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    15 March 1994, Volume 13 Issue 01
    Studies of artifacts from Shangya Cave, Shandong Province
    Huang Yunping
    1994, 13(01):  1-95. 
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    The paper described the quartz artifacts found in Shangyan cave near the Yiyuan county seat in Shandong province in 1981.The author made some imitations of the tools and carried out experiment in scraping pig skin, cutting meat, drilling on bones and a little limestone gravel with these tools. The use-wears of the experimental samples were observed by stereomicroscope (OLYMPUS SZH-151) and electron microscope. That the stone tools from the cave have been used to cut meat and drill on bones is confirmed by comparing the use-wears on them with that of experimental samples. According to the stratigraphic analysis of the cave the artifacts belong to the late Paleolithic culture.
    A brief report on Xianrendong Cave Site, Jilin Province
    Chen Quanjia, Li Qitai
    1994, 13(01):  12-98. 
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    The Xianrendong Cave Site (E126“37’,N43“09')is situated at Yumuqiaozi town Huadian municipality, Jilin Province. It was discovered and excavated during May-June, 1991. Twelve species of mammalian fossils including Crocuta sp., 47 stone artifacts including cores, flakes, scrapers and choppers were yielded from this site. Judging from these remains, the site belongs to the upper Pleistocene or upper Paleolithic.
    Micromammal fossils from the hominoid localities of Yuanmou,Yunnan, China
    Cai Baoquan
    1994, 13(01):  20-31. 
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    The present paper discusses the age of the hominoid localities of Yuanmou based on the micromammals from these sites.
    There is only a left upper premolar of Anourosores sp. from Loc. 8801.It is larger than the corresponding tooth of A. oblonnkus Storch&Qiu, 1990 from Lufeng, Yunnan.
    An indeterminate Leporidae, represent by a fragment of upper cheek tooth from Loc. 8704 is the unique remain of Lagomorpha in the collections.
    A right M1 or M2 of Sciurotamias sp. is obtained from Loc. 8801 and its morphology can be comparable to that of the same species from Lufeng.
    Monosaulax sp. (Fig. 1) is quite common in this collection, represented by a right fragment of lower jaw with P4-M1, a left lower jaw with P4 and 16 isolated teeth from Loc. 8603, 8701, 8704, 8801 and 9001.The beaver is characterized by its subhyposodont cheek teeth and smooth surface of incisor in buccal side. Morphologically, it is close to Monosaulax sp. from Lufeng and easy to be distinguished from M.changpeiensis and M. tunguensis of North China by its larger size and higher crown.
    Six isolated teeth from Loc. 8801 and 9001 are assigned to Brachyrhizomys blacki (Fig. 2, a-f, based on their dimension and height of crown, absent posterolingual enamel lake on M3, present distinct buccal curved upper molars and anterior slant lower molars. The Yuanmou Brachyrhizomys is distinguishable from B. cf. pilgrimi of Lufeng and Siwalik, and from B. choristos of Siwalik in smaller size, and from B. punjabiensis of Indian subcontinent in much larger size. Compared with B. shansius, the Yuanmou taxon is smaller and lower crowned. It differs from the Lufeng B. nagrii in mesolophid being weaker on M2, in having a developed mesolophid and not a combination of protoconid-hypolophid on M3 and from B.tetracharax in smaller size, much weaker mesolophid on M2 and a developed mesolophid on M3.
    Size is slightly smaller and check teeth are somewhat narrower with much shorter mesolophid on M2 and poorer mure on M3 in B.micrus than in the Yuanmou form. In occlusal pattern of M2 and M3 the Yuanmou Brachyrhizomys resembles B. blacki except for its a bit larger size and more elongated M3 in the latter.
    A right M2 collected from Loc. 8701 (Fig. 2, g), differs from Brachyrhizomys blacki of Yuanmou and B. tetracharax of Lufeng in larger dimension, higher crown and in having an isolatd mesolophid, which are here interpreted as being more progressive characters than those in B.tetracharax of Lufeng. It is impossible at the moment to place this specimen into any taxon of rhizomyids for the isolated mesolophid.
    Additionally, the paper describes two fossil small mammals (Brachyrhizomys sp. and Muridae indet.) from Laoyatang southern Yuanmou basin.
    The fossil small mammals collected from the northwest part of the Yuanmou basin seem to furnish no warrant of different age for the hominoid sites. An late Miocene age (later than that of Lufeng or equivalent to late Turolian of European Mammalian Age) is assumed for hominoid localities.
    Turtle remains from Jiahu Site at Wuyang, Henan
    Ye Xiangkui, Zhang Juzhong
    1994, 13(01):  32-96. 
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    A great lot of turtle shells have been unearthed from Jiahu Site (Neolithic, Peiligang Culture Period) at Wuyang County, Henan Province by the archaeologists of Henan Provincial Antiquities Institute in 1984-1987. Besides many fragmentary shells which are determined in present paper as? Ocadia sinensis and Trionyx spp. respectively, there are more than fifty complete or partly complete shells else. Although these shells bear some small distinctions each other, the main features of them are essentially the same. They posses in common the following characters: 1) size medium; 2) carapace arched moderately; 3) neural plate seven, hexagonal mostly, short-sided behind; 4) bony bridge absent; 5) anterior and posterior lobe of plastron joined each other by hinge, movable; 6) gulo-humcral sulcus cuts entoplastron anteriorly, and humero-pectoral sulcus passes through entoplastron medially; 7) femoro-anal sulcus projects forward, middle part of it approaches to hypo-xiphiplastral suture. By these features, we identified reasonably these shells to Cuora flavomarginata which is the only species of the genus now existing in Henan Province.
    Cuora, the Asian box tortoises, is a living genus of Emydidae whose members distribute limitedly in East and Southeast Asia. For a long time, no fossil form of the genus has been recognized untill the discovery of Cuora pitheca Yeh from the Late Miocene of Lufeng, Yunnan Province in 1981.Soon after this, Hasegawa Y., a Japanese paleoherpetologist, reported his fossil of Cuora miyatai from the Middle(?)Pleistocene of Japan. Furthermore, Yeh (1983) described one fossil and several sub-fossil specimens of Cuora flavomarginata from Late Pleistocene and Neolithic (Hemudu Culture Period) of Zhejiang Province, and revised (1985) his Terrapene culturlia of Dawenkou Culture Period of Shandong Province to Cuora flavomarginata. So far, the history of the genus Cuora can therefore be written as follows: Late Miocene一Middle(?) Pleistocene一Late Pleistocene一Peiligang Culture Period一Hemudu Culture Period一Dawenkou Culture Period一Recent.
    After the description and determination of the specimens, several problems about the differentiation of shells, and the human activities appeared on the shells are briefly discussed.
    On the cranial non-metrical, traits of Zhuang Nationality in Guangzi, China
    Zhu Fangwu, Lu Weishan
    1994, 13(01):  39-45. 
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    The nonmetrical traits of Zhuang nationality in Guangxi Autonomous Region, China were surveyed on 80 adult male crania and 84 female whose name, sez, age, nationality were recorded before death. The incidences of nonmetrical traits and their sexual differences are listed in tables.
    Anthropometric study of Mongols in Xinjiang
    Ai Qionghua, Zhao Jianxin, Xiao Hui et al
    1994, 13(01):  46-55. 
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    A somatological survey on 280 adult males and 253 adult females of Mongols living in Xinpang was carried out in June 1991.The results are summarized briefly as follows:
    The hair is straight in form and black in color. The Monogoloid fold and brown eye colour are observable in most cases. The nasal root is medium. The type of cerumen is dry in most in dividuals. The average stature are 1 690mm and 1 565mm for males and females respectively. The indices show the head belonging to hypebrachycephaly, hypsicephaly and tapeinocephaly. The nasal index belongs to mesorrhiny.
    Study on physical characters of Shui Nationality
    Li Peichun, Liang Mingkang, Wu Rongmin et al.
    1994, 13(01):  56-63. 
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    A somatological survey on 407 Shui people (203 males, 201 females)living in Sandu county in Guizhou was made. Their ages ranged from 20 to 60 years. Their parents, grandparents and maternal grandparents were Shui nationality. Seventeen items of observations and 52 measurements were made. The physical characters of Shui people were summarized. On the basis of the "Rm" value and the cluster graph of kinship matrix of Shui nationality with some other nationalities, Shui is closer to Gelao, Dong, Miao, Yao, Yi, Zhuang in Guangxi and Tujia in Hunan province than to other nationalities. Shui people can he grouped under southern type in modern Chinese.
    Physical characters of Gelao Nationality in Guizhou Province
    Liang Mingkang, Li Peichun, Wu Rongmin et al.
    1994, 13(01):  64-71. 
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    A physical anthropological survey of 198 males and 187 females of Gelao nationality living in Daozhen Autonomous County, Guizhou, was made in August, 1991. Their age ranges were from 20 (female) and 22 (male) to 60 years. Fifty-three anthropometrical measurements, 18 indices and 17 items of somatoscopy were made. The physical characters of Gelao nationality summarized. The Gelao nationality is closer to the Zhuang and Li nationalities than to others, whereas it is remotely rolated to Dawoer and Xibo nationalities.
    Comparative study on physical development of Chinese Korean and Han Students in Wulanhot City
    Zheng Lianbin, Lu Shunhua, Ma Xiaolin et al.
    1994, 13(01):  72-77. 
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    The present paper reports 3 measurements of physical development (stature, body weight and chest circumference) of 873 Chinese Korean students and 1176 Han students of 7-18 years old in Wulanhot city. Four indices of physical development (stature-body weight index, stature-chest circumference index, Vervaeck index and Rohrer index) were calculated. Characteristics of physical development of the students of two nationalities were analysed. The differences between Chinese Korean students and Han students in Wulanhot city were compared.Also, the difference of Vervaeck index of Chinese Korean, urban Han of China, and Japanese students were analysed.
    Discovery and preliminary study of human skulls in Chongtang Neolithic Site in Chongzuo County,Guangxi
    Wei Boyuan, Zhong Ershun, Zhu Wen, Chen Wen
    1994, 13(01):  78-80. 
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    Soft hammer technology in Chinese and Western Paleolithic culture
    Lin Shenglong
    1994, 13(01):  83-92. 
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