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15 June 1988, Volume 7 Issue 02
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Estimation of age from the pubic symphysis of Chinese male by means of multiple analysis
Liu Wu, Chen Shixian, Xu Zhaojin
1988, 7(02): 0-153、194.
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205 pubic bones of Chinese male between 17 and 40 years of age were observed. The criteria for scoring the age changes of eight morphological features on the pubic symphysis were established. With these criteria, authors scored 205 samples. By employing multiple regression analysis and quantification theory model 1, the multiple regression equations were computed and compared w?th Hanihara's. Statistical analysis and the blindfold test trom 50 other samples show that it is more reliable that Hanihara's and has certain values for practical use.
The reconstruction of the fossil human skull from Jinniushan, Yinkou, Liaoning Province and its maintures
Wu Rukang (Woo Ju-kang)
1988, 7(02): 97-101、191.
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A fairly complete fossil skeleton of human was found in 1984 by the Paleolithic Archeology Student Excavation Team of Peking University headed by Lu Zun'e at the foot of Jinniushan (Golden Ox Mountain) in Yinkou County, Liaoning Province in northeast China about 400 kilometres to the north of Beijing.
The skull was broken into more than one hundred pieces and it was sent to me for reconstruction. As most of the broken pieces are still kept in their original places, the skull can be quite accurately reconstructed with the help of our technician Zhao Zhongyi.
The skull belongs to a male individual over 30 years of age.
lts cranial capacity is about 1390 ml. The thickness of the vault is 4.5 mm in average. Together with many other features, the total morphological pattern is much more closer to that of the early or archaic Homo sapiens such as the Dali skull than to that of the latest Homo erectus such as the Peking Man skull found in the upper part of the Zhoukoudian Lower cave.
The tentative date of the Jinniushan skull of 280,000 years old as given by Lu is doubtful.
Late Neolithic human skeletons from Youyu Hill, Nanhai County, Guangdong Province
Huang Xinmei, Liu Jianan
1988, 7(02): 102-105.
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The materials of human bone studied in this paper were unearthed by the archaeological group of the Guangdong Provincial Museum and the archaeological students of Beijing University from Late Neolithic Youyu Hill, Shell Mound in Nanhai County, Guangdong Province in 1985.
Of 26 skeletons observed 16 males and 3 females can be determined. The age of most skeletons was under 14 and 36-55.
Only 5 skulls can be studied because of poor preservation.
The stature of males is higher tban that of females. The former is 157.18 cm and the latter is 155.29 cm in average.
The custom of extracting upper incisors and upper premolars was found in Youyu Hill population.
Based on the research of skeletons, we found that the population of Youyu Hill has the features of Mongoloid of Southern China.
Stone artifacts from Wutaishan
Zhang Yaping, Guo Junqing, Wei Qi
1988, 7(02): 106-111、192.
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In the summer of 1984 a paleolithic locality was discovered in the center of the Wutaishan (The Five Platforms Mountains), in Wutai County, Shanxi (39°00'37″N, 113°35'39″E). This site is situated at an altitude of 1.730 meteres above sea-level and half a kilometer north of the town of Taihuai. The site has yielded a small assemblage of stone artifacts in association with fauna including Equus przewalskyi, Ovis ammon and Bos primigenins. This assemblage derives from the loess and gravel in the second terrace of the Qinshui He (river) and is thought to be late Pleistocene in age. The artifact assemblage includes quartzite cores, flakes, chopper, scrapers, and point. ln addition to artifacts which are obviously worked, unmodified quartzite blocks are also present.
Paleoenvironmental evidences suggest that the mean annual temperature during the formation of this site was approximately 60 lower than at present in the Wutaishan. The lower temperature and the high elevation of the site make it likely that this locality represents a seasonally exploited site which was utilized during the summer months.
Variation of stature of modern Chinese
Zhang Zhenbiao
1988, 7(02): 112-120.
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In this paper the stature of Chinese in 16 different regions and 23 minorities was studied based on the data of the author's surevy in 1979-1980, and the data from literatures.
From the analysis of geographic distribution of the stature of Chinese including Han nationality and minorities, we can see that the averages of the statures of different regions have a gradient from larger mean stature in the north to smaller in the southwest. The means of the stature of the peoples living in the Haunghe River valley and the northern and the northwestern China are larges! (over 167 cm). In the central and the southeastern China, the stature is slightly smaller than that of in the north and the northwest. The means of their stature belong to middle type. The means of the stature of the peoples living in the southwestern region are smallest and below 164 cm.
Comprehensive analysis of finger pattern parameters in Han Nationality of China
Zhang Haiguo
1988, 7(02): 121-127.
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This paper reports the finger pattern parameters of Han in China. China Han Nationality is the largest nationality in world. It amounts to 20% of the total population of the world. The results obtained from 17 Han populations in China are as follows: percent frequencies of finger pattern arch, loop, whorl are 2.6851±0.0486, 47.7766±0.l503, 49.5383±0.1504 respectively. Finger pattern intensity index (FII) is 14.6853. Cluster analysis was mode in south group and north mixed group in 17 populations.
China Han Nationality has polymorphism for its populations and unity for racial samples.
Effects of family factors on daughter's menarchal age
Shen Yue, Shen Bo, Xu Weiheng, Li Yu
1988, 7(02): 128-132.
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The authors have mode inquiry about the menarchal age of more than 700 girls attending medical schools in Beijing as well as some informations about the occupation and records of formal schooling (RFS) of their parents. Several statistical methods were used to deal with the data obtained.
The results of deviation analysis points out that the parents occupations and RFS have very significant effects on their daughters menarchal age. In view of occupation, the girls with parents as teacher or researcher have the lowest menarchal age, the peasants' daughter have the highest, the workers' and officials' are in between. In view of KFS, the result is much clearer. The girls with university graduated parents have the earliest menarche followed by the girls with high school graduated parents, then those with junior middle school and the primary school. The girls in uneducated family are the latest. lf one noted that there were little relationships between the education level and the income, one would admit that the most important factor effecting Beijing girls' menarchal age is the cultural background of family instead of material condition.
From the sample of this paper, authors did not find significant effect of parent's native place on daughter's menarchal age.
Relationship analysis suggests that there is trend towards earlier menarchal age.
Because of the selected sample (there are much more individuals from well-educated family than it should be in ratio), the mean menarchal age of this paper is a little lower than that of nowadays population of Beijing girls.
The measurements of some cranial angles in Chinese
Wang Ruxin, Bao Mingxin
1988, 7(02): 133-137.
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Some angles of 124 adult skulls(71 males, 53 females) collected in Qingdao district of Shandong Province and Changchun district of Jilin Province were measured. The anthropological characters and the sex differences of some cranial angles were discussed. The measurements of present samples were compared with those from other districts of China.
A case of male macrocranium
On Yongzhang
1988, 7(02): 138-141、195.
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A case of male macrocranium was buried in Nangjing. He was a 1nale about 40 years old. The cause of death was unknown. The result of X-ray examination both skull and extremity bones eliminated the existance of gigantism and other pathological finding. But his cranium was thick apparently. The weight of this macrocranium is about 1010 gm and the capacity of cranium is up to 2330 ml.
Age determination of Chinese male sternum
Zhang Jizong
1988, 7(02): 142-146.
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The samples consisted of 120 Chinese male sterna of known age (19- 74)4 Observations were made at three characters of sternum (Facies articularis of manubrium-corpus sterni, Facies articularis of incisurae constales, Substantia of corpus sterni dorsalis). Based on the changes in these areas, the sterna were separated into six phases (l-VI).
Phase I Facies articularis incisurae costales is not complete, assumed V-shape. Margo articularis of manubrium-corpus is not complete. Facies dorsalis of corpus sterni is smooth(mean age 19-25).
Phase II Margo articularis of incisurae costales is complete. A few processes can be seen on the margo articularis of manubrium-corpus. Facies dorsalis of corpus sterni is the same as phase I (mean age 25-28).
Phase III A few processes can be seen on the margo articularis of incisurae costales. The processes become more and more marked on the margo articularis of manubrium-corpus. Facies dorsalis of corpus sterni is the same as phase I (mean age 30-34).
Phase IV The processes become more and more marked on the margo articularis of incisurae costales. Margo articularis of manubrium- corpus becomes thicker. Substantia corpus sterni dorsalis decreases slightly in density (mean age 35-40).
Phase V There are some breakages on the margo articularis of incisurae costales. Ecstrophy of margo articularis of manubrium-corpus can be seen and there are a few breakages on the margin. Facies dorsalis of corpus sterni is the same as phase IV (mean age 45-53).
Phase VI The margo articularis of incisurae costales becomes saw-shaped. The breakages become more and more marked on the margo articularis of manubrium-corpus. Substantia of corpus sterni dorsalis becomes spongy(mean age 56-74).
Statistical analysis revealed that the features chosen to delineate the phases are valid predictors of age. This study has shown that the charactcrs of sternum can provide an accurate estimation of Chinese male with age span of 19 -74.
Determination of sex from the tibia by the stepwise discriminatory analysis
Zheng Tingzhong, Pang Tianci
1988, 7(02): 154-159.
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Twelve items of the tibiae of 100 Chinese adults (50 males and 50 females) were measured after Martin's method. The distal epiphysis breadth, the sagittal diameter of distal epiphysis, and the sagittal diameter at the level of nutrient foramen were chosen with the stepwise discriminatory analysis method to construct discriminant equations. The percentage of corrections was 77%, and only the distal epiphysis breadth could give 71% in determining sex. The results were compared with the data of American Whites and Negroes.
The dental attrition in the oral cavity
Wei Boyuan
1988, 7(02): 160-166.
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The attrition on 1144 permanent teeth (except M3) on 70 crania was investigated. The results show that when M1 presents II scale of attrition, I1and I2, present III, I1, C°Il or III, the others II; when MI III, Il, I2 and C III, the others II; when M1 IV, the others III. Accoding to the results the author thinks that three factors, the form of the occlusal surface, the period of being used and dental function, effectively influence the dental wear. Generally speaking, the smaller the contacting area on the occlusal surface of teeth, the faster the wear; the longer the period of being used, the heavier the wear; the more important the function, the heavier the wear.
In addition, the attrition scale of the relative teeth on the maxilla and the mandible, and of bilateral symmetrical teeth were also observed and compared. The results show that most of the pairs present same attrition scale.
The comparative anatomical research of brain in seven species of nonhuman primates from Yunnan
Zhon Yilou, Yuan Chuanzhao, Ma Yuanyeh
1988, 7(02): 167-176.
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The comparative anatomical research of the brain of seven species of nonhuman primates(Nycticebus coucang; Macaca mulatta; Macaca assamensis; Macaca arctoides; Macaca nemestrina; Hylobates hoolock and Hylobates concolor) was reported. The results show that from Nycticebus coucang to Hylobates concolor, in the cerebral hemisphere, there are greater changes in the development of the lobus frontalis; temporal lobe than that in the parietalis lobus; lobus occipitalis. In the cerebellun, there are greater changes in cerebellar hemisphere than that in the vermis cerebelli, from Nycticebus coucang to Hylobates concolor, but the brain stem showed no significant change. The development of brain in the primates shows good concordance with the evolution level of these primates.
The hand preferrence of Presbytis, Rhinopithecus and Hylobates in picking up food
Ma Yuanyeh, Tian Yuanfen, Deng Ziyun
1988, 7(02): 177-181.
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The animals used in this research were 12 RH (male: 8, female: 4), 25PR (male: 16, female: 9) and 5HY (male: 3, female: 2). Each animal was observed more than 30 times. The results show that 62.5% male RH were right-handed, 25% were left-handed and 12.5% were both hand preference. ln male PR, 62.5% were right -handed, 18.7% were left-handed and 18.7% were both handed preference. In male Hy, two animals were right-handed, one animal was both-hand preference.
Statistic data of this research show that there was clear right-hand preference in male RH (P <0.05) and there was right-hand preference which approachs the clear level(P=0.06) in male PR. Data from HY were not calculated because of the limited number of animal we used.
In female RH, PR and HY, there were not deviation and laterality of hand preference.
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