A dermatoglyphic study of the Hui Nationality in Bozhou area of Anhui, China
Hua Zhaohe, Liu Birong, Guo Hua, Hou Jikun
1992, 11(04):
512 )
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The normal values of dermatoglyphic parameters obtained from determination of in Bozhou area of Anhui were reported. Total samples of Hui nationality were 400 peopie ingood health comprising 200 males and 200 fenales, aged 12 -69 years. The results obtained from total samples are as follows:
1. Frequencies of finger patterns W^8, W^4, L^u, L^r, A^s and A^t(%±Sp) are 38.48±10.77, 6.68±0.39, 49.88 ±0.79, 2.38±0.24, 2.03± 0.22 and 0.58 ±0.11 respectively. The whols of malesare more abundant than that of females (p<0.01), while the loops and arches have greater frequencies in females than in males (p<0.01).
2. Furuhata's index Dankmeije's index, pattern intensity index and pattern Coefficients are 86.41, 5.76, 14.31 and 46.36 respectively.
3. Mean total finger ridge count (TFRC) is 146.23±37.72 in males and 131.34±45.37 infemales (The method of dermatoglyphic study cooperative group of China). And TFRC is hi-gher number in males than in females (p < 0.01).
4.The palmar ridge counts of a---b, b--c, c--d, a--d and t--d are 37.12±5.48, 26.25±5.11, 34.57 ±17.24, 85.13±15.87 and 89.80±12.30 respectively. Thepalmar ridge transversalcount (а--bRC, b--cRC, c--dRC and a--dRC) in left hands is greater than in right hands.while palmar ridge longitudinal count (t--dRC) in left hand is smaller than in right hands.
5. Main line A terminations I type, III type and V type are 11.75%, 77.50% and 10.75% respectively. The majority of main line A are oblique. Main line B terminations III type, Vtype, VII type and IX type are 8.38%, 69.00%, 21.63% and 1.00% respectively. Main line Bterminates commonly in the ulnar side. 'The frequency of main line C is the highest in the ul-nar side (64.00%), and next in radial side (18.25%). Abortive of main line C is 12.38%, an?absence of main line C is 5.38%, abortive is higher than absence. Main line D terminationsVII type, lX type and XI type are 39.87%, 37.00% and 23.13% respectively. The frequency ofmain line T is highest in the XIlI type (87.63%), and next in XI type (11.75%), abortive andabsence of main line T are 0.13% and 0.50% respectively. Main line T terminates all in the ra-dial side of hands. The most common main line formula (order T. D. C. B. A.)are
6. Mean value of atd angle is 40.50±4.69, females is higher than males (p < 0.01).
7. Mean TPD is 17.34t6.22, females is higher than males (p< 0.01).
8. Frequency of true patterns of palmar thenar and first inter digitalarea(Th/I1) is7.75%, frequencies of true patterns in I2, I3, I4 and I3_4 are 1.00%, 19.25%, 69.75% and 14.00%in both sexes respectively. Frequency of true patterns of palmar hypothenar (Hy) is 15.00%.
9. Frequencies of palmar normal flexion crease, transitional 1 type, transitional 1I type,simian line (single flexion crease) and Sydney type are 82.63%, 9.50%, 2.38%, 3.25% and 2.25%respectively.
10. The differences between sexes, left and right hands, and different nationalities and races were compared. The results showed that he finger and palmar patterns of Hui nationality in Bozhou area of Anhui have their own fe ture, and showed general character to the Mongoloid.