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15 March 1993, Volume 12 Issue 01
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Chinese anthropology of the past decade ——Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the publication of Acta Anthropologica sinica
Wu Rukang
1993, 12(01): 1-7.
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On the definition of point——Comparison between China and the west
Lin Shenglong
1993, 12(01): 8-22.
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This paper comments the difference of the definition of points between China and the West. In Chinese Palaeolithic, the points were defined as 'A angle clipped by two(retouched)edges.
The application of shadow moire method to the research on the form of skull
Lu Qingwu, Zhang Zhenbiao, Jin Guanchang
1993, 12(01): 23-32.
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In this article we inducted some structural types of moire topographies of skullsand their anatomic implications with different sexes and ages.
1. In the female and juvenile, the innermost ring of the moire fringes at the frontal--nasal region(abbreviated to "inner ring " in the following)is reverse triangular flask"in shape,and belongs to theopen type" . Their glabella(g) and nasion(n)lie in same contour plane. The bony surface of the nasion(n) is not concave.
In the male, the " inner ring" classified in the " close--type" is " reverse ladder--shaped". Its glabella(g) is closed within the "inner ring", but its nasion(n) is outside of the "inner ring". So that, there is a concavity at the bony surface of the nasion.
2. In the female, the superior moire fringes on the frontal usually present in the shape of the Greek letter "r", and the density is thin. It shows that its surface of frontal is steep and the frontal tubercles are pronounced.
In the male, the superior moire fringe on the frontal usually present in the shape of reverse letter "V", and its density is thick. It shows that its frontal surfaceis a little slope and the saggital crest develops well.
3. In the female and juvenile, the " inner ring" of moire topographies of the skulls viewed from lateral usually is oval in shape, which has marked different size at both ends. It shows that their parietal tubercles are evident. In the male skull viewed from lateral, its inner ring usually is elliptical in shape. It indicates that its parietal tubercles are not evident.
4. In order to use the shadow moire method to measure the lateral projecting degree of the zygomatic arch, we must establish a basic point" , which is intersected by the superior margin of the zygomatic arch and the posterior margin of the frontosphenoidal process of zygomatic bone. On the lateral surface of the zygomaticarch, and between the " basic point and zygion(zy), the number of longitudinal moire fringes are counted. The projecting degree of the zygomatic arch varies directly as the number of such moire fringes. F or example, there are 4 such fringeson the zygomatic arch of the male specimen,and 2 such fringes on that of the female specimen. It indicates that the zygomatic arch of male projects more laterallythan that of female.
The orientation of the cervical zygapophyseal joint and its effect on the motion of the cervical spine
Guo Yunliang, Liu Fengchun, Ding Shihai
1993, 12(01): 33-38.
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The stereoscopic orientation of the cervical zygapophyseal joint and the stability triangle of the motion segment were measured on 45 sets(male 25,female 20)of adult dry skeletons unearthed from Tongliao district in Inner M ongolia A utonomous Region. The coronal and sagittal angles of the cervical zygapophyslal joint decrease successively while the horizontal angle of that increases progressively fromC2-3toC6-7segment. The stability triangle of the motion segment is an isosceles tri-angle, in which the vertex angle is obtuse, and its gravity center lies posteriorly. therefore, the anterio--posterior stability of the cervical spine is less than the transverse ones.
Differentiation and evolution of three major races of Homo sapiens inferred from RFLP rate
Lu Baozhong, Chen Jie, Zeng Yitao
1993, 12(01): 39-48.
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This paper studies the difference of RFLP rates(including ?--globin gene cluster, PAH gene and DM D--linked sequences)among and within the three majorraces of Homo sapienson one hand, and the differentiation and evolution in modern humans on the other hand. The phylogenetic trees we reconstructed with UPGMA are substantially similar to those by Nei and Roychoudhury, but the genetic distance estimated is twice as that estimated by them between Negroid andother races. The differentiation and evolution within Caucasoids occurred as late as about 9 000 years ago. This is essentially concordant(and probably more reliable)with the evidences collected from human migration and etymology. This paper provides a preliminary analysis of the relationship between genetic distance sand corresponding incidences of genetic diseases and, shows the tendency of negative correlation between them through double logarithmic transformation. There-fore, the neutral theory seems to be more reasonable for the maintenance of RFLP polymorphism.
The comparison of physical characteristics of 33 minorities in China
Li Yancai, Hu Xingyu, Wang Lan
1993, 12(01): 49-54.
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This paper deals with 9 anthropometric characteristics of body measurementsof 33 minorities in China. From the charts of dynamic cluster analysis, it has beenshown that physical characteristics of modern Chinese may be divided into threecategories: northern, southern and Zang-Yi corridor category.
The physical characters of Man Nationalily in Jilin
Han Xiangjun, He Xin, Duan Xiuji et al.
1993, 12(01): 55-63.
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Six hundred and twenty M an nationality students living in Jilin province from 7to 16 years old have been investigated. The measurements include (1) length of upper arm, foream, hand, thigh, leg and foot;(2) cristailiaca height; (3) breadth of bitrochanterion, hand and foot;(4) the maximum cirumference of upper arm, fore-arm, thigh and leg,the least circumference of upper arm, forearm, thigh and leg.
The results show that the various m easurements increase with age,means of the most items of female students are less than those of the male ones and there is significant difference(P< 0.01) at 16 years old.There are two cross phenomena (the first at10 years old, the second at12 years old in upper limb; at 9 years old and 13 years old in lower limb) in the length between male and female students.
The upper and lower limb growth and development of Man Nationality students in Jilin Province
Zhang Xinfeng, He Xin, Su Baogui et al.
1993, 12(01): 64-70.
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A somatological survey on 114 males and 100 females of Man Nationality living in Jilinwas carried out in September, 1990. The results of the survey are summarized breifly as follows:
The hair is straight in form and blackin color. The· form of the head belongs to highround--wide type. The position of hair vortices is various. Most of males are situated on the right, most of females are on the left. The frequency of single hair vortex is high.
The form of face in most cases is of the leptoprosopy type in both sexes.
The profile view of the nasal bridge is mainly of the straight type in both sexes. The nasalindex belongs to mesorrhine type.
The direction of the eye aperture is mainly sloping upward toward lateral side in both sexes. The breadth of eye aperture is moderate in most cases. The M ongolian fold is absent inmost cases. The thickness of red lips is not thick in most cases.
The mean value of the stature of males is 1645.42 mm and that of females is 1534.23 mm.According to the cluster graph of kinship matrix for Man and 7 groups of other minorties living in the N ortheast, the Physical character of M an Nationality is similar to Hezhen Nationality.
The physical development and body type of Daur students
Zhu Qin, Ji Xiaojun, Fu Jie, Li Biao
1993, 12(01): 71-79.
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Body measurements of 1 920 Daur students at the age from 7 to 18 are reported. The 6 items of measurements are stature, sitting height, body weight, chest circumference, shoulder breadth and pelvic breadth. Twelve constitutional indices were calculated. The indices include stature- sitting height index, Quetelet index,stature- chest circumference index, stature-shoulder breadth index, Vervaeck index, shoulder breadth-pelvic breadth index, Erismann index, Broca index, Pelidisiindex, R ohrer index and Livi index. Comparisons with other nationalities show that Daur nationality can be considered as one nationality with high level of body buildin China. The secular growth trend of Daur adolescents in the past decade was observed.
Genetic-topological analysis of 21 populations in China
Tan Qian, Du Ruofu
1993, 12(01): 80-87.
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By using the gene frequencies of esterase D, acid phosphorase, glutamate-puruvate- transaminase and 6-phosphogluconate-dehydrogenase, the genetictopological analysis was carried out on 16 national minoritier and 5 subpopulationsof the Han ethnic group in China. The dimensional eigenvectorial representations calculated on the basis of genetic distances between 21 populations were fitted to maximum congruence: with those calculated on the basis of geographical distances,and the origin,kinship and migration of these populations were discussed.
Distribution of Kell and Rh-blood group of Mongol Nationality in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Wang Guangjie, Wang Gang, Liu Yiping et al.
1993, 12(01): 88-91.
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The distribution of Kell--and Rh-blood groups in 201 mongols is reported.The results showed that the gene frequency of K--gene(0.9925)accords with that of whole people of China. In the system of Rh blood group, CCDee is the most(35.32 %). The next are CCDEe, CcDEE, and CcDee = ccDEE (19.9%, 16.42 %and11.94% ). The least are ccDEe and ccDee = ccdee (2.49% and 0.99% ). The chromosome frequenies are CDe (0.5943) > cDE (0.2983) > cde (0.0995) > cDe(0.0079) > Cde = cdE = CDE = CdE (Zero). The gene frequeneies are D(0.9005)> d(0.0995); C (0.S943) > c(0.4057); e(0.7017) > E(0.2983). The observed values coincide well with the expected values of Hardy- -weinberg test (X^2= 0.2346, P> 0.05). Comparing the frequency of CDe with that of other minority nationalities, the authors divide the ethnic groups in China into seven classes accordingto the distribution of Rh blood group, the Mongol belongs to class 4.
AMS radiocarbon dating of Xinglong carved antler, Shiyu and Ximiao Sites
Yuan Sixun
1993, 12(01): 92-95.
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A carved antler of Late Palaeolithic collected from Xinglong County,H ebeiProvince,was measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating. An age of 13 4451 ±280 BP was obtained.
Samples from Shiyu and Ximiao sites were also determined. They gave the ages of 33 155± 645 BP and--9 000 BP respectively. These values are concordant with those dated by beta counting method.
A rchaeological significance based on these results is discussed.
News and activities
1993, 12(01): 96-96.
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