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15 December 2000, Volume 19 Issue 04
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The Zhoukoudian upper cave dentition
Christy G. TurnerⅡ, Yoshitaka Manabe, Diane E. Hawkey
2000, 19(04): 253-257.
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Past research by the senior author ( Turner) indicates that Upper Cave Zhoukoudian specimens ( Nos. 101, 102, 103) display a distinct dental morphological trait pattern known as Sinodonty, a dental pattern shared with other north Asian and north Asian-derived populations. Recently , the Sinodont designation was questioned, primarily on the grounds that the dental traits could not be assessed reliably from the available casts. The same three casts were again scored for trait data, this time by three observers o f varying levels of experience, and in independent tests. Comparative observations support the reliability of the original scores on cast material, even when the most conservative scoring methods were utilized. The results agree with bioarchaeological evidence that the three specimens should be considered members of the same biological population. In addition, data lend support for proto-Sundadonty as the dental pattern ancestral to the Upper Cave Zhoukoudian Sinodont pattern.
Christy G. TurnerⅡ, Yoshitaka Ma nabe, Diane E. Haw key
2000, 19(04): 257-268.
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Past research by the senior author (Turner)indicates that Upper Cave Zhoukoudian specimens (Nos.101,102,103)display a distinct dental morphological trait pattern known as Sinodonty, a dental pattern shared with other north Asian and north Asian\|derived populations. Recently, the Sinodont designation was questioned, primarily on the grounds that the dental traits could not be assessed reliably from the available casts. The same three casts were again scored for trait data, this time by three observers of varying levels of experience, and in independent tests.Comparative observations support the reliability of the original scores on cast material, even when the most conservative scoring methods were utilized. The results agree with bioarchaeological evidence that the three specimens should be considered members of the same biological population. In addition,data lend support for proto\|Sundadonty as the dental pattern ancestral to the Upper Cave Zhoukoudian Sinodont pattern.
Stratigraphical basic of the paleolithic sequence of China
Huang Weiwen
2000, 19(04): 269-283.
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The present paper gives a discussions on the general principle for the chronology of Paleolithic archaeology, the stratigraphical basic of the Paleolithic sequence of China, and the distributive provinces of the Paleolithic in China. On the problems about the dating of some main sites in China are discussed emphatically in the third part of the pa per. At the last, a scheme of the Paleolithic sequence of China is suggested for discussing.
Acceleration of growth on physical development of Chinese students and comparison with Japanese students
Chen Dezhen
2000, 19(04): 284-297.
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Based on the survey of physical development of students in 1985 and 1995 in China, initiated by state Education commission, State physical culture commission, Ministry of public health , State nationalities affairs commission and State science commission, based on the survey of physical development of students after the 30 's of the 20th century in several provinces and cities, the author conducted further statistics and obtained the results of acceleration of growth both in Chinese Han nationality students and Chinese minorities students, separately.
Through analyses of the results, the current condition of physical development both of them is mastered. Meanwhile the comparison between Chinese students and Japanese students also was dealt with. Firstly the stature and weight in 1995 were compared, and then the acceleration of growth was compared. The differences of physical development between Chinese students and Japanese students were revealed.
At present, the level of physical development of Chinese students is not very strong , but the values of acceleration of growth of Chinese students are larger than that of Japanese students. The value of acceleration of growth in stature is 2. 10cm ( male students) and 1. 65cm ( female students) larger than that of Japanese students. The value of acceleration of growth in weight is 2. 22kg ( male students) and 1. 54kg ( female students) larger than that o f Japanese students. The stature and weight present a larger secular increase trend, a kind of latent development. So there is a possibility of enhancement in physical development of Chinese students. Not quite the same with stature and weight, in China the value of acceleration of growth in chest girth in countryside students is rather lower than in the city students. It will make a notable impact on the physical quality and will retard the overall physical development of growth.
This situation w ill provide a reliable scientific foundation for making the policy and measurements. The economics in China now is being developed quickly. Some good actions have been made to improve the nutrition of students and to enhance the physical exercises. Therefore, the effects of promotion on physical development of Chinese students definitely will be confirmed in the future.
Comparative study on physical growth between Dongxiang and Han youths in Gansu
Ji Chengye
2000, 19(04): 298-304.
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This study focused on studying the physical growth characteristics of the youths of Dongxiang minority nation who lived in Linxia, Gansu province. Both Han urban and ruraly ouths with the same ages and also lived in Gansu, are used as reference samples. In total there were 10160 subjects aged 7 through 18, both from Dongxiang and Han nations who were measured in 1985, participated in this study. The results show that the physical g rowth status of Dongxiang youths are not only significantly lower that of than the urban Han youths, but also low er than that of the rural Han youths. The physical growth levels, both of Dongxiang and Han, are compared with the means of variables in 1985. Dongxiang youths show significant increments of stature during the recent 10 years, which are 1. 9cm and 2. 0 cm in average, for boys and girls respectively. However, the increments of body weight and chest girth of Dongxiang youths are not as significant as that of the Han. The factors for causing these differences are discussed. The author also prospects that the physical growth of Dongxiang youths, accompanying with the socioeconomic development of their living environment, will have significant increment in the near future.
The influence of maternal ages on the birth rates of twins in China
Gan Jianping, Liu Shiwang
2000, 19(04): 305-312.
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The birth records of Chinese child-bearing age women ( aged 15- 49) available at the census in 1989 from January 1st to December 31st are used to analyse the relationship between the birth rates of total, DZ and MZ twins and the maternal ages and the twins sex ratios in China by means of Winberg 's difference method to compute the zygosity of the twins. The results show that the birth rates of total, DZ and MZ twins in China are 0. 787 ± 0. 002% , 0. 573± 0. 002% and 0. 214± 0. 001% respectively. The birth rate of DZ twins increase monotonously with the increasing maternal age before 33, and then decrease, but increase again after 46. The birth rate of MZ twins keeps relatively stable before 34, and then increase with maternal age. The twins sex ratio is lower than that of the same population significantly in China, and the twins sex ratios at the age groups of 15- 19 and 45- 49 which are possibly caused by the lower MZ twins sex ratios are lower than that at any other age groups.
Analysis and study on the characteristics of double-loop whorl in excellent gymnastic athletes
Shao Ziwan, Dong Xiaowei, Diao Hong, Ning Guifen, Liu Wen
2000, 19(04): 313-317.
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After observing dermatoglyphic patterns sample of 260 gymnastic athletes possessing double-loop whorl again, dividing them into groups according to their sports achievements, and analysing the sample, we found a little difference between excellent and ordinary athletes, the main difference lies in:
1. The two loop-heads o f double-loop whorl are more integrate among the world-level gymnastic athletes, and the loop-head isn't easily confused with similar leaf-loop whorl.
2. Compared with the ordinary gymnastic athletes, the excellent ones has higher frequency of appearance of double-loop whorl, higher frequency of long-double-loop among the double-loop whorls. lower frequency of special big double-lo op whorl, smaller ratio of the distance between the center of the loop and respective triradii in double-loop whorls and higher degree of symmetry.
The genetics study of Chinese Y chromosomal microsatellite locus DYS390
Teng Baijun, Chen Feng, Fu Songbin, Zhang Guiyin, Li Pu
2000, 19(04): 318-323.
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Purpose The study of Chinese Y chromosomal micro satellite locus DYS390 are used to trace paternal lineage of human origins and evolution. The data in this study may be useful in human population genetics and forensic applications. Methods In this experiment, the distribution of a Y-chromosome specific polymorphic locus, DYS390, in 102 unrelated males of three ethnic groups in China w as studied by using PCR method follow ed by PAGE and silver staining . The three nationalities are Han in Northeast of our country, Korean in Yan Bian and Mongol in Inner Mongolia Municipalities. Results The results showed that 5 alleles were existed in Han population, 4 alleles were existed in Korean and Mongolian populations. Their highest allele frequencies were 0. 439 ( 211bp) in Han, 0. 451 ( 211bp) in Korean, and 0. 433 ( 215bp) in Mongolian population. Besides, one case of allele 223bp was found in Han population ( 1 /41) . Conclusion The allele frequency difference among three populations is insignificant ( Fisher 's Ex act Test: p= 0. 930) . Clustering analyses showed that paternal lineage is intimate among the three nationalities.
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