possibly influenced by concrete shape of the used edge invarying degrees. For instance, in the experiments of scraping wood, on the uncontact surface of a straight edge--hollow rectangles partitioned by vertical ridges were easily observed transverse fractures occur tier upon tier closely abovt the are scars. For a cónvex edge, sunken trapezium partitioned by vertical ridges with semilunar scars.
    Moreover, scar patuerns have relation to using activities. Whittling wood can produce ashell shaped depression.
    4. Similar to polishes and striations, texture and micropits shown on the steep edge can re-flect some characters of different motions or worked materials. On the micro- surface of an cdgefor sawing wood, scattered texture, deeply micropits elongate along with the edge. and the rimsof the micropits can indicate the direction of using. By scraping wood, dense texture, elongated micropits with narrow ends and obviously depressed in the center of itself could also be seen in the texture, but cannot be clearly separated from the general micro-surface.For cutting fat or scraping fresh hide, textures on the edge appear very fine and smoothly.
    5. On the contact surface there are clearly radial polish lines developing in a short breadth after the edge was used for scraping wood, Polishes from whittling activity distribute longer,narrower more than scraping but similar radial character.
    6. Working on hard materials, such as wedging wood or bone, there is transverse polish tapein a certain distance away from the edge. It might be a typical feature to distinguish this activity.
    In order to test the level of controlling microwear's appearance of the analyst, 9 flint samples (8 had been used among them) were chosen in the blind test.
    Use was correctly discernedin 100% of the cases; motion/activity in 78% of cases; and worked material in 70% of casesIn the study of microwear on stone tools, exper imental planning provides crucial links forrealizing the value of the experiment. Blind tests are advisable on researching archaeological artifacts.
    This article also has a brief introduction about the history of microwear studies and givesfurther prospects in this field. When putting forth efforts to research purely direct use wear, we shouldn't neglect indirect use microwear and microwear traces from other sources. Microwear analysis is not only useful for analyzing the functions of stone artifacts, but also has other importance, for example, grasping traces could help us know the hand using habits of ancient human beings.
    Analysis of bone fragments from Ma'anshan Site,Guizhou
    Long Fengxiang
    1992, 11(03):  216-229. 
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    More than 1,000 bone fragments from Maanshan site (excavated in 1990'), approximately 2 kilometers southwest of Tongzhi, Guizhou Province, exhibit characteristics of weathering, erosing processes, gravitational damage, and surface modifications by animals, particularly by hominids. The degree of fragmentation of the 1imb bones (limb shafts and limb ends), which is characterized by two indices: circumference and length indices for limb bone specimens, and the hominid modifications of these bones show that these fragments were formed mainly by mar-row extracting and bone tool making. Fron these characteristics shown on the fragments, some behavior of the prehistoric habitants at the site and the formation process of the site are infer-red. Analysis of these bone fragments provides soune useful information for further study of the site.
    The study of human skeleton from the Bronze-Age tombs in Changyang County, Hubei Province
    Zhang Zhenbiao, Wang Shancai
    1992, 11(03):  230-240. 
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    The human skeletons were unearthed from the Bronze-Age Tombs in Shen-Tan-Wan of Changyang County in 1989- -- -1990. The burial ground site at Shen-Tan-Wan is located approxi-mately 7 km west of the county town. The site has been radiocarbon dated from about 2200-3000 years.
    The craniometric specimen consists of only 6 male skulls and 9 male post erocranial bones(adults). The samples of 16 crania and 10 mandibulars (male and female) are used in the non-metric analysis. This paper described the non-metric and metric characteristics of the crania insome details and discussed the problems concerned with the racial relationship between the Changyang group and other gorups of contemporary or various periods in the cranial features.
    From the comparisons of the cranial characteristics including in non-metric and metric mea-surements, we believe that the cranial characteristic of Changyang group may form one regional pattern--the southern type, which basically represent the physical pattern of the population li-ved in the middle basin of Chang Jiang Rever in Bronze- Age. With regard lo the origin of +heinhabitants of Changyang group, we inferred that their ancestor must rise from the neolithic in-habitants lived in South China.
    The improvement of the measurement and estimation of the cranial capacity
    Ding Shihai, Yan Xiguang, Fa Dehua et al.
    1992, 11(03):  241-249. 
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    Cranial capacity is very important for determination of sex.The traditional technique of measuring cranial capacity is still being used. Firstly, plug the foramina and fissures of theskull. Then pour some mediating substance into the cranial cavity, such as mustard seeds or sandetc. Lastly, measure the capacity by some graduated cylinders. This technique is over laborate,besides, the difference is high; sometimes a difference of some 60ml may ensue. Uspenskii intro-duced a new method for measuring cranial capacity with the aid of water poured into a rubber balloon which has been lowered into the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum. He got ahigh level of accuracy as well as a simple procedure, the greatest difference between individual measurement amounted to 7 ml. Tht defect is that it must be used a pressure gauge, otherwise theballoon can not be fullfilled with water in the cranial cavity. Another question is the ballon iscasily ruptured. Our new method is by weighing the mercury which is poured into a latex balloon in the cranial cavity and recording the room temperature at the same time, then convert10 capacity by computer. 112 adult crania collected from Qingdao and Changchun districts were measured in different times and different temperatures. The results show that the mean error of capacity amounted to 2.27 t0.17(0--7.9) ml. One latex balloon commonly may be used twenty times. Our method is characterized by high level of accuracy in measuring cranial capacily and simplicity of procedure and speed of execution. It must be pointed out that we should take care of the physical protection, although the concentration of the mercury -vapour is far below the permissible density. Besides, we got some regression formulas and picture for estimating the cranial capacity by ten external measurements, such as cranial circumference, median sagittalarc of calvarium, auricular height, cranial height(ba-b) etc. The R -value and r-value on above f ormulas amount to 0.760.898. The mean difference between the estimation by 3 to 5 external measurents and measuring method by mercury is 50--55 ml, another words, the mean error is3.5%--3.9% of cranial capacity. The minimum error is just 0.1ml, and the maximum error is228.7 ml.
    The somatotypic study of 3802 Chinese urban youths
    Ji Chengye, Yuan Jie, Xiao Jianwen, Wen Daying, Zhang Lin
    1992, 11(03):  250-259. 
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    This study analysed the somatotypes of 3802 Chinese urban youths aged 7 through 18 by using the Heath-Carter Somatochart Method. Comparisons of the anthropometric measures and indices which used to determine somatotypes were made between boys and girls among all theseage groups. The changing trend of endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomor phic factors was ana-lysed, and the age and sex characteristics of somatotypic distributions were visually noted. On thebasis of plotting individual somatotypes of those aged 8, 13 and 18 in somatocharts, the diversities of somatotypes between and within age groups were described. The perspective applications of Heath-Carter Sonatochart Method in the physical anthropology and other scientificas pects werealso discussed by the authors.
    Study on the physique of Chinese college students (Shanxi) by somatotyping method
    Zhao Lingxia
    1992, 11(03):  260-271. 
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    The author used the Heath-Carter somatotyping method to study the physique of Chinese college students counting 485 normal and 130 physical training ones in Shanxi province. Resultsas following were obtained. Comparisons of male and female somatotype means clearly show se-xual dimorphism. Somatotype is changing differently from aged 16 to 22 years for male and female. Males tend to become more mesomorphic, and the females more endomorphic at first, and then less endomorphic. Physical training produces effects on somatotypes in different ways forthe males and females. Comparing Chinese students somatotype mean with that of foreign students, there are some differences, especially for male. Somatotype attitudinal distances (SAD)between male and female for Chinese and Hawaiian Japanese, which are non-White samples, are larger than the White ones.
    Genetic polymorphism of haptoglobin in 3 ethnic groups
    Duan Yuqin, Zhao Huiquan, Yu Shihui, Zhang Guiyin
    1992, 11(03):  272-274. 
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    The haptoglobin groups were typed for 510 subjects from 3 ethnic groups, Han, Olunchunand Xibo in the northeast region of China. The gene frequencies of haptoglobin were calcula-ted in 3 ethnic groups and were compared with each other. The distributions of Hp phenotypewere compared and no evidence of difference among these 3 populations was found. Associationof Hp gene with ABO blood group was also studied.
    Comparative study of facial musculature on three species in genus Presbytis
    Ye Zhizhang, Pan Ruliang, Peng Yanzhang, Wang Hong
    1992, 11(03):  275-284. 
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    When looking into the available literature on facial musculature and extensive bibliography it became obvious that though the facial muscles of many primates were already worked out in detail, but no mention was found anywhere to the arrangement of the facial muscles in the Presbytis francoisi, P. phayrei and P. cristatus before. The present work has obtained some results as follows:
    1. The muscles of subcutaneous colli exist only in m. platysma.
    2. Muscles around the mouth include m. or bicularis oris, m. zygomatico--orbitalis, m. levatorlabii superiors, m. triangularis, m. caninus, m. incisivi superiors, m. incisivi inferiors, m. mentalis and m. buccinator.
    3. Muscles of the nose involve m. noso-labialis, m. nasalis, m. subnasalis and m. depressoret transversi.
    4. Muscles round the eye include m. orbicularis oculi, m. procerus, m. depressor glabellae,m.depressor supercilii and m. corrugator supercilii.
    5. Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the auricula have m. orbito-auricularis, . m. auricularisposterior, m. trago-helicinus, m. helicis major, m. helicis minor, m. antitragicus and m. obliquis·et transversi.
    6.Muscles of the scalp comprise m. frantalis and m. occipitalis.
    Compared with facial musculature from other primates, some special musculature characte-ristics in these three leaf monkeys include: 1) m. platysma can be divided into two parts exhibiting not obvious limt, not oplatysma and trachelo platysma. It was reported that some authors draw a line of demarcation between Iwn parts at acromiale in other primates, but at oral anglein three leaf monkeys; 2) In P. phayrei and P. cristatus, similar to that in P. entellus, fibers of the m. platysma on mandible interweaving widely. But only interweave partly in 3 of 4 P.francoisi; 3) m. levator labii superiors, as an independent muscle mass, origins from maxilla and zygoma of the infraorbital margin; 4) In m. triangularis, the superficial part is not present. The deep part, the caput longum, is present. lt originates from the first premolar buccally in one of P. phayrei, but from area under canine of 1nandible in 2 of P. phayrei, 4 of P. francoisi and 2of P. cristatus; 5) m. risorius, similar to the general feature of the Old World monkeys, is absent; 6) m. depressor labii inferiors is absent. ln Cercopi the coidea, Cercopi the dae has this muscle generally, but absent in Colobidae; 7) m. corrugator superecilii continues partly with m. orbito-auricularis, but not in l of P. phayre1 and P. cristatus; 8) m. helicis major is present. A few ofthem have this muscle in primates; 9) Muscles of the scalp originate from forehead and occipi-tal areas, which, similar [o those in Cercopi the coidea, consist of two laytrs.There exist three layers in occipital area, the primary feature, in P. entellus.