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    15 June 1993, Volume 12 Issue 02
    Hominoid teeth from Leilao in Yuanmou, Yunnan
    Jiang Chu, Xiao Lin, Li Jianming
    1993, 12(02):  97-102. 
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    Five teeth of the early Pliocene hominoid were collected at a new fossil locality Leilao village in Yuanmou, Yunnan in 1989 and 1990. The teeth are divided into two kinds according tosize, the specimens of small type are left C (YM · 201), left P_3 (YM · 202) and right M, (YM · 203); the specimens of big type are 1eft M^2(YM . 204) and left M^3(YM . 205).
    A comparative study of the teeth showed that the small and big ones could represent the female and male of a single species respectively. They are very similar to the hominoid teeth from Xiaohe and Zhupeng, Y uanmou in morphology and size, therefore, the hominoids of these three localities are considered as belonging to the same morphological type. It probably belongs to Family Pongidae and Genus Sivapithecus. M any morphological features of Leilao teeth are close to those of the hominoids from Keiyuan and Lufeng, Yunnan (Dryopithecus keiyuanensisand Lufengpithecus), but Leilao teeth are different from those of K eiyuan and Lufeng hominoids in some important features, so they are considered as belonging to different species.
    Morphological variation of dentition in two ancient inhabitants China
    Zhang Zhenbiao
    1993, 12(02):  103-112. 
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    Of late years, many scholars have paid great attention to the morphological study of dental variations. They believe that non- -metric dental traits of modern human populations reflect not simply phenotypic plasticity but also genetic change.
    In the present study, the author described the morphological variations in two ancient inhabitants represented by the skulls from Bronze Age in Changyang county and Bei Weidy nasty in Datong city. Fifteen discrete characters of the dentition were observed. Based on these findings, the relationship between the ancient inhabitants and neighbouring populations in biological character was discussed.
    The findings of the present study indicated that the variations of dentition were existed clearly in ancient Chinese as the modern human populations. From the comparison andanalysis, the author found that the dental anthropological pattern in Bronze- Age and BeiWei Dynasty belongs to the same type "Sinodonty". However, the former in minor dental morphology is similar to the Southeast A sia(Sundadonty) and the latter is similar to the Northeast Asia(Sinodonty).
    Preliminary report on the excavation of Panxian Dadong, a Paleolithic cave-site in Guizhou Province
    Si Xinqiang, Liu Jun, Zhang Hangang, Yuan Chengwu
    1993, 12(02):  113-119. 
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    A lot of mammalian fossils, more than 1300 pieces of stone artifacts, several pieces of human teeth which remain to be examined, and other cultural indications shch as charcoal, burntbone and ash were collected from 80m' excavated area of a cave-site named 'Dadong '(literally'Grand Cave ) during the first excavation from A pril to May, 1992. The deposits inside the cavebwhere yielded fossils and cultural relics consist of clay, sandy clay, sandy, fragments of liestone, breccia and stalactite. It covers an area of roughly 8000m^2 and is about 19 m thicknear the cave-mouth. The mammalian fossils include 40 species and belong to the Ailuropoda--Stegodon fauna. It indicates the upper Middle and lower Upper Pleistocene temporally. The stone artifacts made of chert, basalt and other rock consist of cores, flakes,tools and debris. The categories of tool include side-scraper, end-scraper, notch, borer, handaxe, chopper, hammerstone and anvil. Direct percussion technique was used commonly in flaking and retouching, and the prepared-core technique was shown in many specimens.
    China as a center for early animal domestication
    Stanley J.Olsen
    1993, 12(02):  120-125. 
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    The paleontological as well as the archeological record in China is unique in that there is adequate evidence of hominid association with most of the animals that we know today as domesticates beginning at very early dates.
    During the last few years advances have been made with studies of the dog, horse, camel,water buffalo, cattle,yak ,sheep, goat, pig, and chicken in China. One drawback is that by the time most domestic animals can be dated by recorded history they are quite advanced as domesticates and are quite similar osteologicaly to their modern counterparts.
    Generally ádvanced domestic animals are accompanied by equipment that is associated with domestication. Horse burials are associated with metal bits, bridles or other harness trap-pings. Not so with camels or yaks. Wooden nose pins replace bits in the former and juniper rings, also placed through the noses of the animals, are used with the latter.
    The morphological changes in animal skeletons from wild through time to domestic are so gradual that it is only at the beginning and end of this process that the subtle changes are in evi-
    Paleolithic cultural sites were discovered in Fusong, Jilin province
    Wang Wenxing
    1993, 12(02):  129-129. 
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    A survey on growth and development of children and adolescents of Kazak Nationality
    Ai Qionghua, Xiao Hui, Xu Yuhe et ul.
    1993, 12(02):  130-136. 
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    Anthropometry was carried out among 2 604 K azak 'students including 1 333 males and1 271 females, from 7- 20 years of age in Yili district of Xinjiang, in 1991 ,and some markers of growth and development of children and adolescents were obtained. The results showed that there was remarkable difference between males and females after 14 years. The increase of body height of males was quicker than that of females but the peaks of growth and development were at 12 years for femals and 14 years for males.
    Anthropological survey on the Mongolian Tuerhute Tribe in He Shuo County, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
    Wang Jinglan, Shao Xingzhou, Cui Jing et al.
    1993, 12(02):  137-146. 
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    A physical anthropological survey was made in July 1990 on the Tuerhute tribe of Mongols, including 94 males and 55 females. The age ranges are from 20 to 58. All their parents and grandparents belong to the Tuerhute tribe.
    the results of the survey are summarized as follows;
    1. The physical characteristics of the Tuerhute Mongols.
    The Tuerhute M ongols has features of the North Asian type of Mongoloid race. The hair is straight in form and black in color. The Mongoloid fold appears in high percentage. A ccording to five different indices(eu--eu/ g-op, auricular height/ g-op, auricular height/ eu--eu, n-gn/ zy--zy and nasal breath/nasal height), most of the individuals belong to brachycephaly, hypsicephaly, acrocephaly, euryprosopy and mesoprosopy, leptorrhiny.
    The mean stature of males is 1673 mm, and that of females is 1 564mm.
    2. The relationship of the Tuerhute Mongols and other nationalities.
    The results of comparison with 33 other nationslities reveal that the Tuerhute tribe is most closely related to the Kazakh, Uighur and other nationalities in Xinjiang, and is also closely related to nationalities in the Northeast, Inner M ongolia and Gansu. At the same time it is remotely related to the Benglong, Yao and other nationalities is South China.
    3. A comparison between the Tuerhute Mongols and the M ongols in Inner Mongolia. We have made 34 items of measurement for T tests between the Tuerhute and the Mongols inInner Mongolia. Difference in 21 items are highly significant, in 4 items are significant.
    Study on the morphological features of female external nose by multiple stepwise regressions
    Sun Eryu, Li Chunbiao, He Shutao et al.
    1993, 12(02):  147-152. 
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    On a series of lateral and post--anterior craniographs of 49 female (aged from 17 to 19years) from Shenyang, some morphological features of the external nose were recorded. Theirrelationship to craniometric dimensions was obtained using multiple stepwise regressions on IBM--PC1 XT computer. Difference between the actual measurement and the estimated valuebased on the regression formula for nasal breath and position of nasal tip this study is less than2mm in 77.5% and 71.43 % respectively. The study offers a method to make the reconstructionmore objective and accurate.
    Relationship between the elasticity modulus and the mineral content of the shaft of human dry femur
    Chen Gang, Xiong Zhengzhong
    1993, 12(02):  153-156. 
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    In order to clarify the relationship between the elasticity modulus (Youngs modulus) and the mineral content of the shaft of human femur, the present authors chose 18 normal male dry femurs around 40 years of age cut into 202 slices as testing samples around 5--20 mm. The mineral content of every sample was measured by the 7 ray mineral content of bone analysis apparatus and the longitudinal stress by the WE-10(A) Universal Test Machine in the elasticity limitation of femur; the change of thickness of every sample was measured by the micrometer. Then the elasticity modulus of each sample was computed. The results are as follows: the area density of mineral content of femur shaft varies from 1.3g1 cm^2 to 1.9g/ cm^2. The elasticity moduli vary directly with the mineral content under 1.8g1 cm^2 while inversely with it when above 1.9g/ cm^2.
    Finally their relationship as well as significances has been discussed.
    Serological study on the HLA polymorphism of 8 nationalities in China
    Xu Xingpei et al.
    1993, 12(02):  157-165. 
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    This report is the collaborated research project of 1 1th International Histcompatibility Workshop and Conference on the study of HLA polym orphism in 8 Chinese natinalities.
    Our results showed that Bouyei, Miao and Southern H an clustered in Chinese Southern population, Zang, M an, Mongol, Hui and Northern H an clustered in Chinese northern population. All of them belong to Mongoloid race, but the Uygur contains certain blood ties of the Caucasoid rece, as shown in the dendrogram.
    Gene frequencies of red cell blood groups and ABH secretion of Yaozu in Bama County, Guangxi
    Jin Feng, Du Ruofu, Li Huiqiong et al.
    1993, 12(02):  166-174. 
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    The distribution of 9 red- -cell blood-group systems and ABH secretion was studied on 208 Yaozu testees in Bama Yaozu A utonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In the ABO system, the percentage of phenotype 0 (60.1 %) and gene frequency r (0.7771) are very high, while the A- phenotype percentage (13.0%) and gene frequency p (0.0776) are the lowest ones observed in China. The frequency of s gene in Ss system is found also to be the lowest figure among the populations studied in China up to date. The CDe chromosome frequency (0.8146) is very high while that of cDe (0.0232) is quite low, which tallies with the characteristics of southern ethnic groups in China. In the Kidd system, in contrary to most populations in China, the Jk^a frequcncy of Yaozu (0.5649) is higher than that of Jk^b. The Xg gene frequency (0. 7469) should be considered very high. A nd the distribution of P and Duffy systems of Y aozu has some similarity to those of southern ethnic groups, while those of MN, Diego,Lewis and ABH systems do not show any evident distinguishing feature. The genetic distances and phylogenic tree obtained on the basis of gene frequencies of 15 loci of 9 ethnic groups show that the Y aozu should be included into the Mongoloids of southern--A sia type.
    The distribution of the subtypes of Group-Specific Component (Gc) of six nationalities in north China
    Yin Jiaoyang, Zhang Guiyin, Yu Shihui, Wang Xiaoming
    1993, 12(02):  175-181. 
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    The frequencies of Gc subtypes of six nationalties in north China were studied by isoelectric focusing on ultra- thin polyacrylamide gel followed by the improved sulfosalicylic acid precipitation. The gene frequencies of Gc1F in Han (Harbin) , Ewenki, Tahur, M ongolian, Oroqen and Xibo nationalities were0.4246, 0.4941, 0.4479, 0.4107, 0.4606, 0.4503; those of Gc1Swere 0.2587, 0.2936, 0.3151, 0.2798, 0.3370, 0.3035 and those of Gc2 were 0. 3065, 0.2064,0.2266, 0.3006, 0.2022, 0.2388, respectively. In addition, 16 persons who had rare variant alleles of Gc (1A2, 1A6, 1A7 lA9, 1C2, 1C3, 1C4, 1C10, 2A) were found in five nationalitties.
    Human fossils were discovered in Daqiaotun, Yushu,Jilin
    Yi Songling
    1993, 12(02):  181-181. 
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    Wedge splitting technology, groove splitting technology and engraver
    Lin Shenglong
    1993, 12(02):  182-193. 
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