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    15 March 2001, Volume 20 Issue 01
    A study of stone tool typology and technology at Zhouloudian Locality 15
    GAO Xing
    2001, 20(01):  1-18. 
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    This is the second of a series of reports on the study of lithic artifacts unearthed from Zhoukoudian Locality 15 in mid-1930s.
    Retouched stone tools in this assemblage include scrapers, chopper-chopping tools, points, awls, burins, no tches, cleavers, spheroids, and irregularly-modified pieces. The scraper is the large majority of the stone tools, constitutes nearly 93% of the assemblage, and can be further classified into sing le straig ht sidescraper, single convex sidescraper, single concave sidescraper, end scraper, thumbnail-shaped scraper, double-edged scraper, and multi-edged scraper.
    Modified tools appear to be retouched by direct hard hammer percussion. Most of the tools w ere retouched unifacially. Pieces made on flakes w ere modified overw helmingly on the do rsal surfaces. Most of the tools are small and irregular. A few large and reg ular pieces are found in the cleaver and chopper-chopping tool categories. Most modification scars are deep, irregular, and variable in size, indicating that modification on these pieces are not normally well-controlled. However, some specimens do ex hibit well-controlled fine retouch, evidenced by even and parallel modification scars and sharp, regular, smooth or denticulate cutting edges, indicating that hominids at the site were capable of making delicate stone tools when raw material permitted and necessity arose.
    Statistical analy ses were conducted to examine variability of retouched pieces. There are significant differences in size, edge leng th and retouch invasiveness among different tool ty pes, namely scrapers, cleavers, and chopper-chopping tools.No consistent differences in size, re-touch length and invasiveness, edge ang le and profile can be identified among straig ht, co nvex and concave sidescrapers, implying that such edge variations might occur naturally, probably as a function of the initial morphology of the blanks, and do not necessarily represent discrete functional types.Bivariate examinations of scrapers reveal linear relationships betw een edge leng th and blank length, retouch invasiveness and blank leng th, and edge leng th and retouch invasiveness, implying that the tool size and modification ex tent are closely related to the origi- nal blank size and mo rphology.
    The Locality 15 stone-tool assemblage ex hibits close tie w ith Sinanthropus industry at Zhoukoudian Locality 1, althoug h some differences between the tw o are evident.It also shares many similarities in sto ne tool ty pology, technology and stylistic features with many other ma- jor Paleolithic assemblages in North China, indicating that the Locality 15 industry is a member of the co re-flake-scraper techno-complex of North China.
    Preliminary report on the excavation of Xinqiao Paleolithic site at Shexian county,Hebei
    MEI Hui-jie , CHENG Xin-min, CHEN Quan-jia , GUO Lu-tang
    2001, 20(01):  19-33. 
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    Xinqiao paleolithic site, 113°33′E and 36°42′N, lies on the south of Xinqiao village in Shexian county, Hebei province. It was excavated in 1994 and 1995.896 stone artifacts w ere unearthed from four paleosoil layers in Lishi Loess, and 73 pieces were collected from the cliffnear the site. The site is comparable w ith the 3rd terrace of the Qingzhang River geographically.
    The stone industry is characterized as follows:
    The raw materials are mainly quartz-sandstone and rarely vein quartz. The stone artifacts consist of cores, flakes, hammer stones and tools which are divided into scraper, chopper-chopping tool, spheroid and burin-like tool. The scrapers are common type compared with the others. Only one burin-like specimen is obtained.Most of the flakes are produced by free-hand hammer percussion, bipolar technique was used occasionally. The majority of the flakes are irregular in shape and large or middle in size, and the flake angles are less than 118° in common. No cores or flakes with prepared platform and rare used flakes are discovered.The tools which cover 1.44% in whole collection are retouched by direct percussion with hard hammer and made by cobbles or fragment-shaped materials, most of them are large and middle in size.
    Technologically and typologically, the stone artifacts from Xinqiao site show a mixture North and South paleolithic assemblages which is characterized in the transitional region in China. On the whole they are similar to those from such places as Kaix uanlulocality and Beiyao site at Luoyang city, Xiaokongshan site at Nanzhao county, Longtouw an locality at Xixia county, Henan province and so on. From the analy sis of geomorphology and stratigraphy, the site could be dated to be the late M iddle Pleistocene or late stage of the Lower Paleolithic. Xinqiao site is the first paleolithic site discovered in the southeast foot of Taihang Mountains.
    The Esr Age of shells from the bed of Dali with human fossil
    YIN Gong-ming , SUN Ying-jie , YE Yu-guang , LIUWu
    2001, 20(01):  34-38. 
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    Dali hominid site w as discovered in the spring of 1978 at Tianshuigou, Dali county. The human fossil is classified as early Homo sapiens and the site is considered one of the most important paleoanthropological sites in China. ESR technique is used to determine the ages of three shells found in the bed with human fossil. There is later U ranium absorption in the shells and it is considered a kind of absorption in stages. The results of the ages of the shells suggest that Dali hominid may be older than 250ka BP.
    Physical characters of Lahu nationaliyt in Yunnan
    LI Ming, LI Yue-min, YU Fa-chang, PENG Hua-shan
    2001, 20(01):  39-44. 
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    A somatological survey on 232 adults of Lahu nationality, including 127 males and 105 females, living in Yunnan was carried out in 1995. The results are as follows: Comparing the major mean values of measurements of Lahu with those of Han and other nationalities living in Yunnan, we found that Lahu have the same features as other modern minorities living in Yunnan. They have narrower head breadth, face breadth and bigonial breadth but wider mouth breadth than Han nationality. Lahu nationality belongs to yellow race judged from their morphological features.
    Lahu nationality is the descendants of the Qiang nationality of ancient time.The results from the cluster g raph of kinship matrix show that Lahu nationality is closer to Achang and Lishu nationalities than to other nationalities in physical character.
    Somatotypes of Daur children and adolescent studied with the heath-carter anthropometric method
    WANG Shu-xun , ZHENG Lian-bin , ZHU Qin, YAN Gui-bin, LIUJiong-ou, FU Jie , MENG Wei , E Yue-sheng
    2001, 20(01):  45-51. 
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    A total of 1759 Daur students (872 boys and 887 girls) aged from 6 to 19 were somato typed by the Heath-Carter anthropometric method. The results show ed: (1) Among boys, the mean somatotypes in age groups 6—8 are balanced mesomorph, 9—12 are central, and change to meso-ectomorph in age 13—17; in girls, the mean somatotypes in age 7—12 are central, 13—14 are balanced endomorph, and change to meso-endomorph in age 15—19. (2) The category of somatotype is different in various age and sex groups. Mesomorphy forms the maximum propo rtion among boy and girl students at the age of 6—9, ectomorphy in males aged 10—12 and 13—15, mesomorphy in males 16—19, endomorphy in females aged 13—15 and aged 16—19. There issimilarity in somatoty pebetween Daur and Mongol boy and girl students.
    Probe into the somatype crowth of Korean children in China
    HAO Xiu-fang , MA Yan-xiang , WEI Bao-yu , CHEN Ying-yu, WANG Hong-lu , LI Zheng-lie
    2001, 20(01):  52-58. 
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    The characteristics and the regularity of somatotype grow th of Korean children aged 7 to 15 were analysed in a group of 3546 individuals in Yanbian area in China by Heath-Carter method.The results showed that the mesomorphic and ectomorphic factors were dominant in urban children, whereas the endomo rphic in rural. The boys and girls had different feature in the distribution of somatochart and 13 somatoty pes. The boy somatotype changed a little, w hile the girls changed in large extent w ith age. Compared with the data home and abroad, the somato type ratings of the Korean boys were high in the mesomorphic, and low in the endomorphic, and medium in the ectomorphic component.
    The physical development of Mongolian students and the dynamic study on it
    CHEN Guo-quan , CHEN Li, LIU Shu-lian
    2001, 20(01):  59-63. 
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    This article reports the conclusion about the physical development of 2315 Mongolian urban students from 7 to 18 years old, who were investigated in 1995, the measurement include stature, body weight and chest girth. Compared with other data concerned, it indicates that from the end of the 1970' s to the middle of the 1990' s the physical development of Mongolian urban students is quick and in a stage of rapid long-term growth.
    Distribution of HLA antigen in She nationality of Ningguo county in Anhui province
    MEI Chang-hua, YUYa-qin, JIANG San-duo, FENG Guo-Yin
    2001, 20(01):  64-68. 
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    HLA typing of HLA-A and -B loci for 118 individuals of She nationality in Ningguo County was carried out. 9 antigens of A locus and 13 of B locus were detected. The gene frequencies of A1, A3, B5, B7, B12, B13, B17 and B22 were 0.0084, 0.0170, 0.0708, 0.0041, 0.0284, 0.1670, 0.0494 and 0.0972 respectively.
    The results show ed that the HLA gene distribution of She nationality of Ning guo County is consistent basically w ith the characters of Southern Chinese populations.
    Charaterictic on genetic epidemiology of Chinese Silk Road rengion
    YU Wu-zhong, LI Hou-jun, LI Li, ZHANG Yu-hong, CHOU Dong-hui , ZHOU Chang-wen , HUA Liang , LIU Li, XIE Yuan-wen , YANG You-li
    2001, 20(01):  69-75. 
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    The authors have investigated 220 000 hemoglobinpathy cases in The Silk Road along with Shanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang and other provinces. 271 abnormal hemoglobin carriers w as analysed w ith the protein' s first structure analysis technology and 24 kinds of abnomal hemog lobin was discovered, among which HbD Punjab, HbG TaiPei and HbG Coushatta' s frequencies were hig her, had gradient distribution and HbJ Tashikuergan and Hb Tianshui were the new hemoglobin in the world.12 kinds of β-thalassemia mutations from 85 cases β- thalassemia carries was identified w ith gene ty pe assayed, in which CD17 ( A→T) frequency w as the highest and [ -28( A→G). CD17( A→T) /N] dual mutational heterozygotes was the rare gene mutation in the same chromosome, and CD8 (-AA) was firstly discovered in the Chinese, too.According to the ty pical characteristics, geography and national distributive regular rule of abnormal hemoglobin and thalassemia in the silk road region we consider that the nations in the northwest of our country are mainly compose of the Caucasusin middle Asia, the Han in Huanghe River valley and the ancient nomadic tribe in Mo ngolian Highland, that CD17 mutational gene of β-thalassemia which was handed down from generation to the southeast Asia along with Chinese migration was originated from the Longxi in Gansu province of China and that the genetic backg round is so complicated in the region. The mutational gene is of the high heterogeneity and present at the obvious characteristics of genetic epidemiology.
    Development of portable craniophor
    XU Biao , ZHANG Dai-ming, MA Ji-kang , WANG Yin-tao
    2001, 20(01):  79-82. 
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    It's well known that localization of cranium is very important in determining whether the craniofacial measurement is correct or not in somatometry. In order to complete the work of the project “Study on Computerized Maxillofacial Measurement of Ethnic Nationalities in Yunnan Province” sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation, and to achieve constant position of image, scientific and accurate measurements, we have developed portable craniophor. It's confirmed through application of this device among over 2000 people that this craniopher has the advantages, such of convenience for carrying, reliable localization and accurateness. So it's applicable for various studies which require cranio facial measurements at Frankfurt orientation.