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    15 June 1994, Volume 13 Issue 02
    Comparison of cranial features between early Hamo Sapiens of China and Africa
    Wu Xinzhi, Gunter Brauer
    1994, 13(02):  93-190. 
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    This paper deals with different morphological features Between early Homo Sapiens from China and Africa. Some of them are shared by the specimens from both regions but exhibit differently in morphological details; some occur in both regions in different frequencies; some could be seen only in one of these regions. In general, various features exhibit in broader morphological spectrum in Africa than in China. A tentative explanation for these phenomena has been suggested by the authors.
    Morphological features of human skulls from Quyuan River mouth, Yunzian, Hubei and their place in human evolution
    Li Tianyuan, Wang Zhenghua, Li Wensen, et al.
    1994, 13(02):  104-192. 
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    Skulls EV9001 and EV9002 were found in 1989 and 1990 respectively in the light brown sandy clay associated with mammalian fossils which include at least 18 species belonging to the South China fauna (Table 1). This site is dated as the early stage of Middle Pleistocene or even earlier.
    Skull EV9001 (Plate I)
    The vault is low. The brow ridges are thick. The supra-toral groove is shallow and wide. No obvious mid-sagittal ridge exists. Remnant of metopic suture can be seen. The orbits are quadrangular with rounded corners. The antero- lateral surface of the frontal process of the rygomatic bone faces forward. The anterior surface of the rygomatic process of the manilla is flat and faces forward, its lower margin starts from the maxillary body at a high position above the interalveolar septum between first and second molars. This margin extends horizontally lateralward then turns backward. The reconstructed pyriform orifice is low and wide. On the left side, the superior temporal line is distinct, the inferior temporal line is indistinct. The reconstructed zygomatic arch is lower than the Frankfurt Plane. The external auditory orifice is elliptical. The nasion is much indented. The post-orbital constriction is obvious. The condition of the sutures indicates this skull belonging to a middle-aged individual. The occipital torus exists. The foramen magnum is about 32.Smm long and 29.2mm wide. The remnant of the mastoid process shows that it is large and robust. The long axis of the tympanic plate forms a big angle with the sagittal plane of the skull. The mandibular fossae are deep (left, 11.0mm; right, 8.8mm). All 16 teeth are large and in situ, but are broken in different degrees. The upper incisors are vertically postioned. There is no prominent canine jugum.
    Skull EV9002 (Plate II)
    The brow ridges are robust. The medial segment of right brow ridge is 18. Imm thick. The supratoral groove is obvious. The remnant of metopic suture can be seen. The orbits are rectangular with rounded infero-lateral margin. The reconstructed pyriform orifice is narrower and higher than that of skull EV 9001. The starting point of the root of the zygomatic process of the maxilla is high. The canine fossa is shallow. A prominent canine jugum can be seen on right side. The incisors are vertically positioned. The sagittal circumference, frontal, parietal and occipital arcs are 350, 109, 112 and 129mm respectively. The occipital torus is well developed. The upper margin of the right temporal squama is convex. The parietal notch of the temporal bone is deep. The posterior branch of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone extends upward and backward and continues with the supramastoid ridge. The external auditory orifice is elliptical. It is 17.2mm medial to auriculare at left side. The mastoid process is robust. A weak eminence at the infero-posterior conrner of the parietal bone looks like an angular torus. The vault is well constricted behind the orbits. Judging from the condition of the sutures this skull represents a middle-aged individual. The parietal tuberosities are obvious. The occipital torus is well developed. The central protion of it is thicker than its lateral segments which are not continuous with the supramastoid ridges. The occipital plane connects with the nuchal plane with an angular turn. The former is obviously shorter than the latter. They are 47 and 67mm in length respectively. There is a short supratoral sulcus. The foramen magnum is 34mm long and 36.2mm wide. The mastoid process is robust. The mastoid notch is shallow and wide. The depth and sagittal diameter of left mandibular fossa are 6.5 and 21mm respectively; those for right side are 9.6 and 16.7 mm respectively. The post-glenoid process is low. No styloid process is found. The tympanic plate is thick. It forms a big angle with the sagittal plane of the skull than that in modern man. The palatal surface is uneven. The dental arch is close to parabolic in shape. The left third molar is small. M1 is much larger than M2.
    Table 5 shows that the Quyuan River Mouth (Yunxian) skulls possess most of the common morphological characters shared by other Chinese fossil humans proposed by Wu(1990) and Wu and Zhang(1978). This fact indicates that Yunxian skulls constitute one of the important links in the human evolutionary lineage of China. Yunxian skulls have similarities and dissimilarities with those of Peking Man. Judging from the morphological features, associated fauna and cultural factors Yunxian skulls are probably closer to that of Lantian than to those from Zhoukoudian.
    The morphological features of Yunzian skulls are concordant with those of Chinese fossils. This is resulted from regional continuous evolution of humans. Yunxian has some features similar to those found in Africa and Europe. This is due to the gene flow between China and those continents.
    Report on the excavation of the Sanya Hominid Site in 1992
    Hao Side, Wang Daxin, Sun Jianping et al.
    1994, 13(02):  117-194. 
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    Sanya is situated in the southern part of Hainan Province. The Sanya site is situated in Luobi cave, Luobi hill about 15km northeast of Sanya city.
    A large number of fossil animals were collected from Luobi cave; including human teeth, worked stone, bone and antler artifacts.
    1) Stratigraphy of Sanya is divided into three layers:
    a) humus
    ~~~erosional surface~~~
    b) sandy soil: containing human remains, cultural remains and animal fossils.
    ~~~erosional surface~~~
    c) sandy clay: including fossil mammals.
    2) The human teeth and cultural remains:
    A total of eleven human teeth were collected. Five of them were found by the students of Zhongshan University, another six were found by the members of the excavation team. These teeth include 1 incisor, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 6 molars. They belong to old-aged, middle-aged and young men, respectively. The morphology of the teeth are those of modern Homo Sapiens.
    Twenty-five stone artifacts were collected from the deposits. All are chipped stone artifacts, consisting of cores, flakes, choppers and scrapers. Most were made of silicarenite, but a few were made of igneous rock. The gravel articles were mainly unifacially worked, a few of them were chipped from two surfaces. Volcanic glass is the main material of igneous rock tools. There are pointed implements, scrapers, and chopper. Pointed implements and scrapers constitute approximately 70 percent of the tools of igneous rock.
    The bone artifacts were made of long bones, including bone awl and bone spatula. These were made by scraping, striking and cutting.
    3) Fauna:
    Invertebrates: Arca anadara jousseaume, Lithophaga zitteliana, Ostrea(Lopha) crenuligera, Ostrea (pycnodanda) cucullina, Aloides laevis, Tellina rugosa, Terebra sp., Conus sp., Erosaria sp., Polynices sp., Pils poliys, Semisulcospira libertina, Hippeutis umgilicalis.
    Vertebrates: Python sp., Ophidia sp., Testudo sp., Trionychidae, Phasianus sp. (large), Phasianus sp. (small), Tupaia glia madesta, Hipposideros armiger, Hipposideros sp., Rattus niviventer lotipes, Rattus sp., Dremomys rufigenis riudonemsis., Petaurista sp., Hystrix subcristata, Atherurus sp., Macaca mulatta., Hylobates sp., Selenarctos thibetanus, Mustela sibirica, Yirerra zibetha ashtoni, Viretticula indica malaccensis, Paguma larvata hainana, Palaeoloxodan sp., Sus scrofa chirodonta, Cervus uniclolr dejeani, Muntiacus muntjak nigripes, Bubalus sp., Gazella sp.
    The preliminary study of Sanya human site suggests that its characteristics of cultural remains and of fauna are similar to other cave sites of the southern mountain region of Guangxi and Guangdong. Their general characteristics are as follows:
    a) A vast amount of spiral shell presented in deposition.
    b) The fossil hominid is late Homo Sapiens and all the fossil mammals are living species.
    c) The artifacts include stone, bone, and antler articles, but no earthenware is present in the deposit.
    d) Most of the artifacts were made with direct hammer technique, and are unifacials. No polished artifacts were found.
    The above mentioned common characteristics show that the characters of the cultural remains of Sanya were not different from the coastal region of the mainland; in chronology Sanya site can be attributed to the late Palaeolithic or Neolithic, maybe it is a transitional stage-mesolithic age.
    4) Paleoenvironment of Sanya hominid and its changes: As mentioned above sea living Mollusca comprise ten species, fresh-water Mollusca three species, four Reptile species, two Aves species twenty-two mammal species were collected from Sanya site. This is the oldest site with most abundant fossil materials in Hainan.
    On the basis of analysis the fauna of Sanya was mainly composed of the animals of India-Malaya. The distinctive fauna was formed by isolated geographical condition. Later the landbridge of Qiongzhou Strait formed and the members of these animals from southern and northern China entered Hainan. The natural environment was also good for human existence.
    New Miocene primate materials in northern Egypt
    Pan Yuerong
    1994, 13(02):  125-125. 
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    The Neolithic human skulls unearthed from Miaozigou Site in Chayouqian Manner, Inner Mongolia
    Zhu Hong
    1994, 13(02):  126-196. 
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    The Neolithic human skulls studied in this paper were excavated from Miaozigou site, Chayouqian Banner, Inner Mongolia. The cranial materials (8 males and 9 females) are all adult skulls (17-50 years of age). The author described the morphological features of Miaozigou crania in some details and discussed the problems concerning the racial relationship between the Miaozigou crania and other modern and ancient crania of Asiatic Mongoloids.
    The physical characteristics of Miaozigou crania show that their racial type is mainly related to the modern Eastern Asiatic Mongoloids. In comparison with some ancient and modern crania, the Miaozigou crania are mostly similar to the crania of Yangshao Neolithic population crania, the Miaozigou crania arc mostly similar to the crania of Yangshao Neolithic population and the modern North Chinese crania.
    The histologic age determination of bone and tooth from Chongtang Neolithic Site in Chongzuo County, Guangxi
    Wei Boyuan, Zhu Wen, Zhong Ershun, Chen Wen
    1994, 13(02):  134-137. 
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    The age determination of 4 individuals from Chongtang neolithic site in Chongzuo County, Guangxi were investigated by the observation of histological specimens. Age of M02, 509, S10 were estimated 32, 17, 35 years old respectively, based on the fact that in the subperiosteal parts of midshaft of femur and tibia the number of osteons and of osteon fragments increases with increasing age. And the age of S08 is 51, based on the incremental lines of the dental cementum.
    "Zhangzhou culture" new location was found in Shizhong town, Longyan,Fujian
    Lin Tao
    1994, 13(02):  137-137. 
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    Estimation of stature based on Chinese male os coxae
    Hua Feng, Zhang Jizong, Tian Xuemei, Sun Jianjun
    1994, 13(02):  138-142. 
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    Estimation of stature was made on the basis of Chinese male dry os coxae. The sample consists of 248 couples of os coxae of known age, sex, and stature collected by the Institute of Forensic Sciences in Beijng. The measurements of os coxae include maximum height and maximum breadth of the whole bone and the height and breadth of ilium, length of ischium, pubie length, length and breadth of obturator foramen, greatest diamater of acetabulum, maximum ischiopubic length, minimum ilium breadth, maximum length of auricular surface. The regression formulae and multiple linear regression formmlae for the estimation of stature are highly significant statistically. These formulae have been tested on an independent sample. The result of blind test showed that the method of stature estimation with os coxae was useful for physical anthropology and forensic medicine in Chinese males.
    District distribution of stature in Chinese youth
    Tang Xilin, Wang Zhiqiang, Wang Dongmei
    1994, 13(02):  143-148. 
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    Based on the nationwide data of 1985, a map of stature distribution among rural Chinese youth from 28 provinces in China is made by the method of ranking and referring to other data. The results show: (1) There is a tendency in whole country that the statures are higher in north than those in south. More precisely, they are higher along the coasts than those in inland adjacent to them; therefore, it is higher in the south than that in the north in Northeastern provinces and lower in Hunan than that in Guangdong. (2) At present, there are clear demarcation between high stature and low stature regions. (3) Within the whole country, the average statures of youth in the area around Bohai is the highest and in Guizhou province the lowest.
    Growth and development of crossbreed from the intermarriage between Mongol and Han
    Chen Guoquan, Liu Shulian, Jin Yinchun et al.
    1994, 13(02):  149-154. 
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    This article reports the average values of six measurements of 1579 crossbreeds of 7-18 years old whose parents include Mongol and Han nationalities. The six items investigated are stature, sitting height, body weight, chest circumference, shoulder width and pelvis width. The result indicates that all of the average values of the measured items in crossbreed are generally higher than the respective normal values of both Han and Mongol.
    Study on physical development and its hereditary factors of Korean and Han Nationality in Yanji City
    Li Xiupeng, Yang Kangjuan, Huang Shumin, Jin Xiongji
    1994, 13(02):  155-158. 
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    1506 Chinese Korean and Han children at 4-7 years of age were investigated on their physical development. The average stature of the children of Korean was shorter than that of Han nationality. Five measurements show that the Korean children is relatively of dumpy type and Han children tall-thin (lanky) type. Results of correlation analysis on the stature of Korean and Han children with their parents show that there exists significant correlation(P<0.05-0.001). It seemed to be that the body measurements are related with race inheritance.
    The physical characters of head of Man Nationality youths
    Han Xiaojun, Duan Xiuji, Wu Zhen et al.
    1994, 13(02):  159-164. 
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    A somatological survey on 1011 Chinese Man Nationality living in Jilin province was carried out. The results show: The head belongs to hyperbrachycephaly or brachycephaly; in most cases the face is of the mesoprosopy or euruprosopy in both sexes; and the nose belongs to mesorrhine type or leptorrhine. The direction of the eye aperture is mainly sloping upward and lateralward in both sexes. There is Mongoloid fold in varying degrees in the youths of Man Nayionality. The profile view of the nasal bridge is mainly of the straight type. There are no significant differences in the main nonmetrical characters of head of youths of Man Nationality but metric traits in youths are lower than those of adults.
    Studies on blood group of minority nationalities living in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region -The distribution of ABO-blood group in nine nationalities
    Wang Guangjie, Wang Gang, Shang Jinqing et al.
    1994, 13(02):  165-170. 
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    The distribution of ABO blood group from nine nationalities was reported. They may be divided into three groups: 1.B>O>A>AB. Han and Hui nationalities belong to this group. 2.0>B>A>AB. It was found in Mongolian, Ewenke. Elunchun, Korean, Russian and Man nationalities. 3.B>A>O>AB. Only Daur nationlity has this characteristic.
    The genetic frequency r(0) is higher in Ewenke (0.7549), lower in Daur (0.5234) and Hui (0.5171) nationalities, p(A) is lower in Ewenke (0.1138), higher in Korean (0.2277) and Daur (0.2253), q(B) is higher in Hui (0.2818), lower in Ewenke (0.1313) and Korean (0.1753).
    Comparing with the same nationality living in other parts of China, obvious difference was found only in the same nationality of Elunchun or of Ewenke.
    Comparative study on skulls of genus presbytis
    Peng Yanzhang, Pan Ruliang, Yu Fahong
    1994, 13(02):  171-180. 
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    The Asian langurs (Genus Presbyris) had been divided into one, two, three, and four genera or subgenera or groups by various authors. Eleven variables, of 115 skulls of eight species (Kasi vetulus; Semnopithecus entellus; Presbytis francoisi, phayrei, melanophus, comata, cristata, and pileatus) were measured. Through univariate analysis, ONE- Way, multivariate analysis of variances and discriminant function analysis, and star symbol plots structured based on selected variables by discriminant function analysis, several conclusions can be represented as following:
    1. Asian langurs can be divided into four genera or subgenera: Semnopithecus, Trachypithecus, Kasi and Presbytis.
    2. Star symbol plots (Fig.2), the classification results(Table 3), and the infant coloration show that Kasi and Presbytis are closely related forms. They should be the products of parallel evolution in Island forms. To the contrary, Semnopithecus is a highly specialized form, and exhibits strong adaptability for various ecological niches and genetic diversity, while Trachypithecus shows more features similar to Presbyris than to Kasi, as 6 of 8 protein isoenzymes of blood possess the same electrophoretic patteras(Oates, 1982).
    3. Intermittent connection between island or islands and continent, and the migration and the spread of Presbytis and Trachypithecus or Kasi and Semnopithecus occurred under the climatic influences during Pleistocene ice period. These events would result in the recent distributional patterns of these animals.
    Our phyletic cladogram differs from those shown by Strasser et al. (1987), Fleagle (1988a) and Schultz(1986)(Fig.3).
    This project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation and a grant for systematic and evolutionary biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    Paleolithic was found in Laolong Cave, E'shan County, Yunnan
    Zhang Xingyong
    1994, 13(02):  180-180. 
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    Human encounter and predator avoidance behavior in black-crested gibbon, Hylobates concolor
    Jiang Xuelong, Ma Shilai, Wang Yingxiang et al.
    1994, 13(02):  181-188. 
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    Black-crested gibbon (Hylobates concolor) is the least studied lesser apes. This paper presents the information on the predator--avoidance behaviour in H. concolor. We have studied black gibbons from Mar. 1990 to Jan. 1992 in Wuliang and Ailao, Yunnan Province. The main tactics of black-crested gibbons against predators is avoidance. According to the degrees approached and threatened by human, we assign the avoidance behaviour into five categories. The adult male is the principal protector against predators, and the adult female also plays an important role in protecting group, especially when the group is attacked or severely threatened by human and non-human predators. Different individual in a group has different tactics to avoid predator.