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    15 December 1992, Volume 11 Issue 04
    A taxonomy of Javan Hominid mandibles
    Donald E. Tyler
    1992, 11(04):  285-291. 
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    Pathological diagnoses of human bones of the Bronze Age in Jiuquan County, Gansu Province
    Zheng Xiaoying
    1992, 11(04):  300-302. 
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    The Bronze Age skeletons excavated from the Ganguya cemetery in Jiuquan County, GansuProvince were examined for signs of pathology by X-ray. Results indicate the presence of possible echi nococcus disease around 4000 B.P. In one crania we were able to demonstrate bony lesion which may indicate the presence of 3 possible diseases:
    (1) Hand Schüller-Christian's disease.
    (2) Eosinophilic granuloma of bones.
    (3) The metastases of kidney carcinoma.
    We also found that these people suffered from osteoporosis at a younger age than modern populations, at the same time we found many bones containing fluor ination disease, which maybe related to local environment which contained high leve1 of fluorine.
    Cercopithecid fossils discovered in Yunnan and its stratigraphical significance
    Pan Yuerong, Peng Yanzhang, Zhang Xingyong, Pan Ruliang
    1992, 11(04):  303-311. 
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    A fragment of mandible with right P3--M3 was collected from the Jiangchuan, Yunnan asa new species, Macaca jiangchuanensis sp. nov.. Macaca arctoides, and Presbytis cf.phayrei from the Baoshan, Yunnan, early Holocene, are also described in this paper.
    The diagnosis of the new species is tentatively given as following: An early Pleistocene macaque, smaller than that of Procynocephalus wimani. The mandibular corpus is high and thick.The distance between the anterior and posterior cusps are compressed in the lower molars. The M2 and M3 are relatively larger than the M1 when compared with Rhinopithecus (M·) lantian-ensis and Macaca robusta. The wear condition is intermediate between Macaca and Rhinopi-thecus. The talonid fovea of the P4 is lower. The mandibular ramus is more vertical.
    The upper part of the mandible is robust and thick, its lower part becomes slender. On the lingual side, the sublingualis and mylohyoid lines below the Ms run obliquely to the spina mentalis and the fossa digastrica, respectively. There is a mental foramen below the P4. The buccal walls of the thick enamels are inflated. The buccal cusps are heavily worn, whilethe lingualcusps are just worn, different from the wear pattern of Macaca robusta or Rhinopithecus (M.)lantianensis.
    The Jiangchuan mandible can be distinguished from Procynocephalus wimani in that theformer is smaller in size and shows more characters of Macaca. The mandiblular ramus is morevert?cally oriented the Pч is less molariform. The contact facet between the crown is buccally situated.
    By comparison with Rhinopithecus (M.) lantianensis, the Jiangchuan mandible is low(26.0<42.0 in R. (M.) lantianensis. The buccal surface of which inflated in the middle. The lowerpart of the mandibular corpus is thin; the Pa is more oblique to the post part; the distance bet-ween the anterior and posterior cusps is compressed. The sublingualis and mylohyoid lines aresimilar to that of M. thibetana. It is unlike R. (M.) lantianensis in that the dentition is small relative to the size of the mandibular corpus.
    Otherwise, it is worth mentioning that Rhinopithecus (M.) lantianensis is a special colo-bine. The buccal surface of the mandible already shows the characters of Rhinopithecus in thatthere is a thick inflation of the lower part of canine extending to the lower ridge. The P3 possesses two cusps (the protoconid and mnetaconid), like P, without its sectorial shape.
    The Jiangchuan specimen is different from M. robustus in its larger size(P.- -Ms, 50mm>40- -45mm in M. robustus). The anterior part of the jaw is more vertical and robust except the diagnostic features of the new species. So the Jiangchuan specimen links the early Macaca forms between south Asia and north China.
    Macaca arctoides and Presbytis cf. phayrei from Baoshan, Yunnan, early Holocene. Anage of 7000 B.P. was determined by radiocarbon dating.Presbytis cf.phayrei is different from the modern forms in that the distance between the anterior and posterior cusps is morecom pressed and the mandible is thinner and flat. It is significant in its geographical distribution, which seems to indicate that the leaf monkeys did not arrive in China until later Pleisto-cene-early Holocene.
    We are grateful to Dr. Nina G. Jablonski, University of Western Australia and other members of the Primate research group of the Kunming Zoology Institute for their sincere help and to the field team of the Yunnan Provincial Museum and Yuxi region,Jiangchuancounty Museum for their collection. The paper was supported by a grant from the Program ofthe National Academy of Sciences.
    A study on sex difference of adult skull of the Northeast China by Fourier Transform
    Li Chunbiao, Sun Eryu
    1992, 11(04):  312-318. 
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    The sex difference of mid-sagittal frontal arc was quantitatively analyzed in present paper. The samples used in this study are dried alult skulls of known sex and known age in thenortheast China. The mid-sagittal frontal arc is expressed with Fourier Series by Fouriet Trans-form. The discriminant function (DF) for sex determination was devised by means of multi-ple stepwise discriminant analysis. As a result, the predictive rate is 90.10%. Blind test on 31known sex skulls showed that the accuracy ra es were 84.21% for 19 males and 82.33% for 12 females. The study indicated that the age and size of skull have no effect on the sex diagnosis.by this method.
    A dermatoglyphic study of the Hui Nationality in Bozhou area of Anhui, China
    Hua Zhaohe, Liu Birong, Guo Hua, Hou Jikun
    1992, 11(04):  319-329. 
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    The normal values of dermatoglyphic parameters obtained from determination of in Bozhou area of Anhui were reported. Total samples of Hui nationality were 400 peopie ingood health comprising 200 males and 200 fenales, aged 12 -69 years. The results obtained from total samples are as follows:
    1. Frequencies of finger patterns W^8, W^4, L^u, L^r, A^s and A^t(%±Sp) are 38.48±10.77, 6.68±0.39, 49.88 ±0.79, 2.38±0.24, 2.03± 0.22 and 0.58 ±0.11 respectively. The whols of malesare more abundant than that of females (p<0.01), while the loops and arches have greater frequencies in females than in males (p<0.01).
    2. Furuhata's index Dankmeije's index, pattern intensity index and pattern Coefficients are 86.41, 5.76, 14.31 and 46.36 respectively.
    3. Mean total finger ridge count (TFRC) is 146.23±37.72 in males and 131.34±45.37 infemales (The method of dermatoglyphic study cooperative group of China). And TFRC is hi-gher number in males than in females (p < 0.01).
    4.The palmar ridge counts of a---b, b--c, c--d, a--d and t--d are 37.12±5.48, 26.25±5.11, 34.57 ±17.24, 85.13±15.87 and 89.80±12.30 respectively. Thepalmar ridge transversalcount (а--bRC, b--cRC, c--dRC and a--dRC) in left hands is greater than in right hands.while palmar ridge longitudinal count (t--dRC) in left hand is smaller than in right hands.
    5. Main line A terminations I type, III type and V type are 11.75%, 77.50% and 10.75% respectively. The majority of main line A are oblique. Main line B terminations III type, Vtype, VII type and IX type are 8.38%, 69.00%, 21.63% and 1.00% respectively. Main line Bterminates commonly in the ulnar side. 'The frequency of main line C is the highest in the ul-nar side (64.00%), and next in radial side (18.25%). Abortive of main line C is 12.38%, an?absence of main line C is 5.38%, abortive is higher than absence. Main line D terminationsVII type, lX type and XI type are 39.87%, 37.00% and 23.13% respectively. The frequency ofmain line T is highest in the XIlI type (87.63%), and next in XI type (11.75%), abortive andabsence of main line T are 0.13% and 0.50% respectively. Main line T terminates all in the ra-dial side of hands. The most common main line formula (order T. D. C. B. A.)are
    6. Mean value of atd angle is 40.50±4.69, females is higher than males (p < 0.01).
    7. Mean TPD is 17.34t6.22, females is higher than males (p< 0.01).
    8. Frequency of true patterns of palmar thenar and first inter digitalarea(Th/I1) is7.75%, frequencies of true patterns in I2, I3, I4 and I3_4 are 1.00%, 19.25%, 69.75% and 14.00%in both sexes respectively. Frequency of true patterns of palmar hypothenar (Hy) is 15.00%.
    9. Frequencies of palmar normal flexion crease, transitional 1 type, transitional 1I type,simian line (single flexion crease) and Sydney type are 82.63%, 9.50%, 2.38%, 3.25% and 2.25%respectively.
    10. The differences between sexes, left and right hands, and different nationalities and races were compared. The results showed that he finger and palmar patterns of Hui nationality in Bozhou area of Anhui have their own fe ture, and showed general character to the Mongoloid.
    Measurements between some facial landmarks in 3192 individuels of adolecents and children in Sichuan
    Shi You, Kang Zhongshu, Zhu Xiaoping et al.
    1992, 11(04):  330-337. 
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    This paper presents measurements of 8 distances between several landmarks of the faceand two indices of 3192 individuals of adolescents and children in Sichuan. The figure of the measurement between ectocanthion and otobasion superius and other 4 measurements are re-ported in this paper for the first time in China. There are significant sexual differences inmost of the age groups. The distances increas1ng with age during growth are shown in the figures.
    A study of the genetic polymorphism of haptoglobin in the Guilin population
    Zeng Xianding, Zhang Zhigang
    1992, 11(04):  338-344. 
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    By means of vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis this article deals with the Hpphenotypes of 918 individuals in the Guilin population. The common phenotype frequencies ofHp occurring in the Guilin population are as follows: Hpl-1 0.121; Hp2-2 0.425; Hp2-1 0.439and Hp0 0.0153. The gene frequencies of Hp^1 and Hp^2were0.340 and 0.644, respectively.Besides these four common Hp types some variants have also been discovered,namely, 2-1(Haw), 2-1J, 2-H, C-1 and 2-Z. Among them, the variants of C-1 and 2-Z were not available in the literature. The frequencies of various phenotypes of Hp occurring in males and fe-males are as follows: Hp1-1, (male) 0.101, (female)0.135; Hp2-1, (male)0.475, (female)0.409; Hp2-2, (male)0.405, (female)0.446and Hp0, (male)0.020, (female)0.010. It was also noted that the gene frequencies of Hp^1 occurring in different age groups (15--24, 25--34, 35--66)are basically the same.
    Palaeoliths from Dafa, Yuci, Shanxi
    Li Zhuangwei, Wang Zhigang
    1992, 11(04):  345-353. 
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    The materials described in this paper came from Dafa locality at Yuci county, Shanxi Province in North China. This locality was found in 1980 and excavated in 1990. The collection includes stone artifacts and mammal fossils. All of them were unearthed from the front margin of the second terrace.
    The stone artifacts, totaling 700, mainly made of chert, quartzite, silicoblades, flake sand tools. The tools consist of scrapers, end scrapers, points, burins and bores elc. The scrapers include single edged scraper, double edged scraper and multiside scraper.
    According to the study of statigraphy, mammal fossils and stone artifacts, the age of Dafa locality probably belongs to upper Pleistocene or late Paleolithic, this discovery provide simportant material to study the origin and development of typical late Paleolithic tradition in North China.
    Preliminary microwear studies on archaeological stone artifacts
    Hou Yamei
    1992, 11(04):  354-361. 
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    This article describes a series of trial nicrowear studies on some archaeological flint artifacts from the Peking Man site and the Maanshan site in south China. 20 pieces were chosen for observation under the scanning electron microscope and preliminary results are discussed here.
    Except 3 specimens, on which no use-wear traces were observed, and which were probably not utilized, 10 artifacts including 6 flakes and 4 retouched tools from the PekingMan site were observed to have been utilized, Among 14 edges, some of them were retouched; there are6 cases of multiple uses. For 7 specimens from the Ma'anshan site which belongs to the upper paleolithic period in south China, none of them appear to have been put to multiple uses.
    Concerning activities and worked- -materials that these tool were used on, a comparisou from microwear analysis shows similarities and differences between the two sites:
    Common Activities: scraping, whittling, cutting.
    Common Worked- -material: wood, bone, antler, meat.
    Differences:Peking Man Site: Ma'anshan Site
    Activities:sawing· chopping, wedging, carving.
    Worked- materials: fish(?), hide, fat, antler ... ...
    Analysis of the stone artifacts from the two sites suggests that wood working is a common activity at both sites, moreover, artifacts from the Peking Man site show evidence of having been used to work all types of material also seen at the Maanshan site. But the latter site shows more kinds of activities.
    On the basis of microwear analysis, some preliminary conclusions can be reached: no matter whether the artifacts are primary flakes or retouched pieces, they are not limited to unitary forms of utilization. The fact that use- wear was observed on all flakes chosen from the PekingMan site gives further evidence to surpport the statement that flakes were heavily utilized at thesite. Some stone artifacts of one type appear to have been put to multiple uses by Peking Man.Whereas, there seems to have been a tendency towards division of artifacts into specialized types at the Ma’anshan site.
    A survey of body tuorbillion in Han children
    Cheng Huilong, Zheng Jin'e, Yang Haiwang, You Huimin
    1992, 11(04):  362-363. 
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    A survey on consanguineous marriage among Xibo people in Liaoning Province
    Yin Jiaoyang, Su Xiaoping
    1992, 11(04):  364-364. 
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    Study on GENE frequency of EsD and PGM1 in Buryatia Mongolians and Eastern Mongolians in Inner Mongolia
    Liu Mu, Xie Liping, Shen Shuping, Li Jun
    1992, 11(04):  365-366. 
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    The influence of long-term high fluoride environment on physique
    Huang Tiezhu, Guo Guorong, Xiang Shixiao
    1992, 11(04):  367-368. 
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    Dermatoglyph and athlete selection
    Shao Ziyuan
    1992, 11(04):  369-374. 
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    News and activities
    1992, 11(04):  375-375. 
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