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    15 September 1993, Volume 12 Issue 03
    A study on the stone artifacts from 54:100 site in Dingcun region
    Zhang Senshui
    1993, 12(03):  195-213. 
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    This baper describes main results of the study on the stone artifacts form 54 : 100 site at.Dingcun region of Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province found in 1954.The 255 pieces stone artifacts are mainly found from layer 8 of the site. These specimens make up S5.69% of the as-semblage (see table 1).The detailed classification of the artifacts is shown in table 2 and 5.
    On the basis of measurements and statistic analysis of theartifacts, some main characters of the assemblage are as follows:
    1. Most artifacts are small or medium in size,small artifacts of them make up higher percentage. Small flakes (lengty,width and thickness less than 1 10mm)make up 65.38 %of the total flakes and small tools (length ,width and thickness less than 90mm)make up 41.02% of the total tools (see table 3 and 6).
    2. Direct percussion was used in flaking and trimming. The core was not prepared before producing flake and was handled in the hand for producing flake by hard hammer stone inmost cases.
    3. Triangular and trapezoid flake and flake- -biade are more common and their dorsal surfaces usually show one longitudinal ridge or y ridge. Though there are some flakes with mulit--ridges and multi--scars on the dorsal surface, most of them are planed on the dorsal surface .These indicate that flaking was done according to certain procedure and the flaking technique approached contemporaneous level in North China.
    4. The used flakes without retouching are rare.
    5. The blanks of the tool were heterogencous (see table 5)and were mainly made on the flake (make up 71.79% of the total tool). The long tools of higher percentage (74.36% )indicatethe selectivity in manufacturing tools.
    6. The tools include scrapers ,pointed tools and graver .Single edged ,side edged and con-vex edged scrapers constitute the main type of tools.
    7.Though the tools are trimmed by some mode of direct percussion, the main mode for trimming tool is on the dorsal surface (see table 5).The tools are crudely retouched .The edgesare more obtuse and edge angle is commonly between 60- -75 degrees. The edges of most specimens are in good condition and are not damaged by usage, so they seemed to be not used.
    According to the general characters of artifacts the assemblage is closely related to thosefound in Dali Man site, xujiayao site and Banjingzi site as well as "Sinanthro pus Culture" and Shuyu Culture thus they should belong to the same cultural traditon.The assemblage found in54 : 100 site in Dingcun region is an important member of the paleolithic main industry and isone of the links in the paleolithic development of North China.
    On the division of the Upper Palaeolithic Industries of China
    Li Yanxian
    1993, 12(03):  214-223. 
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    The present author pays attention to that the blank, technology and type of the stone :artifacts play a leading role in determining and grouping the industrial patterns in China.Based on this idea,the Upper Palaeolithic industries of China can be grouped into four principal series of more or less parallel development, i.e. blade series, microblade series,flake with null platform series and flake proper one.
    In view of technology and typology, the stone industries of Upper Palaeolithic of China comprise both inheritance and development simultaneously.
    The emergence of the polymorphism and complexity of the Upper Palaeolithic industries of China may relate to the geologico-geographical condition and the unbalance of inheritance and development in technology and typology.
    On the cultural relics and archaeological features of the Lower Paleolithic Site at Cenjawan Village
    Xie Fei, Li Jun
    1993, 12(03):  224-234. 
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    The results of excavation at Cenjiawan site in 1986 had been published on Acta Anthropologica Sinica, Vol. IX, No. 3 in 1990. In laboratory we found that many artifacts re-ported in that article can be joined together . All artifacts come only from 20 pieces of stone blocks. Most of the broken bones show signs of serious weathering and few of them exhibit the gnawing marks of carnivores and the cut marks of prehistoric man. Another excavation was carried out in the spring of 1992, 486 pieces of artifacts and 206 pieces of bones are obtained in the area of twenty square meters. According to the analysis of the information we can draw a conclusion by deduction: This is an open air site for making stone tools, butchering and eating.The prehistoric human group using this site is small. The site may belong to the original burial pattern. The artifacts are simply and roughly manufactured.
    Study on the difference of this skeletal maturity assessed by three kinds of methods
    Sun Dianjun, Wang Zhongxu, Gao Ben
    1993, 12(03):  235-240. 
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    Tanner--Whitehouse( TW2 )method, the Atlas method and Scorring system ( Li Guozhen ) skeletal age assessments were made in the school children sample of 275 males and 278 females aged 7--12 years in the Northern Chinese city of Harbin. The accuracy of skeletal age assessed respectively by three kinds of methods was compared each other. Wefound that Tanner-White house method was not fit for assessment of skeletal maturity onthe Northern Chinese school children of Han nationality. The Tanner- -White house skeletal ages were markedly greater than the corresponding chronological ages. The scorring systen( Li Guozhen ) skeletal ages were similar to the chronological ages as were Harbin Atlas skeletal ages.
    A chemical element analysis of Bronze Age human femurs in China
    Zheng Xiaoying
    1993, 12(03):  241-250. 
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    Twenty-two chemical elements in human femurs of the late Bronze Age were deter-mined by ICAP. They are ferrum(Fe), zincum(Zn), cuprum(Cu), fluorum(F), selenium(Se), calcium(Ca), phosphorum(P), niccolum(Ni), beryllium(Be), manganum(Mn), magnesium(M g),strontium(Sr), molybdanium(Mo), yttrium(Y), chromium(Cr), cobaltum(Co), titanium(Ti), aluminium(Al), baryum(Ba), kalium(K), scandium(Sc), vanadium(V). This analysis established China's consult system of chemical elements analysis for ancient human bones. Results indicated that twenty of these chemical element, barely difered between the sexes. Only Co and Ti showed some differences. The content of some elements such Y, K, Cu, Sr, Ba and Se varied greatly with age. The contents of food-related elements were larger relatively for age but smaller for sex. The Sr, Zn, Mg and Mo con-tent in the Bone decreased as age increased. The Zn content of bone in children was very low, while it was the highest during puberty. On the other hand the Cu content of child renwas high, and decreased with age, it began to increase again around age of 40. Ca content began to decrease from the age of 40, yet tended to increase from the age of 50. This phe-nomenon may be related to com petition in a bsorption between Ca and Sr. There were no obvious rules regulating this shift for Mg and Zn. The late Bronze Age levels of Cu, Sr and Mo were higher than those of the early period, but Ca, on the other hand, trended to decrease. The Sr content among the ancient inhabitants of the Ganguya cemetery was high,but that of Cu and Zn was low. The value of Sr / Ca was higher than that in modern populations, but far lower than that in prehistoric ones. These results reveal that the ancient inhabitants in Ganguya primarily ate plant products with only a small amount of meats. In the later period the kinds of foods became more varied. The content of elements such as Cu,Mo, Sr and Ca was higher in varying degree than in early periods. We suggest that people began to cultivate plants such as beans and cereals or, alternatively people had discovered and were eating more kinds of wild beans and cereals.
    Adenylate kinase polymorphism in nine Han subpopulations and four minorities in China
    Hu Jiaoyu, Zhang Zhi, Du Ruofu
    1993, 12(03):  251-254. 
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    By using starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining method, the polymorphism of adeny late kinase-1(AK 1) was investigated in nine Han subpopulations and four minorities. In all of the thirteen subpopulations studied , the frequency of AK1 * 2 is less than 0.01 and far lower than that of AK1 * 1. The values of AK1 * 2 were:060096 for Lanzhou Han, 060023 for Zhengzhou Han, 0.0024 for Xi'an Han, 0.0024 for Qiang ethnic group, and it iszero in Chengdu Han, Harbin Han, Guiyang Han and Hakka in Guangdong Province, aswell as in Hani ,Yao, Bouyei ethnic groups. One case of phenotype AK1 * 2--2 was ob-served in Lanzhou Han subpopulation and this is the first case observde among Chinese.
    The distribution of red cell blood groups in Hakkas
    Hao Luping, Du Ruofu
    1993, 12(03):  255-263. 
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    The distribution of red cell blood group systems, including ABO, MNSs, Rh, Kidd,Duffy, Dicgo, Xg, Lewis and P was investigated on 200 healthy Hakka students whose parents and grandparents are Hakkas too. The frequencies of 14 alleles and 11 haplotypes of10 blood group loci showed that the gene frequencies S(0.02S0), NS(0), P(0.0917) and Fy'(0.0300) in Hakka appeared to be the lowest among Han subpopulations. Other gene frequencies were as follows: r= 0.6632, p= 0.1863, q= 0.1505; m= 0.5250, n= 0.4750,MS= 0.0250, Ms= 0.5000, Ns= 0.4750, s= 0.9750; C= 0.6575, D= 1 .0000, E= 0.1515,CDe= 0.6226, cDE= 0.1200, cDe= 0.2189, CDE= 0.0389; Jk^a= 0.4642, Jk^b= 0.4881,Jk= 0.0477; Fy^a= 0.9700; Di^a= 0.0202, Di^b = 0.9798; Xg^a= 0.3633, Xg = 0.6367; P2= 0.9083.A Jk(a-b-) type was found. At the same time, no MNS, NS, NSs, CCDEE, CcDEE,Fy(a-) and Rh,(-) types were observed. Thc Lewis system showed the following phenotypedistribution: Le(a+b-) 29 (14.5% ), Le (a+b+) 2 (1.0% ), Le(a-b+) 67 (33.5% ) and Le(a-b-) 102 (51.0%).
    The genetic distance between Hakka and 19 populations in China showed that theHakka is genetically closc to Han in Fujian and Guizhou, Miao in Hunan and Dong inGuangxi, and quite close to Han in Henan, Heilongjang, Shaanxi, Shanghai and Shezu inFujian. At the same time, the Hakka is genetically far from Han in Inner M ongolia andGansu, as well as Zhuang and Yao in Guangxi, Yi in Sichuan, Bai in Yunnan and Man inLiaoning, and has the farthest genetic distance with Li and Miao in Hainan, and Tujia inHunan.
    On the white line of the fingerprint of the man and the Han Nationalities in Liaoning
    Zhuang Zhenxi, Gao Xiuzhen
    1993, 12(03):  264-268. 
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    In this paper the white ilne of fingerprint ( WL ) of 1060 cases ( Man: 460, Han:600; males and females all half ) of the Man and Han nationalities were studied. The frequcnce of the WL of the Man and Han peoples is 7.11 % and 31.73% .The results showed that WL different groups of peoples have their own features. Comparisons were made in sex and hand differences.
    The dermatoglyphic study of hand-prints of Uzbek Nationality in China
    Zhang Zhizhong, Sai Ya'er, Wang Zhengguo et al,
    1993, 12(03):  269-272. 
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    The sampls of 600 males and 600 females are of Uzbek nationaliy in Xin jiang, China.The dermatoglyphic study of hand-print characteristics includes a -b count, atd angles. TDP value, TFRC value and mainline index, the frequencies of finger patterns and occurrences of the real patterns on palmar area.
    Dermatoglyphics of Tibetan. Macaques Macaca thibetana
    Deng Ziyun, Zhao Qikun, Tian Yunfen
    1993, 12(03):  273-282. 
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    Dermatoglyphics study of Tibetan macaques was taken from 37 individuals from Mt.Emei ( 10 females and 8 males) and Leibo County (7 females and 12 males), Sichuan. The prints were very similar to those reported for other species of the genus.The finger--and--toc--tip prints were almost the primitive; in the palm, the prints were chiefly the loops (L) and open fields on the thenar (T) and hypothenar (H) and whorls (W) on the interdigitals I--IV; in the sole, the prints were mainly L on T, H and I- -II, and W on II-IV.There were some differences in palm II-IV and sole III-IV between the left and the right.The patterns of interdigital I in the palm significantly differed in males and females. Com-pared with other species, it is worth noting that the appearance of double arches and the absence of the arch in sole IV. Difference between the two sample groups was specified in Tin palm, and I in both palm and sole, which may be related to the geographic isolation.
    Observation on the morphology of human teeth in Neolithic Age in Miaozigou, Caiyouqianqi, Inner Mongolia
    Zhu Hong; Zhou Lichen; Hou Guihua
    1993, 12(03):  283-284. 
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    A study of skull sutural bones unearthed in Northeast China
    Han Xiangjun
    1993, 12(03):  285-286. 
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    Analysis of correlative factors of mandible angle of modern people in South China
    Ding Xifan, Mo Shitai
    1993, 12(03):  287-290. 
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    The distribution of ABO, MN, P and Rh blood types in Uygur, Kazak and Mongolian in Xinjiang
    Xu Yuhe; Zhang Yili; Ai Qionghua
    1993, 12(03):  291-293. 
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    Investigation on taste ability of phenylthiourea in 545 cases of Manchu in Jilin Province
    He Xin; Han Xiangjun; Sun Zhenguo; Wu Zhen; Feng Limin
    1993, 12(03):  294-296. 
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